The night he got the recording, Xie Yang finally waited for Tao Yang's response.

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Instead of microblogging, Tao Yang left the country in an interview at the beginning of a cooperation show. In the face of the reporter's inquiry, he showed helplessly speechless and funny expression, said: "I have been busy with the show recently, did not pay attention to the right and wrong on the network, the agent has mentioned to me some, but I think that is just a small number of people in random guess, did not expect that has been spread so far?"

He shook his head, went to the people's desk to tidy up the clothes on it, and said with a slight apology: "at the beginning, I was impulsive about that microblog. I was At that time, there was some misunderstanding. In short, I was not good at all, which caused trouble to general manager Qiu and Vice President Xie. "

Tao Yang's tone is like chatting with his friends. He is very warm and close, and the reporter's tone is also brought to a gentle level. The reporter asked, "so you didn't fight against general manager Qiu..."

"What?" Tao Yang looked at the reporter, then laughed and shook his head again. "How can it be? Mr. Qiu is really excellent, but In other words, although Qiu is not much older than me, from the perspective of seniority, he is indeed my elder. "

"And He also arranged his clothes on the stage. He was careful and gentle. He looked at the clothes as if he were looking at the lovers. "Moreover, there is a fundamental difference between my mate selection standard and that of vice president."

"What's the difference?" the reporter asked

Tao Yang didn't answer with a smile. He only touched the clothes on the stage and asked the reporter, "is this skirt good-looking?"

That's the end of the interview.

Xie Yang turned off the popular interview video that had been painted by peaches, and took a look at the comments below.

Comments can be roughly divided into three categories: believing, disbelieving, and what's the difference between his mate selection criteria and his.

"Now send video?" Qin asked

"Wait a minute." Xie Yang flipped through the netizens' reply under the hot comments on the standard of choosing a spouse and put away his mobile phone, "his clarification is not finished."

Qin Cheng doubts: "not finished?"


This night, Xie Yang practiced piano and music as usual, washed and went to bed on time. Then he got up the next day and immediately took out his mobile phone to watch Weibo.

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On the hot search, a topic about "Tao Yang Xing Xiang" was hung in the front row. Jieyang point in, the page refresh, a marketing number of micro blog appeared at the top of the page.

Entertainment omnipotent: Romantic designer! It turns out that Tao Yang's show is for someone. Take a look at this. Tao Yang mentioned the source of design inspiration in his interview two months ago. He said that he ran into an angel on a campus, so he had the Angel Series on display. Then I went to pick it up and found that Tao Yang always had something with angel elements, sometimes a ring, sometimes a tie, sometimes a handkerchief. What's more, the skirt in yesterday's interview video is pure white. The skirt is like wings. Is it like an angel? This skirt is not for the girl he likes, is it? So this is where he and Xie Yang's criteria are different? His sexual orientation is female!

The fact that sexual orientation is female immediately overturns all previous conjectures.

In the comment area, a lot of people are criticizing the blogger who first disclosed Tao Yang's Thoughts on Qiu Xing, saying that he was disorderly with rhythm, and even that there were people who implied Xie Yang and Qiu Xing. They said that at the beginning, it was clear that they would come out at random to help Tao Yang explain things. Things would not be like this. As a result, they pretended to be dead all the time.

So it is.

Xie Yang closes the comment area.

Yesterday, Tao Yang repeatedly arranged people's actions in the interview video, which should be intentional. With the same-sex junior gossip, positive clarification is actually very easy to become unreasonable, this kind of thorough clarification method is relatively more effective.

In addition, it can also publicize a wave of Tao Yang's design for free.

Xie Yang also looked at the details of Tao Yang's articles with angel elements sent out under the micro blog of the marketing number, and suddenly he admired Tao Yang.

As early as two months ago, the source of design inspiration was revealed. It seems that Tao Yang had already made a clarification and filing for his intention to be burst out, but I don't know why. This filing has not been used by Tao Yang before, but has been dragged to the present.

However, no matter why Tao Yang delayed until now, it does not prevent him from ending the disclosure.

Xie Yang thought for a moment, instead of knocking on Qincheng to send him a video, he first cut to his own microblog, uploaded and typed the phone recording that Xie Xiu had edited in advance.

[Xie Yang: do you want to know who is the person who harassed my father by phone? After several calls, is he not tired? As like as two peas, he sent a message to Qin City after

had finished recording, so that Qin City could temporarily suppress the video and put it on the tape. First, he took the rhythm of the recording he just uploaded, and guided the netizens to find out the voice of the man who tried to buy the repair man in this recording, just like the voice of the man who wanted to buy the bell before recording the bell.

Qincheng didn't know about Jiexiu's recording yet. After receiving the message, he returned the message and asked for the details of Jieyang's recording. Xie Yang explained.

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Qincheng: when will the video shot by Wu Shui be released?Jieyang goes down to the bathroom and finds the avenge that is washing his face. He asks, "what is the situation in the wind spring?"

"No, the wind family gave him a lift. If it was good, it would last for a week, or, in the case of a bad one, two or three days." Qiu Xing looks at Jieyang, "ask what does this do?"

