Compared with yesterday, Jieyang has more powers in his core at this time, but he is more restrained than yesterday.

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Because he didn't find the book of changes in the infield before, and he could not plant the power on the book of changes in advance, so if he wants to prevent the book of changes from spreading poison widely, he must control the ability to fall on the book of changes and probe into the book of changes with the power.

I don't know if there is any danger. You must be careful.

The prelude to the music has already started. Mu Zhouyi chose to sing the famous song "the wind in the distance" by Yuan Pang, a slow song with lyric and more timbre.

Xie Yang moved his fingers and pulled the released power into a long line. He let him climb up the chair onto the floor. Then he meandered along the floor towards the stage, and finally climbed to the skirt of wooden Zhouyi.

Mu Zhouyi has already started singing. With a cold voice, he quickly catches everyone's attention.

At the moment of hearing the song, Xie Yang's power core stirred for a moment. He suspended the movement of the power, raised his hand to hold his head, and stabilized his situation. Then he looked around and found that all the others showed their focus and looked at the wooden Zhouyi on the stage.

At this time, the book of changes of wood is just like a goblin luring sailors into a trap. It is beautiful and dangerous.

Xie Yang takes back his sight, continues to move, and controls the ability to climb up the neck of muzhouyi along the skirt of muzhouyi and pokes it in.

The original book only mentioned that the golden finger of the book of changes exists in the brain, which is an intelligent system that can grow. It does not mention whether the golden finger has self-protection and attack mechanism.

Xie Yang was careful not to let the ability go to the brain of the book of changes, but lingered around the neck of the book of changes.

When the sensation of swallowing foreign bodies came, the beautiful and intoxicating voice of Mu Zhouyi suddenly shook, and then the enchanting feeling disappeared, showing the original dry and rough voice.

The mood created by the song is instantly shriveled, and the audience is getting out of the state of concentration, showing the appearance of doubt.

It should be realized that it's not right. Mu Zhouyi, who was intoxicated with singing, suddenly raised his hand to touch his neck, and then quickly put down his hand. At the end of the chorus, Mu Zhouyi quickly put down the microphone, squeezed out a smile, pretended to want to interact with people, and walked sideways to the side of the stage.

[exchange for Mermaid singing skill card. 】

[system energy shortage, system energy shortage Please replenish energy in time. 】

a slightly vague dialogue between human voice and mechanical voice comes intermittently. Jieyang is stunned, and then he realizes something. He is busy and increases his ability exploration.

At the end of the interlude, Mu Zhouyi is probably in a hurry, and a vague voice is coming.

Didn't you get the love value just now? Quick cash card! 】

[liking value testing No increase, please replenish energy in time Alert, the host body is rejecting the system 】

Mu Zhouyi's movement of walking on the stage suddenly stopped for a moment, then continued.

[how can we reject them again! Why is rejection! 】

[alert, the host body produces rejection response to the system. 】

the interlude is over in a few seconds. Mu Zhouyi stops, faces the audience, with a slightly stiff smile, and slowly raises the microphone.

Just when Xie Yang thought that the book of changes had given up, the vague dialogue came again.

[change the beauty card to mermaid's song card. 】

[switching will lose the favorite value. Do you want to switch The host body rejects the system Please host to stabilize their own situation as soon as possible, please host as soon as possible to stabilize their own situation. 】

[cut the card first! 】

[the card has been cut. 】

Mu Zhouyi on the stage began to sing the second paragraph of the song after half a beat.

More beautiful and catchy than before, the audience was once again caught their attention, looking at Mu Zhouyi's eyes more attentive than before.

Xie Yang noticed that just after the vague "qiqika" mechanical sound fell to the ground, the feeling of beauty and light on Mu Zhouyi disappeared, and the skin exposed to the outside became dim and dull, and the original perfect makeup on his face showed some stiff and dead white.

Almost at the same time, the power that penetrated into the neck of the book of changes felt a sense of oppression surrounded by something invisible.

