In the original book, Feng Qinglin once used the plastic marriage relationship between the Taoists and the Fengjia, and united with the Taoists to severely attack the Fengjia and seize the opportunity to seize many rights of the Fengjia.

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In the original book, there is also the shadow of Qiu Xing in the hand of Feng Qinglin?

Xie Yang continued to ask, "how long have you worked with taojia?"

"Five years ago, the Taoists encountered an economic crisis, and I got in the way."

The nail was buried five years ago. Xie Yang asked again: "does the wind family know that you and Tao Jia have cooperation?"

Referring to the wind family, the joy between Qiu Xing's eyebrows and eyes was soft, and he said in a cold voice, "I know, but I don't know deeply. If the Taoists take advantage of me, they will naturally shut up and not say much. The Feng family still thinks that I intervene in the affairs of the Taoists in order to suppress Tao Yi, the second wife of Fengdian, and force her to be kind to Qinglin. "

Jieyang got it.

In other words, the Feng family still thought that the reason why Qiu Xing helped the Taoists was that they had to take advantage of Feng Qinglin to please the Taoists.

The hand is suddenly caught, Xie Yang returns to God and looks at Qiu Xing from the side of his head.

Qiu Xing asked, "why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

Xie Yang replied, "I remember seeing Tao Yang."

Qiu Xing didn't speak. He gently rubbed Xie Yang's finger. After a long time, he suddenly said, "Xie Yang, I haven't asked where you know about the past of Feng family and enemy family Now you just see Tao Yang, you associate with the Taoists, so you know the Taoists. You... "

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing quietly.

Qiu Xing and Xie Yang looked at each other and suddenly laughed and said, "that's all you're doing. It's good."

Xie Yang picks eyebrow: "not afraid that I am deliberately approaching you with ulterior motives?"

"Not afraid." Qiu Xing took back his sight and looked down at the hands of the two hands. "Now my life is yours. If you are a man of ulterior motives, your purpose is nothing but a glorious cauldron. I can only say that I am very glad that I have Rongding

Implicit love words are the most moving.

Xie Yang Hui holds Qiu Xing's hand and gently hooks his palm.


When they left the school, it was more than 12 o'clock at noon, so they had lunch outside.

By the time they got home after dinner, the time had already shifted to four o'clock in the afternoon. When he got home, Xie Yang took a bath, changed into light clothes, and then sorted out the luggage he was going to take to n city. When everything was done, the time had already turned five o'clock unconsciously.

In order to avoid arriving in n city too late and affecting the rest, Wu Shui reserved a ticket for Jieyang at 7:45. Jinghe garden is more than an hour's drive from the airport. In addition, the time for check-in must be cleared in advance. In other words, in order not to delay the plane, Xie Yang must leave for the airport at 5:30 at the latest.

Time was too fast, Qiu Xing looked at the time, and the joy of attending the ceremony quickly dissipated.

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In the last half hour at home, they had a simple dinner.

Halfway through the meal, Qiu Xing suddenly said, "Jieyang, do you want to change your residence?"

Xie Yang raised his eyes to see Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing asked, "do you want to change it?"

Xie Yang did not hesitate to nod: "want." Jinghe garden is good, but it is too biased. It is only suitable for the elderly and waiting for death, not suitable for curing diseases and embracing a new life.

When I knew what Chou Hsin was, I decided to open my eyebrows. Where do you want to change? "

Xie Yang didn't need to think at all. He directly replied, "Rongding and the hospital take the middle position. In this way, you can at least sleep an hour more every day. In the future, the treatment and review will be more convenient."

Qiu Xing asked, "is that why you want to change your residence?"

"The main reason is this."

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang and suddenly laughed and said, "then change to a little closer to Rongding."

After dinner, Xie Yang took a look at the direction of the viewing platform and the artificial lake, and said, "the fish in this lake is good."

Qiu Xing also looked at the artificial lake outside and said, "take them with you."

Xie Yang is satisfied and takes back his sight.

The car headed for the airport. Neither of them spoke, nor did they play with their mobile phones or do anything. They held hands together. The atmosphere in the car was quiet but harmonious.

When the bus was about to arrive at the airport, Qiu Xing finally said, "I introduced you to Tao Yang before..."

Xie Yang thought of the sentence "my man" that Qiu Xing held for a long time. He looked at Qiu Xing and said, "I thought you wouldn't mention it."

Seeing Jieyang's attitude, Qiu Xing was silent for a few seconds and said, "I'm sorry. Are you angry? "

Xie Yang shook his head: "No. No one thought you would meet someone you knew. You were not ready to introduce me. I understand. "

Qiu Xing clenched Xie Yang's hand.

"But understanding is one thing. Whether you like it or not is another." Xie Yang asked, "do you guess how Tao Yang will brain replenish our relationship?"

A vague "my man" is really easy to make people think askew.Xie Yang can understand that Qiu Xing was too shy to say the words "boyfriend" or "partner". However, understanding does not mean that he will like "my man". Although it is enough to show the relationship between them, it is not serious enough to introduce him.

