Xie Yang goes to the room of Qiu Xing with Qiu Xing.

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The rooms that the crew gave the actors were all in the high-rise of the hotel, while Qiu Xing's own room was in the lower middle level, which was still a large-scale package for the whole floor.

On the way to his room, Xie Yang found that there were several strong people in casual clothes at the hotel lobby and the elevator entrance. He realized something. He looked at Qiu Xing and asked, "did you bring a bodyguard?"


"Why take them?"

Qiu Xing took Jieyang's hand and said, "avoid unnecessary trouble. This is the only hotel in this place. "

Xie Yang got it.

The place where the crew decided to film was very remote. There was only this hotel nearby. Qiu Xing could only stay here after he came. Even if there are no paparazzi, the crew will have many eyes. If someone sees Qiu Xing acting with him, it is estimated that some unnecessary speculation and gossip will come out.

In fact, Xie Yang didn't care about the relationship between him and Qiu Xing. But obviously, Qiu Xing thought he cared, and he did so carefully.

In a word, Qiu Xing came here specially, arranged for bodyguards to follow him, and waited so late for him.

Qiu Xing is trying to satisfy his wish and is careful not to cause him any trouble.

Qiu Xing opened a room on the middle of this floor with a room card. Xie Yang goes in with Qiu Xing, closes the door actively, and then immediately hugs Qiu Xing and leans on his head.

Qiu Xing moves a meal, lift arm to return to embrace Xie Yang.

Xie Yang is very enthusiastic.

The atmosphere began to run out of control.

"Wait..." Qiu Xing touched Jieyang's head, gently pressed Jieyang, adjusted his breath, and said, "it's very late. You have to get up early tomorrow and take a bath."

Jieyang looks at Qiu Xing and leans up again.

After getting tired of it for a while, Qiu Xing pressed Xie Yang for the second time and said, "you can't endure any more --"

Xie Yang completely refused to give Qiu Xing the chance to speak or refuse.

The atmosphere has been half out of control, Qiu Xing suddenly no longer restrain himself. He holds Xie Yang in his arms and puts Xie Yang down on the bed. He takes the initiative to pacify Xie Yang, retreats, touches Xie Yang's face, and coaxes: "it's very late. Go to bath and sleep. It's not good for you to sleep late."

Jieyang raised his hand to hook Qiu Xing's back neck and pressed down.


Before completely out of control, Qiu Xing held down Xie Yang's hand for the third time. While touching Xie Yang's head, he said in a hoarse voice: "enough, it's time to rest Be good, be good, be good. "

Xie Yang continues to approach.

Realize now, this is the first time that Qiu Xing called him so close. He looked up at Qiu Xing with patience on his face. He was totally unconscious of what he had just called. Suddenly he didn't want to force him any more.

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Forget it. It's still a long time.

Xie Yang closed his eyes, slowly adjusted his breath, raised his hand to hold Qiu Xing's waist and said, "Qiu Xing, I don't want to divorce you. But I want to divorce you again. "

It's a contradiction, but this is his mood.

I don't want to divorce because I don't want to be separated from Qiu Xing. Want to divorce, because the original owner, not him, went to get the certificate with Qiu Xing. Although he is now the original owner, there are still some differences. Maybe this idea is a little pretentious, but sometimes the desire for monopoly in love is so unreasonable.

Qiu Xing, however, seemed to understand Xie Yang's words. He held Jieyang in a low voice, soft and gentle, and said, "OK, it depends on you."


The next day Jieyang woke up, the room has no Qiu Xing's figure. There was a note and a document on the bedside table. Xie Yang picked up the note and looked at it first.

There is a meeting in the morning. Let's go first. Eat well, have a good rest, don't stay up late. 】

has already left.

Jieyang feels the bed that has no temperature next to him, and his mood falls down.

He didn't notice when Qiu Xing got up and left, and He sensed a little power restored in the core.

And he was so impulsive last night that he forgot to direct the power to Qiu Xing.

Let the mood down for a while, Xie Yang picked up the following document.

"Divorce agreement" a few big words into the eye, Xie Yang a meal, probably swept the divorce agreement, and then couldn't help laughing.

At first glance, this divorce agreement looks very normal, but if you look at it carefully, you will find that the clauses written above are all lies. On the signature column of the final parties, Qiu Xing actually signed "you said, divorce, but not divorce.".

So giving a divorce agreement is a divorce? How about changing concepts?

Before the last separation, Qiu Xing said that he would talk about divorce next time. Is that what he meant?


Feeling depressed, because the agreement quickly turned around, Xie Yang looked for it, found a pen, signed "this does not count" under the line of Qiu Xing, and then took photos and sent it to Qiu Xing.Qiu Xing didn't reply, it should be still on the plane. Jieyang turns off wechat, and turns over this completely invalid divorce agreement, and laughs to take it away.

