My gay husband is a pervert

Chapter 155: 155

Yuerui absolutely lied. She knows how to cook at least 10 types of cusines. She loves cooking. But she doesn't wanna tell him about it. She has become so much cautious of her surrounding that she even thinks that people might make her their personal maid and take her for granted.

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"You don't know how to cook?" Xianwang was surprised. He really wanted to taste her cooked food.

"Yeah. What's wrong with that?"Yuerui rolled her eyes.

"But you can always learn. In fact I can teach you." Xianwang said with lovey dovey eyes.

'Aren't you being a little too lovey dovey? Please, control yourself, CEO Kong Xianwang' Yuerui wanted to puke.

"Please don't do that." 

"You are my wife. What's wrong with being lovey dovey with my wife?" Xianwang said as it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"We are not married yet." Yuerui said as she pointed out a fact.

"So I can be lovey dovey with you after marriage?" Xianwang said with a big smile in his face.

"No.... CEO Kong, I request you to stop your flirting. Or else I am leaving."

"Okay okay... You are no fun at all." Xianwang murmured as he took a piece of meat in his mouth.

Yuerui took a sip of tea as a thought crossed her mind.

How can there be any contract with the circumstances of breach of contract?

"Hey, what are you gonna add in the clause of breach of contract?"

"What do you want?"Xianwang asked.

"I haven't thought of it." She replied.

"Well, okay... The contract cannot be known to any people except us, Si ying and my lawyer. So I this gets out because of me then you will get 49% of my shares."

Yuerui didn't expect that Xianwang would actually put so much bait on it.

"That's a lot you are risking. Aren't you afraid that I might betray you and took all your money?" Yuerui said.

"I know, you won't." He casually replied.

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"Because you already have a lot of money."

Xianwang actually had a point. Since Yuerui was already the daughter of a wealthy family money won't be really a thing to her.

"Now tell me, what are you offering?" Xianwang asked.

After seeing what Xianwang is putting, Yuerui also wanted to bait on something which is can be worth of a use to Xianwang.

As she was thinking Xianwang said, "If you can't think of any then let's just make 49% of your shares in your company."

"I know that you are not interested in our company. So my sharea are of no use to you." Yuerui said.

"Then what are you suggesting?"

"You know that we have another business, right? And that happen to be a developing company. Even though it's not so big as yours but it's not worthless either. And it happens to be in my name. So I can put it on the clause."

Xianwang didn't have any problems with it. So he agreed.


While they were eating they casually started to to talk about their family because obviously they have to know about each others family members.

About Xianwang's family there are only four of them. Xianwang's father Kong Aobing started the business with all the heritage he got from his family. Kong Aobing doesn't have any siblings. Just some cousins who only comes to visit once in new years. So there is nothing to talk about Xianwang's family.

On the other hand, Yuerui's family has five members. Mai Minghui, Yuerui's father, the head of the family. Meng Xihuan, his beautiful wife and caring mother of his three children. The couple has three children. Two daughters and a son. Mai Tianning, the eldest daughter. Mai Yuerui, the second child and Mai Yirong, the youngest and chidish brat.

Mai Tianning is married to Ran Huangzhen, he is a microbiologist.

Mai Minghui is the CEO of the company but technically his eldest daughter is handling all the official work of the company. Besides she is also one of the pharmacist in their lab.

We all know what the second daughter is doing. Besically, Yuerui didn't have that much interest in their family business. That's why she chose another path.

Let's go to the youngest one. He is in the final year of his master's degree in pharmacy. He is still learning to be able to give a hand to their father's company.

After the lunch they didn't had much more to talk about so Yuerui was preparing to leave. But Xianwang was reluctant. He wanted to spend some more time with her. So he randomly said,

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"That fountain outside is really pretty."

 Yuerui's back was facing the glass wall of their room. So she turned behind to look at it. She casually looked at the fountain but didn't find anything worth to look at. But her eyes pierced through the  gap in the fountain and fell on a pair of cold black eyes in the room opposite to them. The person was taking sips of tea elegantly. He was calm as the calm before storm.

She knew exactly who it was but pretended as if she didn't notice. She turned to Xianwang and said, "You said that we have to act like couple in front of people, right?"

Xianwang nodded.

"Then why don't you act in front of me now. I mean, practice with me so that you don't mess up in front of people." Yuerui said pretending to be casual but deep inside she was thinking if it was a good idea.