If Qiu Xing doesn't mention it all the time, he won't mention it. He doesn't want to force him to do anything. But since Qiu Xingti did, he naturally wanted to show his attitude.

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"Qiu Xing, I'm willing to follow your rhythm, but you can't rely on me to contain you, so there's no law."

Qiu Xing's face is full of deep guilt. He chokes on the sentence "lawlessness". He frowns deeply and looks at Xie Yang.

Jieyang smiles at Qiu Xing's sight, then withdraws his sight and says: "but it's not a big deal. Tao Yang seems to be a man who knows how to be measured. Even if his brain has been filled with something, he should not say anything. Qiu Xing, you work hard and I will accompany you. "

For a long time, Qiu Xing suddenly raised his hand and kneaded Xie Yang's head. He leaned over and held Xie Yang in his arms and said, "you are lawless."

Xie Yang did not speak.

It's been a while.

"I'm sorry."

Xie Yang hook lip, anti embrace Qiu Xing, gently patted his back.

After arriving at the airport, Xie Yang took the initiative to embrace Qiu Xing. Qiu Xing immediately hugged Jieyang and said, "I'll see you when I'm free."

According to the position of Qiu Xing's neck, Xie Yang probes into Qiu Xing's body the power that has gathered together carefully along the way, and says, "I'll wait for you." Then he took back his hand, and suddenly raised his hand to grab a handful of Qiu Xing's hair, and then sent his hand to Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing was caught in a daze, frowned at Xie Yang, instinctively wrapped Xie Yang's hand, and said, "how?"

Jieyang took out his hand and said, "give me a baby, give you your hand."

“…… Baby? " Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang's fist. His eyebrows and eyes were filled with joy. He pressed down quickly. Obediently, he spread out his hands under Xie Yang's fists and asked, "what baby?"

Xie Yang smiles and releases his hand. Several hairs fall into the palm of Qiu Xing's palm.

“……?” The joy on Qiu Xing's face froze. He looked at his palm and at Xie Yang. He suddenly realized something and his expression suddenly changed.

Xie Yang held Qiu Xing's hand in time and said, "don't have any burden. It's a normal side effect. I've observed that your head shape is very beautiful. Even if your hair is gone, you should still be handsome."

When he did not respond to Qiu Xing, he immediately released the door, pushed the door out of the car and quickly entered the airport, leaving Qiu Xing alone in the car to face the cruel reality of hair loss.


Xie Yang's good mood lasted until he got off the plane. As soon as he turned on his mobile phone, he received a call from Qincheng.

Qincheng's tone was strange, and said, "I've been staring at the trend of the Internet according to your instructions. After the first oolong, as more and more photos of you and Qiu Xing were taken, the media and your fans gradually found out that it was wrong. After that, the media released a clear picture of you and Qiu Xing holding hands. At that time, public opinion exploded. I was trying to guide you and Mr. Qiu for the official publicity. As a result, Tao Yang suddenly posted a micro blog. "

"Tao Yang?"

Xie Yang guesses that most of the Internet will produce a single moth. After all, today, he and Qiu Xing acted together without any cover up. Although at the beginning, he made trouble and sent some wrong information to the media, but later he and Qiu Xing walked around the campus and took numerous group photos. During the period, they put on shoulders and waist, and the clothes they wore or the lovers' clothes that Qiu Xing prepared by heart. It was only sooner or later that they were found out that the relationship was only a matter of time. However, Xie Yang thought about the possibility of many kinds of moths, but he didn't expect to kill a Tao Yang on the way.

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"What happened to Tao Yangfa?" he asked

Qin Cheng replied: "he helped you to explain to the marketing numbers and media who speculated whether you were in love with Qiu Xing. He said that you and Qiu Xing are pure relations between the elder and the younger."


Qincheng added: "your fans believe it. Now they are organizing people to go to the marketing number. I asked someone to guide them in the fan group, and temporarily suppressed them

Xie Yang laughed, but with a cold smile, he said, "Tao Yang has really helped me a lot. You keep pressing on the fans. I'll take care of it myself. "

After getting back to the crew's car, Xie Yang brushes his microblog.

The hot topics such as Xie Yang's graduation, Xie Yang's love exposure, Xie Yang's lover, Tao Yang's casual encounter with Xie Yang, and Tao Yang's help to clarify Xie Yang's love affairs are arranged in order, with high popularity.

Xie Yang first points into the topic of romance exposure, the page refreshes, and a video that is obviously taken secretly appears at the top of the page. The video was sent by a C college student. The comments below have exceeded 10000.

Rabbit rabbit rabbit: lying trough, lying trough! Look who I photographed! I didn't expect to see Xie Yang and his family taking pictures when I was visiting the campus, but! But do you want to cuddle your waist when taking pictures with your family? Did I find something!

The video is only a few seconds, the screen is shot from behind, just caught the action of Qiu Xing's reaching out to Jieyang.

