On the way to school, Xie Yang would look at Qiu Xing's hair from time to time, eager to reach out and touch to see if he would lose his "hair" if he grasped it.

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Qiu Xing noticed Xie Yang's small movements at the beginning of "peeking". He adjusted several sitting positions without trace. Finally, he chose the one who felt the most handsome. In one hand, he read the company's e-mail with his mobile phone in one hand, and grasped Jieyang's hand in the other hand. Without raising his head, he asked: "nervous?"


Xie Yang returns to his mind, pauses for a moment and then reacts to what Qiu Xing is asking. Seeing Qiu Xing's appearance that he is not aware of hair loss, he takes two seconds to choose and says, "it's a little bit."

He decided to be kind and remind Qiu Xing of the cruelty of alopecia after graduation ceremony.

Qiu Xingwen pinched Jieyang's hand and comforted his parents: "it's OK. It's just a graduation ceremony. It's nothing to be nervous about."

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing and holds his hand. He pretends not to find the sweat in his palm and the mobile email that Qiu Xing hasn't turned a page for a long time. He answers and says, "are you nervous?"

Qiu Xing laughs and hums, dismissive: "only children will be nervous for attending such a small occasion."

Okay, hate kids.

In the distance C big only 10 minutes drive, Qiu Xing finally put down the mobile phone. He thought he reflected himself through the window, then changed his posture and said, "it's just a small graduation ceremony. It seems that you don't have to dress too formally."

Xie Yang looked at Qiu Xing from the side of his head and asked, "don't you use it?"

Qiu Xing put on a calm and domineering expression and said: "no, it's a relatively simple occasion like campus. It's better to dress casually, so look at this brooch --"

Xie Yang still can't help it, and grabs Qiu Xing's hair.

Qiu Xing immediately shut up, straightened his back, frowned and looked at Xie Yang: "what do you do?"

"There's a curl of hair." Xie Yang said lies with his eyes open, his fingers moved, and his hair fell into the gap of the car seat quietly. He changed the topic and said, "I think you look very handsome today. You will not look too grand or frivolous. You are just as formal."

Qiu Xing was distracted. The corners of his mouth cocked up and pressed down. He turned the watch on his wrist and asked, "is that right?"

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Xie Yang replied positively, "yes."

Qiu Xing laughs and hums and leans back to his chair. He no longer criticizes his clothes and picks up his mobile phone.

When it was only five minutes' drive from C University, Qiu Xing spoke again and said, "are there many media present at the graduation ceremony of C University?"

Xie Yang replied: "in fact, there are not many schools. Only a few invited regular media are allowed to enter the school. The tabloids and all kinds of paparazzi can't get in."

Qiu Xing is quiet.

Two minutes later, a large c contour appeared in the field of vision. Qiu Xing sat up straight and adjusted his coat.

A minute later, there is the gate of C University. At the door, there were many media people with cameras, and some fans with celebration handpieces and gifts were standing in the undisturbed corner to watch carefully.

Xie Yang saw crabmeat holding the small flag of "Yang" in those fans. He looked at his enemy. Qiu Xing also obviously noticed the existence of fans. His expression was tense and he raised his hand to tidy up his coat. Xie Yang is funny. He grabs Qiu Xing's hand. Qiu Xing took a look at Xie Yang and held it back.

Foreign vehicles are not allowed to enter the school, Zhou Miao slowly stops in the open space at the gate. Wu Shui got off first and helped Xie Yang open the door. Xie Yang thanks Wu Shui and stands by the side of the car after getting off, waiting for Qiu Xing to come down.

The media and fans noticed Xie Yang's arrival. The media set up cameras one after another and approached while the fans were agitated to push you, me and I, and hesitated to go forward.

Wu Shui sees the shape block to understand to raise the body before, makes the protective posture.

Qiu Xing finally got off the bus. His expression was tense and his eyebrows frowned slightly. His silver gray suit and white shirt played down the oppressive feeling brought by his high position all the year round, which made him cool and elegant.

