Two people over there were still chatting. Xie Yang heard two more sentences and learned that Tao Yang was attending the graduation ceremony as a family member of the ceremony. Just as he drew back his attention to get his bachelor's clothes, the conversation of the two men turned back to him.

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"Compared with Tao Yang, Xie Yang is an upstart."

Xie Yang stopped. This time, he directly turned to the two speakers.

"In fact, I feel a little bit like this. They are all rich people, but Tao Yang is very graceful, modest and elegant. Although Xie Yang Well, anyway, I think Xie Yang is ridiculous. He tried so hard to pack himself in the upper class circle, but he was not in that circle at all. If you look at Tao Yang's usual contacts, and then look at Xie Yang's, this is the difference between the real rich and the upstarts. "

"Xie Yang is really well packaged. If I hadn't been a classmate with Xie Yang for several years, I would have believed that Xie Yang was really the favored son of a wealthy young master. Pity those fans have been fooled and think Xie Yang is really a tough tempered young master

"This is the way in the entertainment industry. It can only be said that Xie Yang's blind cat has succeeded in meeting a dead mouse, but there is always a time when people's facilities fall down, and there is Yang Xing --"

"what about Yang Xing?"

The two people who spoke were startled and turned their heads together.

Xie Yang stood a step away from the two people's back, facing their line of sight, picking eyebrows: "what's wrong with Yang Xing? Talk about it. "

After being caught by Zhengzhu, they changed their expressions. The boy who said the most was guilty and said, "Xie Yang, you are really not qualified. You actually eavesdrop on us."

Xie Yang chuckled and said, "you can hear the volume of the conversation in five steps. Do you still need to eavesdrop? How many people have noticed that I am here, and how many people have noticed what you are talking about, but no one reminds you that I have to come in person. What do you think is the reason? "

Two boys smell speech and look around.

All the people around who are paying close attention to the movement of this place secretly become embarrassed after hearing Xie Yang's words. Seeing two boys looking over, they turn their heads and look sideways in succession and pretend not to pay attention to this side.

Jieyang said: "it's better to be kind-hearted. If you gossip too much, you'll easily have no friends." After that, he ignored the two people and went through the stiff crowd around him to sign in and get something from the counselor.

After the time, the atmosphere of Xie Yang's class has been very strange, if everyone looks at Xie Yang, but no one takes the initiative to talk to Xie Yang.

Xie Yang is happy and quiet. After wearing his bachelor's clothes, he goes to the position where he needs to stand when he queues up to enter the auditorium. He takes out his mobile phone and brushes up his microblog.

The topic of Xie Yang's graduation has been put on the hot microblog search list. Xie Yang enters the topic, and a lot of photos published by the media have been published for a long time.

He flipped through the pages and found that all the media had the same focus on him and Xie Xiu. The contents of the reports were about him and Xie Xiu, and most of the photos were about him and Xie Xiu. Qiu Xing was so handsome and so tall, but he and Wu Shui were reduced to the background. Finally, a few clear photos of Qiu Xing appeared, but Qiu Xing's face was blocked by the flowers coming from Jiexiu, and he couldn't see his face clearly.


Xie Yang did not give up and turned over again. Finally, in a set of pictures just published by a media, he found a positive picture of him and Qiu Xing standing together, both of them showing their faces, and looking carefully, we can see that he held Qiu Xing's hand.

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He opened the comments section below and took a quick look at the comments.

Comment 1: the suit is so handsome! Today's Yang Yang modeling full score! Ah, ah, ah!

Comment 2: Yang Yang's father is so happy that he is afraid that Yang Yang will become a fat white man like his father in the future! Yang Yang, who is standing beside him? How handsome!

There are netizens reply comment 3: I listen to today's C big sister said, this handsome boy is Yang Yang's father, please come to help! It is said that Yang Yang's car broke down on the way to the ceremony. Then Yang Yang's father asked his friend who happened to be on the way to send Yang Yang to school.

Comment 3 reply netizen: Wow! What a wonderful friend! He looks so young, I thought it was Yang Yang's brother [laughs and cries]

netizens reply comment 3: hahaha, it's not brother, Yangyang's father's friend, Yangyang should call his uncle.

Xie Yang: "what's more..."

Xie Yang couldn't help but send the screenshots of these comments to Qiu Xing by wechat.

It took several minutes for Qiu Xing to return the news.

Qiu Xing: what a mess!

Qiu Xing: don't watch it!

