After reaching to buy flower Xianwang picked up the bouquet that had the most roses in them. After buying the bouquet he turned behind to look for Mai Yuerui. But she was not there.

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He hastily crossed the road and started to look for her.

"Did she escape from him? Or did something happen to her?" Xianwang became worried for her.

He picked up his phone and was about to call Si ying to look for her but he stopped when a message pop up on his screen.

'You don't have to look for me. An acquaintance of mine had picked me up for an old business. - Mai Yuerui.'

He put the phone back to his pocket and sighed deeply.

"I just hope you are alright..."


After Mai Yuerui and Kong Xianwang left the ice cream parlor, Yuerui saw a familiar figure not so far from them. It was the bodyguards of her parents. And she knew that they came here for her.

Of course, after making such a hassle in the media her parents won't let her go easily.

But she didn't wanted to tangle Xianwang now. Actually even she was not ready to face her parents yet. She didn't know what to say to them.

That's why she deliberately sent Xianwang away at first then began to look around to find a place to escape.

She walked towards the opposite side of the bodyguards but to her horror there were other bodyguards waiting for her.

She realized that her parents had made sure the she won't be able to escape now. So in the end she had to get in their car like a good girl.

As soon as she went inside she immediately sent Xianwang a message cause she doesn't know when her phone will be seized as well.


After sending him the message Yuerui sighed deeply and looked at the person close to her with a bright smile.

"Long time no see, Sophie. How have you been?"

But the female bodyguard named Sophie didn't respond. She had zero expression on her face.

Sophie is a couple of years older than Yuerui. She was first appointed as her bodyguard after her parents knew about the stalker incident. But Yuerui was strictly against having a bodyguard. It would be too weird to walk around with a bodyguard in the campus. So in the end Sophie was included in the team of regular bodyguards of the older Mai couple.

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"Hey? Are you still angry that I didn't let you follow me then?" Yuerui said.

The female bodyguard named Sophie finally spoke, "No, Second young mistress. I am not angry. After being rejected by you Mister and Misses Mai felt guilty towards me. So they took great care of me."

Yuerui didn't know what she actually meant? Was she grateful to her or was she taunting her that she has made her parents embarrassed.

Yuerui shook her head and decided to believe the formar one.

Yuerui came close to her and held her hand, then she said, "Okay. Then please say good words about me to my parents please. Say that I didn't make any hassle when you came to me. I got into the car willingly like a sweet good girl. Okay."

Sophie didn't say anything in reply.

"I take it as a yes then!" Yuerui again beamed with her sweet smile.


After a long journey Yuerui finally came home.


The home where she didn't return for the last five years.

Of course she missed her home. But she didn't have the courage to face her parents. She was embarrassed to have the love they offer her. How can she asked for their forgiveness shamelessly after stealing from them?

It will be a lie to say that she wasn't happy.

She was really happy that she finally returned home.

Deep inside she was a little grateful to Xianwang. Because of him, even if she was forced to return home, but still she got to return home.


As soon as the car entered the villa area they were welcomed by the extravagant beauty of nature.

Meng Xihuan, Yuerui's mother loves to do gardening. So she decorated the yard around the villa with various types of plants. From flowers to fruits to medicines all types of plants can be found here. There is even a green house.

'This place has become more beautiful.' Mai Yuerui thought.

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Mai Yuerui's family used to live in the city. But they suddenly became not so pleased with the city life. After Mai Minghui's company started to do well, fame started to raise as well. Fame comes with gossip and rumors.

For a family who likes to live a low-key life was not so used to with it. So after Mai Minghui had made enough money he invested it all to make his dream house a little away from the town.

It's not far away from the town. Just enough distance to avoid unwanted entanglement.


The car came to a roundabout with a fountain in front of the house and stopped at the stairs that goes across the main door.

The door was already wide opened waiting for her to arrive.

As she went inside she looked around the house and have a good look of everything.

