My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 26.1

Ruan Zhiyin did not understand why Cheng Yuelin suddenly praised her. After thinking about it, she wondered if it was because he thought that she was not in a good mood and this was his way of ‘comforting’ her.

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It was just very rare to be comforted by him.

Looking at his lazily smiling eyes, Ruan Zhiyin could not help but laugh.

She then replied, “I hope your words are true. Hopefully, I would be a better judge of people.”

After a moment, she thought back onto the scene just now and said with a frown. “It seems like every time I run into Qin Jue, you will always arrive quickly.”

The man glanced at her and his tone was teasing, “Is that right?”

Then he added some loaded words. “I have to keep a closer eye on you, so that you don’t go astray.”

Ruan Zhiyin choked slightly and thought that he was alluding to the fact that she had been caught being pestered by Qin Jue today. Otherwise, he would not have been so ‘setting an example’ today with his performance.

She could not help but lift the corner of her mouths and smile. “Don’t worry, as long as we do not divorce, I will not do anything to make you lose face.”

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She did not expect that Qin Jue would appear.

But after today, she hoped that he would finally give up.

The car slowly came to a stop in front of their house.

The two people opened the door and got off.

Cheng Yuelin walked in front of her with lazy steps.

He slowly opened the front door with the fingerprint lock. He froze for a moment before he rubbed his temple.

“Ruan Yingying.”


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“Support me a little.” His voice was a little sluggish.

With the help of the soft light of the lamp from above the door, Ruan Zhiyin looked up at him.

The man’s half-closed eyes were tinged a little pink from the wine and his eyes appeared a little drunk. His tall body blocked most of the light and his shadow on the ground was stretched very long.

She didn’t know if it was due to the alcohol getting to this head, but Cheng Yuelin appeared a bit chaotic and Ruan Zhiyin could see a bit of childishness that he normally did not show.

His quiet and relaxed appearance was very pleasing to the eye. Ruan Zhiyin laughed as she reached out a hand to put Cheng Yuelin’s arm around her shoulder.

A faint smell of alcohol lingered on the tip of her nose. When she looked to the side, she could see the man’s scattered bangs in front of his forehead, covering his handsome profile in shadow.

It took quite a bit of effort before she managed to help him upstairs.

When they reached the bedroom door, he did not reach out a hand to unlock it.

“Cheng Yuelin?”

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Ruan Zhiyin turned her head and noticed that his eyes were lightly closed and his breathing was smooth and even. It seems… he had fallen asleep.

It was a good thing that the fingerprint lock for the house was universal, so Ruan Zhiyin shook her head and opened the bedroom door.

After another minute, she finally managed to get the heavy man onto the wide and soft bed.

Just as she was about to stand up and leave, her gaze lingered and stopped on Cheng Yuelin’s handsome face.

The man quietly laid there. When he did not open his mouth, he looked pretty cute.

But even when he was asleep, there was still a slight furrow in his brow. It seemed that he still was not completely relaxed.

Thinking back to Gu Linlang’s words, Ruan Zhiyin inexplicably reached out a hand and smoothed out his brow.

The orphanage director had said, this was the only way they could have a good dream.

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After the Yan family’s banquet, Cheng Yuelin had to go on a business trip overseas. He would only be back on the weekend and the Beicheng project’s ribbon cutting ceremony was planned to be at the end of the month.

For the past two years, Lin Heng had been steadily developing overseas. Lately he had been spending most of his time within the country. There must have been a lot of work that had piled up and was left pending.

Without Cheng Yuelin at home, Ruan Zhiyin’s days were not too relaxed either. She was busy with the project design application and getting it cleared with the government planning department. She had also had Xiang Bin run a few trips to the Environmental Protection Bureau to get their environment protection plan approved.

The government approval process would often be slow and they would sometimes avoid their work. But before Cheng Yuelin left for his business trip, he had helped introduce her to a few of the planning department’s people. They were willing to give him face, and the approval process went fairly quick.

Of course, all the necessary procedures would still be done.

In the blink of an eye, it was already Friday. Ruan Zhiyin and Kang Yu had stayed at the planning department for most of the day before they were finally able to get an approval.

Just as she got into the car, she received a WeChat message from Gu Linlang in their group chat.

Gu Linlang: Quick, quick, check Weibo. I can’t wait to see how Lin Jingfei will dance.

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