The cooperation shows are connected by eight shows. Each show is separated by a brief introduction of the brand. The total time is close to an hour, which is not long, but not short.

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In this hour, Xie Yang needs to perform repeatedly - changing clothes - performing - changing clothes, which is a physical test.

For Xie Yang's opening and closing performances and eight shows, verden has prepared a total of ten sets of clothes, which are simple, gorgeous, punk, dark and Holy In short, the mainstream style that most designers like is basically ready for Xie Yang.

The rehearsal will be held three times in total. The first two times are familiar with the process, and the last one is all in accordance with the standard of the formal show except for no makeup. That is to say, Xie Yang, as a performing guest, needs to sing for three hours.

He was worried about Xie Yang's voice and suggested that Xie Yang should not sing all the songs in the first two rehearsals. Xie Yang declined verden's suggestion with a smile, and made sure his voice would be OK.

Soon, the first rehearsal began.

When the prelude of "prosperous age" sounded in the stadium, everyone could not help but stop their work and look at the stage.

Wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans, Xie Yang takes the microphone to the stage, stands in the position designated by the lighting engineer, looks down to listen attentively, and then raises the microphone when the prelude reaches the most gorgeous place.

In the morning, it creates a bright atmosphere for the audience.


The first designer who appeared at the stage was surprised to look at the front desk. She was still fretting about the loss of accessories. At this time, she unconsciously opened her eyebrows with the singing.

"Great music and sound." "I don't think my design is suitable for playing behind his songs," she said

Another designer also heard Xie Yang's voice for the first time. He looked back and said, "of course not at the back. Your design will appear in his song."

The first designer appeared stunned for a moment, then laughed. With Xie Yang's singing, he put his head around and said, "you're right. I'm suddenly looking forward to the music he adapted for my design."

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Tao Yang, who was not far away from the two men, heard their conversation, looked sideways at the front desk, stood for a few seconds and then turned away.

The first rehearsal went on smoothly. The first show, the second show The fifth show is coming.

This show belongs to Tao Yang.

Xie Yang and Tao Yang gather backstage.

Xie Yang was ready to play with his violin. Tao Yang said, "your music is very good."

Xie Yang stopped and looked at Tao Yang: "I hope your design can match my music."


After coming to the stage, Xie Yang stands at the designated position. At the moment when the countdown of the field control in the earphone is finished, he gently strokes the bow, which opens the prelude of delusion.

The original version of "delusion on a rainy night" has a very fast rhythm, strong jumping, warm and tension, giving people a feeling of smooth and dripping anhydride, which does not match the elegant and elegant design style of Tao Yang.

In his adaptation, Xie Yang retained the enthusiasm and tension of "delusion on a rainy night" by using the method of rhythm dislocation, which slowed down the rhythm of the music, and made the original version of the notes that seemed to fall down high and light, and weave them in dislocation, making it light and smooth.

If the original version of "delusion on a rainy night" is a person's emotions released with lightning, thunder and rainstorm in a rainy night, Xie Yang's adapted version of "delusion on a rainy night" is a happy dance of a cloud in the process of transforming rain.

The first second of the sound, the atmosphere has been firmly controlled.

Listening to the sound of the piano backstage, Tao Yang clenched and relaxed his fingers and motioned to the first model: "out."

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When the first drop of rain passes smoothly and falls in people's hearts, the models in long white grey dresses walk out of the background like rain drops and fall into the earth.

Seeing this scene from the stage, verden exclaimed and shook his head: "how can you handle this Perfect, solution is more professional than I thought. "

Xie Yang has always been serious and professional in his work. He didn't wait or behave badly because he was working with Tao Yang. In fact, his music adaptations perfectly integrated Tao Yang's design style, turning Tao Yang's design into raindrops that turned clouds into rain. In the rainy night of delusion, he had a gorgeous dance.

At the end of the song, the rain stops and the clouds disperse. The last model returns to the backstage. Xie Yang puts down his violin, smiles at verden and others, and turns to prepare for the next show.

Backstage, Tao Yang is helping a model adjust a loose belt, see Xie Yang back, he took the initiative to say: "very good."

Xie Yang looked at the past and replied, "you are also very good."


On his way home after the rehearsal, Xie Yang opened his microblog and saw the Reuters of today's rehearsal on the popular website. In the Reuters photos, he and Tao Yang "had a good time talking to each other", "cooperating with each other" and "appreciating each other", which seemed to have a very good relationship.The blogger who released this routine also circled the blogger who had revealed that Tao Yang was interested in Qiu Xing, and sneered at him: in? Come out and explain your so-called "Tao Yang has an idea about Xie Yang's boyfriend"? If Tao Yang is really interested in Qiu Xing, can Xie Yang have a good time with Tao Yang? It's really a rumor. You should be careful of thunder.

Come on, create the illusion of good relationship and wash the white side.

Xie Yang cuts to wechat and sends a message to Qincheng.

