Tao Yang has an idea about Jieyang's boyfriend?

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Tao Yang has an idea about Qiu Xing?

Tao Yang wants to dig and solve the wall corner?

The comment area under the microblog was brushed by these three questions. The crab meal was crazy, the CP powder of Yangxing was crazy, and Taoyang fans peach were also crazy.

No way!

This is the first reaction of the peaches.

Tao Yang has a superior family, excellent appearance and excellent ability. He is elegant, humble, gentle and atmospheric Such a person, will be a junior high school?

No, absolutely impossible!

Taozi began to denounce the blogger of the explosive materials, saying that he made stories in disorder to the photos, indicating that Tao Yang and Qiu Xing were both people in a upper circle, and knew each other for a long time. The two people in the photo just spoke normally, did not hug and hug, and did not love me. Why is the third?

Black material is really open mouth!

In such a case, crab meal is not good to say anything, some simple fans even follow the letter to doubt, after all, the photos under the explosive are not really hard hammer, although the picture of Tao Yang and Qiu Xing are very interesting, but the two people actually stand very far, at least three steps away.

At this moment, the blogger of the explosive material sent another micro blog.

I am also a museum employee: OK, Taoyang fans don't scold me in private anymore. I am afraid of you. Really, don't force me to put more hammers. The more you scold, the faster your idol dies.

This microblog greatly provoked the peaches' anger. The peaches crazily accepted him in the comment area, but he never appeared again, just as if they had abandoned them.

The blogger of the explosive disappeared, but the impact of the explosion was still there.

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The marketing number heard the news blogger's words, went through the network, found out that had been deleted by Tao Yang, the original Taoyang Gang Qiu Xing and Jieyang clarify the relationship of micro blog screenshot, and sent it out.

Gourd users poured in, watching the Tao Yang Gang Qiu Xing and Jieyang explain the relationship when the "also asked the media not to write, elder care for friends and younger generations, appreciation, love, should not be distorted meaning." It feels a little weird.

This screenshot comment 1 on microblog says what you think at this time.

Happy no worries: suddenly found a problem that was ignored when eating melon. Seeing Tao Yang's meaning of this microblog, he said something to Qiu Xing and Jieyang at the graduation ceremony, right, and he should have known him through Qiu Xing. Did Qiu Xing not introduce Jieyang to him at that time? Otherwise, how could he explain the relationship between the two. If he introduced it, he really felt like he was doing something about helping the two people cover up their relationship Even if it is better to explain that the two are friends, the elders and the younger generation are all different in generation.

This hot comment the netizen continued to reply: always can not revenge the line at that time with Tao Yang introduction Jieyang, said this is my younger generation, it is not likely. On the graduation day, there was no cover for Qiu Xing and Jieyang to hold his waist and shoulder. Obviously, he was ready to open the relationship. Could anyone meet him or her introduce him or her?

We analyzed and discussed it so that the more analysis, the more it felt that it was not very right, but it was not good to say anything clearly. The peaches outside were crazy, they said without hammer, even if they were to be torn home by fans.

But soon, the hammer came.

One certification is that the small network of C graduates has been tweeted.

Baby potato: suddenly I saw eight diagrams in our school, cough, that, actually, I heard the dialogue between Qiu Xing, Jieyang and Tao Yang. They were standing in the aisle of the auditorium. I passed by, just heard that Qiu Xing was introducing Jieyang. He told Tao Yang, "my man." I was also secretly surprised and thought that it was a captive Cough cough, hope to solve Yang and Qiu Xing do not ask me trouble, after all, this introduction is ambiguous. Then soon Jieyang and Qiu Xing announced the testamentary official. I was so sweet that I was shy and I didn't talk about it. As a result, I was excited to share gossip with my friends. I also stole a picture of three people standing together to show my girlfriend.

A chat record is posted under the microblog, which confirms the words of the baby potato. The date information recorded was also clearly cut, and only the comments of the girl were coded.

This microblog is even more fried, some gourd users worry about the network red fake material dallying heat, but also to analyze the chat record is not p, the results analysis shows that this chat record can not be true, absolutely not p!

That is to say, Qiu Xing and Tao Yang introduced Jieyang. Although the introduction words are ambiguous, it also clearly shows that the two are one-to-one relationship, so Tao Yang clearly knows the relationship between Jieyang and Qiu Xing, and also sends such a clear micro blog.

Gourd users immediately feel delicate.


Jieyang put down his mobile phone and asked Qincheng, "did you make it?"

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Qin City just finished the development of online gossip, shaking his head: "no, I only look for Wu Shui to take photos, application account sent the previous information, the back is the spontaneous behavior of netizens."

