My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 27.1

Even though Cheng Yuelin had been on a business trip the past few days, his driver would still pick up and drop off Ruan Zhiyin at work.

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Even though she and Cheng Yuelin would not speak much during the car ride, even though he was gone for just a few days, Ruan Zhiyin still felt it was a little strange.

On her way to and from work, the seat next to her was empty.

When she returned home, the big spacious home would only have her.

Ruan Zhiyin never thought that she would be someone who would feel lonely, but ever since Cheng Yuelin went for his business trip, she had finally figured out that what she was feeling was loneliness.

Even though her busy work schedule allowed her to push this feeling to the back of her mind, once she got home, she would still subconsciously set an extra set of utensils and also fill an extra bowl of rice.

Then she would realize that Cheng Yuelin was not home.

Habits were truly quite a scary thing.

Clearly compared to the business trip he had gone on when she had just moved to the house, the business trip this time gave her a feeling that it was not quite the same. Maybe it was because their relationship had improved a lot during this time.

After eating dinner, Ruan Zhiyin cleaned up the chopsticks and dishes and placed it into the dishwasher, then she went upstairs alone.

During the day, she had brought Kang Yu and Xiang Bin to the Beicheng construction area today and she finally took off her heels now. Her entire body felt quite tired.

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Ruan Zhiyin walked into the bathroom and filled the bathtub. Then she added a few drops of a fragrant rose oil and then relaxed into the tub as she soaked to relieve her fatigue.

After her bath, she saw a missed call from Gu Linlang and quickly called her back.

“I was just taking a bath and left my phone outside. What’s up Linlang, is something wrong?”

Her hair was still dripping water and Ruan Zhiyin turned on the speakerphone. She rubbed her hair with a towel as she talked to Gu Linlang.

The voice came through the speakerphone. “Yinyin, do you know that next Saturday is Jiang Anzheng’s engagement party?”

“Yes, Qin Xiang just told me about it a few days ago, but I do not plan to go.”

The Ruan family and the Jiang family had no partnerships, and Ruan Zhiyin’s relationship with Jiang Anzheng need not be described. Qin Jue would definitely go to this engagement party and she did not want to see a group of people she did not want to see.

Gu Linlang lightly sighed. “It’s good that you’re not going. It’ll let you avoid running into Qin Jue. Hey, do you think they all have holes in their brains? They don’t understand what people say, they just want the two of you to make up.”

“Why didn’t he go earlier? Qin Jue could not solve his steaming pile of a mess himself. He had to wait until the two of you broke up before he thought about making up for it. He really tested your temper. He deserved it.”

Gu Linlang’s soft voice carried an obvious hint of anger. She knew that anger was for her and Ruan Zhiyin could not help but smile.

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“Alright, I’m not even angry anymore. Why are you still angry?”

“Of course, I’m angry, Fang Weirui actually went behind my back to send Qin Jue news!” Thinking about this, Gu Linlang’s anger rose up “Since you are not going to the engagement party, then I’m not going too. He can go by himself.”

Ruan Zhiyin knew that Gu Linlang and Fang Weirui had already had a cold war for quite a few days. She did not want their relationship to sour further due to her, so she tried to placate her. “Hmm… Qin Xiang said that this engagement party would be pretty interesting. Why don’t you go and watch the show?”

Qin Xiang was not someone who could hide her emotions and when she called her a few days ago, Ruan Zhiyin could decipher the meaning behind her words.

She did not think that this engagement banquet would be uneventful.

On the other side, Gu Linlang thought for a while before slowly opening her mouth and said, “Then I’ll think about it.”

“Oh right, guess who I ran into at the SIMO hotel lobby today?”

Ruan Zhiyin’s eyebrow twitched. “Oh? Who did you run into?”

“Zhou Hongfei!” Gu Linlang’s voice lit up a bit more. “You won’t believe it. He was there for a blind date.”

Ruan Zhiyin smiled and nodded. “That’s good. When the orphanage director died, many things in the orphanage were handled by him. Director Chen would be happy to see him build his own family.”

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Gu Linlang’s voice had a tinge of ridicule to it. “Speaking of, if Cheng Yuelin did not agree, he could have become your groom. But it’s a good thing, we did not get in his way.

Ruan Zhiyin paused for a moment and thought back to the day of the wedding.

Gu Linlang had given her three options for her to pick. In second place was someone that had been at the orphanage with her, Zhou Hongfei.

Zhou Hongfei had the classic rags to riches story. He had worked hard at school and then he went to a technology company and rose to senior management. Now he even had shares at the company.

Although he did not have deep roots, he could be considered one of the nouveau rich.

They were used to seeing children being adopted and then being returned to the orphanage. There were some children like her and Zhou Hongfei who refused to be adopted and remained at the orphanage. They could be considered as close as biological siblings.

After returning to the Ruan family, Ruan Zhiyin and he had gradually lost contact, but Zhou Hongfei and Gu Linlang would always have the connection back at the orphanage.

Since the matter was urgent, if Gu Linlang felt that she could find Zhou Hongfei to play a role, he would not refuse.

But it would bring a lot of trouble to him.

So it was due to this that Gu Linlang said that Cheng Yuelin was the best choice.

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At this point, Ruan Zhiyin shook her head, “It was not a good matter. Even if we had called Zhou Hongfei at that time, he might not have agreed.”

“That’s true.” Gu Linlang’s voice was a little fainter and then she quietly said. “I can’t talk anymore, Fang Weirui is back, I’ll hang up first.”

Then she hung up the call.

Ruan Zhiyin lowered her eyes and lost her smile.

After hanging up, she used the hair dryer to dry her hair.

When she went to unplug the hairdryer, she looked at the hair dryer that Cheng Yuelin had given her and she suddenly remembered about the person who had not returned from the business trip for a few days.

The thought had only just started to take shape when she shook her head to clear it.

She was tired, so she quickly laid down on her bed and slowly fell asleep.

She had a good night’s sleep.


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