"What's the matter? What is this? "

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After Qin Cheng reacts, he is also busy protecting Xie Yang behind him, and he looks down at the bottle on the ground and the spilled liquid at the same time.

A strong smell of domineering smell floated over. Jieyang patted Qincheng on the shoulder and comforted him: "it's OK. Wushui is going to catch people. Don't be nervous."

Then he reached out and waved to the fans, saying that he was OK.

The fans calmed down a little, and the staff were busy to restore order. The MC, directors and other guests from the circle gathered to look at the water bottle on the ground.

"Crazy musician" actor Wang Haoyu frowned and said, "what is this? It stinks. "

"Crazy musician" actress Feng Ziya's face wrinkled, raised her hand to hold her nose: "really stinky, more and more smelly Oh

The director told everyone to spread out a little, not to get too close to the unknown liquid, and then took out the mobile phone to call the police.

One of MC's Beicheng shook his head and sighed: "now these black powders are really exaggerating. Today's shooting must be delayed. By the way, Xie Yang, are you ok?"

Is it black powder?

Xie Yang looks at Bei Cheng and shakes his head: "it's OK." Then he stepped forward into the encirclement circle, took off his sunscreen clothes, wrapped his hands and picked up the bottle.

Another MC, Yin Ru, stopped him immediately: "don't touch it. What if it's something dangerous, wait for the police to come."

"It's OK. It's just some smelly water for pranks."

"Stinky water?"

"Well, harmless, just smelly." Xie Yang has used the power to detect the liquid, and then he took it after he was sure it was OK. He took up the bottle cap, covered it with a sunscreen suit, wrapped the bottle with a little water left in it, and said to the director, "when the police come, just give this to the police. Rinse these on the ground with water to disperse the smell. It should not affect the shooting. Sorry for the commotion. "

The director has just called the police, smell speech facial expression is much better, said: "I should apologize, did not do security in advance."

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Xie Yang shook his head and politely said two words.

Everyone went to the circle for safety. After simply settling down, Xie Yang went to the crab meat gathering area to appease the fans. Qincheng was afraid that the crab meat was still mixed with evil black flour. He stopped Xie Yang for two sentences, and then he simply followed Xie Yang close to him.

"Yang Yang, are you ok?"

"Yang Yang, are you hurt?"

Fans were all talking about it. Xie Yang clapped and half blocked his own Qincheng. He laughed at the fans and said, "it's OK. It's just some smelly water for pranks. Don't worry about it."

The fans were more and more angry.

Today Jieyang is to record the program, so a bottle of stinky water smashed over, is sincerely do not want to let Xie Yanglu today's program! That's too much!

Seeing that the fans are still angry, Xie Yang simply took the initiative to sign for everyone, and after everyone was basically calm, he waved back to the center of the encirclement circle.

After a while, Wu Shui pushed aside the crowd and came back. He said to himself, "there is a construction site over there. There are many people and things. I lost it."

Jieyang took over the team uniform vest from Qincheng and said, "as expected, there are too many people here. It's easy for the other party to run. The director has called the police. You can follow the police when they come

Wu Shui nodded.

Seeing Xie Yang so calm, Qin Cheng couldn't help saying, "fortunately, you were alert just now. Otherwise, you must lose your master today. Moreover, in case that the ghost gets on your body, it will cause skin allergy, which is even more troublesome. Now these black powders are really immoral

Everyone seems to have decided that it was black powder who did it today.

Xie Yang finished his vest and looked at the staff outside the circle who were flushing the ground with clear water. Then he looked at the direction of the water bottle.

At that time, there were people all around him. Fans and onlookers were separated from the fence a few meters away. The attack conditions were very poor, but the water bottle passed the crowd and was falling towards his position. The accuracy was great.

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He asked Wu Shui: "if it was you, could you hit me accurately with a water bottle when you were so far away and there were many people blocking the sight?"

Wu Shui understood the meaning of Yang's words and replied, "I can, but it's hard for ordinary people without training."

"The police are here. Follow up."

Wu Shui nodded again.

A few minutes later, Shen Yan's car and police car arrived together. Xie Yang goes with the director to talk to the police. After Shen Yan gets out of the car, he takes the initiative to lean over and asks Xie Yang, "what's going on?"

Xie Yang gave a general account of what had just happened.

Shen Yan frowned.

After more than ten minutes' contact with the police, the crowd returned to the circle and prepared to shoot today's program.

Xie Yang has read the script in the car. There are three jobs for the guests to experience in this period, namely, the building exterior wall cleaner, the takeout attendant, and the child Park attendant.There are six guests in total. They will be divided into three groups by drawing lots, and then each group will send a representative to determine the occupation each group will experience.

Each group of guest program groups will set a task goal for them. The more guests achieve the goal, the more money the program group will give to the public welfare organizations in the end. So even if it's just to look good, the guests will try their best to complete the task of the program.

