My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 32.3

Qian Fan and Fu Chenyuan had come to say hello to Ruan Zhiyin after they had paid their respects to Grandpa Ruan. After a few simple words, Qian Fan opened his mouth to say goodbye.

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“Sister in law, we will head out now. If you have free time in the future, come with Brother Lin to the club to play.”

The club Qian Fan was talking about was naturally Jin Huang, which he had invested into with Wang Xin. So Qian Fan could be considered Jin Huang’s other boss.

After saying these words, he turned to leave.

As Ruan Zhiyin watched Qian Fan and Fu Chenyuan leave, she finally noticed a few things wrong.

The way Qian Fan had treated her just now was a little too warm and enthusiastic. That greeting of “sister-in-law” was too genuine. Could it be that Cheng Yuelin did not tell Qian Fan that they had a fake marriage?

Seeing Ruan Zhiyin’s suspicious eyes, Cheng Yuelin lightly coughed and said: “Qian Fan cannot keep secrets. It is not appropriate to tell him”


Hearing the man’s explanation, Ruan Zhiyin nodded as if she understood, she overheard the conversation drifting over from Qian Fan and Fu Chenyuan…

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“Lawyer Fu, the driver said it’s not easy to find this place, can you give me a ride?”

“No, I’m busy, figure it out yourself.”

“What! Are you going to pick up that girl of yours again? Fu Chenyuan, you and her have been in an ambiguous relationship for a long time. You could just be her spare tire. Don’t get too deep into it.”

Ruan Zhiyin: “…”

It does appear that he cannot keep his mouth shut.


That night after Grandpa Ruan’s funeral was over.

Ruan Zhiyin and Cheng Yuelin did not return home, instead they headed together to the Ruan family home.

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In the quiet living room, other than Lin Cheng and Lin Jingfei who were sitting separately, there was also Ji Yijun and another smartly dressed middle aged man.

Ruan Zhiyin understood. This must be Grandpa Ruan’s lawyer Chai Song who was in charge of Grandpa Ruan’s will.

The will had been prepared for a long time and after his death, Chai Song had talked to Ruan Zhiyin over the phone and that he would announce Grandpa Ruan’s will at the family home after the funeral.

Lin Cheng was unable to participate in the funeral and had arrived at the mansion very early. But Chai Song insisted on waiting for everyone to arrive before he would read the will. So he could only wait until now.

Seeing Ruan Zhiyin enter through the door, Lin Cheng’s tone already had a few degrees of impatience: “Lawyer Chai, can you read the will now?”

Chai Song was very professional. He ignored Lin Cheng’s tone. He nodded silently and stood up after Ruan Zhiyin and Cheng Yuelin sat down.

“Hello everyone, I am Mr. Ruan’s lawyer, Chai Song. I was entrusted by him to handle his will. I will now announce Mr. Ruan’s will.”

Ruan Zhiyin nodded calmly: “Hello Lawyer Chai.”

Chai Song politely returned a nod. Then he continued: “Mr. Ruan’s will was revised half a month ago. In this last will, he has named a total of three inheritors.”

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“Mr. Ruan has 14 properties and accounts in his name and they will be divided equally among the three designated heirs according to the current market value.”

Ruan Zhiyin and the others listened in silence, with their expressions unchanged.

When Lin Cheng heard that Chai Song had mentioned there were only three inheritors, his expression became very serious.

Grandpa Ruan had indeed favoured Ruan Zhiyin a lot in the last few years, but he had also treated his granddaughter very well.

Ji Yijun was Grandpa Ruan’s adopted son and was still his son on paper.

Since the will only has three inheritors, Ruan Zhiyin understood what Lin Cheng was worried about. He was afraid he would not receive an inheritance.

Even though she was prepared, when she heard Chai Song’s next words, her eyes widened in surprise.

Chai Song looked at the people in front of him and his words clearly entered everyone’s ears.

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“The 40% of the Ruan Company’s shares that Mr. Ruan held, 30% will go to his granddaughter Miss Ruan. Miss Lin and Mr Cheng will each receive 5%.

Other than Ji Yijun, everyone else was surprised.

Ruan Zhiyin did not expect that the other inheritor was not Ji Yijun, nor was it Lin Cheng, but it was actually Cheng Yuelin who she had gotten married to less than two months before.

She did not know if her grandfather’s decision was because of herself, or if it was purely because he liked this grandson in law.

She turned her head and met the man’s calm gaze. Ruan Zhiyin lightly laughed and shook his head and she whispered quietly in his ear. “It seems like you please grandfather a lot.”

“Ah, it seems like grandfather has a good eye.”

Cheng Yuelin held back a smile as he wiggled his eyebrows. His tone was light and airy, which immediately provoked Lin Cheng who was sitting on the other side.

“How can this be!”

Lin Cheng lost control of his emotions. He did not believe that all his years of hard work would come to nothing with his inheritance being stolen by Ruan Zhiyin and Cheng Yuelin who had shown up out of nowhere!

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