"I... I think they are getting married." Shu Ren replied while sobbing.

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"What? Who?"

"Bo Hai and that Mai Yuerui."

"...." Han Yefang was at loss.....

"What do you mean?" After a pause he asked her.

"I am sending you an address. Please come over." Shu Ren said while sobbing tears.

Han Yefang looked at the address. It was a little outside the city.

He frowned a little but still went there.

When he reached the place it was already night.

He found Shu Ren's car parked a little away from the house and went inside the car.

"Why did you call me here?" Han Yefang asked.

Han Yefang was about to ignore whatever Shu Ren had to say. But the moment he heard Mai Yuerui getting married to Bo Hai, it triggered him. He had to know what Shu Ren meant.

Shu Ren raised her hands and pointed at the car with black glass parked outside the villa area.

"Are you looking at that car? That's Bo Hai's car. It has been parked there from noon. Why do you think that is? It's because they are introducing each other with their families." Saying so Shu Ren started to cry.

Since nobody knew that Bo Hai had stalked Yuerui previously and was even rusticated from the University, this was the only conclusion that came to their mind.

Unknown to them Bo Hai was actually there to stalk Mai Yuerui again.

"But how did you know that Bo Hai was here?" Han Yefang asked.

Shu Ren stopped crying. She sheepishly replied, "I... I missed him. So I secretly installed a tracker in his car. I just wanted to know where he goes. I didn't expect that he would come here." She again started to cry.

"Wait! Who's house is this?" Han Yefang asked.

"Mai Yuerui!!!" Shu Ren started wailing.


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After hearing this from Shu Ren and seeing Bo Hai's car parked outside, Han Yefang felt pain in his heart. He felt as if Mai Yuerui had cheated on him.

He had been waiting for her to contact him. But she was busy with Bo Hai?

He clenched his fist....

'Wait!!!! why am I feeling like that?'

He had never thought about Yuerui in this manner. Besides didn't he like Shu Ren? Didn't he agreed to her revenge plan just to make her happy?

Then why is he kept having these romantic feelings for Mai Yuerui?

And now seeing that car parked outside her house he is drowning in the sea of jealousy.

And out of impulse he again agreed to go on with the plan.

Shu Ren thought that Han Yefang again agreed to her because his heart melted after seeing her cry. She didn't know that he only agreed to it because of his jealousy...

And so this time he purposely took the maths course just to be close to Mai Yuerui...

He continued to talk with her but still kept a distance.

He still wasn't sure about what he started to feel about Mai Yuerui.

Soon Han Yefang again started to be drawn close to her without him realizing.

He realized that what he felt for Yuerui was beyond friendship.

But isn't she with Bo Hai?

Will she accept him?

He became tensed.

But he still had to try. That's why he took the courage and asked her to meet somewhere, just the two of them.

Unfortunately Mai Yuerui rejected him.

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He became disheartened.

He again felt a little jealous because he thought that Mai Yuerui rejected him because of Bo Hai. He didn't drag it and let it go.

He was still full of passion about asking Yuerui out. So after some day he called Mai Yuerui to hang out. But this time she had a presentation.

After hanging up the call he immediately called Shu Ren and asked her about where the seminar is and if he can come there. And then he went to see Mai Yuerui's presentation.

He was really missing her that day and wanted to see her. That's why he didn't hesitate to ask Shu Ren about the seminar room.

After seeing Yuerui happily talking with her friends Han Yefang's heart warmed.

Seeing her smiling, he left the seminar quietly.


After seeing her that day, Han Yefang was sure of his feelings. He has fallen for her. He didn't care if she liked him back or not. He wanted to let Yuerui know how he feels about her. So he immediately called her and proposed her.

After telling her his feelings, he waited for her reply with deep anticipation.

But to his surprise Mai Yuerui immediately cut the phone call.

He couldn't figure out what was in Mai Yuerui's mind.

After a while Yuerui did call her back.

But he got rejected.

When Mai Yuerui rejected him Han Yefang felt like stabbing his heart. He already thought about this as well but still it hurts.

He controlled his emotions and cut the phone call with a smile.

He thought that he would be able to control himself in front of Mai Yuerui. But whenever he saw her his emotions controlled him over. So he started to avoid her as possible as he could until he heard Mai Yuerui say that she liked him.


He was in the cafeteria like his usual time. He took his coffee and found Yuerui there. He gave her a smile and went to take a seat.

As he was sitting and was about to drink his coffee he saw Mai Yuerui ran to her friends.

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'Did I make her uncomfortable?' He thought.

So he decided to leave the place.

But when he was about to dump his cup on the bin he heard them saying,

"I was telling you that he was here."


"Agh.... The boy I like."

Badam... Badam.... Badam...

Han Yefang looked around him but he didn't see Bo Hai.

'Then who are they talking about?' he thought.

He looked at them and saw them looking at him as if their guilt has been found.

'Are they talking about me?'

'Is the guy Yuerui likes is me?'

There was a storm in his heart.

He didn't know how to react. He just threw his cup in the bin and left the place hurriedly.


After leaving the place in a hurry Han Yefang's mind was in a mess.

'Did I just heard that Mai Yuerui likes me?' He didn't know how to react. There was tremendous joy in his heart.

'But if she liked me then why did she reject me?'

Han Yefang was confused.

So, to make it comfirm he paid a visit to her in her department in the name of survey.

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Love can make one do so many things....

After seeing her flustered face Han Yefang was sure of her feelings. But he also was sure that there might be some reason why she was rejecting him.

And he has to find that out.....

He called Ning Tan and asked about the schedule of Mai Yuerui.

He wanted to ask her again after their class.

When he was about to go and talk to her he saw her sleeping in the bench like a little kid.

Her hair was falling on her face and made her look even more cute.

He smiled at her and decide to join her in her sleep.

But after a few minutes Mai Yuerui woke up and was startled to see him.

He grabbed her wrist gently and again asked her.

Unfortunately Yuerui again rejected him.

Han Yefang could see the reluctance in her eyes when she was leaving him.

He knew that if he let go of her now then it might be over.

So he immediately hugged her from behind and begged her to accept her emotions.

Finally Mai Yuerui gave in to him and told him everything about Bo hai.

He couldn't see the fear in her eyes because of that beast.

He wiped her tears gently and promised nto protect her.

"You are my responsibility." He said.

'There are a lot of things that you don't know, Shu Ren.' he thought in his mind.


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