My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 33.2

Ruan Zhiyin walked into the dining room and picked up the spoon to the side and placed a few spoonful of sugar into the congee. She had not taken more than a few sips before the man in front of her suddenly stood up and retrieved a document from the coffee table in the living room and passed it to her.

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She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “What is this?”

“Share transfer agreement.” The man lazily leaned back in his chair and looked up at her.

Ruan Zhiyin opened the document and looked. It was in fact the 5% of shares that her grandfather had left for her from the Ruan company. The inheritance left behind by her grandfather had only completed being transferred recently.

She closed the document and shook her head. Then she returned the document back to him. “These stocks were transferred by grandfather to you. You should keep it.”

Ruan Zhiyin knew that Cheng Yuelin had money and would not care for just 5% of the Ruan company’s shares. But before he had passed, grandfather had liked him. Even with his busy schedule, he would still take the time to visit him. He deserved these shares.

Cheng Yuelin saw her refuse and lazily raised a brow. “Hmm, you are willing to accept the 30% shares that Qin Jue gave you. But you won’t accept this measly 5%?

The man’s voice had a strange tone. Ruan Zhiyin’s hand holding the spoon froze and she slowly raised her gaze to look at him.

When she met his pair of dark eyes that seemed to be filled with a swirling darkness, her heart skipped a beat, and she trembled a little.

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Previously when he was in front of Lin Cheng, wasn’t he very frank about this matter? But now… It seems he cares about this matter again?

Even though she did not know why Cheng Yuelin had suddenly brought up this matter, but Ruan Zhiyin still decided to explain to him. “There is a reason for that. When T&D was founded, I gave Qin Jue a sum of money. You could consider this as investment money. Besides…”

“Besides, what?” His voice was calm and light.

Ruan Zhiyin paused slightly before she spoke again. “This 30% is just a B-type share. It could only be used to receive dividends. Didn’t you already say… that this… is our joint property?”

Previously due to their haste in obtaining their marriage certificates, they had not signed or drafted any prenuptial agreements. Strictly speaking, Cheng Yuelin was indeed entitled to half of the dividends to any income she receives after their marriage.

Cheng Yuelin would not care about such a trifling amount of money, but if he needed it, Ruan Zhiyin would give it to him. After all, as he had said previously, they are now… a family.

The man’s unusual mood from a while back left as quickly as it came.

After Ruan Zhiyin finished speaking, Cheng Yuelin nodded and slowly said, “Alright, as long as you know.”

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Even though her refusal had made him felt a bit uncomfortable, but she still remembered her married status. So for now, he won’t try to settle things with her.

Cheng Yuelin laughed and changed the topic. “Oh right, so about extending the contract. What do you think?”

It was already more than a month ago when the two had last talked about extending the contract. Ever since then, they had not brought it up again.

Hearing Cheng Yuelin mention this, Ruan Zhiyin pursed her lips and lowered her gaze and asked, “Right, how long did you want to extend it for?”

Cheng Yuelin’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he silently swallowed. “If you think that living together like this isn’t bad, well then…”

“Let’s just keep getting along like this.” There was a near imperceptible tremor hidden in his voice.

“Hmm.” Ruan Zhiyin very quietly responded. Her voice was as light as a feather.

Cheng Yuelin paused, his eyes flashed with a darkness as he looked at her. “Ruan Yingying, what did you say?”

Ruan Zhiyin thought he had not heard her, so she put down her spoon and said, “I said, sure.”

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Her bright eyes shone with light and Cheng Yuelin was caught off guard by this smile and his heart shook.

But his face remained unchanged, and he slowly lowered his head to take a sip of congee, but in a moment the congee in front of him was taken away.

“It had gone cold.” Ruan Zhiyin lowered her gaze and stood up. “Your stomach isn’t strong; I’ll get you another bowl.”


Just as Ruan Zhiyin arrived at the office on Monday morning, she received an unexpected phone call.

As if they were scared she would hang up, the other person hurriedly stated their intentions and asked her to meet them at a restaurant near the Ruan company.

Surrounded by office buildings, the Hong Kong style cafe was a sea of calm in the midst of chaos. The interior were quite elegant and there was soothing music.

At ten o’clock, Ruan Zhiyin arrived at the cafe as promised; after looking around for a few seconds, she walked to a window seat and put down her bag.

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Looking at the women with sunglasses in front of her, Ruan Zhiyin concisely said, “You want to sell your shares?”

Lin Jingfei was dressed in a low-profile manner and had been waiting at the cafe for a while. She looked at Ruan Zhiyin and nodded. She pulled out a document from her bag and said, “This is the transfer agreement, I have already signed it.”

Ruan Zhiyin looked down and flipped through a few pages. As Lin Jingfei had said, the transfer agreement had already been signed and notarized.

As for the price proposed, it was also very reasonable. It was just…


Not long ago, Lin Jingfei had gotten back her 10% of shares that was being held by Lin Cheng and with the amount she had inherited, she had received a total of 15% of the Ruan company’s shares.

When Ruan Zhiyin came of age, Grandpa Ruan had given her 10% of his shares and once Lin Jingfei transferred the shares to her, her shares would account for more than 50%.

She really needed the 15% of the shares but Ruan Zhiyin did not understand why Lin Jingfei would do this. Even if Lin Jingfei had become estranged from Lin Cheng due to his illegitimate child, it did not mean their relationship had improved.

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