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Xie Yang squinted, moved his finger again, increased his power input, and began to prepare for pouring all the powers into the body of the book of changes.

He had some guesses.

The vague dialogues just now are the systematic communication between mu Zhouyi and his body. This is really a surprise. I didn't expect that the communication between wood Zhouyi and golden finger could be detected by power.

From the conversations he had just made, he could tell that the golden finger system in the book of changes did not have the ability to attack. Even the system and the book of changes did not detect the invasion of powers.

And the rejection, which he reasonably suspected was caused by a power. It seems that for the system in the book of changes, the ability exists like a virus that will disturb its normal operation.Does this mean that as long as the ability is strong enough, the system will be completely rejected by wood week, and then scrapped? Or leave?

While thinking, Xie Yang strengthened the control of the ability of probing into the neck of muzhouyi. He let the power wash in the neck of muzhouyi with a strong posture, without giving any abnormal energy the chance to stay and work.

Mu Zhouyi's original beautiful voice became worse at a speed that could be heard. Moreover, Mu Zhouyi just sang the high note of the chorus at this time. Without the blessing of the skill card, her original narrow and dry voice could not sing the high voice at all.

"The wind from afar finally brings love - ah -"

for example, the harsh sound of nail scraping across the board spreads through the microphone to the whole infield, and the people who are originally addicted to singing come back together again and frown at the wooden Zhouyi on the stage.

Mu Zhouyi's expression is visible to the naked eye for a moment of panic. After breaking the tone, it is two seconds slower to continue singing, and the voice becomes more dry and astringent.

The vague voice of conversation came again.

What's going on? Exchange for a mermaid singing skill card. 】

[the host body reacts to the system Please host to stabilize their own situation as soon as possible, please host as soon as possible to stabilize their own situation. 】

[cash card! Quick cash card! 】

probably due to the relationship between one mind and two purposes, Mu Zhouyi's singing began to run out of tune, and it was very hard to hear. There was a commotion in the audience, and many people frowned.

[cashing card System energy shortage, system energy shortage Please collect energy as soon as possible. 】

[activate the skill of forced acquisition of favorite value. 】

lift and frown.

Mandatory acquisition? Can liking value be obtained by force? This is not mentioned in the original book.

[Skill Testing You can only use this skill three times. It has been used twice. Do you want to use it the last time? Once the compulsory skill is used, the forced target will have varying degrees of brain damage depending on the strength of the body. The system does not recommend the host -]

[use! 】

brain damage?

As soon as Xie Yang's eyebrows and eyes were cold, his fingers moved, and he poured all the powers that had just stayed at the neck of the book of changes into the brain of the book of changes, and all the powers that had just been condensed were all put into the body of the book of changes.

The mechanical sound, which was still vague before, suddenly became clear.

[starting mandatory Start interrupt. The host body has a strong rejection reaction to the system, please stabilize its own situation as soon as possible! Please stabilize your condition as soon as possible! Rejection 50% 70%…… 90%…… The compatibility is too low. It is starting from the binding Unbound starting Capture a more suitable host Unbound start Break away from success. New host binding started 】

Xie Yang was stunned, and then realized that it was wrong. He quickly cut off the connection with the power in the body of the book of changes.

On the stage, Mu Zhouyi abruptly stopped singing, raised his hand and pressed his forehead. He looked anxious and crazy, and cried, "no, no, don't leave Don't break away! Come back

Her sharp voice was heard through the microphone, and the audience, who were tortured by her singing, covered their ears.

Mu Zhouyi had no idea whether he was on the stage. He just held his head and cried out.

Xie Yang carefully sensed the core of the power. He found that there was no problem. He relaxed and looked at the book of changes.

Mu Zhouyi has lost the microphone and just keeps pressing her head. Her hair is a little disordered by her movements. She no longer sees the delicate elegance before.

