My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 32.2

After watching Gu Linlang and Ye Yanchu leave, Ruan Zhiyin was immersed in Gu Linlang’s sudden words and it took a while before she came back to her senses.

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Who knew that once she raised her head, her view was blocked by a man.


In front of her was Qin Jue, who she had not seen in a long time.

When he met Ruan Zhiyin’s calm phoenix eyes, Qin Jue’s Adam’s apple bobbed and his eyes burned. His voice was tinged with a low tone.

“I know you do not want to see me, but if you need any help, you can contact Zhai Xu. You don’t… need to do everything by yourself.

He had not seen Ruan Zhiyin for a long time. Or rather, she had not given him the opportunity to meet her.

Ruan Zhiyin had moved out of her apartment a long time ago. Qin Jue had waited at the Ruan company’s parking lot for her, but he could not block her way in front of the employees getting off work. That would cause him to hate him, so he could only watch her get into the Bentley.

When he heard that Grandpa Ruan had passed away, Qin Jue was worried about Ruan Zhiyin. He wanted to find her, but he was scared he would bring her extra troubles.

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After all, he no longer had a suitable identity to accompany her while she handled this.

He could only take advantage of participating in the funeral to meet her.

When he saw her from afar earlier, Qin Jue felt that Ruan Zhiyin was a bit haggard. He wanted to comfort her and help her solve her problems, but he was afraid she would instead rush to cut off her relationship with him.

With that thought, Qin Jue hurriedly said. “Zhiyin, don’t reject this immediately. Previously you helped me a lot, right?”

He knew that she always kept things clear between people. If he did not say this, she will definitely not accept his help.

When she heard Qin Jue’s words, Ruan Zhiyin took a breath and looked at him. “No matter what, thank you for coming to pay respects to grandfather.”

Qin Jue paused and his eyes were gentle as he smiled at her. “Grandpa Ruan was also my elder.”

This was already the most cordial attitude Ruan Zhiyin had given him in a while.

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Seeing that Qin Jue had not moved to leave, Ruan Zhiyin frowned slightly and subconsciously moved her gaze to the man who was surrounded by people not far away.

She coincidentally met Cheng Yuelin’s gaze and her heart seemed to hear his voice saying: “Ruan Yingying restrain yourself.”

Ruan Zhiyin lowered her head and did not hear what Qin Jue said at the end, but she just nodded her head perfunctorily in annoyance.

Seeing this, Qin Jue thought she had heard his words and was a little relieved. But he did not dare to stay longer and stay too much, so he paused slightly before he turned away. His eyes were not willing to look away.


On the other side, Qian Fan spoke angrily: “Brother Lin! That shameless Qin Jue still dares to talk to sister-in-law!”

If he was not blocked by Cheng Yuelin, Qian Fan would have gone right up and pulled that eyesore Qin Jue away from Ruan Zhiyin’s sight.

Cheng Yuelin frowned and his eyes were cold. He said with a deep voice: “He is also a guest at this occasion, so be aware of your actions.”

He stopped and said: “Wait until he leaves before going over.”

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It was Grandpa Ruan’s funeral, so Ruan Zhiyin would not want people to gossip. He could also not disregard her.

Even though he said that, Cheng Yuelin’s gaze remained locked on the two people who were not far away.

Qian Fan carefully measured the coldness emanating from the man’s body and did not say anything more. He turned his head to look at Fu Chenyuan who was playing with his phone with a calm face.

It was not until Qin Jue turned to leave that Cheng Yuelin relaxed his face and Qian Fan also felt relieved.


After Qin Jue left, Ruan Zhiyin sighed.

When she looked at Cheng Yuelin again, he had already started to walk towards her with Qian Fan and the others.

They had gone to the same high school so Ruan Zhiyin knew Qian Fan and Fu Chenyuan, but she was not very familiar with them.

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“Hello Qian Fan.” Ruan Zhiyin smiled and greeted Qian Fan. Then she looked at Fu Chenyuan on the side and nodded, “Lawyer Fu”.

Qian Fan was flattered and said with a smile “Hello sister in law! Hello!”

As for Fu Chenyuan, he was very direct and leisurely took out a business card and handed it to Ruan Zhiyin. “Miss Ruan, if you need any help with legal services involving inheritance disputes, you can contact me.”

His tone was too straightforward and made the atmosphere a little awkward.

Cheng Yuelin glanced at her and nodded. “He’s not bad. You can consider him.”

Qian Fan also piped in to help: “That’s right, sister-in-law. You don’t need to be polite.”

Ruan Zhiyin hesitated for a moment before she reached out to receive his business card and smiled: “Thank you. If I really need help, then I’ll have to bother Lawyer Fu.”

She had heard of Fu Chenyuan’s reputation for fighting lawsuits and knew that it was difficult to hire him, so she did not plan to refuse his kindness.

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