After the exposure of the video of the conversation between Tao Yang and Qiu Xing, the TV series of eating melons for several days has ushered in a big ending.

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In the video, Qiu Xing clearly warned Tao Yang not to make any provocations to disturb Xie Yang. He also called Tao Yang's father in a dispirited tone, suggesting that Tao's father introduce an object to Tao Yang as soon as possible and restrain Tao Yang's behavior.

The video was shot from a very corner. Because it was far away, the conversation between Tao Yang and Qiu Xing could not be heard clearly, but it was enough for everyone to be sure that Tao Yang really had an idea for Qiu Xing! In order to refuse Tao Yang, Qiu Xing called Tao Yang's father directly!

All the fog is gone.

Netizens were shocked.

The first report is true. Tao really likes Qiu Xing!

So what kind of angel, what sexual orientation is female, and what "just take hatred as elder" are all false?

Tao Yang cheated everyone!

Netizens who have been eating melons till now turn to the videos and recall Tao Yang's various performances before. They read Tao Yang's statement of denying everything this morning. They also think of Bei Cheng's disclosure and yesterday's Reuters, who was "very happy" with Tao Yang and Xie Yang, suddenly became cold and evil.

Is there such a person in the world who pretends to be friendly, pretends to be sexual, denies everything, and even goes to talk to the victims with the worst intentions and the most vicious intentions?

Bad people are not terrible, but bad people who pretend to be good people and do bad things in the dark are terrible!

It's creepy.


Countless netizens who had believed in Tao Yang turned angry and turned black. Countless fans of Tao Yang collapsed after seeing the video. Tao Yang's statement that he denied everything and said he would take legal measures against Bei Cheng soon became a vent for angry netizens and sad fans. Tao Yang's Micro blog fans continued to drop

It seems that they are afraid that netizens are not disgusted enough. After a while, another piece of news slowly climbed onto the hot list.

Museum staff trumpet: Mom, I'm suffocating. The show will start soon. I'll tell you another disgusting thing that Tao Yang did. All the background music of the show was adapted by Xie Yang. After Xie Yang's boyfriend rejected Tao Yang, Tao Yang suddenly asked to change the background music that had been set at that time, and set the first difficult "delusion on a rainy night" for Xie yang to adapt. People with a clear eye can see that this is difficult. Anyway, now I have a bad impression of Tao Yang. I feel that he is a hypocrite with a smile in his face. It's really terrible.


This angry eat melon netizens saw this new explosion directly fried.

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You are a little three, where on earth is the face to make trouble to others?! Do you want a face! That's too much!

Netizens were so angry that they rushed back to the live room from microblogs, holding fire and waiting for Tao Yang's show to begin.


In the museum, just after Xie Yang finished his opening performance, Tao Yang rushed to Xie Yang.

"Xie Yang, you actually --"

Wu Shui, who has been watching Tao Yang's movements behind the scenes, stops Tao Yang for the first time and says coldly, "what do you do? Stay away from my boss. "

Tao Yang was blocked by Wu Shui. When he saw Wu Shui's face, he remembered that he was the bodyguard of Qiu Xing. He also remembered the insults he had just seen on the Internet. His chest heaved hard, and he barely kept his head. He said in a cold voice, "get out of the way! I just want to talk to Xie Yang

"My boss doesn't want to talk to you."

"You --"

"Tao!" Verden strode over and glared sternly at Tao Yang. "What do you want to do? Shouldn't you be preparing your clothes now? "

Everyone in the background looked at it.

Tao Yang suppressed his temper and tried to explain: "I just want to talk with Xie Yang. There is a misunderstanding between me and him, so we must talk immediately. I promise not to take up too much time --"

"there is no misunderstanding." Xie Yang crossed Wu Shui and went to Tao Yang. Relying on his height advantage, he looked down at him, "I don't want to talk to you. You make me feel terrible."

What else did Tao Yang want to say, but was strongly interrupted by verden. "Tao, it's working time. I hope you can be more professional. Your teacher has gone through a lot of relationships and spent a lot of energy on your debut. If you trample on his cultivation again, this will be my last cooperation with you. Yes, I'll change clothes first. The first show will start soon. "

Xie Yang no longer looks at Tao Yang and obediently turns to change clothes.

Maybe it was verden who took some compulsory measures against Tao Yang. After several performances, Xie Yang never saw Tao Yang backstage.

Until the fifth show is about to start.

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As the designer of the show, Tao Yang was finally allowed to enter the backstage. He did not go forward this time. He only stood three steps away from Xie Yang. He said to Xie Yang through a wary Wu Shui: "do you think this will defeat me?"

Xie Yang raised his hand to straighten his collar and said, "I think you should focus on your clothes now. After all, this may be your last show in China."Tao Yang's expression changed: "what else did you do?"

"What can I do to you. What you should ask is whether your family will do anything to you for the sake of profit. "

His voice just fell, Tao Yang's assistant suddenly took Tao Yang's mobile phone and approached Tao Yang. He took a careful look at Xie Yang and said to Tao Yang, "boss, your home phone."

Tao Yang a Leng, and then realize what, did not answer the phone, but again tried to come close to Xie Yang.

Xie Yang has already stepped towards the front desk.

In the performance of the fifth show, Xie Yang closed his eyes all the time, and he didn't know whether he wanted to play more attentively or not.

