Once the program is on, the camera will be on all the way.

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Before they got on the bus, Qincheng looked for a chance to get close to Xie Yang, motioned to Xie yang to turn off the microphone on his collar, and lowered his voice and said, "is it really OK? I asked the director, and the director said it was the wrong card. He took the sub card, but there was no mark on the sub card. Now it's the only way. Bei Cheng will take more care of you. "


Xie Yang looked at Bei Cheng not far away and said, "it's OK. You can help me to keep an eye on the Internet. If someone publishes the news that I was hit by someone, press it as much as possible, and then contact He Jun to stop some news. Don't let Qiu Xing know what happened to me, so as not to worry about him blindly. "

The city of Qin should go down.

On the way to the experience site, professionals accompanied the guests and MC to explain the work content and matters needing attention. Shen Yan and Xie Yang listen carefully. When they finish listening, the experience place is almost there.

The building arranged by the program team for Shen Yan and Xie yang to be cleaned is a botanical garden building with all glass walls, about seven or eight stories high. It was at the weekend that there were many people in the botanical garden. The arrival of Shen Yan and Xie Yang caused quite a stir. Fortunately, the program team was fully prepared, and the two quickly entered the building and got to the top of the building through the elevator.

Before starting, Bei Cheng gave Shen Yan and Xie Yang a task card. They got together to read the task.

"Clean the walls of the designated area within three hours. If any one person fails to complete the task, the task amount of the other person will be doubled." Shen Yan doubts and looks at Bei Cheng, "is this the new punishment mechanism? Only punish teammates? "

Bei Cheng nodded and asked, "Shen Yan, can you? If Xie Yang can't finish the task because of his fear of heights, you have to work a few more hours. I heard that you were too busy to have a disease some time ago, and you haven't been able to handle it up to now. Can you not carry it? "

Xie Yang hears the speech and looks at Bei Cheng.

It's a coincidence. If he really has acrophobia, isn't Shen Yan destined to do twice as much work? Shen Yan, as the three golden film emperor, has a large number of fans. If he becomes the burden of twice the work of the newly ill Shen Yan, it is estimated that Shen Yan's fans will secretly scold him to death.

There is always something wrong with this Beicheng.

He said: "brother Shen, I will try my best to complete my part of the task and try not to delay you. In fact, I'm not really afraid of heights. I'm just timid. Just get used to it

Shen Yan shook his head and ordered: "my cold has been cured, there will be no problem. Don't force me. I'll do more than that. "

"It doesn't matter. I think I can."

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Bei Cheng suddenly reached out and patted Xie Yang on the shoulder and said, "good will! Don't be afraid. Try your best. In the end, I'll give you the top

The MC of the following group can help the guests finish the task, but it is not good to broadcast.

Xie Yang avoided Bei Cheng's hand without a trace and said, "let's start as soon as possible. If the sun rises, it will be more difficult."

Everyone is ready.

With the help of professional cleaners, Shen Yan and Xie Yang put on their equipment, adjusted the cleaning agent, recognized various tools, and then Go to the wall.

The man was thrown out of the air, and Xie Yang took a look at the soles of his feet.

Bei Cheng almost let the camera connect to Xie Yang's face, while he was lying on the fence looking at Xie Yang and asked, "are you ok? Is it hard? "

Xie Yang pretended to grasp the safety rope nervously, rounded the original owner's device of acrophobia, then looked at Bei Cheng and replied, "it's OK. As long as you don't look down, you won't be afraid."

"Really no problem?"

"I'm sure it's OK."

Two people look at each other, Jieyang eyes calm, there is no fear and support inside. "I knew you could. Come on!" he said with a slightly exaggerated encouraging smile

After that, Bei Cheng went to see Shen Yan again and interviewed him about his feeling of going down the wall.

After the interview, the task officially began. Bei Cheng announced the start of the three hour countdown. Xie Yang immediately took out his tools and began to scrub the glass walls.

In the middle of summer, the glass wall will reflect the light. If you hang outside, you will feel as if you are pressed on a baking tray. After a while, Xie Yang's clothes and hair will be wet with sweat, but his expression does not change. He works hard all the time, and his actions are quick and efficient. Shen Yan is still slowly getting used to the feeling of stagnant air, he has entered the rhythm, after cleaning a piece of area to slide down a section.

At the top, the atmosphere is full of praise and praise.

Time slipped away, to the 40th minute, Jieyang found that Shen Yan suddenly stopped. He raised his head and raised his voice and asked, "brother Shen, are you ok?"

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"It's OK. I just stop to have a drink."

Xie Yang feels that Shen Yan's tone is not right, and he cares about two sentences. Shen Yan always insists that he is OK. Jieyang frown, take back sight, speed up the cleaning action.

After one and a half hours, Shen Yan suddenly stopped again and had a movement of bowing his back and holding his head in his hand.Xie Yang feels wrong and says to Bei Cheng, who is up through the microphone, "brother Shen seems to be sick. Pull him up."