When making the final preparation, Qin Cheng suddenly approached Xie Yang and said in a low voice, "knowing that you are afraid of heights, the program group has given us a little face and said that we would let you smoke the other two professions."

Fear of heights?

Xie Yang reacted for two seconds before he remembered that the original owner was afraid of heights, but how did Qincheng know about it. "How do you know I'm afraid of heights?" he asked

Qincheng speechless: "your artist encyclopedia says it, who doesn't know."


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I almost forgot about the artist encyclopedia. As soon as the original owner came out, Hu Biao made an encyclopedia for the original owner. All the preferences in the encyclopedia were filled in according to the original owner's preferences.

We have to find time to change.

Xie Yang said: "it's OK. I'm not afraid of heights. It's not good to go through the back door."

"This is not a back door. Variety shows have scripts, and the program team will try to cooperate with the guests. For example, Feng Ziya, who didn't want to run outside, said in advance that she would go to the children's Park to be a nurse. The program group will certainly take care of her when she is a girl. She can't really be a skinny little girl to clean the exterior walls and deliver takeout

Xie Yang hears the speech no longer to say, listen to the arrangement.

Soon after the program was recorded, the front was all in accordance with the process. Everyone publicized the film. Xie Yang took out his violin to accompany Shen Yan and asked Shen Yan to sing "a dream that doesn't wake up.".

Finally, we arrived at the group drawing session. We didn't know whether it was arranged by the program group or by such a coincidence. Xie Yang was lucky to be assigned to a group with Shen Yan, the only one he knew. Among the remaining four, Wang Haoyu and Feng Ziya are divided into one group, and the other two supporting actors are in the same group.

Then there was the professional lottery, with ladies first. Feng Ziya's group was the caretaker of children's paradise. Feng Ziya was surprised. After cheering, she said that she liked children best. Wang Haoyu exaggerated her forehead, saying that she really couldn't help children.

The remaining two groups did not smoke first and then, but directly sent representatives to the MC to turn over the professional cards and find which one was which.

Shen Yan smiles to push to explain Yang: "you go, I hate to make choice."

Xie Yang knows that Shen Yan is fighting for the camera for him. He obediently goes forward to stand in front of MC. The other group of representatives also came over, and they looked at each other and looked at the card in MC's hand together.

Qincheng said that there was a small black spot on the bottom corner of the back of the card that said the building's exterior wall was clean.

Xie Yang looked at the past, but found that the tail of the two cards were pinched by MC Beicheng, unable to see clearly. He raised his eyes and looked at Bei Cheng, who was looking at another guest and making fun of each other.

Beicheng seems to have noticed Xie Yang's sight, and then he looks at Xie Yang, frowning and saying, "you bribe me, and I'll give you a hint."

Xie Yang smiles. After another group of Representatives hold a card, he reaches out and holds another card: "I believe in my own luck."

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The card was pulled out and turned over, and the big words "building exterior wall cleaner" were exposed.

Bei Cheng exaggerated exclaimed and announced the draw results of the two groups in a loud voice. Qin Cheng, who was standing outside the stadium, immediately frowned, and the director was also surprised. But because there were too many fans and people watching, the result was not easy to change.

Jieyang took out the card and looked at it specially. He found that there was no black spot on the card at all. He went back to Shen Yan, put the card up to Shen Yan and asked, "brother Shen, I got this. Are you afraid of heights?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "I'm not afraid of heights, but I heard that you are afraid of heights. Do you want to change them?"

"No, my fear of heights is not serious, and I'm getting over it now."

Shen Yan did not believe: "really?"

Xie Yang affirmed.

Then the grouping and assignment results were finalized. After a process, the MC of each group's guests was also finalized. The three groups of guests were ready to get on the bus to go to the place of professional experience.

I don't know whether it was a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement. The group with Shen Yan and Xie Yang happened to be more lively Bei Cheng.

Bei Cheng went to Shen Yan and Xie Yang and said with a smile, "take care of yourself today."

Shen Yan then said, "it's me and Xie Yang. Please take more care of it."

"Good to say, easy to say, the bag on me, I promise to take you to complete the task perfectly!" "I heard that Xie Yang's physical fitness is excellent. I think our team will be the first to finish the task today."

Shen Yan first solution Yang a step to answer: "do not strive for the first, try to complete the line, Jieyang a little afraid of heights."

"Fear of heights?" Bei Cheng's face was surprised, and then his expression suddenly changed. His left hand hit his right hand and frowned, "that's not good. We just changed the rules at this stage. If we can't complete the individual task, we will be punished."Xie Yang moved in his heart and asked, "what punishment should I get?"

However, Bei Cheng had another expression of "not good. I've leaked my words." he raised his hand to cover his mouth and waved his hand: "you can't say it. This can't be revealed until you go to the experience site."

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