The singing has been completely destroyed. The organizer sent the host to the stage to hold Mu Zhouyi. However, Mu Zhouyi waved the host's hand, put his eyes under the stage, and quickly swept the people below with the eyes of killing his father and enemies. He kept saying, "who is it? Who is it? Who took my things? "

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This situation is obviously wrong. Mu Zhouyi is acting like crazy. The organizers sent more staff to the stage to help the book of changes go down. The live camera was also quickly set aside and was no longer on the stage. Yuan Pang, who brought Mu Zhouyi here, couldn't sit still. He also got up on the stage, trying to get Mu Zhouyi off the stage.

There was a commotion in the audience, only Xie Yang was quiet all the time. He looked coldly at the chaotic stage.

Did Mu Zhouyi lose his golden finger? After losing the golden finger, can Mu Zhouyi be regarded as a "female master"?

"Let me go! Let go of me! Who the hell is it? "

Mu Zhouyi suddenly pushes away yuan Pang, who wants to take her away from the stage with a strong line of sight. His sight quickly sweeps through the audience, and suddenly meets Xie Yang.

Xie Yang has a light expression.

However, Mu Zhouyi suddenly widened his eyes, as if he understood something. His expression became very terrible and said, "is it right?"

[the system has been bound. 】

[start the confidentiality mechanism. 】

[clearing previous host related data. 】

[the forbidden card is activated. 】

a series of clear mechanical sounds suddenly sounded in his brain, Xie Yang frowned violently, and his fingers pressed on the armrest of the chair. At the same time, Mu Zhouyi on the stage suddenly couldn't say a word any more. After opening and closing his mouth several times, his white eyes rolled over and fainted.“……”

Xie Yang slowly relaxed fingers, cold face on the forehead, gently press.

[detecting host's existing favorite values. 】

[testing Testing 】

it's not a hallucination. The voice is in the brain. The fuckin 'favorite value system is really coming to him.

Xie Yang's mood dropped to the bottom.

He didn't want anything of unknown origin that would inspire people's hearts.

He tries to talk in his head and says, "unbound. 】

[unbinding Binding fit is 100%, and cannot be released. 】


Xie Yang took a deep breath and then said: "shut down the system. 】

[are you sure you want to turn off the system? 】

Xie Yang did not hesitate to choose yes.

The annoying mechanical sound finally disappeared. Xie Yang sensed the core of the power again. He didn't find any abnormality. He swept his body again with the power. He still didn't find the abnormality and frowned deeply.

So where is this system tied? Soul? Isn't he going to be followed by this unknown thing all his life?

Xie Yang tightened his palm.

On the stage, the comatose Mu Zhouyi has been sent down. The host rounded off and then continued the award ceremony. But because of this farce, the atmosphere of the award ceremony has completely disappeared.

Ji Zehui won the best male singer, best female singer and best album award which should have attracted the attention of the public. Ji Zehui won the best male singer and best album, and another old singer won the best female singer.

The award ceremony ended in a hurry. Ji Zehui came to him and left with Xie Yang and others. He clearly won the prize, but his face was full of bad luck.

"This is what happened. The headline of this Golden Melody Award must be mu Zhouyi, which has nothing to do with us. But what's wrong with Mu Zhouyi, like hysteria, has been asking who is who. His eyes are so big. It's so terrible. "

Jieyang didn't speak. He took out his mobile phone and called Qiu Xing.

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When the phone was answered in seconds, Qiu Xing's voice was heard, obviously holding back the fire and saying: "what broke the award ceremony! If it's yours, it must be yours. Don't be angry with those villains. "

Xie Yang was stunned by Qiu Xing's words. After his reaction, all the unhappiness caused by the forced binding of the system suddenly dissipated. His tone of voice relaxed unconsciously and asked, "I'm not angry. How are you doing? "

Although Qiu Xing has the power ball left by him, he is still worried that Qiu Xing will be affected by Mu Zhouyi's song while watching the live broadcast.

There was a sudden silence across the phone.

