My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 31.1

When Ruan Zhiyin and Cheng Yuelin arrived at the hospital, Grandpa Ruan had already entered the emergency room.

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Lin Cheng was sitting in one of the chairs outside the emergency room, his face was tense and his expression was serious.

As for Lin Jingfei, she was sitting on the other side and not next to her father.

The two people were rather far apart and did not have any exchanges. The atmosphere between them was a little strange.

Ji Yijun was solemn and was leaning alone against the wall. His eyebrows were furrowed in a deep frown.

Seeing the two people arrive he got up and walked over. He patted Ruan Zhiyin’s shoulder and quietly said: “The doctor said it’s not looking good.”

The old man’s body was originally very strong, but now it was reaching its limit. This time had been a particularly large shock, as he was angered to the point that he fainted.

Before the doctor had pushed the old man into the emergency room, they had already warned the family that they would need to be prepared.

Ruan Zhiyin was silent. Her body trembled, which was then held tightly by Cheng Yuelin. After it stopped, she raised her gaze and looked at Ji Yijun and asked: “Why did grandfather suddenly faint?”

Ji Yijun silently bit his lip and passed a set of documents to Ruan Zhiyin and opened his mouth to say: “This is what grandfather asked me to investigate. He had a suspicion in his heart and wanted me to give him the truth.”

Ruan Zhiyin received the documents and opened it. Inside, it was a set of data about a mother and son.

The picture was of a woman called Su Zhaogu and the child was named Lin Jia. When she saw the paternity test on the last page, she pinched her fingertips with her nails and frowned.

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Lin Cheng had an illegitimate son.

This child was only younger than Lin Jingfei by nine years and had been quietly hidden by Lin Cheng abroad. He had only just started studying in high school.

After calculating the age and years, the woman had to have gotten pregnant two months before the death of Ruan Lingfang.

At the time, Ruan Lingfang must have been on her deathbed and would have had no way of knowing that her beloved husband had been intimate with a female college student. When Ruan Lingfang died, the female college student must have already been pregnant.

When Ruan Lingfang died, Lin Cheng was only in his thirties. Grandpa Ruan had also asked him to remarry, but Lin Cheng had rejected this.

If Lin Cheng had had this son after Ruan Lingfang passed away, Grandpa Ruan would not have been so angry.

But the child would already be 15 years old this year and was evidence of Lin Cheng betraying Grandpa Ruan’s daughter. As a father, Grandpa Ruan had realised that his daughter had been cheated on right before her death, how could he have stayed calm.

Lin Cheng had shown deep affection for Ruan Lingfang over the years and had also shown a lot of filial respect to Grandpa Ruan, to the point that even Ruan Zhiyin believed that he still had feelings for Ruan Lingfang.

He had concealed this matter from everyone, but it appears that he would lose everything during the last moments.

It suddenly explained Lin Jingfei’s current attitude.

When Ruan Lingfang passed away, Lin Jingfei was not quite ten years old. The stocks that she had willed to her daughter had always been held in trust by her father, Lin Cheng and there was still a long time before Lin Jingfei would receive them.

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Lin Cheng originally only had her as his only daughter, but now there was suddenly an additional son who would soon become an adult and her Grandpa Ruan, who had always loved her, was now in the emergency room.

The reason why Lin Cheng looked so nervous must be that he was worried that if Grandpa Ruan survived this period, he would change his will and it would affect the inheritance that he would receive.

He had acted as a filial son-in-law for so many years, he would not want to receive nothing in return.

Ruan Zhiyin glanced at the changed atmosphere between Lin Cheng and Lin Jingfei and for a moment, she did not know whether or not she should blame Ji Yijun for passing this information to her grandfather.

Since grandfather had already discovered an issue and had requested the truth, if Ji Yijun decided to deceive him, it would not be good for her grandfather either.

In the end, it was still Lin Cheng who had made the mistake. As for her grandfather, he would probably want to know the truth in the end.

She passed the materials back to Ji Yijun and Ruan Zhiyin’s heart felt complicated. She silently sat down to the side with Cheng Yuelin.

The atmosphere was solemn and the time crept minute by minute.

Outside of the operating room, everyone had their own thoughts and no one wanted to speak.

As the time stretched longer and longer, the more uneasy Ruan Zhiyin became.

She knew that her grandfather’s body was on its last legs and the doctor had already hinted that her grandfather may not live for another two more months.

The fact that he had survived until now was due to his strong will and Butler Liu’s careful care.

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But it could only persist so long and now he had entered the emergency room.

She could not stop her thoughts from wandering.


They had not reached their home before they rushed back to the hospital. Ruan Zhiyin and Cheng Yuelin had not eaten dinner.

Cheng Yuelin was scared that her body would not be able to keep going, so he had requested Bai Bo to bring some food over, but Ruan Zhiyin did not have much of an appetite.

They did not know how long they waited, but the light above the operating room finally turned off.

A somewhat familiar doctor wearing light blue scrubs came out. After he removed his mask, he silently shook his head at the gathered people.

The meaning his eyes gave them did not require elaboration.

“Last time I said that it would be difficult for him to last longer than two months in this condition. The fact that he has survived until now was due to the good care you have provided in the last period. I am sorry.”

After the man finished speaking, Lin Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

As for Lin Jingfei, she turned away and a sobbing whimper was audible.

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The person who was most able to maintain his composure was Ji Yijun.

Even though he had moved out of the Ruan family a long time ago, he was still the adopted son of Grandpa Ruan.

On paper, he was still Grandpa Ruan’s son and the surgery papers had been signed by him.

After the man finished speaking, Ji Yijun silently followed him downstairs to receive and process  Grandpa Ruan’s death certificates.

Only Ruan Zhiyin continued to silently stand there. She had lost all movement and was frozen.

The moon was already high in the sky and it was already midnight.

After the doctors had completed issuing the death certificate, they would need to wait for tomorrow to start the funeral procedures, which would allow the old man’s body to be removed from the hospital morgue.

When Ji Yijun returned, he said: “You guys can go. We can only bring grandfather away tomorrow.”

However, in the long corridor. What was heard was Lin Jingfei’s and Lin Cheng’s argument.

Ruan Zhiyin expressionlessly watched the scene in front of her. She held Cheng Yuelin’s hands tightly and was still lost in her thoughts from the doctor’s final, “I’m sorry.”.

When she saw the old man being pushed out of the operating room covered with a white cloth, Ruan Zhiyin only stared blankly while she held Cheng Yuelin.

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