My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 29.1

The injury on Ruan Zhiyin’s ankle was not serious, but she still wore comfortable shoes to work for the next few days to avoid affecting the work that came after the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

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When Cheng Yuelin saw that she insisted on going to work, he frowned and tried to talk to her, but he was not able to persuade her otherwise. He could only make her promise that she would not go to the construction site during the next few days.

With the Beicheng project officially starting, Ruan Zhiyin had many things to coordinate. Her days were very busy and she would often take work home and do overtime.

As a result, she no longer had time to cook.

For several days in a row, Cheng Yuelin was no longer able to enjoy being able to bring breakfast with him.

On Thursday morning, after Ruan Zhiyin had gotten ready and headed downstairs, she found Cheng Yuelin had already gotten changed and was sitting on the sofa. He had his brows furrowed as he looked at the two sandwiches on the coffee table.

She instantly had a different perception of him.

Even though she knew that Cheng Yuelin did not have a habit of eating breakfast, she did not expect that after four days of her not going into the kitchen, he would actually make his own food.

Ruan Zhiyin raised an eyebrow slightly as she walked forward. “Did you make these two sandwiches?”

Cheng Yuelin saw her walk downstairs and pursed his lips ever so slightly and replied with an indifferent “Yes.”

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Ruan Zhiyin was surprised and looked at the two sandwiches on the table and nodded in recognition of his hard work.

Sandwiches were not difficult to make, and there were many recipes on the internet. Cheng Yuelin had made two sandwiches, and they looked pretty good.

She pointed casually at one of the two sandwiches and smiled at him. “Is this portion for me?”

Cheng Yuelin leaned back on the sofa lazily and did not respond immediately.

After a while, his eyes looked complicated before he looked at her before he shook his head and said, “No.”

Ruan Zhiyin felt as though it was a waste of her emotions, and the corners of her mouth twitched and she did not speak again.

Cheng Yuelin looked at her expression and looked down before quietly coughing and said, “If you want some, I will make some for you tomorrow.”

As for today’s portion, it’ll be better to give it to Qian Fan.

The man’s expression did not give anything away and, looking at his innocent expression, Ruan Zhiyin’s ‘Thank you’ got stuck in her throat.

But it seemed like Cheng Yuelin did not mind that she did not say thank you.

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After saying so, he got up and fixed his sleeves. Then he put the two sandwiches into an insulated lunch bag and said to her, “Let’s go.”


At lunch, Qian Fan came again to the penthouse office as usual to eat lunch with Cheng Yuelin.

He felt that people could be loners and would be fine alone, but not during meals. Eating alone was something Qian Fan could not stomach.

Even if Cheng Yuelin was still eating his sandwich, it would still be better than eating all by himself.

Besides, Sister-in-law did not have time to make Brother Lin’s lunch these days, so Qian Fan felt that he could order better food.

Out of habit, he sat down in front of Cheng Yuelin and Qian Fan took out his phone. He got ready to order enough takeout for two people — when suddenly a well-defined hand reached out and covered the dazzling menu on his phone.

“What is it, Brother Lin?”

Qian Fan looked at the man in front of him in confusion.

Cheng Yuelin looked down slightly and then pointed to the lunchbox on his desk. “This is for you.”

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Then he took Qian Fan’s phone and ordered takeout for one person.

Qian Fan felt a bit surprised. “Wow, Brother Lin, Sister-in-law is making food for you again?”

After putting down his phone, Cheng Yuelin glanced at him and then raised a brow before lightly grunting.

Qian Fan did not care about the lack of response. He knew that Ruan Zhiyin had been really busy lately and did not have time to make lunch for Cheng Yuelin.

He did not expect that even though sister-in-law was so busy, she had started to make sandwiches for Brother Lin again!

They sure love each other a lot!


“Brother Lin, you said… this is for me?”

Qian Fan was flattered and looked up at Cheng Yuelin.

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“Yes.” The man confirmed and paused. Then he laughed and asked. “What is it? You don’t want to eat it anymore?”

Qian Fan quickly nodded and said, “Yes, yes, yes. It’s been so long. I still haven’t tried sister-in-law’s cooking!”

Previously when he wanted to take a bite of Ruan Zhiyin’s sandwiches, Brother Lin’s eyes looked as though they would bore right through him.

Today Brother Lin was so generous. He even wanted to share with him! And… He had even given him two portions!

Qian Fan almost wept at the thought of this brother’s love.

He reverently held up the sandwich and then took a big bite full of emotion and savored it in his mouth.

A few seconds later…

“Brother Lin… why are there still egg shells?”

“Yuck, why is there so much salt in this?”

“I can’t deal with this. This is too salty. I’m gonna die.”

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