Solution Yang doubts, call a way: "Qiu Xing?"

"I'm fine." All of a sudden, all of a sudden, the fire broke away Don't be aggrieved. "


Xie Yang was stunned again.

Seeing that Xie Yang didn't speak, Qiu Xing didn't know what brain tonic was. His tone seemed to be cautious. He wanted to coax him but didn't know how to coax him. He said, "don't take part in this kind of award ceremony in the future. It's very dirty. Anyone who has ears can tell that your song is much better than that GE's

Xie Yang suddenly laughed. After laughing, he said, "Qiu Xing, I really want to see you."


On the way back to the hotel, everyone took out their mobile phones to brush their microblogs.

As Ji Zehui guessed, the microblog of this meeting has been swept by the news of wooden Zhouyi.

#The Golden Melody Award of the book of changes of wood gets sick, sings in the book of changes, breaks the sound of the book of changes, faints Numerous topics related to the book of changes have exploded in hot search. The clip of Mu Zhouyi's singing has also been cut out from the live video by the quick marketing number, which is hanging high in the front row of the popular list.

Ji Zehui looked more and more unhappy. He clapped his thigh and said, "it's really a white prize. I've honed my album for three years. As a result, the heat of winning the award is not as hot as that of Mu Zhouyi! So what happened to Mu Zhouyi? Are you really sick, or are you making a fool of yourself? When did emperor Tian's marketing methods become so omnipotent? "

Qincheng just finished a media call, Wen Yan replied: "it's really sick. After fainting on the stage, he didn't wake up all the time. He was directly taken to the hospital by ambulance. Now the hospital has been surrounded by the media, and it should be reported in detail soon. "

"I'm really sick." Ji Zehui smacked her lips and couldn't understand, "what kind of disease can make her behave like a madman. You didn't see Qincheng when you were not at the scene. She finally glared at the eyes and swept the eyes under the stage, which was too frightening."

Xie Yang is also brushing Weibo, but after a while, he puts down his mobile phone and reclines in the back of his chair.

What he said before the system shut down.

Secret mechanism is activated and forbidden card, is this to make wood Zhouyi unable to say things related to golden finger? How to clear data?

There is also the sentence "binding fit degree is 100%, can not be released". From the situation that muzhouyi was constantly reminded by the system to produce rejection reaction after being impacted by the power, and finally was unbound by the system, this fit degree should be affected by the ability.But just when he was scanning himself with his powers, there was no system hint coming from his brain.

Is it because he shut down the system? Or is it because when the power and the golden finger are in the same body, the ability no longer works on the system?

Xie Yang thinks more and more distracted, busy adjusting his breath to stabilize his mood.

It's meaningless to guess. The result will be known after you turn on the system again.

But in case the system has a bad effect on the core of the ability when you try

Xie Yang clenched his fingers and relaxed.

There is no problem with the core. Qiu Xing still needs to be cured by power wait.

Xie Yang suddenly opens his eyes and sits upright.

Ji Zehui and Qin Cheng, who are talking, are frightened by Xie Yang's action. Qi Qi looks at him and Qin Cheng asks, "what's the matter?"

Jieyang busy convergence mood, said nothing, and rely on back.

In the original book, the favorite value exchange system owned by Mu Zhouyi can almost be said to be omnipotent. Can such a powerful system also contain something that can cure Qiu Xing?

Excited for a while, Xie Yang calmed down again.

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No, probably not. Some words, the female master in the original book must have been used by Qiu Xing for a long time.

And even if there is, it can't be used. The uncertainty of this system is too high, so we can't use the things exchanged from this unknown source on Qiu Xing. What if it's eaten back? Or what if something from the system suddenly fails?

It's still up to you.

Xie Yang senses the smooth running power core in the brain, and the brain becomes more clear and calm than ever before. Qiu Xing's life must be saved in all controllable areas.