He closed the door, glanced at the media that was leaning against him, tightened his fingers and reached for Xie Yang.

"Let it go!"

With a loud cry, the atmosphere is still harmonious at the gate of major C. before Xie Yang reacts, a fat body with a bunch of flowers leaps over the media and rushes to him and Qiu Xing.

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Xie Xiu, with a smile on his face, put the flowers in Xie Yang's arms and said happily, "congratulations on graduation, congratulations on graduation! Dad specially pushed the work to celebrate for you. I was in a hurry and finally caught up with me. Look at my sweat. "

This cry is too loud and clear, the media's lens immediately moved to understanding and self-cultivation.

Xie Yang: "what's more..."

Qiu Xing:

After Xie Xiu finished shouting, he noticed Qiu Xing, who had just got off the bus next to Xie Yang. After a second of inaction, he did not know what his brain had done. His expression changed. Suddenly he seized Qiu Xing's hand and called in a higher voice: "Oh, thank you, Mr. Qiu, for helping me send Yang Yang to school. I've worked hard and hard. I'm the one who didn't notice that Yang Yang Yang's car is broken. I'll trouble you for nothing."Qiu Xing looked at Jiexiu with murderous eyes, and pulled back his hand forcefully. He said, "it's really time for you to come."

Xie Xiu was shocked by Qiu Xing's fat body. He laughed wildly and gave himself gold. He said, "if you want to come, you will come. Yang Yang will have such a graduation ceremony all his life. How can I not be a father?" He also lowered his voice and said, "now the media are bad. If I don't come, I'm not sure how they're going to arrange our father and son. Don't mention it. I should do it. Thank you for the additional investment made by Mr. Qiu last time. Thank you

Qiu Xing:

The media has come over, but is blocked by Wu Shui.

Jieyang held the flowers sent by Xie Xiu in one hand, and took Qiu Xing's hand with the other hand. He said to Xie Xiu: "don't block the gate. Go ahead. The ceremony will begin."

Xie Xiu looked at Xie Yang's hand in horror. Suddenly, he stepped forward and pulled Jieyang's hand back. He grabbed it and laughed at Qiu Xing. Then he pushed and pulled Xie yang to the school gate. He whispered: "how can you be so ignorant! On the outside, pay attention to the influence. You can't be presumptuous if you are spoiled by general manager Qiu. Have you forgotten the rules set at the beginning? You are not allowed to act under the banner of general manager Qiu or his family! You are not allowed to be intimate with Qiu! "

Then he hung up a smile and took the initiative to greet the media, saying: "today Yang Yang graduated, you pat him handsome."

The media have never seen such active artists' parents, busy with more intensive shutter sound in response.

Xie Yang: "what's more..."

He looked back at Qiu Xing and raised his eyebrows.

Did the original owner and Qiu Xing set such a rule?

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Qiu Xing got close to him and heard the words of understanding Xiu. His expression was suffocated. He walked two steps to Jieyang to protect him from being surrounded by reporters, and said, "that was before, not in the future." Say to look at Xie Yang this side holds the hand of flower, expression more hold back.

Qiu Xing used to be low-key and rarely appeared in public. Few people knew what he looked like. These entertainment news media didn't recognize him. He took a few steps with Xie yang to let them go and didn't continue to surround him.

But the media left, and the fans who pushed back and forth gathered around again. The security guard at the door also heard the news and came over, urging Jieyang to enter the school, so as not to cause congestion.

Xie Yang had no chance to talk to Qiu Xing again. He only had time to respond to his fans. With the help of the security guard and Wu Shui, Xie Yang quickly walked into the campus with Xie Xiu and Qiu Xing.

The first wave of public relations opportunity was missed because of the perfect solution. Qiu Xing's face was terrible.

