My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 28.3

After heading Ruan Zhiyin’s words, he quickly smiled and said, “You’re right. I’m very sorry for the trouble. Xiao Zhang did not mean to injure you. I’m very sorry. Do you need…”

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He originally wanted to say if he needed to arrange for someone to come and help Ruan Zhiyin take care of her injury and then help her get down.

But before he finished speaking, he saw Cheng Yuelin turn around and bend down. He said, “Ruan Yingying, come up.”

Ruan Zhiyin was dumbfounded for a few seconds before she realised that Cheng Yuelin was going to carry her down the mountain.

In front of so many people, she was a little embarrassed and politely said, “Honestly, I can endure it, you don’t need to…”

Cheng Yuelin laughed, and his dark and quiet eyes looked over. His eyes implied, ‘If you don’t agree, I can always princess carry you’.

In full view of everyone, Ruan Zhiyin breathed a sigh and helplessly reached ouch and wrapped her hand around the man’s neck.

At least she was wearing a pair of pants.

After putting her onto his back, Cheng Yuelin glanced at Bai Bo who had just arrived and lightly said, “I’m going to send her home. Stay here and help Xiang Bin deal with the rest of the matters.”

After speaking, the two overlapping figures headed down the mountain. As for the others, they wisely did not follow.

Xu Li stood in his original spot and looked at Bai Bo, knowing that he was Cheng Yuelin’s special assistant and also his confidant, he laughed, “President Cheng and Vice President Ruan had a good relationship. It must be troublesome for Assistant Bai.”

Bai Bo nodded expressionlessly and indifferently said, “Of course the relationship between President Cheng and his wife is good.”

To be able to cause the boss to disregard the stakeholders and marry her, she definitely had a special place in his heart.

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After Bai Bo finished speaking, Xu Li had an epiphany.

On the other side, once they could no longer see the people behind them, Ruan Zhiyin finally breathed a sigh and quietly asked, “Am I heavy? You can put me down.”

It was just , and she did not think that it was serious.

Even though she had also twisted her ankle just now, it was not as though she could not walk at all.

Cheng Yuelin lazily laughed and then lightly replied, “You only weight a bit, are you worried I will think you’re heavy?”

He firmly carried her and his two arms were strong and his steps were very steady.

Ruan Zhiyin’s hands rested on his broad shoulders and she gazed at the back of the man’s head. She paused and decided not to continue to speak.


The driver was waiting at the entrance to the resort. Knowing that Ruan Zhiyin had injured her ankle, he drove a little faster on the way back.

Just over half an hour later, the two people arrived at the house.

The first aid kit was placed on the coffee table in the living room and Ruan Zhiyin was sitting on the sofa in the living room with her pant leg pulled up.

Cheng Yuelin had just finished helping her disinfect and bandage her leg. His movements were a little clumsy. Seeing her biting her lip, he furrowed his brow and quietly asked, “Does it hurt?”

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Ruan Zhiyin paused and shook her head.

Cheng Yuelin looked at her for a moment and then furrowed his brow. Then he suddenly put down the cotton swab in his hand. He looked back up at her with his dark and serious eyes.

“Ruan Yingying.”


“Let’s talk.”

Ruan Zhiyin did not understand the reason for his sudden seriousness. She was a bit surprised. “Talk about what?”

“In other people’s eyes, I am your husband. I am also the man of the house.” Cheng Yuelin gave a slight smile as he looked at her before he continued. “Ruan Yingying, you need to know, men naturally have more physical strength, so that is why society has always required men to take the responsibility of protecting the women and children in the family.”

“I will not stop you from excelling and doing what you want. But you do not always need to be strong. Forever wound up and never relying on someone else, isn’t that tiring?”

After speaking, he furrowed his brows again and thought about the time they went back to the Ruan family house. Grandfather Ruan had said a sentence with deep regret — “Yinyin had returned to the Ruan family for so long, but she has never asked to be spoiled or requested anything of me.”

Cheng Yuelin did not like her constantly trying to be strong attitude. She herself did not notice that she was too stubborn to show weakness to others.

Ruan Zhiyin froze. She did not expect him to say these words. She pursed her lip and mumbled. “So?”

Cheng Yuelin helplessly breathed a sigh. “So from today onwards, you need to learn to ask me for help.”

He stopped and picked up the cotton swab again and quietly added, “At least in front of other people.”

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“Don’t worry, I am very satisfied with our cohabitation. As long as your requests are not over the top, I will give you face and will not be annoyed.”

He followed it up by trying to dispel the misgivings in her heart, “At least on the surface, we need to show that our relationship is more intimate than others. You are always so detached; it actually makes me less comfortable.”

Ruan Zhiyin met his gaze and felt that his eyes were filled with emotions she could not quite decipher. She subconsciously curled up her hands.

Closer than others…?

It seems as though other than the original contractual relationship, she and Cheng Yuelin had ended up with a relationship that was not very clear.

Or maybe, for Cheng Yuelin, this contract marriage was not only because of the Beicheng project’s benefits and exchange. They needed to show more.

As for her, Cheng Yuelin had constantly helped her during this time. He was not just a figurehead groom at her wedding.

This was also the first time someone had told her to not worry and just ask for help.

Ruan Zhiyin was used to avoiding the feeling of weakness that would come from relying on others. She never realized that this caused people around her to feel pressure. But now—

Inexplicable, it was like a thread unraveling. When she heard his words, everything came down.

“Actually… it does hurt a bit.”

Her gaze had wandered off. Before she could sort out her confused thought, those words had slipped out of her mouth.

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After she came back to her senses, Ruan Zhiyin sighed and was silent for a while. Then with a complicated smile she quietly said, “Cheng Yuelin, thank you.”

It seemed as though it was not that hard to show some weakness.

After you let yourself relax a little, there was actually a feeling of relief instead.

“Mmh.” The man hmm’ed a response. He did not change his expression, but he did lighten the movements of his hands.

The living room returned to silence.

After Cheng Yuelin had treated her wounds and stood up to pack up the first aid kid, Ruan Zhiyin finally opened her mouth. “Actually, one more thing… sorry.”

“Hm?” Cheng Yuelin raised a brow and looked back at her.

She paused and lowered her gaze before speaking. “I should not have allowed my emotions to take over and accuse you of eavesdropping on my conversation with Linlang.”

Just as he said, the second bedroom’s soundproofing was not good. She could not blame him.

“Ah.” The man’s gaze floated towards the first aid kit and lightly replied. “No problem.”

Then, in the next moment, he slowly asked, “Then that layer of soundproofing, are you going to add it?”

Ruan Zhiyin was silent for a few seconds before she lightly shook her head. “For the time being… no.”

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