My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 33.1

Lin Cheng had embezzled project funds by sending them to accounts overseas and the evidence had been collected a long time ago. Although the court proceedings were slow, Lin Cheng had been involved in criminal activities so in addition to reporting him to the prosecutors, Ruan Zhiyin had also gone to the Public Security Bureau to report the case.

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The involved amount of money was not low and Lin Cheng was quickly detained by the police. The Ruan Company was embroiled in anxiety.

As the saying goes, when the tree falls the monkeys scatter. Upon observing that it would be unlikely for Lin Cheng to extricate himself, people who were waiting-and-seeing had begun to move and started to flatter and attempt to worm their way into Ruan Zhiyin’s good graces. At the same time they were also cutting off and cleaning up their relationship with Lin Cheng.

Even though Lin Cheng had cleaned up his underhanded dealings without leaving a trace, the same could not be said about the rest of the Lin Family. Ruan Zhiyin had quietly prepared for a long time. The Lin family had assumed she had placed all her attention upon the Beicheng project, but if they wanted to react now, it was already too late.

Moreover, without Lin Cheng as their center, even if they wanted to resist, they would not have the influence to change anything. Lin Cheng’s second brother had tried to cause a disturbance at the company a few times, but he was foiled by Ruan Zhiyin when she called for security to take him away.

The Lin family also tried to influence Lin Jingfei, but during this time, she stayed very clear on the matter. It did not matter how hard the Lin family tried to appeal to her, she stayed clear of that group.

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Lin Wei and the others had been fired and Ruan Zhiyin temporarily took over the CEO position and smoothly took advantage of the situation to promote several long time senior employees. These were people who had already joined the company while her father was still alive.

Obviously, Lin Wei would not take this sitting down and during the last time he came to the company, he caused quite a disturbance.

That day he had brought a few strong men to beat back the security guards to barge directly into the office area to block Ruan Zhiyin who had just come out of a conference room.

“Ruan Zhiyin, in the beginning, Elder Brother said he would leave you a way out. We are still a family, can you really be this cutthroat?”

In the past, when Ruan Zhiyin portrayed herself to be well-behaved and introverted, Lin Wei looked down upon that little girl. Even during the past few years, they did not think dealing with her would be any trouble. That old man had only just passed away and she was already cutting off all of the Lin family’s roads.

“Leave me a way out?” Ruan Zhiyin heard Lin Wei’s words and sneered. “Your group of people? Are you pretending to give yourself a kind-hearted reputation?”

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Obviously, she did not show any weakness to Lin Wei’s words.

Lin Wei saw her cold attitude and his expression tensed. His eyes flashed with anger: “Fine, you have confidence now. Turns out you are just a white eyed wolf.”

Ruan Zhiyin did not have the time to keep playing with Lin Wei and looked at the people he brought and calmly said: “I have already called the police. The police will arrive soon. Lin Wei, if you continue to cause a disturbance, then you can go and cause a disturbance at the police station.”

As if they heard her words, as soon as she finished speaking a few policemen appeared next to Lin Wei and his people.

“I am your elder!” Lin Wei’s voice was loud and he had completely lost his composure.

The police did not have time to waste with useless words and sternly said: “Excuse me, you are suspected of causing a disturbance and destroying property. Please cooperate and follow us to the station.”

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Lin Wei’s body stiffened and he glared at Ruan Zhiyin before he was directly taken away by the police.

This short lived scene came to an end and the employees now understood that the company had completely changed.

Maybe Lin Wei had wizened up after being detained by the police, but he did not come again to the company.

Fu Chenyuan took the case against Lin Cheng and Ruan Zhiyin spent a lot of time running between the company and the Courts and did not have time to eat dinner with Cheng Yuelin.

When she finally had some free time and had a spare weekend, more than half a month had passed.

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Early Saturday morning, Ruan Zhiyin finished her exercise. She had just left the gym and when she went downstairs, she saw Cheng Yuelin carrying two bowls of congee into the dining room.

Seeing her, the man lifted his chin and lazily gestured at her. “Come eat.”

Even though it was supposed to be a meal, Ruan Zhiyin was certain, Cheng Yuelin definitely just  made a bowl of plain congee.

Previously when she was too busy, she did not know what had happened, but Cheng Yuelin had become interested in cooking. Although you can say he had put effort in, he just had no talent. His skills in cooking were worse than his grades in civics back in high school.

The most important thing is to be patient when tending the fire.

It had taken him more than half a month, but he had successfully made a bowl of plain congee.

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