When she looked at her right she saw the living room with marble panel floor. The furnitures were not so shiny but of course they were expensive. The highlight of the living room was the grand chandelier that hung above the head with golden light dazzling in the eyes. The walls had a couple of famous painting to give the look of extravagance.

Among the mixture of wealth there is one corner of the room that has a simple shelf that is decorated with the achievements of the three siblings and their parents. A couple of the achievements belongs to Yuerui as well. To her family this corner has the most worth to them.

After looking at the living room Yuerui looked at her left. There is a stair that goes upstairs where their personal and other rooms are.

Behind the stair there are two rooms. One is the kitchen and the other is the dining room.

Yuerui looked at the kitchen and gave a foolish smile. She knew where her mother is now.

She wanted to go there and grab some food her mother is making. But when she was about to go Sophie grabbed her by her arm and directed her to wait for her parents in the living room.

Yuerui could only smell the delicious food her mother was making. But alas she couldn't take them now.

She sat on the sofa while keeping her head down.

'It's not time to think about food, Mai Yuerui. Think what you are gonna tell them.' she thought.

As she was busy in thinking she was brought to reality by the loud coughing sound of her father.

She raised her head to look forward and saw her parents standing next to her.

"Hi Dad, Hi Mom. Long time no see!" Yuerui said awkwardly.

"Yeah... It's been really long time." Mai Minghui said with a heavy voice.

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"Was there any problem to bring her here?" Mai Minghui asked Sophie.

Yuerui looked at Sophie with high aspirations.

"No, Mister Mai. She came willingly like a sweet good girl." She said repeating every words Mai Yuerui said to her.

"Oh really!" The Mai couple replied together. Sophie's word of choice made them know that she still tried to run away.

Yuerui could only awkwardly chuckle in front of them.

'She is definitely taking revenge!' Yuerui thought.


"So how have...." Yuerui was about to say something but Mai Minghui interrupted her.

"What do you want to say about the recent news?"

"Umm news... That..." Yuerui was still wracking her head.

"Yes... The recent scandle if I say correctly."

"That's not a scandle. I just fell from the stairs." Yuerui became excited as she tried to correct her father.

"Oh really... Then what about that girl that was seen with that brat, Kong Xianwang before this falling incident?"

"Umm... That was... Me... As well." Yuerui said sheepishly.

"See Huanhuan... What your daughter has become? I gave her freedom and she took it for granted. And made scandals after scandals with that brat, Kong Xianwang." Mai Minghui said to his wife pointing at Mai Yuerui.

"Why are addressing him as that brat, Kong Xianwang? He is gonna be your Son-in-law. Give him some respect at least." She said that out loud at first but seeing the angry lion waiting to devour her she gradually slowed down her volume.

"What Son-in-law?" Both her parents couldn't believe her.

Yuerui also didn't know how did she become so courageous that she blurted out such a thing in front of her parents.

She just nodded in silence like a scared sheep.

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Mai Minghui held his forehead and sighed deeply.

Then looked at Mai Yuerui and said, "Whatever was going on between you and that brat finish it right now. You are gonna marry the guy with whom I tell you to."

"Dad that's not fare. How can you choose just any guy without asking me?"

"Of course I will ask your opinion. I will not hand to over to any guy until you say yes. It doesn't matter if I had to go over handreds of guys."

"Then what's the problem with Xianwang?"

"Any guy... But that one." Mai Minghui said strictly.

Suddenly his bodyguard came close to him and said something in his ears.

He nodded in reply and looked at Yuerui with a bright smile.

'I don't feel anything good about this smile.' Yuerui got scared.

"Your first option has arrived, my dear."

'This fast! No.... Andwe*....' Yuerui screamed in her mind.

Mai Minghui signaled the bodyguard to bring in the guest.

Yuerui looked at the door to see who this guy is....

She has already started to make plans in her mind how to drive away this guy. She also decided to call Xianwang for more devilish plan if she runs out of plans.

But to her horror the moment she saw the guy she tripped from the sofa.

It was none other than

Han Yefang!!!!!


*Andwe= no in Korean language

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