After seeing his performance, the audience in the studio was angry and distressed. They took Xie Yang's position and made up for the situation that he had to play music for the ill intentioned little three, and couldn't help but scold Tao Yang on the barrage.

At the end of the song, Xie Yang opens his eyes, politely thanks the audience, and then turns back to the backstage.

Wu Shui immediately stepped forward, Hui reported: "Tao Yang received the call and left directly."

"Where did you go?"

"He was taken away from the side door of the museum by Tao Huazhang."

Tao Huazhang is very efficient. Xie Yang nodded to show that he understood. He handed the violin to Wu Shui and went on to change his clothes for the next show.


Tao Yang was gone. He couldn't find him. He didn't answer the phone. His assistant left a message to everyone, saying that he was going home with his family. Furden was furious by Tao Yang's sudden departure, and in a fury, he canceled the follow-up introduction of the brand created by Tao Yang.

Finally, the cooperation show finished the rest of the process in the absence of Tao Yang.

Waiting for Tao Yang to appear in the live room, netizens who want to scold Tao Yang are expecting to be disappointed. They think that Tao Yang is hiding from the exposure of the scandal. They hold back countless releases at one breath, and then turn back to the microblog one after another. Let Tao Yang not be counselled and come out positive!

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After all the performances, Xie Yang declined verden's invitation for dinner, walked out of the museum under the protection of his bodyguard and got on the car that Wushui had driven ahead of time.

Forty minutes later, the car stopped on the street outside a hospital.

Xie Yang got out of the car and got into a black car on the side of the road.

In the back seat of the car, Qiu Xing is sitting with his mother. Mother Qiu reclined on the back of her chair with her eyes closed, as if she were keeping her eyes closed. Qiu Xing holds her hand and is reading the company's email with her mobile phone.

Xie Yang sat on the other side of Qiu's mother and took a look at the hospital across the street. He lowered his voice and asked, "how about it?"

"Still holding on." Qiu Xing put down her mobile phone and pulled the blanket on her leg. "But it should be fast."

Voice just fell, Qiu Xing's mobile phone page jumped out of a message prompt. Jieyang sharp eyed, swept to the information content.

Qinglin: let's go.

Qiu Xing tightened his hand and relaxed a little later. He looked at his mother who was sitting in the middle and called, "Ma."

The mother finally opened her eyes.

"Fengchunshi died, and was angry with Fengdian and Tao Yi."

Qiu Mu looked at the void for a long time, and then she laughed slowly. Instead of looking at the hospital, she took Xie Yang's hand on her knee and said, "Yang Yang, you are the lucky star of your enemies. When you come, the damned people will be punished."

Xie Yang seemed to hold his mother's hand and said with a smile, "I also think I'm the lucky star of the enemy."


After returning his mother to the sanatorium, Xie Yang and Qiu Xing immediately returned to the city.

Qiu Chunfeng has a lot of things to do when he dies. Xie Yang wisely did not offer help. It was a revenge that he had been looking forward to for years. He just needed to watch.

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In the following period of time, Xie Yang witnessed many plots in the original book staged one by one.

When Feng Chunshi died, Feng family was in turmoil, and Fengdian was defeated in the war of seizing power. Finally, the eldest son of the wind family, Feng Zhen, the second son of the wind family, carved up all the foreign businesses of the wind family.

Wind code unwilling, began to stir up muddy water in the wind house.

Taking advantage of the turmoil of Fenghua, taojia broke down all cooperation with Fenghua, and took away some of Fenghua's partners and investors.

Fenghua shares fell, Fengchuang was exhausted.

Under the pressure of her family, Fengdian asked to divorce Tao Yi. Tao Yi simply agreed, swept away most of Fengdian's property, and left with her children after turning against her mother's family.

The more crazy the wind code, the more unstable the wind family.

Qiu Xing and Feng Qinglin are operating crazily behind the scenes. Various businesses of Fengjia have been experiencing problems. A large number of investors have withdrawn their capital and countless peers have taken advantage of the fire

In a word, it's a dog biting a dog.

Xie Yang also witnessed a number of plots not in the original book.

For example, Tao Yang met with a large-scale boycott. His newly opened clothing store in B city closed down. After returning to China, his newly established studio also closed quietly. Many of the cooperation that had been negotiated failed.

The backstage video of the day of the co-operative show was cut and uploaded by no one. Tao Yang tried to get close to Xie Yang twice in the background, and the screen that was stopped twice was hung up with hot search, and once again got the abusive package from netizens.Tao Yang has become the pronoun of "mind set", "evil" and "little three", and even has been made into a stick and drawn into a cartoon.


Unconsciously, August is coming to an end. As Xie Yang began to prepare for the fans' meeting for the first anniversary of his debut in September, Tao Yang, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly updated his microblog.

He made a statement in which he admitted to buying Bei Cheng and trying to buy off Xie Xiu, solemnly apologized to Xie Yang for this, and then said he would quit the entertainment industry.

Instead of forgiving him for his apology, netizens abused him more angrily because of his admission.

Xie Yang raised eyebrows when he saw the statement. He guessed that the statement should have been sent by Tao's family "helping" Tao Yang. He cut to the large size and forwarded the statement, and replied: No.

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