My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 26.3

Even though he had been trying to convince himself that Ruan Zhiyin would not easily open her heart to others, ever since he discovered Cheng Yuelin’s goal, Qin Jue was scared that Ruan Zhiyin would one day be moved by him.

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They were spending a lot of time together and Cheng Yuelin also liked her.

Qin Jue did not dare to think about it, he felt that he might be given a death sentence before he could do anything to beg for her forgiveness.

The table was covered in a mess of empty bottles. Fang Weirui sat next to Qin Jue with a frown. Who knew how long he had been there trying to persuade him.

He knew that Qin Jue had been waiting at the hospital for Ruan Zhiyin to visit him. Later, he had finally stopped resisting treatment because he had the hope that Ruan Zhiyin just had a misunderstanding that they had not resolved.

It was not easy for him to be discharged from the hospital and when he saw Ruan Zhiyin once more, the idea that she had a misunderstanding was forced to shatter. His state became even worse, and he had started to drink heavily.

Jiang Anzheng saw this scene and secretly looked at Lin Jingfei. He hesitated for a long time before he sighed and said, “Ah Jue, please help Jingfei.”

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Qin Jue ignored it and his expression did not change.

Jiang Anzheng furrowed his brow. He knew that Qin Jue had said previously that he did not want to be asked about Lin Jingfei’s work-related matters.

But this time Lin Jingfei had encountered a big problem. She also had to deal with the responsibility for handling the breach of contract afterwards. This would not only affect Lin Jingfei, but it would also affect Qin Entertainment.

The artists had an obligation to maintain a positive image during the contract period and with such a serious scandal, brands with a more serious outlook would quickly demand for compensation.

“Jingfei is being dragged down by Lin Zhe. You grew up with her, you can’t really watch this without helping, right?”

Qin Jue had fired Lin Zhe because of Ruan Zhiyin and Jiang Anzheng had no problems with that, after all Lin Zhe had offended Ruan Zhiyin.

He also did not want to see his best friend in such a drunken state and he had hoped that Ruan Zhiyin would be able to forgive Qin Jue. He had even tried to find Ruan Zhiyin to apologize, but she was not willing to see him.

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For both work and personal matters, Jiang Anzheng needed to settle this mater with Lin Jingfei. But no matter what he said, Qin Jue seemed to not have heard him at all.

He breathed a sigh and looked at Fang Weirui. After all Gu Linlang had chosen to issue a statement at this time, which had also pushed a series of brands to terminate their contracts.

Fang Weirui’s eyes were cold. “Don’t look at me. Last time you stole two invitation tickets from me and Linlang already fought with me. On the night of the banquet, I also told Ah Jue to go. She gave me an ultimatum. She threatened to divorce me if I dared to do that again.”

For a long time, he felt that Jiang Anzheng was too biased towards Lin Jingfei. When Qin Jue and Ruan Zhiyin broke up, you could say that it was mostly due to Jiang Anzheng’s work.

In matters of love, outsiders should not interfere. Jiang Anzheng had crossed the line for Lin Jingfei.

It was obvious that they had grown up together and were childhood friends, but he did not know how they got into such a situation.

“Brother Jue.”

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Lin Jingfei bit her lip and walked to Qin Jue’s side. She did not call him by her usual nickname of Ah Jue, but instead she used Brother Jue, her name for him when they were young.

Qin Jue was a good big brother. When she was young, he would always take care of her. He would help her deal with all sorts of trouble, and Lin Jingfei learned to always rely on him.

When he heard Lin Jingfei call him by his old nickname, Qin Jue finally put down the bottle at his lips. He raised his eyes. “Jingfei, I always thought you were still the same simple little girl you were when you were young. All this time, I have treated you even better than Xiangxiang, but you… you have really disappointed me.”

“I was wrong. I should not have allowed you to be so spoiled, allowing you to do whatever you want and always having someone there to cover for you.”

He had felt that taking care of Lin Jingfei was part of the promise he had made. To some extent, he had also put some of the burden for breaking up with Ruan Zhiyin into this promise.

There was no point in blaming others when the only person to blame was himself. He had made this decision a long time ago.

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But after thinking through this period, Qin Jue was still very disappointed by Lin Jingfei.

Lin Jingfei could hear the indifference in his tone. Her eyes were red and filled with tears. “Brother Jue, I know that you treat me well. But you know that my cousin and my father do not have a good relationship. I do not want you to leave me too.”

She knew that Ruan Zhiyin and her father were enemies and also accepted that Ruan Zhiyin would always be against her, but she could not accept the fact that Qin Jue who had showered her in love and protected her when she was young would one day be standing on the opposite side.

“I was wrong, please forgive me, okay?”

“Forgive you?” Qin Jue laughed. His black eyes were filled with loss. “But I can’t even get her forgiveness.”

“Brother Jue…”

Qin Jue coldly cut her off. “Don’t say anything. If you really think you are wrong, you should beg for her forgiveness, not me. If it were not for me, do you really think that Lin Zhe’s matters would have come out?”

He could no longer help Lin Jingfei in these matters anymore… That would only… push Ruan Zhiyin even further away.

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