In early September, Qiu Xing's fourth treatment came.

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In Qiu Xing's treatment, Xie Yang went to the flower bed downstairs and sat down as usual. The power in the core of the power is running at a high speed. Xie Yang looks down at the fallen leaves on the ground and is distracted.

When autumn comes, before long, most of the flowers and plants will wither and die, and most trees will lose their leaves. Therefore, the collection of powers will become very inconvenient and slow.

That's not good news.

Qiu Xing's first course of treatment was only five times, this is the penultimate. After the course of treatment, Qiu Xing will have a period of recuperation, about two to three months.

This recuperation period was originally a good opportunity for him to help Qiu Xing raise his body quietly and wantonly, but it happened to run into winter.

If you don't have enough power reserves every day, the efficiency of Qiu Xing's health cultivation will definitely be greatly reduced.

But Qiu Xing's current physical condition does not allow him to reduce efficiency. The burden of treatment is increasing, and he is busy dealing with the wind family. Recently, Qiu Xing has lost a lot of meat. Although his complexion looks good, his physique is actually getting worse.

But we can't take Qiu Xing to a place with lush vegetation to spend the winter. Now is the crucial moment to deal with Feng family. Qiu Xing can't leave. He also needs to be familiar with Rongding's affairs and can't go away.

If only there was a suitable source of energy.

Xie Yang thought of this and focused on the area near the core of the power that was still blocked by the power.

Do you want to move this still hidden system

"How do you sit here?"

Xie Yang returned to his senses and looked up. Qiu Xing, who was pale in color, did not know when he stood up in front of him. He quickly stood up and asked, "how did you get down? When did the treatment end and was there any discomfort? "

"I didn't see you after the treatment, which made me very uncomfortable."

Xie Yang, looking at Qiu Xing's expressionless expression, smiles and takes Qiu Xing's hand: "I just see that the sun is good. I came down to bask in the sun. I promise you'll see me the next time you leave the treatment room. "

Qiu Xing Leng hum, back to hold Xie Yang's hand, and then suddenly released Xie Yang's hand. He leaned over and patted the ashes on his back and trousers. He frowned and said, "what a big man, he actually sat on the ground. The temperature is high these days. What's good for the sun? Don't be afraid of heatstroke

"It's autumn. There's no heatstroke."

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"Xie Yang."


"Mom said she wanted to see your first anniversary show."

The time of Xie Yang's coming out was relatively vague. The time of the original owner's entering IUD was in June, but after joining the league, the original owner had not been officially exposed until the day when Xie Yang came through. After Xie Yang came here, he did his first performance in October.

In short, the time is very chaotic, fans can not tell which day is the real time of Xie Yang's debut.

Most fans would like to see the performance in October as the time for Xie yang to make his debut. However, he didn't want to erase the traces of the original owner. After discussing with Qincheng, he took a middle value and set the first anniversary meeting in mid September.

And Qiu mu, according to the doctor, can last until late September.

Qiu's mother in September must have been very weak. Is she really suitable for such a lively occasion on the first anniversary of her debut? Will it increase the burden of the body?

Jieyang looked at Qiu Xing's way of helping himself with his clothes and said, "OK, I'll leave you and mom the best place."

Qiu Xing raised his eyes to Jieyang and leaned over to kiss Jieyang: "well."


A few hours later, Qiu Xing's results of this month's inspection came out. Kirkman took the examination sheet and said excitedly: "the speed of tumor atrophy is faster, and the position of atrophy is also very ideal. If it goes on like this, the second course of treatment does not need to be finished, and Qiu Xing can achieve the best surgical state."

That is to say, this long treatment torture can be ended earlier.

Xie Yang is very satisfied. He looks at Qiu Xing from the side of his head. However, he frowns. There is no expression of joy on his face. He turned his mind, understood, and asked, "worried about the effect of the operation?"

"Surgical effect?" Qiu Xing didn't respond. Kirkman first took the word and said to Qiu Xing, "Qiu, you don't have to worry about this. Your treatment is very good, almost a miracle. The battle against the disease is coming to an end, and you should be confident about it

Qiu Xing saw that his mind was seen out, and he no longer concealed it. He asked, "if the surgical effect is not good, what sequelae will appear?"

"Hatred." Kirkman looked at Qiu Xing with disapproval. "This is not what you should pay attention to now."

Qiu Xing did not speak.

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Xie Yang took the initiative to hold Qiu Xing's hand and said to Kirkman, "tell him, or he will always think about it."

Kirkman had no choice but to reply: "the sequelae may be mild or serious. The mild sequelae may include unclear language, facial paralysis and epilepsy. In severe cases, hemiplegia, hemiplegia and even directly become vegetative. But I promise you, Chou, I will try to avoid the second injury to your body during the operationWhen Kirkman talked about hemiplegia and vegetative people, Qiu Xing clenched Xie Yang's hand.

"There is another kind of sequela that Kirkman didn't say, which is no sequelae."

The dignified atmosphere in the room was stagnant. Kirkman and Qiu Xingqi looked at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang asked Kirkman, "there are a lot of patients who have successfully completed the operation without any sequelae, right?"

Kirkman understood and quickly nodded: "yes, yes, there are many patients who do not leave any sequelae after surgery, or have sequelae, but after further treatment and nursing, they completely get rid of the sequelae and return to health. You really need to be more optimistic

Looking at Qiu Xing, Xie Yang said, "I think I'm lucky. I don't think I'll lose my spouse in my lifetime. Moreover, I'm very patient. Even if you're paralyzed, I'm sure I can accompany you to treat and rebuild slowly until you completely recover. You also have to believe in Dr. Kirkman's technology. He won't make you a vegetable. And don't you want to marry me

Qiu Xing breathed: "wedding?"

