This sudden interrogation made Yuerui unprepared. She didn't know what to reply. She suddenly remembered that she threw her lip balm at him at the bar. So he might have smelled it. 

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Oh... Crap... What is she gonna say?

"Oh... That... Umm... " She stammered.

"Yes." Xianwang replied.

"Umm... I don't know." She bluntly said.

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"I don't know from where I bought this. I mean, listen, I have travelled in many countries. And there are so many things that I have bought. So how can you expect from me to remember from where I bought this thing." She just made a nonsensical explanation.

But since Xianwang has zero idea on women's shopping, he believed her.

"Oh." He became disappointed.

"May be it's just my foolish thought." He murmured.



"But is it of any brand or custom made? Cause I am pretty sure it's not a normal fragrant lip balm." He still insisted to know about the lip balm.

Yuerui wanted to just run away now.

"I told you. I don't know." She also got excited.

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"O.. Okay... Why are you getting upset? I won't ask you. Alright?" Xianwang tried to calm her down.

"I think this will be enough for today. I will take my leave now." Saying so Yuerui prepared to leave.

She opened the door and went outside followed by Xianwang.

Yuerui was about to close the door after Xianwang came out but suddenly Xianwang leaned of her shoulder and whispered in her ears, "You didn't tell me how was my act?"

Yuerui got so startled that she froze on her spot. When she remembered that she felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't say anything to him. She just pushed him away and walked forward.

But Xianwang was not finished with his teasing yet. He shouted from behind,"At least tell me, if I did well."

He intentionally said that out loud so that a certain person can hear clearly who was still sitting in his spot in composed way holding the cup of tea. But only when seen clearly, it will be seen that his hands shook a little that was holding the cup.


Outside the restaurant the two of them were waiting for Xianwang's car. As soon as the car arrived Yuerui bid him good bye and prepared to leave.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Xianwang asked.

"Home." Yuerui replied shortly.

"Hop in. It will be convenient for you."

"No thanks. I will manage." Yuerui politely rejected.

But Xianwang was not happy with it. How can he leave his would be wife alone to go to her house?

"You will be my wife. So it is my duty to drop you home safely. Now get in." There was a little seriousness in his voice.

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Normally girls will be head over heals if her fiance or boyfriend behaves like this. But don't know why Yuerui wasn't happy with this kind of behavior of him. 

Previously being polite to everyone and not being able to refuse anyone has made a lot of mess in her life. This sudden change in her life was already to much for her to handle.

She had never encountered this type of things with anyone. Even though Yefang was once the love of her life, she was not that much intimate with him. She needs time to adjust with this kind of stuff. But when Xianwang was in a way forcing her to do stuff that couples do, she just couldn't take it any more and snapped.

"The contract is not signed yet, Mr Kong. So there is no relationship between us yet." After spatting out these words Yuerui was shocked. She didn't wanted to say this but somehow it just went out of her mouth. 

On the other hand, Xianwang became dumbfounded. He didn't expect this type of reply from her.

Yuerui also felt pity to see the dumbfounded face of his. But she didn't say anything to him. Just nodded to him to say goodbye and left.


Mai Yuerui's family is a little old fashioned type. Their father, Mai Minghui doesn't like love or relationship before marriage. They didn't even let their eldest daughter to have any relationship before marriage and arranged her marriage from his choice.

But only the three siblings know that, the marriage that their parents know as arranged is actually a love marriage.

Yuerui's brother-in-law, Ran Huangzhen, actually had to work so hard to be on the good books of Mai Minghui and make him chose him as his son-in-law.

Their mother, Meng Xihuan is very soft hearted person and obeys to her husband. So she always agrees to any proposal of Mai Minghui.

So, in a whole dating before marriage is strictly forbidden in their family.


In a family of three children, unintentionally, most of the attention is given to the eldest and youngest child. Since the eldest is the first born and the youngest being the youngest.

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As a result the middle one often gets less attention.

Yuerui has always been a shy and silent child making her less expressive then her other two siblings. So, consciously or unconsciously, she always obeyed her parents orders without any complain just to get some love. Sooner or later obeying their order became a habit of her. 

Since it was forbidden to date before marriage in her family, she didn't even dared to look at any guy. But who would have thought that she would actually fall in love with a guy? Even if they were secretly in a relationship, she never kissed Han Yefang.

And now the fate has turned like this that this innocent life is going to have an open relationship with Kong Xianwang, without even consulting with her parents. Not only that she has to be intimate with a guy who she barely knows!


When Yuerui came back home she threw her stuff and lied on her bed facing the ceiling.

"Was I too harsh on him?" She wondered.

In her way, the whole time she had been thinking about how close he was to her that time. She was feeling so uneasy that she even refused to go with him.

What if she says something inappropriate?

By thinking of it made her tensed. So she decided to just return home by herself.


By the next day their documents were ready for their signature.

It's the most important contract of her life. So Yuerui had to dress up properly today.

She dressed up formally today and went for office.

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After around one month of vacation Lin Zongguan finally returned to office. When Yuerui entered the building the first person she saw was him.

She went to him excitedly to ask of his health.

"You are back, Mr. Lin. How are you feeling now?" She asked.

"I am good as new, I must say I was never this much relaxed before. And it's all thanks to you and Kai." He patted her shoulder.

Yuerui smiled in front of him but only she knows just because of his absence her life has turned upside down.

"You two have managed the work very good. I am proud of you and thankful as well." He added.

"That was our duty. You don't need to thank us." Yuerui replied politely.

After talking with Zongguan Yuerui left for her work. 

Yuerui has lunch appointment with Xianwang today as well. But this time it was in his office. Not outside.

Yuerui finished her work quickly before lunch since she doesn't know how long will it take. After finishing work it was time for lunch. She picked up her bag and some files in her hands and went for the main building.

When she reached Xianwang's office Si ying was in the reception.

"You are here. Boss is waiting for you." He said.

Yuerui nodded to him and went inside.


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