Xie Yang turns off the video and turns on the comments below. The hot comments are all about shock, crying and lovelorn. There are few malicious comments. It can be seen that Qincheng has asked the public relations team to guide public opinion.At the bottom of this video microblog is a set of pictures sent by a media number. The first one is the picture of him and Qiu Xinggang holding hands when they get off at school. Afraid of eating melon masses did not pay attention to, marketing number also specially with the red circle around the two hands.

The rest of the photos should be taken by the media from C college students. Some of them are clear and some are fuzzy. They are all pictures of him and Qiu Xing taking pictures on campus.

As a matter of fact, his relationship with Qiu Xing has basically been disclosed to the public. Even if he and Qiu Xing do not make it public, the public will acquiesce that he and Qiu Xing are lovers. In this way, when two people get along, they don't have to worry about being photographed by the media, and they can fall in love freely.

But now

Xie Yang withdraws from this topic and enters Chen Tao Yang to help Xie Yang clarify. Page Jump, ranked first is Tao Yang's microblog. Weibo was posted two hours ago, when his mobile phone was shut down because he was on the plane.

Tao Yang: today I am very happy to attend the graduation ceremony of C University as a family member. After the ceremony, I was lucky to meet Xie Yang. He is a great younger generation. I'm glad to meet him. Coincidentally, the friend Xie Yang's father invited to watch the ceremony was actually an elder of the family of friends I knew. The law of six people did not deceive me. On the great day of graduation, please do not scribble in the media. The elder's care, appreciation and love for the younger generation of friends should not be distorted.

The elder of a good family of acquaintances has directly opened up the hierarchy between him and Qiu Xing, and the interaction between them has been stamped with the chapter that the elder appreciates the younger generation.

Xie Yang didn't read the comments on the microblog, so he quit the topic and went to see Xie Yang's lover.

All the people under this topic are digging up the identity of Qiu Xing and trying to find out who Qiu Xing is. However, we don't know whether it is because Qiu Xing was too low-key and well hidden, or that the media and marketing numbers of Qiu Xing are too useless. After a few hours, no one actually dug out the identity of Qiu Xing.

Of course, it may be that someone dug out the identity of Qiu Xing, but they dare not say so.

After watching the hot search, Xie Yang scanned the hot list again. He found that the content on the top overlapped with the topic. He directly shut down his microblog and called Qiu Xing.

After a few seconds to answer the phone, Qiu Xing's voice came: "arrived?"

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Xie Yang heard Dr. Kirkman's voice in the background voice. He paused and asked, "did you go to see Dr. Kirkman?"

After a few seconds, Qiu Xing's voice came again. This time, there was no Kirkman's voice in the background tone, and he became much quieter. He said, "I just came here for routine examination."

"So you don't know about Tao Yang's help in clarifying our relationship, do you?"

Qiu Xing's tone sank a bit and said, "what Tao Yang? What is the relationship to clarify? "


Ten minutes later, Qiu Xing, who had read the microblog, called Xie Yang back and said, "I didn't expect him to post like this."

Xie Yang said, "I didn't expect that. I only guessed that he would be modest and not say anything, but I didn't expect that he would help us, no, he would help you cover up and explain. He's really a junior of a qualified family, isn't he? "

Qiu Xing's voice took a few seconds to come. His tone became low, and with a deceptive smell, he said, "angry?"

Xie Yang: "guess?"


"My people, this introduction is really good."

“…… Wait a minute Qiu Xing stopped and said, "wait a minute. I'll deal with this matter."

Xie Yang Ying said, "OK, I'm waiting for you to deal with it." Then he hung up the phone.

Not long after ending the call with Qiu Xing, Jieyang received a call from Qincheng again. Qin Cheng came to ask him what he was going to do with it.

Qin Cheng analyzed: "if you and Mr. Qiu are directly open, you will definitely hit Tao Yang in the face. Tao Yanggang has just set up his own studio in China. It seems that he is ready to return home for development. His situation is somewhat special. He started abroad. His first film was a prize winning film. He had a self-made clothing brand, which was highly praised by the media. His family background is also very good. If you hit him in the face, it is likely -- "

Jie Yang interrupted Qincheng and said," I'll leave this matter to Qiu Xing. "


"You don't have to do anything. Wait for news from Qiu Xing."

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the door of the hotel. Some well-informed media crouched outside the hotel. Seeing Xie Yang get out of the car, they all rushed to him. The microphone and recording pen in their hands almost stabbed Xie Yang's face.

"Jieyang, do you really fall in love with an unknown man?"

"Xie Yang! Why did Tao Yang help you clarify? Who is the man who attended your ceremony? Is it really just the elders you know? "

"Xie Yang! Xie Yang, please respond. What do you think of the news about the exposure of the love affair? Is it true? "

Xie Yang didn't answer a question. He lowered his hat and quickly stepped into the hotel with the help of Wu Shui and hotel security.

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