Xie Yang wants to smile, just want to reply, detect something, press the side of the mobile phone to look at the side.

A handsome boy who was about to stretch out his hand to release Yang's shoulder was startled by Xie Yang's sudden side head. He quickly drew back his hand, slightly embarrassed and said, "Xie Yang, long time no see."

Xie Yang didn't know the man. He nodded politely as a response and asked, "what's the matter?"

The boy said, "that I'm sorry to post on the forum that you will be dropped out He said, suddenly looked around, approached Xie Yang, lowered his voice and continued, "that time, I was wrong. I apologize. I am about to sign the company. I hope you don't Some people in the class want to have a good relationship with you, and then sign into Yangxing. You'd better not sign them. They usually sour you behind their back. Some people also say that they want to mix up with you. After signing your company, you can slowly break through your current personnel structure. " Finish saying to retreat to open body again toward solution Yang stiff smile, turn round to walk quickly.“……”

Xie Yang watched the boy leave, glanced at the students around and put away his mobile phone.

It seems that the handsome boy who just came here is the former roommate who once posted a post of "tell me about my roommate y, which is suddenly popular".

Now, this roommate has come here specially to catch up with the graduation time node and exchange his smile with the secret to show his gratitude and hatred?

It's a very suitable "Junjie" in the entertainment industry.

In line, three men and a woman came to talk to Xie Yang. One of the boys was just behind Xie Yang. His face was full of sighs and said, "I haven't seen you for a year. You've really changed a lot. You don't think I'm too talkative. I'll tell you sincerely. I think you are much better now than before. In the past Well, it's really good to be cheated. I wanted to help you before, but I didn't know how to help you. "

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Xie Yang smile, side head way: "then I also tell you a true word."

The boy's face is friendly and "you have anything to say" appearance, the way: "what sincere?"

"I'm not going to sign any of my classmates. Students' love is precious. It's better not to mix in the interests. "

The boy's expression froze, and the noisy surroundings seemed to be quiet.

Xie Yang pretended not to find these anomalies, and continued: "thank you for your 'care' of me in the past few years. I remember it in my heart."

It was written in the original book that the original owner had a low sense of existence in the class because of his personality and achievements in school. In the past few years, although the original owner has not been bullied by his classmates, he has been ridiculed and ostracized secretly. In a word, the original master didn't like these students very much.

Xie Yang then turned his head and stopped talking.

The boy behind Xie Yang also stopped talking. After a long time, the surrounding silence was replaced by the noisy voice. The atmosphere seemed to return to normal, but no one took the initiative to speak to Xie Yang.

After finishing the team, everyone entered the auditorium in order.

Seeing the graduates enter, the viewing area for family members immediately becomes lively, and the parents cheer and applaud to send their best wishes to the graduates.

Many graduates are waving to their parents in the viewing area. Xie Yang also looked at the family member viewing area, and soon saw Xie Xiu waving to this side in the front row. He sat quietly beside Jiexiu, only looking at the enemy line.

Xie Yang and Qiu Xing face each other's eyes, smile, raise their hands and wave to Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing obviously had a movement of reviving his mind. He looked sideways and then moved back. He put his hand on his leg. At last, he only slightly nodded his head towards Xie Yang, which was a response.

It's a heavy burden.

Solution Yang pick eyebrows, take back the line of sight, go to the area where his class is located.

The ceremony went according to the procedure. Xie Yang looks in the direction of Qiu Xing when he gets his diploma. He smiles again and shakes his diploma to Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing's mouth cocked up, and soon restrained, changed his sitting posture, and put on a serious and serious look again.

After the certificate was awarded, the leaders of various departments made speeches, and many graduates were made to cry by their sensational speeches. Xie Yang is calm and even wants to take out his mobile phone and brush it. Finally, the graduation ceremony was over and everyone was allowed to move freely.

Xie Yang immediately got up and walked out of the class area towards the family viewing area.

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There were too many graduates leaving, and his sight was blocked by the crowd. Xie Yang finally saw Qiu Xing again until he got to the row where he was. As a result, he found that Qiu Xing was actually talking to a stranger.

It was a man who looked very noble and gentle. His facial features were classical. His skin was very white, his hair was dyed light brown, and his face was full of smile. He stood in a row behind Qiu Xing, with his hands on the back of his chair, leaning slightly close to Qiu Xing and saying something.

