"Now that you know that it's me, why not you give me a hug?" He said with his charming and heart warming smile...

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Yuerui looked at him in disbelief...

"What makes you think that I am gonna hug you?" Yuerui said. She was actually surprised to see how daring he was to tell her to hug him.

"Look, my hands are still hurting. So you have to give me a hug as a compensation." Xianwang demanded as he raised his hands to make Yuerui see how they are hurting.

"I have already told you not to do anything like this without asking me first. So now that you are hurting, it's all on you. Don't blame me."

But Xianwang still approached her with his hands wide open and said, "Please Minmin..."

Yuerui didn't know what to do. Why was he acting like this?

"Look, if you are still angry of the fact that I didn't tell you that I don't need glasses then I am sorry again. But please don't do stuff like this." Yuerui tried to walk backwards.

"That adds another reason for you to hug me." Xianwang said with a devilish smile.

"Come on Minmin, besides, you have to hug me in front of people anyways. Take this as a practice." Saying so Xianwang started to walk fast towards Yuerui making her run.

They started to run all over the room.

Behind the sofa, around the table, over the bed.... Everywhere.

"If you don't stopped now you will have to pay for it, King Kong." Out of excitement Yuerui blurted out the nickname that she gave him.

"King Kong?" Xianwang was surprised.

'Ooppsss...' Yuerui bit her tongue.

She composed her composure and said casually as she crossed her hands, "Yes, King Kong. That name is suitable for you."

"Oh really?" A mischievous smile of the devil appeared on his handsome face.

He suddenly ran towards her and hugged her on her waist.

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"If I am a King Kong then I should act like one right?" He said with a smile.

Mai Yuerui was locked in his embrace. There was no escape from him.

Xianwang gantly held her chin with one hand and raised her head making her look at him in his golden cat-like eyes.

The moment their eyes met Yuerui was like lost in those eyes. The feelings that was emitting from his eyes felt familiar to her. She tried to recognize those eyes and soon she remembered she once had those feelings in her eyes. The exact same feeling. The feelings of love.

The moment she recognized those feelings she immediately shook her head and looked elsewhere.

"What happened?" Xianwang asked.


He again held her chin with one hand and asked gently, "Do you see something in my gaze?"

"Yes I see something." Yuerui replied.

"What?" Xianwang became excited.

"I see this." Yuerui suddenly raised her hands and showed him her fist.

"Do you wanna get bitten again?" She threatened making Xianwang release her immediately.

"You are ruthless." Xianwang commented.

"I know."

Xianwang again came close to her and proposed, "Now that you are well, let's go on a date."

"Date? But I already ordered food for us."

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"I'll just cancel them, nothing to worry."

"But why are you asking for a date all of a sudden."

"We have to make our relationship public, right? So going on dates in public places is the right place."

Saying so he grabbed Yuerui by her wrist and left the hotel.


After a while Yuerui found themselves on a ice cream parlor.

They choose a seat where there is not very much people around.

After taking the seat Xianwang went to buy ice creams for them and returned with one of every ice cream flavour that was available.

After putting the tray on the table he acts as of it was very tiring and wiped his fake sweat.

Yuerui gave a questioning expression to him but he just ignored her and sat close to her.

"Why did you brought so many ice creams?" Yuerui asked.

"To eat." Xianwang replied nonchalantly and then put out his phone to take pictures of them.

"What are you doing?"she asks again.

"Taking pictures of us." Xianwang replied while totally ignoring her.


"Smile!" Xianwang commanded.

The moment he clicked the camera Yuerui gave her sweet innocent smile and a beautiful happy couple was captured on the camera.

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After seeing the photo Xianwang turns towards her and said in a confused expression," Hmm... something is missing."

And suddenly pops his ice cream on her nose and captures it in his phone.

This makes her so shocked and unprepared. Yuerui looked at him with her eyes wide opened.

But in reply Xianwang just give her a gentle and charming smile. And another picture of them is taken.

"Why did you do that?" Yuerui glared at him. But in reply Xianwang just gave her his sweet innocent smile and said, "Because it's cute."

Our little cat was yet to come out of her shock when Xianwang surprises her even more.

He suddenly came even close her face and places a gentle kiss the tip of her nose while he ate the ice cream that was stuck there.

This sweet and cute moment is captured as well.

But on the other hand, Yuerui was so shocked as well as scared to the core of her heart that she immediately pushed herself backward.

'Badam..... Badam..... Badam.....'

Her heart is beating like crazy. It's like her blood pressure is increasing.

"Wha.... What are you doing?" She couldn't help ask while she stammering.

"Nothing, just doing the things a boyfriend does on a date." Xianwang replied indifferently as he took a bite on his ice cream.

"You... You..." Yuerui couldn't find any words to scold him.

"You don't have to wrack your head hard in order to scold me. Just relax you mind and eat this ice cream." Xianwang said as he put a spoon of chocolate ice cream on her mouth.

The moment Xianwang released the spoon from her mouth he said in a serious tone, "Mai Yuerui?"


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"Marry me."

"Cough.... Cough..." Yuerui was yet to gulp the ice cream when Xianwang suddenly proposed to her.

"Cough... Didn't I already agree to marry you? Why are you asking again?"

"I don't want to wait for months. I want to marry you as early as possible." Xianwang said.

"You are acting very weird today." Yuerui said.

"If you want, we won't make it public yet. But I want to marry you as early as possible." Xianwang still insisted.

"No, Mr. Kong. We have made a deal. And I wish that you would oblige by the contract and so do I." Yuerui bluntly put her thoughts in front of him.

"Okay. If that's what you wish." Xianwang was very disheartened to be rejected by her. But he still put on his smiling face so that he would not make her uncomfortable.

After they were done with the ice cream they left the parlor.

When they left the place Yuerui saw a man selling flowers across the street. She held Xianwang by his arms and said, "Didn't you wanted to do dates like other people. Look there are various types of flowers. Shouldn't you buy your girlfriend a bouquet of flowers?"

Xianwang gave her a grin full of excitement as he patted her palm.

"Of course, my love."

He then went to buy the flowers leaving Yuerui on the other side of the road.

After buying a bouquet of roses he turned towards her to show her the flowers but to his surprise when he looked behind Mai Yuerui was not there.

She just vanished in thin air.


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