"Now it's equivalent to giving up the task automatically. Shen Yan, are you sure you want to give up the task? "

Shen Yan heard the voice, reluctantly straightened up, said: "it's OK, I'm just a little hot."

Xie Yang does not agree: "brother Shen, health matters."

"I'm really OK." Shen Yan picked up the tool again.

Work continues, Xie Yang has been distracted to observe Shen Yan's condition, ten minutes later, Shen Yan stopped again, and has a vomiting action.

Xie Yang said directly to the microphone: "brother Bei Cheng, pull brother Shen up, brother Shen is going to throw up."

"I didn't -"


Bei Cheng is also aware of the weakness in Shen Yan's voice. He asks people to pull Shen Yan up. Xie Yang has almost wiped out his area of responsibility. He bows his head and speeds up his action again.

After a few minutes, Bei Cheng's voice came from the earphone: "Xie Yang, Shen Yan has heatstroke symptoms. I'll take him to see a doctor first. Is it OK for you to stay here alone?"

"No problem."

"Don't be too reluctant. I'll try to go early and come back to finish the next work for Shen Yan."

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Xie Yang should say, urging Bei Cheng to take Shen Yan to see a doctor.

There's no sound in the headphones.

The sun rises slowly, and the feeling of being overheated reminds Xie Yang of the days when he was tortured by various abnormal weather in the last days. After wiping his own area, he immediately untied the safety rope and went back to the top floor. After finishing his equipment, he took over Shen Yan's work.

The countdown has been walking, Xie Yang alone hanging on the wall, slightly mechanical work. From time to time, he asked the countdown time through the microphone to control the working speed.

Finally, with two minutes left in three hours, Xie Yang finished the rest of Shen Yan's work. After hanging for too long, Xie Yang untied the safety rope and almost fell down when his feet landed.

The staff who came to help Xie Yang remove the equipment helped Xie Yang. Xie Yang thanks, adjust your breath, and then stand still. Thank you all and get rid of the equipment.

Just after the thing was demolished, Bei came back. He stood on his knees, panting, and said, "I'm sorry. The doctor in the botanical garden didn't know where he was. I looked for him for a while, so he came back. Xie Yang, are you not finished? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm too slow. I'm the one who punishes me -- "

" it's finished. "

Bei Cheng choked and looked at Xie Yang comically: "finished, finished? Shen Yan's part

Xie Yang pointed to the clean exterior wall beside him and said, "it's all finished. How is brother Shen? "

Bei Cheng looks at the wall next to him. After a brief shock, he slowly finds out the professional quality of MC and replies: "Shen Yan Good. He's hanging water. Xie Yang, you are so good! As expected, youth is capital, and working efficiency is excellent! "

Xie Yang smiles and doesn't answer.

After a flurry of hyperbole, becheng announced that the program recording entered the penultimate process of acceptance!

At the time of acceptance, Xie Yang can finally have a rest. Bei Cheng accompanies him and looks worried: "if the acceptance fails, the task is not completed."

Jieyang took a sip of water and affirmed, "it will pass."

“……” Bei Cheng clenched his fist and said, "I hope I can pass."

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Soon the acceptance results came, and the acceptance passed. Xie Yang was responsible for the clean part, which seemed to be handled by professionals. Shen Yan was responsible for some flaws, but the overall pass.

Xie Yang smiles and looks at Bei Cheng: "you see, I say I will."

Bei Cheng also smiles, but the smile is a little formulaic. He raises his hand and gives Xie Yang a thumb.


After the recording was over, Xie Yang went back to his car, collected all his expressions, and said to Qincheng, "check out that Bei Cheng, whether it's a lottery or a task behind him, his performance is very strange. He wants me to make a fool of myself and be punished."

Today's recording of Qincheng has been accompanied by him. He also felt that there was something wrong. He nodded and said, "I will check it out. Xie Yang, do you want to make an appointment for maintenance? "


Qincheng frowned at Xie Yang's face: "you have been exposed to the sun for several hours today, and now your face is red. I'm afraid you will get sunburnt."

Xie Yang touched his face and shook his head: "it's OK. It'll be OK for a while." After that, he found that Wu Shui had not been driving and asked, "what's the matter?"

Wu Shui looked at Xie Yang with a little guilty heart and said, "I've tried my best to delay, but..."

Xie Yang: "is

A familiar black car suddenly squeaked and stopped beside it. The rear door opened. Qiu Xing, a dark faced man, opened the door and strode close to it. He stretched out his hand to open the rear door. He quickly glanced at Xie Yang in the car and said, "go out and take my car."

Qincheng Zhiqu underground car left.

Xie Yang moved quietly to the side. Qiu Xing sat low and ordered Wu Shui to go to kokmanXie Yang asked, "what are you going to do there?"

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang with his head on his side. He didn't reply. He suddenly hugged Xie Yang, touched the back of Jieyang's head, and then suddenly backed away. He said, "you still want to hide from me. Can you hide it! The Internet is full of news about you being smashed. It's a mess And your face, basking like a monkey's ass, what kind of rotten job did Qincheng get you? "

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