Qiu Xing stood in front of the seat listening to each other's talk, eyebrows slightly frown, face with suppressed intolerance. Probably aware of Jieyang's line of sight, Qiu Xing suddenly looked over, and then immediately said something to the young man and strode towards Jieyang.

Xie Yang stood in his place and waited.

As soon as Qiu Xing came to Jieyang, he raised his hand and pressed his bachelor's cap on Jieyang's head. His eyes were full of pride, but his mouth was disgusted with the way: "how big a man is, his clothes are not good, and the neckline is crooked here."

Xie Yang smiles and is about to speak when the young man comes over and smiles at Qiu Xing and says, "Mr. Qiu, is this the child who graduated from your family?"

The kid from your family?

Xie Yang squints at Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing's expression was stiff. He rubbed Xie Yang's face by helping Xie Yang straighten his collar. He said to the young man, "it's not a child at home. He's It's mine... "

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing in his spare time.

Qiu Xing's face suddenly changed. He pressed Xie Yang's hat, frowned at the young man and said, "he is Jieyang, my man. Xie Yang, this is Tao Yang, the child of a business partner of mine. "

Is this Tao Yang?Xie Yang looked at Tao Yang, reached out his hand and said, "Hello, nice to meet you."

Tao Yang was obviously stunned by Qiu Xing's introduction, but he soon restrained his gaffe and held out Jieyang's hand. He simply said, "hello."

Xie Yang keenly catches Tao Yang's estrangement by politely camouflage. After taking back his hand, he says to Qiu Xing: "it's not good to stand here and block the corridor. Go out first."

Qiu Xing nods and says goodbye to Tao Yang.

When he left, Xie Yang found that Tao Yang's line of sight had been falling on him, so he simply turned back to the other side's line of sight.

Tao Yang on the face of inquiry too late convergence, pause, toward the solution Yang smile.

Xie Yang also smiles and takes back his sight.

After the ceremony, there was a class photo activity. Xie Yang took Qiu Xing and Xie Xiu to the place where the class took a group photo. They had a rest and took a big group photo by themselves. After shooting, Xie Yang returned to Qiu Xing and Xie Xiu and said, "it's finished."

Qiu Xing glanced at the graduates who gathered together in the distance, frowned, and looked like an unhappy old father who found his children had been pushed out. He asked, "don't you take more photos with your classmates?"

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"No need. I don't know them well." Xie Yang smiles at Qiu Xing and says, "and I want to take pictures with you more than they do."

After a meal, Qiu Xing relaxed his expression and instinctively raised his hand to tidy up his clothes. He said, "let's shoot Where to shoot? "


This is the first time that the two people have taken a group photo since they met. Qiu Xing is obviously nervous and his expression is tense. He arranges his clothes from time to time.

Xie Yang takes Qiu Xing to a place where there are few people. He gives the camera to Wu Shui who has bought the water and asks Wu Shui to take a picture of him and Qiu Xing.

Xie Yang and Qiu Xing stand shoulder to shoulder, looking at the camera together.

Xie Yang suddenly asked, "what's my last name?"

Qiu Xing's nerves are highly tense. His eyes are fixed on the camera, and his eyes do not blink. When he hears the speech, he instinctively replies: "Jie --"

Xie Yang smiles.


Wu Shui presses the shutter.

Qiu Xing reacts and looks at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang said: "let's go and shoot in the next place."

“……” Qiu Xing suddenly laughed, raised his hand and gently pulled the ear on his hat. His tight posture relaxed without trace.


The two took dozens of group photos, half of Xie Yang in his bachelor's clothes, and half of them took off his bachelor's clothes and only wore a suit. Qiu Xing's posture became more and more relaxed when he took photos. He also learned to put his hands on Xie Yang's shoulder or put his hands behind Xie Yang's waist.

After the photo was taken, Xie Yang returned his bachelor's clothes and left school to eat.

When he left the school gate, Xie Yang found that the outside media were all around the right side of the school gate, depending on which person was blocking the interview.

With that person attracting media attention, Xie Yang returned to the car easily and smoothly.

When the car started to leave, Xie Yang looked out and saw that the media encirclement finally spread. Tao Yang was escorted out by two bodyguards. What did he think of, he asked Qiu Xing, "do you have cooperation with taojia?"

Qiu Xing was looking at today's group photo with a camera. Hearing this, he pressed down the corner of his mouth and said, "yes, the Taoists are a good breakthrough to get rid of the Feng family."

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