Although Qiu Xing left, he left the bodyguards. Under the cover of bodyguard, Jieyang returned to the room set by the crew for him, and joined Qin City waiting in advance.

Jieyang found that Qin City is now hanging black eye circle, eyes are also full of red blood, wondering: "what is wrong with you?"

Qin City returned: "I spent the night staring at the news and listening to the news, afraid you and Mr. Qiu were shot in the front of the hotel last night and burst out, and I fell asleep before I could pr."

Jieyang: "......"

He rarely gave birth to a feeling of heart emptiness, raised his hand and clapped Qin City on the shoulder, and silently apologized and comforted, and then asked, "did anyone take it?"

"No, this place is too partial. The crew just moved here yesterday. For a while, no paparazzi has touched it. It is not even known that the crew has changed the place to make the play."

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"It's hard." Jieyang claps Qincheng's shoulder again, so that Qin City can rest today, and then take clothes to go to bathroom and have a good bath. When he came to the bathroom door, he stopped suddenly and said, "if I and Qiu Xing are photographed later, you don't have to keep it so hard."

Qin City is in a moment of spirit, and asks, "you want to be open?"

Yang touched the baby sheep jade drop between the neck, smiled, and said, "just let it be natural."


After the bath, Jieyang went to zhouhuairen's room and sold the holiday, and then went to the restaurant with zhouhuairen for breakfast.

The studio is still arranged. The official shooting can only start in the afternoon. It is difficult to start in the morning. Many crew members of the theatre group have not got up yet. There are not many people in the restaurant. Zhou guide arrived at the restaurant and swept it, and called out the assistant director who had got up and was eating breakfast and came to one of the writers, and took everyone to discuss the next shooting while eating.

The assistant director and the writer came over and congratulated the prize, and then sat down opposite the two.

Xie Yang smiles and thanks.

Hearing that everyone mentioned the Golden Music Award, Zhou director sighed suddenly and said, "this golden song award is really Well, it's a mess. Jieyang, there are some things you don't go in your heart, tangle also has no meaning, insist on yourself, will have. And the wood book of changes At the beginning, I was very optimistic about her, and felt that she was progressing greatly and spiritually, and the result was It's a real step by step. What can't she do well? The little girl of Qing Dynasty White, she must make some devious ways. With this, hongzhijie and hongzhijie had a good time -- "

the assistant director talked about Zhou director, and Zhou guide busy to stop the conversation and pull the topic back to the film shooting.

Understanding Yang wittily did not hear Zhou guide after words, followed by the topic.

Half breakfast, the crew came to the restaurant gradually more. Many people come here to congratulate Jieyang for winning the prize, and they are very enthusiastic.

Answer politely.

Not long after that, several stars joined in the restaurant, and Zhou asked them to work together a big table and continue to talk about the shooting.

Wen Yao sat next to Jieyang.

Jieyang saw Yao and heard Yao, and he took the initiative to speak early.

Wen Yao also returned to the sentence early, then concentrate on breakfast.

Zhou director had a strong conversation, and the stars had finished breakfast, and they still didn't mean to end the conversation. We can only sit with you and listen to Zhou guide.

The waiter came up and collected the dishes, and then served some tea and melon fruits.

After sitting down, he has been silent and heard Yao suddenly open his mouth and whispered, "I called Mu Zhouyi yesterday. She didn't answer it and didn't return the news."

"How about it?" he asked, lowering his voice

Wen Yao did not answer, but asked, "is she OK?"

"It should not be very good."

Wen Yao no longer talks.

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Straight talk to the fast 10, Zhou guide finally enjoy, everyone left the table to go away.

After returning to the room, Jieyang unexpectedly found that Qin City was still in, did not return to the room to make up for the sleep, and asked, "how not go to sleep?"

"There's another thing I forgot to tell you." Qin City took out his cell phone and turned out several news screenshots to Jieyang, holding up his sleepy intention and said, "at threeorfour in the morning, the media released these photos, saying that there were unknown men visiting wood Zhouyi in the hospital, but only more than ten minutes later, the explosion was completely deleted."

Jieyang took over the phone of Qincheng and turned over the news screenshot.

There are four news screenshots, one of which is a screenshot of the text content of the news, and the rest three are all photos. The photo is obviously taken stealthily. In the photo, a man with a hat enters the ward of wood Zhouyi under the protection of bodyguard, and then walks out under the protection of bodyguard. His head is lowered throughout the whole process, and no one can take a clear look.

Qin City continued: "when you go to breakfast, there is new news on the Internet, saying that Mu Zhouyi was discharged from hospital. She was not pregnant, and it was a media misrepresentation."

