He was riding in his bicycle to go and catch his class.

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He was in a hurry because he was running late already. That's why he was speeding as well.

He had a rock music on in his earphones which made him increase his speed even more.

That's when the accident happened and he saw her....

Even though he pushed the break in time but she still got hurt.

"Are you hurt, Miss?" Han Yefang asked cautiously.

He was already running late and he wanted to solve this matter as fast as possible.

The moment the girl turned Han Yefang became stunned.

She was wearing a floral printed shirt with a plain skirt. Her hair was half loose.

She looked surprised when she saw him.

He found her looking every features of him. He could see the curiosity in her eyes...

Her eyes....

'They are really pretty' he thought.

He came back to reality and said, "I am sorry miss. I rang the bell a lot of times but you didn't hear. And I also lost my balance."

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But he didn't expect that the girl would apologize as well.

He still insisted to ask her if she was okay.

He was sure that he had hurt her. But the girl insisted that she was okay and they parted their ways...


After that incident he didn't think much of that girl until he saw her again in his English class.

Shu Ren had been pestering him for a while now. She is knows that he has a one sided feelings for her. But what she was asking was not right. How can he play with someone's feeling when he know how hard it is to have a one-sided love let alone being hurt by the one you love.

He was sitting in the first bench wearing a cold demeanor making himself unapproachable.

Shu Ren was constantly sending him messages and he was indifferently just scrolling them. He didn't sent any reply yet.

Suddenly Shu Ren sent him a bunch of photographs.... Photographs of when Bo hai used to pester Mai Yuerui. And Han Yefang's eyes fell on the girl in the photo. He looked at them and instantly remembered the girl that he hit the other day.

He asked her who that girl was?

'She looked harmless when I saw her. Is she really that cruel?' he thought.

Then Shu Ren sent a photo of Mai Yuerui and her information.

After that she sent him some photos which were clicked in such a manner as if Mai Yuerui and Bo Hai was standing in an intimate way.

These photos were clicked when Bo Hai was pestering her after classes and wanted to be close to her. But Shu Ren told him that those photos were recent photos and seeing them together like this is hurting her more.

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Han Yefang knew how it's like to see the person you like with another person. So he could relate to her.

She even told her that Mai Yuerui was in the same class as he was.

He turned around to look for her and finally found her in the back-bench gossiping with her friend.

The shy smile on her face still made it hard for him to believe that she could hurt someone.

Suddenly he got another message. It was a photo in which Shu Ren held a blade over her wrist.

She was about to commit suicide.

This made Han Yefang panicked.

And he immediately agreed to help her.

Thus the plan to avenge Shu Ren started.


He deliberately said a lot of unnecessary information in his introduction to let Yuerui know where he leaves.

He didn't know that Yuerui would approach him right after the class.

Day after day he, Mai Yuerui and Ning Tan became friends.

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On their trip, he meticulously worked out every details of his plan. From giving her a piece of fish from his plate to offering her coffee.

He still thought that she was with Bo Hai. So when he saw her being soft and vulnerable in front of him he began to disgust her.

At the same time it encouraged him to hurt her. He was actually happy with his act.

But again when he saw the innocent and scared look on Yuerui's face in the bus he started to question himself.

'Which side of her is her true self? Is she really this innocent? Or is this all an act..... just like me?' he thought.

After that trip they indeed became close to each other. He started to have fun to hang out with them. Especially with Mai Yuerui.

He suddenly realized that he doesn't hate her anymore. He started to think of her in a good way. He was not disgusted by her.

But this is not right...

What about Shu Ren? What about the promise that he gave her? What about her tears?

He was at loss.

He started to avoid Mai Yuerui as well as Shu Ren.

He didn't know what to do.

Like this their course was completed and they were free to enjoy the semester break.

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Shu Ren had been giving him calls and messages constantly during this break.

In their last day at University, he clearly told her that he can't do it anymore. He wanted to stop it. And after this semester he will also stop meeting with Mai Yuerui.... She is not in his department. It was just a minor course and the course is over. So there is no reason for them to meet again.

In his mind he decided to let go off everything and try to forget about Mai Yuerui.

But deep inside, he wished that Mai Yuerui would contact him.

During the break, Shu Ren was constantly giving him messages. And he would check them evertytime just wishing that may be it's her. But no... Mai Yuerui never sent him a message. She never tried to contact him.

He was disheartened. And also in bad mood when Shu Ren called him again.

He had been ignoring her calls and messages all this time. But he was in bad mood that day. He picked up the phone and was about to clear things again.

But he was stunned when he heard her crying.

"Wh... What happened?" He asked.

"I... I think they are getting married." Shu Ren replied while sobbing.

"What? Who?"

"Bo Hai and that Mai Yuerui."


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