Xie Yang: go and blow up the news that Xu Chen is trying to buy Bei Cheng and my father.

Qincheng: OK.

Half an hour later, Qincheng suddenly called.

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"The material didn't explode. Xu Chen came out by himself."

"What do you mean?" Xie Yang asked

"As soon as I have finished the account number of the disclosure, the chenyao media of Xu Chen's shares issued an announcement. In the announcement, Chen Yao said they recognized that Xu Chen was the one who called Jiexiu to harass him, and asked Xu Chen about it, and finally got the affirmative answer. They are very sad about this. After discussion by the board of directors, they finally decided to lose Xu Chen's post in chenyao. Because of your name, the announcement soon became hot. Now a hot topic has been dropped on the hot search

Actually, he confessed on his own initiative and lost his position. He was afraid that he would be found out sooner or later. If he wanted to start first, he would clear up the relationship with the company?

It's very fast.

Xie Yang asked again, "did Xu Chen make a sound?"

"Not before I called you."

"Staring at Xu Chen."

Not long after staring, about 20 minutes later, Xu Chen made a voice. He issued a statement through his lawyer, saying that he was only collecting money to do things. The person who really wanted to harm Xie Yang was Fengdian, and the reason why Fengdian kept his eyes on Xie Yang was that Fengdian and Qiu Xing had old grudges.

The matter suddenly pulled on the rich family's gratitude and resentment. Originally, he was passionately abusing Xu Chen and questioning why Xu Chen was critical. All the melon eating netizens choked by this information.

Xie Yang turned off his microblog, called Feng Qinglin and asked, "do you know the news on the Internet, Fengdian?"

"I see. But Tao Yi misleads him and makes him think that Xu Chen is the victim of others who want to fight for power in the Feng family. Now the Feng family is looking forward to going through a power struggle. Fengdian doesn't want to be in such a critical moment when the wind family needs to stay quiet and hide from their enemies, and they are on their back and provoked by their enemies. Fengdian is about to go to the hospital to find Mr. Feng to make decisions. "

"Isn't old Feng going to die soon? How do you decide?"

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Feng Qinglin's tone was cold: "it's just for the wind family and Fenghua shareholders. Tao Yi now hopes that Fengdian will make trouble, fight and pull everyone into the water. Fengdian is also obedient to the rules. "

Xie Yang was very satisfied with the development of this matter, and told him: "when the Fengdian is over, you can arrange Bei Cheng to show up on the Internet, and let him have a good confession about the transaction with Tao Yi."



At more than nine o'clock in the evening, when most netizens have accepted the fact that Xu Chen and Fengdian are people who want to harm Xie Yang, Bei Cheng, who has disappeared for a period of time, suddenly applies for a new account and publishes a video.

In the video, Bei Cheng said angrily: "it's not Fengdian at all. The people who want to harm Jieyang are not Fengdian! So far, I have nothing to say. At first, Xu Chen and the real boss behind him took the initiative to contact me and said that as long as I made trouble for Xie Yang in the program, he would help me pay my gambling debts and send me abroad. They also asked me to slander Xie Yang and Shen Yan for having an affair, so as to stir up the relationship between Huang Jieyang and Qiu Xing. But I didn't expect that Xu Chen didn't mean what they said. The money was given, but they didn't send me abroad at all! I don't know how the recording of the later transaction flowed out, and then pretended not to see me! "

The more he said, the more he hated: "when they talked about the deal, they were afraid of my recording and had to have an interview. However, the recording still came out. They played me like a fool! I've been looking for the source of that recording all the time. I didn't expect that I found it. Let me show you who really wants to harm Xie Yang. "

Then he picked up a mobile phone, found a recording file inside, and pressed play.

Xu Chen's voice came from the mobile phone: "in case you are found by Jieyang, tell him it's Fengdian who bought you."

Then there was Bei Cheng's voice: "Fengdian? It's the Feng family No, no, no, I don't dare. I'm not going to do this business. I can't afford it. "

Xu Chen tries to coax Bei Cheng into a few words again, but he never lets go of the recording. After Xu Chen was probably helpless, he finally gave the bottom to Bei Cheng and said, "don't be afraid Forget it. I'll introduce you to someone. "

After a long murmur, a female voice sounded: "Hello, I'm Fengdian's wife, Tao Yi."

At the end of the recording, Bei Cheng put down his mobile phone and said with a sneer, "it's really a good play that a rich family really has many rights and wrongs. His wife makes her husband carry the pot when he does something bad. At the beginning, Tao Yi repeatedly told me that if Xie Yang found out, she must not say her name, don't mention the Taoists, it was done by Fengdian! By the way, there is another message that you should be very interested in. When Xu Chen and I finished business discussions and left, I saw that Tao Yi left in the car driven by Tao Yang. Yes, you heard me correctly, that is, Tao Yang designer who said that he had no idea about President Rongding and only regarded President Rongding as an elder. He and Tao Yi are cousins! "

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