"How do you want me to act?" Xianwang asked.

"Hmm.." Yuerui thought for a while.

"Mmm... Suppose someone is looking for at us from behind and so you have to pretend that you didn't see him and you have  to make him think that we are actually a couple."

"How about we kiss?" Xianwang said with mischievous voice.

"I told you no kissing!" Yuerui  retaliated.

"It's just an act." Xianwang said. 

"Not gonna happen, right?" Yuerui tried to confirm.

"You know what? Let's forget it. We will practice later. Let's just go now." Saying so Xianwang stood up.

Even though Yuerui wanted to act in front of Han Yefang but she was not sure if she was actually into acting now. So she was actually a bit of relieved when Xianwang refused her. She didn't say anything. She took her bag and prepared to leave.

As Xianwang was taking his coat from the stand, Yuerui took this chance to apply her favourite lip balm on her delicate lips. She put in her things in her bag and stood up to leave.

But she was taken aback when Xianwang suddenly appraoched her.

"Don't be surprised." Saying so Xianwang held her by her waist and turned her to the other side. Now his back was facing the glass.

"I thought we were not...." Yuerui couldn't finish her sentence because she the terrified when suddenly Xianwang face started to lean on her.

Xianwang held her chin with his two hands tightly and put his face closer to hers. Then he started to tilt his face left and right very fast. 

The way he was portraying the act was very funny. It was like how kissing scenes used to show in old movies.

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Yuerui didn't know how to react. It was so funny that she almost wanted to laugh at his face. She tried so hard to control herself. At last she couldn't but sigh. 

'This guy really makes it obvious that he doesn't have any dating experience.' she thought.

'"Stop, please..."  she said while keeping her head down looking the other way around he tried so hard not to laugh.

Xianwang stopped and looked at her curiously.

"You don't have to move this fast."

Xianwang gave a confused look.

"You really didn't date anyone!" Yuerui sighed.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Xianwang said.

"Hahaha...." Yuerui couldn't but laugh again. Then she continued, "Don't worry this noona of yours will teach you everything." She said as she patted his shoulder.

"Noona?" Xianwang frowned.

Yuerui thought that Xianwang didn't know what noona means. She didn't wanted to explain bit to him as well.

"It's nothing." She replied.

Then she carefully explained to Xianwang,

"Slowly move your face to your left and stop there and put your right hand around my back and your left behind my head then pull me closer to you... but not so close... You know what I mean and then move your head slowly to your right."she guided him.

"My noona sure is knowledgeable"he teased.

Yuerui tilted her head slightly and gave a blank expression.

"Now let's see how this oppa of yours can do." The corner of Xianwang's lips curved up giving a seductive smile.

His right hand travelled around her waist and pulled her closer to him. His another hand followed the right hand and also held her waist making her locked in his embrace.

He slowly pushed her into the wall and leaned on her face. Their eyes met each other.

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This sudden act of Xianwang made her intimidated. She immediatly removed her eyes.

"What... what are you doing!"she is very terrified that her voice stammered.

She was so much startled that her body became stiff.

Xianwang ignored her nervousness and reached out for her chin. He held her chin and raised it to face his charming face.

The thumb of his hand touched her rosy lips as he face came closer and closer. Yuerui shut her eyes close. She was scared to the core. She was so much nervous that she lost control of her body.

As Xianwang face was so closed to Yuerui's like almost kissing her he saw her innocent and nervous face.

The corner er of his lips again curved.

'Silly girl.' he thought.

He rested his forhead on hers and whispered, "I guess, our first audience has seen enough of this."

Yuerui was surprised. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

He gave a charming smile at her as he grabbed the remote from the shelf beside them and turned off the window shade.

After the window got closed he released her.

'He knew?' Yuerui was shocked.

"You knew someone was there?" She cannot but asked.

Xianwang totally ignored her and took a cup to drink some tea.

Because he touched her lips the lip balm that Yuerui applied got stuck in his finger. And so the familier smell of the night blooming Jasmin tinkled his nosed.

He was shocked to smell this smell. He smelled again to confirm the fragrance. He turned towards her excitedly and asked her, "This smell... No, I mean your lip balm... Is it yours? No... I mean you are wearing... So of course it's yours. From where did you get it?"

This sudden interrogation made Yuerui

unprepared. She didn't know what to reply. She suddenly remembered that she threw her lip balm at him at the bar. So he might have smelled it. 

Oh... Crap... What is she gonna say?

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