Xie Xiu was terrified and assured: "Mr. Qiu, I will teach you well. I will never let him smear your image outside! To you

Qiu Xing's face became darker, and he was embarrassed to say that he liked Jieyang's moves. He only looked at Xie Xiu in a gloomy way and asked, "smear it?"

Xie Xiu was terrified: "yes, yes, not smear, defile."

Qiu Xing:

Jieyang actively held Qiu Xing's hand and said, "don't be angry."

Qiu Xing's expression softened a little. He held Jieyang's hand. Then he thought of something. He frowned again, raised his hand and took away the flowers in Xie Yang's arms. He said, "this can't be taken to the ceremony. Let Wu Shui take it for you."

Xie Xiu busily explained, "if you can bring it, I ask --"

Xie Yang looks back at Xie Xiu and says, "you can't take it."

“…… I asked, this flower really can't take Xie Xiu immediately changed his words, and finally realized something. He turned his eyes between Xie Yang and Qiu Xing. He tried to explore, "Yang Yang, you, you and Qiu Zong, you..."

Xie Yang smiles and says, "speak less, be a good background board and behave well. I'll ask the artists of the company to give you free publicity for the holiday resort."

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This is default.

Xie Xiu couldn't believe it. He looked at Qiu Xing again. His expression changed. He was really quiet.

The graduation ceremony was held in the auditorium. A group of people walked past and attracted the attention of many students along the road. During this period, Xie Yang found that many people were taking photos with their mobile phones, pretending not to see them, and talking with Qiu Xing normally.

Qiu Xing also gradually got out of the tight and rigid state, no longer deliberately to show intimacy with Xie Yang, and responded to Xie Yang in a low voice.

After arriving at the auditorium, Xie Yang was separated from Qiu Xing and Xie Xiu. Xie Yang went to the designated area to find the counselors to pick up the graduation clothes and queue up for things. Qiu Xing and Xie Xiu followed the student volunteers into the auditorium and sat down in the family members' viewing area.

Xie Yang himself did not go to school in C University, and he did not have the memory left by the original owner in his brain. He was not familiar with C University. After arriving at the designated area, he found the position of his class only after finding the meeting.

Surrounded by busy preparation of graduates, noisy, Xie Yang did not want to attract attention, especially along the edge of the crowd to the class area.

"Will Xie Yang come?"

The ear catches his name, Xie Yang stops and looks at the sound.

In the area where the former main class is located in the front side, two boys who have changed their bachelor's clothes are standing at the corner chatting. They both have their backs to Xie Yang, and they can't see clearly.The conversation continued.

"Yes, his crew did not disclose that he flew back to B city last night? You see, there are so many media squatting outside. They should all come to take pictures of him. "

"Why is he here to shoot him? This graduation ceremony, Mr. Tao Yang will also come. Tao Xuelong is good at acting, popular and has excellent family affairs. He has also set up his own clothing brand, which is famous internationally. What's better than Xie Yang? I think those media are all here to shoot Mr. Tao. "

Tao Yang?

Xie Yang takes back his sight.

Another name from the original book. Tao Yang, the nephew of Tao Yi, the stepmother of Feng Qinglin, graduated from the Department of director C, three years higher than the original master. After graduation, he did not enter the entertainment circle, but transferred to study fashion design abroad. During his study abroad, he was photographed by an international director and acted as the third man in a prize winning film. He was called "Oriental Spirit" by Western media, and became popular.

In the original plot, Tao Yang was entrusted by Tao Yi to make a stumbling block for mu Zhouyi, who was married to Feng Qinglin at that time, when he returned home for development. Of course, this stumbling block must have failed. After contact with Mu Zhouyi, Tao Yang was moved by Mu Zhouyi's "truth, goodness and beauty", and became friends with Mu Zhouyi. Instead, he went back to persuade Tao Yi not to mess around. He was so angry that Tao Yi became more and more reluctant to see Mu Zhouyi and made more vicious cannon fodder to do. In turn, he helped Mu Zhouyi gain a firm foothold in the upper class circles.

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