"Well, the wedding. I'll have a wedding with you whenever you get back to health. You don't want to hear me call you from fiance to... " He didn't say what he said later, only implicitly hooked the palm of gouqiu line.

Qiu Xing quickly clenched Xie Yang's hand, and his Adam's apple rolled. He took a look at Kirkman, who installed the deaf, behind his desk. His heavy breath dispersed. He pulled Xie yang to his feet and said, "dare to say anything messy Let's go home for dinner

After that, he didn't even say hello to Kirkman, but pulled Xie Yang out.

Xie Yang grinned, turned back and waved to Kirkman, and obediently left the hospital with Qiu Xing.


In order to take care of his mother's health, Xie Yang asked Qincheng to advance the time of the first anniversary meeting a few days ahead of schedule and set it on September 9th.

After that, Qiu Xing and Xie Yang had a tacit understanding to reduce their working hours and strive to go to the sanatorium every day to accompany his mother. Feng Qinglin also tried to spare time to go to sanatorium every day.

In order to make her happy, everyone would tell her some good news every day.

For example, the sales volume of Jieyang's new specialty has increased and broken many records. For example, how much business Fenghua has lost and how fierce the wind family has made. For example, Feng Qinglin arranges for Bei Cheng and Feng Dian to encounter each other, so that Feng Dian learns from Bei Cheng that Tao Yi has long been in collusion with Xu Chen. The reason why Tao Yi helped Tao Yang before was that she was discovered by Tao Yang about her affair with Xu Chen, and Feng Dian was almost mad at hearing that. For example, Qiu Xing's treatment is very good, and the tumor has shrunk a lot

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Qiu's mother is happy every day and her mental state is getting better and better. But seeing his mother, the mood of everyone was a little bit heavy.

A person who has been given a life limit by a doctor suddenly gets better every day. The signal from this change is not good.

In the twinkling of an eye, September 9 comes.

Xie Yang and Qiu Xing get up early. At the request of Qiu's mother, they help her dress up and take her to the venue where they meet for the first anniversary of their initiation.

In order to take care of Qiu's mother's health, Xie Yang specially told Qincheng that the venue for the first anniversary of her debut should be arranged indoors, and the venue should not be too large, small and fine.

After careful selection, Qincheng chose a theater close to the sanatorium according to Xie Yang's requirements.

On the way to the theater, Xie Yang noticed that many billboards on the bus platforms along the road had their own photos changed, and some of the buses that came and went also had their own photos.

Qiu's mother also noticed and asked, "is that an advertisement for Yangyang? It's very nice. "

Xie Yang shook his head: "no, these should be fans."

"It seems Yangyang is very popular."

Xie Yang nodded: "yes, I'm really popular." The answer was not modest at all.

Qiu's mother is amused by Xie Yang and pinches Xie Yang's face.

After arriving at the theater, Xie Yang, taking advantage of Qiu Xing's effort to pour water to his mother, stealthily approached her and said in a low voice, "I'm going to surprise Qiu Xing later. Would you please cooperate with me?"

Qiu's mother looked at Qiu Xing beside the water dispenser, and then lowered her voice: "what surprise?"

"You didn't see that Qiu Xing proposed to me last time. Would you like to see me propose to him this time?"

Qiu's mother was stunned and then nodded: "I want to see it."

"Will you cooperate with me?"


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Jieyang and Qiu's mother met and laughed, and then tacit agreement in Qiu Xing turned back before their respective convergence of expression, changed the topic.


The theater in Qincheng is of medium size and can hold more than 2000 people at the same time. The seats in the theater are divided into two floors. Xie Yang arranged a golden VIP seat for Qiu Xing and Qiu's mother, which is the closest to the stage, in a separate row, with tea and snacks, and far away from other places.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, the meeting will begin soon. Before fans begin to enter the arena, Xie Yang sends Qiu Xing and his mother to their seats.Liu Sha was putting snacks on the small table beside her seat. When she saw Qiu's mother coming, she rushed to meet her and said with a smile, "Auntie, long time no see."

When Qiu Mu saw Liusha, she was surprised and pleased. She happily took Liusha's hand and said, "why didn't you tell me in advance if you want to come."

"I'm not the only one here," she said with a smile

Qiu's mother followed Liu Sha's guidance and saw that master Liao, Zhou Miao, Wu Shui and other people who had served in the enemy's family for many years were all sitting in the audience behind the golden VIP. When they saw Qiu's mother, they all said hello with a smile.

Qiu's mother became more and more excited and filled with joy: "are you all here? OK, here we are. Good, lively. "

Qiu Xing, pushing his mother's wheelchair, warmed his eyebrows and eyes. He looked at Xie Yang, who was preparing on the stage. Seeing Xie Yang also looking at himself, he lowered his head and took out his mobile phone.

Mobile phone shakes, news comes in. Xie Yang picks eyebrows and takes out the mobile phone.

Qiu Xing: touching baby sheep's head with big hands. JPG

it's really a bad expression package.

Xie Yang funny, typing reply.

Xie Yang: you should say I like you at this time.

Qiu Xing looked up at the next stage, and then quickly pressed the keyboard to send. After that, he stopped looking at the stage and pretended to talk to Liusha.

On stage, Jieyang receives new information.

Qiu Xing: [love].

Hum, perfunctory.

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