My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 26.2

Ruan Zhiyin raised a brow and exited WeChat to open Weibo.

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On the trending search, Lin Jingfei’s name was plastered on the top two lines.

[Lin Jingfei’s Cousin] [Lin Jingfei BING]

After clicking them, each piece of news had been shared more than a hundred thousand times.

@SecretsOfTheEntertainmentIndustry: Your brother had received a private letter from a netizen with explosive news. It revealed that a certain female celebrity, who was known for being a rich beauty, had a cousin who not only faked his education history, he also tried to cheat for the ICI exam. As he got caught in the last one, it was actually smoothed over by a certain female celebrity’s father. The following was the detention record of Lin, the case statement and files, as well as Lin and the female celebrity’s photo together. Whether this is fake or real, everyone can make their own conclusions.

The picture of Lin and the female celebrity had been masked by the blogger, but there were not that many female celebrities with a rich female beauty persona.

The netizens quickly pointed out that the female artist was Lin Jingfei due to the red mole on her hand in the photo.

The comments under the blog were extremely one sided.

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[Last time the statement by the Qin Company directly slapped her in the face. Her fans can’t call her a straight man killer anymore. They had only just freed her from being a mistress and just started restructuring her image as a rich beauty. How long has it been?]

[Damn, allowing her cousin to get away with cheating. The ICI is exam is already extremely difficult for the normal person. If they can just cheat and pass, they will be able to earn a lot of money.]

[Is it against the law to organize cheating in a large-scaled exam like the ICI? These kinds of people must be severely punished, they can’t just get off easily.]

[Having a cousin in the legal system and a father who is willing to help smooth things over in this legal system. I can see that Lin Jingfei’s family does not seem to be any good.]

[Hah, it seems like Lin Jingfei’s reputation is really going to hit rock bottom. The rich beauty even forced her way in to attend a fashion show? I’m really learning about the world today.]

The comment talking about Lin Jingfei forcing her way into the fashion show was referring to when BING held their fashion show at the convention centre.

The netizens naturally had little tolerance for organized cheating and were naturally very angry. The blog was shared extremely quickly.

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Even though it was Lin Zhe who was being blown up for cheating, the anger of the netizens could not be controlled. After they bashed Lin Zhe, they started to go through Lin Jingfei’s past activities.

BING’s official page also suddenly issued a statement at this time saying that they had never invited Ms. Lin Jingfei to attend their new launch show and implied that Lin Jingfei had gotten a ticket to attend through shady means.

There were many fashion following fans that knew that Lin Jingfei had never attended a BING fashion show, it was just the one time and was promptly cancelled.

The netizens mocked Lin Jingfei and then went to the brand that Lin Jingfei had signed a cooperation with to leave comments.

Brands that were quick to react were able to quickly issue statements saying that they would be terminating their contract with Lin Jingfei and that they would reserve the right to pursue Lin Jingfei for breach of contract.

In the past, any negative news about Lin Jingfei would quickly be deleted, but this time it remained high on the trending searches list.

After a few hours of fermentation, her image quickly hit rock-bottom and she was also being sued by a bunch of companies for breach of confrontation.

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As for Lin Zhe, the matter had gotten so big; it seemed that he will not be able to avoid jail time afterwards.

Ye Yanchu: “Hahahaha, I can’t believe it! I can’t wait to see if Qin Jue will help Lin Jingfei this time!”

Gu Linlang: “I don’t know who Lin Jingfei offended this time, but that account clearly has a backing, otherwise Jiang Anzheng would have taken it down. “

Ye Yanchu: “All her endorsements are cancelled and most of her fans have dropped her. How will Lin Jingfei stay in the entertainment industry now?”

Gu Linlang: She was so arrogant for so long. I wonder how many people would even be willing to help her. If this news is still on the trending list tomorrow, she won’t be able to hide all her backstage antics either. She deserves it though. She used to not care about anything because she had such a good backing, but now everyone will kick her while she’s down.

Ruan Zhiyin did not hurry to reply to her two friends. She first called back to the family home and asked Uncle Liu to not mention Lin Jingfei’s matters to her grandfather.

Even though her grandfather was strongly opposed to Lin Jingfei, entering the entertainment industry and never watched the news, Lin Jingfei was still his granddaughter and she did not want him to hear anything bad about Lin Jingfei.

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She did not have a good relationship with Lin Jingfei, but they would still treat the grandfather that loved them well. At least last time when she returned to the family home, she gave an apology for Ruan Zhiyin’s wedding fiasco.

Ruan Zhiyin only hoped that this sort of news would not reach her grandfather.


In the VIP room of the Jin Huang Club, Jiang Anzheng brought Lin Jingfei with him.

Qin Jue was sullenly drinking while he slouched on a sofa.

As soon as he thought of Ruan Zhiyin’s back as she left with Cheng Yuelin the last few times, he could not stop the growing jealousy in his heart.

Other than jealousy, there was also fear.

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