Jieyang opens up the microblog and looks at the precise analysis and the right news of gourd users, and smiles: "thanks to the netizens for saving us a water and military fee. First, don't take rhythm and divergence. Later, fans of Tao Yang will definitely come to deny the explosion. Don't worry, wait for Tao Yang to respond to the actual situation, and then throw out the video that Wu Shui gave you. "Qin Cheng is not at ease: "are you sure that Tao Yang will really respond to the battle?"

"Yes." Xie Yang put away his mobile phone and picked up the music of delusion on a rainy night. "What people with his personality don't like most is that they are exposed to the public's attention, and will definitely respond."


On the way home this day, Qiu Xing looked at Wu Shui, the co pilot, for a long time. Wu Shui was seen to have his hair on his back stand up. He turned back and asked, "what's the order of Qiu?"

"Tao Yang and I were talking outside that day. Did you eavesdrop and record

Wu Shui immediately bowed his head: "I'm sorry."

This is default. Qiu Xing looks to the side of his body, focusing on the interpretation of the music.

Xie Yang's eyes did not move from the music, said: "I let him go."


After staring at Xie Yang for a long time, Qiu Xing suddenly raised his hand and rubbed Xie Yang's head. He asked, "is this the real reason why you don't stop me from warning Tao Yang?"

Xie Yang blocked his face with music and didn't answer.


Tao Yang is more tolerant than Xie Yang predicted. He has been gossiping on the Internet for several days, but he has not responded and let the public opinion spread.

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However, the peaches worked very hard to report Tao Yang's bad micro blog everywhere. At the same time, they insisted that Tao Yangfa had clarified the microblog because of his good intentions. They all blame Qiu Xing for his ambiguous introduction, which made Tao Yang misunderstand him and Jieyang about the shady relationship between him and Jieyang, so he said so in order to help them cover up.

The peaches have been brushing the screen too much. They are so angry at the crab meat that has been restrained by the big noodles. Some fans can't help but put on the trumpet secretly to mock the peaches that they are deceiving themselves. At the beginning, Xie Yang and Qiu Xing were so obvious at the graduation ceremony. How could they be so blatant?

Two sides secretly tore up, the whole network is eating melon, and scratching the heart lung to wait for the response of the party.

On the fifth day after the exposure, Xie Yang finally adapted "delusion on a rainy night". He made a video call to long Shuyou, played the adapted version of "delusion on a rainy night" to long Shuyou and asked, "how is it?"

Long Shuyou regained his mind from the situation created by music. His eyes were bright, but his mouth was very poisonous: "it's a waste to make a match for a show. I suggest you rent a concert hall and play it alone."

Xie Yang was funny. He put down his violin and said, "I'll be relieved if you say yes. Will you come on the day of the show?"

"I'll go to your music, too. Have the other seven pieces been adapted? "

"I've finished five songs and sent them to you?"

Long Shu is particularly satisfied and smiles.

After the music communication, long Shuyou suddenly changed the topic and asked, "is Tao Yang really robbing your boyfriend?"

"It's not robbery. It's him who wants me to leave my boyfriend."

"It's all the same." Long Shuyou once again commented that "delusion on a rainy night" is a waste for Tao Yang

Not long after the end of the call with long Shu you, Jiexiu, who had not appeared for a long time, suddenly called.

Jiexiu's voice was full of anger. After the phone was connected, he said like a machine gun: "Yang Yang! Feng family wants to bribe me. He spends money to let me expose you and Mr. Qiu are actually in a foster relationship. Bah! Am I the kind of person who is open to money, I immediately scolded them back! Then I felt something was wrong. I checked it at home, and guess what I found. They not only contacted me, but also approached your stepmother's mother's family, trying to find out about you secretly. Fortunately, I found out in time and drove all those people away. Don't worry about it. Dad is your strongest backing. I will never allow anyone to destroy and slander the relationship between you and general manager Qiu! "

Feng family?

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Xie Yang raised eyebrows and asked, "what did they use to contact you, telephone?"

"Yes, yes, yes, telephone."

"Did you record it?"


Xie Yang charged: "if they contact you again, you should remember to record the call. I'm useful."

Repair is busy, and then try to explore the earth for benefits. Xie Yang made a little sweet to Jiexiu. After hanging up the phone, he pondered over what Jiexiu had just said and laughed.

It's no wonder that Tao Yang hasn't come out to respond. Did he try his best to solve the problem?

Now, if you fail hard, will Tao Yang come forward?


The next day, Xie Xiu called again, saying that the Feng family contacted him again last night, and increased the bargaining chip of his promise.

"Of course I refused again, and then I recorded everything you asked me to record."

Xie Yang boasted, "well done." After

, as like as two peas, the voice was sent to the solution. Then, Xie Yang found that the voice of the person who contacted the repair was exactly the same as the voice of Bejing people who was then contacted. That is to say, the contact repair was not at all what the wind was, but Xu Chen.

How confident is Tao Yang that his cooperation with Tao Yi has not been discovered by anyone?

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