Jieyang did not answer, bow down to type back to Qincheng news.

Jieyang: wait a minute.


More than an hour later, Jieyang posted a popular microblog.

Eating melon users are eating the melon clarified by Tao Yang. When they see Jieyang suddenly become popular, he thinks that Jieyang also responds to the eight diagrams, and then rushes in, and then he is surprised to have all the melons in his hand after listening to the recording.

The recording is not long, it only lasts more than a minute, but the amount of information is very large.

The recording started with a male voice who was bewitching and repairing. He analyzed: "now the wings of Jieyang are hard. Do you really think he will give you good filial piety in the future? His money is his, not yours, you used to be bad to him, he will retaliate you sooner or later. As long as you help me, I can give you You should think about it again

Then the voice of repair sounded high decibels, still the machine gun general angry tone: "you are not bored, bored! Stop calling again. Call me to the police again! Yang filial piety is very, less blind to Yang buckle hat! I don't need his money, even my money will be his later! "

The man continued: "jiezong, I know you are afraid of revenge. You don't have to worry about it. You just say a fact. I promise --"

"what to say, nothing to say! The fact is that Yang and Qiu Xing are serious love, to marry, it is not what to protect and sell, I bah! You want to spend money to let me to smear my son, your conscience is eaten by the dog! Go to my wife and my wife's house to inquire about the people who are not you looking for, all of them go! "

"Jiezong, you don't toast and don't eat free wine."

"You should come and punish one. I'll see. Don't call again! Call me to tape and call the police again and grab you! "

After recording, the gourd users have been unable to return to their mind for a long time.

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So this recording means someone wants to pay for his father, and to smear that Jieyang and Qiu Xing are the inclusive relationship?

Lying groove! Who is the heart so poisonous!

Netizens rushed into the comment area to publish their shock at the moment, and then they were shocked by the information of the first hot review.

Sail: wait! As like as two peas in the recording, how did the man's voice sound like the voice of the man who bought the bell? Is it the same person?

What? Is it the same person?

A quick netizen ran to intercept the audio of the male voice in two recordings. Finally, he was shocked to confirm that he was the same person.

That is to say, before buying the people who bought Bei Cheng Keng Jieyang, now I have bought Jieyang father to go?

The net friends who came to the conclusion have their backs and sweat on their backs. Is there anyone who has been hiding in secret to steal you, and something more frightening than this?

Who is this man? Why does he keep staring at Jieyang?

#Who wants to solve the problem of Yang? This topic quickly climbed up hot search, gourd users analysis, unconsciously will Tao Yang's clarity heat to pressure down.


Two days before the start of the cooperative show, Jieyang finally completed the adaptation of all the designated tracks. He will adapt the repertoire to the designers' assistants, waiting for everyone to respond.

In the next two hours, seven designers except Tao Yang called back. Five of them expressed their satisfaction with the adaptation of the repertoire, and they did not need to modify them. The two designers proposed a little modification. Jieyang took hours to revise the tune according to their opinions and made a final decision.

Finally, only Tao Yang did not respond.

Jieyang is not used to Tao Yang, and directly calls fuden. After another half an hour, Tao Yang contacted Jieyang actively.

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"The adaptation is good, but I want to make it a little more."

"I refuse," he said. I have passed with verdongou, and if you are not satisfied with my version of the adaptation, I will quit your show. Verden knows many violinists who can perform "delusion of rain and night" perfectly. He can help you to invite one to come

Tao Yang quieted down.

"Do you want to modify it?" Jieyang asked

"Jieyang." Tao Yang suddenly weakened a lot of tone, "Jieyang, you have won, for taojia, I can disappear in front of you and general Qiu, we let go of each other, can we?"

"You are asking for peace?" he asked, feeling very interesting

"Yes. There is no hatred between you and me. I have not done anything bad for you except for that microblog. I can apologize to you for all the language offence before. Sorry. So that's it, OK? "

Is this going to be hiding back in the dark?

Jieyang confirmed: "you really have not done anything too much to me except for offending me in words?"

"No." Tao Yang replied with great certainty, "no matter what you suspect, I can tell you with certainty, No. In order to express my sincerity of peace, I can also provide you with some information. The civil unrest in Fengjia is very serious now. Last time you humiliated Fengdian at the birthday party, he was angry and wanted to find a chance to clean up you. You should let Qiu Xing pay more attention to him. "It's a good pot to throw. I want to get rid of the cicada. I can't.

Xie Yang smiled and said, "thank you for your reminder, I will think about your words."


The day before the start of the cooperative show, all gathered in the museum for rehearsal. As the most popular search headlines recently, Jieyang and Tao Yang attracted the attention of most people immediately.

Tao Yang took the initiative to find Jieyang to speak and release friendly information: "I will take back my mind that I should not have. Bless you and avenge. "

"Thank you." Solve Yang to sort out the ear on the ear, to the Tao Yang's line of sight, smile meaningful, "rehearsal is going to start, refueling."

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