Jieyang returned his mobile phone to Qincheng and said, "I understand. You send me these photos, and then go to rest. It's hard."Qincheng nodded and left after sending the picture to Xie Yang.

Xie Yang handed over the received photos to Feng Qinglin and sent a message to ask.

Xie Yang: is the man in the picture Feng Qingbai?

Feng Qinglin: Yes, Mu Zhouyi beat the child.

It's fast.

Mobile phones are another shock.

Wind Qinglin: Mu Zhouyi lost his memory.


Xie Yang called Feng Qinglin directly and asked, "what did wooden Zhouyi forget?"

"Forget some very fragmentary memories, and..." Feng Qinglin's tone suddenly became a little complicated, with a can't bear and sigh, "the news I heard is that Mu Zhouyi had a stroke, his reaction became slow, and his language function was also affected. He often opened and closed his mouth but could not make a sound, and his mental state was also very bad."

Slow response?

Jieyang frowned: "do you mean that Mu Zhouyi is stupid?"


Mu Zhouyi is really stupid. That night, the emperor issued a formal explanation.

There are three main contents of the announcement: Mu Zhouyi's sudden abnormal performance in the Golden Melody Award is due to his illness; Mu Zhouyi is not pregnant; the sequela of his illness is serious and will be suspended indefinitely.

Public opinion is again in shock.

Xie Yang put down his hand and frowned deeply.

He doubted that Mu Zhouyi's stupidity was related to the system's secret keeping mechanism and the operation of clearing data related to the previous host. If it was, would he be forced to be stupid by the system when he forced the system away?

This guess is too terrible, Xie Yang's mood becomes worse again.

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We have to figure out a way to get rid of this system.

Xie Yang recalled the plot carefully, trying to find more information related to the system from the plot, but there was no gain.

The original book is a brainless Su Shuangtian's little white text. The plot can be summed up in one sentence: the life of Mu Zhouyi. The plot focuses on how mu Zhouyi used the hang, and how much he got and how successful he got after using it, rather than what it was.

What's more, the original book didn't mention how mu Zhouyi got the hang. The story of the original book started with the encounter between mu Zhouyi and Feng Qinglin. At that time, Mu Zhouyi had already been bound to the system and had been using the system for some time.

So this is actually a golden finger without knowing where it comes from, how it works, and what harm it will do to the host.

Is it crazy for mu Zhouyi to rely on such an unknown system?

Xie Yang depresses his emotions and senses that there are not many powers in the core of the ability. He temporarily presses the impulse to investigate the system immediately and decides to wait for the ability to upgrade again or wait for the power in the core to fill up.

After that day, all the news about the book of changes on the Internet suddenly disappeared, and the performance videos of wood Zhouyi on the Golden Melody Awards were deleted one after another.

Other topics related to the Golden Melody Awards suddenly filled the hot search, strongly diverting the public's attention.

Jieyang understands that this is the wind family began to wipe the ass for fengqingbai.

On the third day of filming in n city, Xie Yang received a call from Feng Qinglin.

"The engagement between Feng Qingbai and Fang Jia has been terminated, and the old man Feng is very angry. He has lost the position of chairman of fengqingbai branch company and asked him to reflect at home. Now Feng Qingbai's father is angry with Mu Zhouyi and decides to send her abroad and never be allowed to return home. Xie Yang, the people of the wind family have no heart. They always only know how to blame others and will not reflect on whether there is something wrong with themselves. "

Jieyang said: "you are also the wind family."


Wind Qinglin silently hung up the phone.

At the end of the call with Feng Qinglin, Xie Yang calls Liusha and entrusts Liusha to deal with the shares of emperor Tian.

"You're not allowed to use this muddy water that stirs the emperor's sky?" she asked

"No more." Xie Yang replied, "the emperor is finished."

The wind family can't just vent their anger on a wooden book of changes. Those resources and endorsements that fengqingbai gave to the emperor under the temptation of the book of changes should be taken back by the wind family at the plenary session. Maybe the wind family will also give Huangtian a revenge package.

In a word, since the reorganization has not been a good day of development of the emperor, this time should be really finished.

At the end of the day, Jieyang received a call from Qincheng.

"Gezhuo has started to buy hot stir fried people's equipment."

Xie Yang is bothered by the system these days, and almost forgets who gezhuo is. He stops for two seconds to respond and says, "then send him some heat according to the original plan."

Qin Cheng responded, and then said, "today, Zhou Zibin and the people I sent to scare him were relieved. They said that the man who bought him was Mu Zhouyi. Mu Zhouyi asked him to seduce you, so that he had better take pictures of you

“……” Xie Yang said, "I know."

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