After returning to the hotel, Xie Yang and Qincheng immediately began to pack their bags according to the original plan, and were ready to fly to n city to join the crew. As soon as his luggage was packed, Ji Zehui suddenly came to him and said, "look at Weibo! Big news, muzhouyi is pregnant

Xie Yang and Qincheng stop together and look at Ji Zehui. Qincheng looks incredible: "is she pregnant? Whose? "

Whose child is muzhou Yi pregnant? Everyone who knows the news is asking this question.

Before Xie Yang got on the plane, melon eaters on Weibo had listed one, two, three and four candidates for the biological father of the child in Mu Zhouyi's stomach. Among them, Hong Zhijie had the highest voice. After all, they had just heard about cohabitation.

Xie Yang is also more inclined to this option.

A few hours later, the plane landed and Xie Yang took out his mobile phone. However, he found that the public opinion on the Internet had changed. Hong Zhijie's name had been kicked out of his father's choice. It was revealed that Hong Zhijie was suffering from spermatorrhea, and it was impossible for him to get pregnant.

This mouthful of melon is really big and fierce. Xie Yang is hard to digest. Then he calls Yang Qing and asks, "Hong Zhijie really has spermatorrhea? You blew the news out? "

"Well." Yang Qing's voice was full of joy and a sense of relief. "For so many years, I have been hiding the news from Hong Zhijie, and wronged myself and him to play DINK in the circle of friends. Now it's coming out, and I'm happy. Muzhouyi did a good job. I thank her. "

After the end of Yang Qing's call, Xie Yang made a call to Feng Qinglin.

The phone was connected quickly. Feng Qinglin did not wait for Xie yang to open his mouth and immediately said, "I already know about Mu Zhouyi's pregnancy. The child in her belly is not mine."

Xie Yangdun for a moment, said: "you are so anxious to deny what to do, I did not doubt you."

"Really?" Feng Qinglin's tone is full of distrust.

Xie Yang took a second to reflect on whether he had stimulated fengqinglin too many times recently. Then he turned to the main topic and asked, "do you think the child in Mu Zhouyi's stomach is fengqingbai?"

"Most likely, but Feng Qingbai certainly won't want this child, and the Feng family can't allow him to have an illegitimate child outside."

"Did the wind family know about it?"

Feng Qinglin replied: "at present, I don't know, but I will soon know."

Xie Yang heard the implication of Feng Qinglin and hung up the phone with satisfaction.

It's not too early. The filming site of the crew in n city is located in the suburb. It takes two hours from the airport. Xie Yang takes a look at the night view outside the window, and then cuts into wechat. Seeing that there is no message from Qiu Xing, he wants to dial a video call, and then resists it.

It's too late. Qiu Xing needs a good rest.

At 12:30 in the morning, the car finally stopped at the entrance of the hotel reserved for the actors by the crew. Xie Yang finished closing his eyes and was about to reach out to pull the door. The door was opened from the outside.

Jieyang thought it was the car boy of the hotel. He lowered his head and got off the bus and said, "thank you." I want to go to the hotel.

"Sajiao said she wanted to see me. When I arrived, you didn't even look at me?"

Xie Yang stopped suddenly and turned to look at the "car boy".

Qiu Xing was standing beside the car in a dark blue suit. He was tall and had long legs. After his facial features broke free from the shackles of his sick appearance, he was so handsome and unbridled.Where to find such a good looking car boy.

Xie Yang slowly turns around and is facing Qiu Xing.

"Why don't you talk, stupid?" Qiu Xing kneaded Xie Yang's head and lowered his voice. He said a few words of reprimand gently and incomparably, "it's not promising. It's just a prize. It's worth being unhappy for such a long time. And do you have to rush? It's such a little bit of talent. I don't want to be healthy. "

When you look at the shoulder, you can't help but hold the enemy straight.

Qiu Xing gave a meal. Then he held Xie Yang in one hand and blocked Xie Yang's face with the other hand. He said, "are you afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi? Well, I'm here. It's OK. "

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