My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 30.3

When Grandpa Ruan and Ji Yijun finished speaking, he had asked Ruan Zhiyin to come alone.

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This time, she walked alone into his bedroom.

He had spoken to Ji Yijun for a short amount of time, but he looked much more exhausted. However, he still forced himself to initiate the conversation. “Does he treat you well?”

The person he was asking about was obviously Cheng Yuelin.

Ruan Zhiyin helped Grandpa Ruan take a sip of water before smiling and said, “Quite well.”

This was not a lie. Cheng Yuelin had really put a lot of effort into being with her. He had also helped her a lot.

However, the two of them were not the same as a regular husband and wife and were a little different from Grandpa Ruan’s imagination.

“Yinyin, you guys are husband and wife. Since he is treating you well, you cannot be scared of being a bother to him. In the future, you and Yuelin need to be well. Grandpa will be happy.” The old man held her hand as he lectured. His voice slowed and after speaking, he took a deep breath.

These words of earnest care made Ruan Zhiyin feel a little guilty for deceiving her grandfather, however she continued, “I know. Don’t worry grandpa.”

After speaking to the old man for a while, and seeing his concentration beginning to fail, Ruan Zhiyin did not want to affect her grandfather’s rest. She also did not want to stay and put on a play with the Lin family. So she and Cheng Yuelin said their goodbyes together and left the family home.

The car smoothly carried them along.

Seeing Cheng Yuelin sitting by her side as usual, Ruan Zhiyin tossed the matter around in her mind for a bit before she could not help but ask.

“Lin Zhe’s matter, did you do it?”

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She did not know why, but after thinking about what Lin Jingfei had said about the matter, Ruan Zhiyin felt it was a bit too coincidental, and it could not have been an accident.

There was a contradictory feeling in her heart.

Cheng Yuelin was silent and then he glanced at her and nodded his head. “Mm.”

Seeing her open and close his mouth, he laughed and said, “Ruan Yingying, you don’t need to thank me. I did this because I wanted to.”

Lin Zhe’s actions had made him uncomfortable. He deserved to be sent to prison as a consequence for doing something wrong.

“Then… tomorrow, I’ll make you ribs.”

Ruan Zhiyin took back the words of thank you that she was just about to say.

Cheng Yuelin grunted in response and could be said to have agreed.

If she could remember the foods that he liked, then it would be make him much happier than a polite thank you.

After a while, he opened an eyelid and gestured with his chin, “Can you tell me what Lin Zhiyin actually did to cause this animosity?”

Ruan Zhiyin’s expression froze. She was silent for a moment, and then she slowly spoke. “It was nothing much. At the time, the Lin family wanted Lin Zhe to pay attention to me. Then when Lin Zhe tried to hide something in my room, I stabbed him with a knife. After that, he was scared of me and never bothered me again.”

Cheng Yuelin saw her skimming over the events fuzzily and his eyes questioned her.

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“Oh? What was he hiding?”

Ruan Zhiyin bit her lip. “A camera.”

The car fell into silence.

After a long time, Cheng Yuelin suppressed his hidden emotions.

He slowly reached out a hand and patted her head. “I see. It’s over now. Ruan Yingying, you’ve always been very brave.”


Ruan Zhiyin paused and suddenly remembered the first time she met Cheng Yuelin.

It was the middle of summer and the weather was hot and muggy.

It was the first day of her second year of high school. She had just finished completing the transfer paperwork at the school office and did not have to attend classes that day.

Just as she was leaving school, Ruan Zhiyin happened to run into Yang Xue and her gang blocking and making things difficult for Ye Yanchu.

Her footsteps paused. She had decided to keep a low-profile and leave, but she could not turn a blind eye to it.

Ruan Zhiyin turned around and got ready to leave.

After a few moments, she used the excuse of asking directions to bring over a teacher and disbanded the group.

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As for Ye Yanchu, she obediently followed the teacher back to the classroom.

After doing this, Ruan Zhiyin turned to leave, but she saw someone wearing a school uniform out of the corner of her eye.

Cheng Yuelin was leisurely sitting on top of a wall. He had seen everything that had happened and looked down at her from his vantage point.

The youth’s voice was light and breezy. He spoke, “This student, you are… both cowardly and brave.”

She did not know whether it was a compliment or a criticism.

At that moment, Ruan Zhiyin understood.

The youth sitting on the wall was a student who was skipping class.

Coincidentally, the teacher who had sent Ye Yanchu to class happened to come back to find Ruan Zhiyin to try to understand the situation…

It was that situation that caused Cheng Yuelin to be caught.

They had bonded under this unfortunate circumstance.

At least that was what she had thought.

After she finished her thoughts, she gave a smile at him and accepted the word of ‘brave’ as a compliment.

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Her phone rang and Ruan Zhiyin pulled out her phone and saw the caller id. It was from the old family home.

After she accepted it, Butler Liu’s voice was urgent—

“Eldest miss. Not good, Grandpa Ruan yelled at Mr. Lin. He was so angry he fainted. Mr. Ji is sending Grandpa Ruan to the hospital!”

As Grandpa Ruan’s body was not good, being sent to the hospital was not a minor matter.

So Butler Liu was very nervous.

As soon as she heard those words, Ruan Zhiyin’s face turned white. Her heart surged with unease as though she had a bad feeling, and the hand that was holding her phone started to tremble.

She clenched her teeth and felt a rising panic.

“Ruan Zhiyin, look at me!”

The man’s low voice next to her ear jolted Ruan Zhiyin out of her thoughts.

Cheng Yuelin looked at her face and held her hand and took a deep breath. He gently said, “Ruan Yingying, don’t be scared. We are going to go to the hospital now, okay?”

Meeting his calm and steady eyes, Ruan Zhiyin froze and took a deep breath and nodded her head slightly.

The warmth in her hands slowly spread and also helped calm down her panicked mind.

That’s true. Grandpa Ruan was still at the hospital. She should not be scared.

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