Qiu Xing only allowed himself to feel sad for half an hour. Half an hour later, he got up and began to arrange the funeral of his mother.

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He called his mother's family, Qiu Jia, Liu Sha, He Jun and other people, informed her of her death, and then contacted all the people who should be contacted, such as sanatorium, funeral company and cemetery.

Xie Yang did not over comfort Qiu Xing, only to ensure that he stayed in the position that he could see when he turned back.

In less than two hours, the quiet building deep in the sanatorium was surrounded by people from all walks of life. With the more people coming, Qiu Xing's mood became lighter. He was like a snail, shrinking his soft inner part into a ball and hiding it with a thick shell.

Liu Jiang, the elder brother of Qiu's mother, scolded him and said, "your mother is dying. Why didn't you inform her earlier and how to be a son? I heard that you took your mother to go a few days ago --"

"shut up." Xie Yang, who had been quietly staying behind Qiu Xing, suddenly came out and stopped in front of Liu Jiang. He said coldly, "ah hang has done something. If you don't blame him, if you say one more word, you will go out."

There are a lot of people around. Liu Jiang was so angry that he opened his mouth and said, "who do you think you are? Talking to me like that. My sister died, you -- "

" He Jun " Qiu Xing suddenly made a sound, reached out and took Xie Yang's hand and pulled him back. He didn't even look at Liu Jiang. He ordered, "send Chairman Liu out."

Chairman Liu, even uncle did not shout.

Liu Jiang's expression is very ugly. He wants to say something more, but he is caught up in a hurry by Liu Zhu. Liu Zhu's eyes were red. He seemed to have cried. He tugged at Liu Jiang and said, "brother, what are you doing? When is this time? Can you stop making trouble? "

"I do --"

He Jun walked up to the two people and reached out coldly: "Chairman Liu, please."

Liu Jiang was ashamed of himself and didn't want to leave. He wanted to break up again. Liu Zhu was angry and sad. After appeasing Qiu Xing and Xie Yang, he dragged Liu Jiang away.

The room was quiet again.

Xie Yang suddenly embraces Qiu Xing, Shun Qiu Xing's back, coax a way: "don't care about those people, I'll deal with it, you can accompany your mother well."

Qiu Xing closed his eyes and hugged Jieyang. He lowered his head and rubbed Jieyang's cheek. He could not be checked and said, "well."


Xie Yang took over the business of entertaining guests. He was more decisive and ruthless than Qiu Xing, and he was more calm and comprehensive than everyone thought.

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Those who dare to talk nonsense on the basis of some relationship were all invited out on the spot by him, and those who wanted to talk about hatred with their elders were all blocked by him. Whether it is the relatives of the enemy or the Liu family, he suppressed all those who dared to take advantage of the opportunity to make mischief.

He blocked in front of him and helped Qiu Xing build up a space where he could quietly send his mother on his last journey.

The funeral hall was soon set up. Liusha helped Qiu's mother change her clothes and make-up. Then she informed Qiu Xing, Feng Qinglin and Xie Yang. They put Qiu's mother in the coffin and sent them to the funeral hall.

Only then did the guests notice that the wind and the rain were there.

The recent turmoil in the Feng family has been very serious. Everyone knows that there is Qiu Xing's handwriting behind it. However, Feng Qinglin is now present at the funeral of his mother, which conveys a very subtle signal.

Feng Qinglin did not care what others thought of him. After all the matters in the spirit hall were handled, he put on a black suit and stood with Qiu Xing and Xie yang to the family members' thanks.

Xie Yang looked at the wind and Qinglin, then took Qiu Xing's hand and said, "you are not only me, Qinglin, Liusha sister Everyone is here. "

Qiu Xing didn't say anything, but squeezed Jieyang's hand.


The long and heavy three-day time finally passed. With the witness of all the relatives, the mother of Qiu was safely and steadily buried in the ground next to her father. The guests left one after another, and only Qiu Xing, Xie Yang and Feng Qinglin were left in front of the tombstone.

Feng Qinglin suddenly said, "I will bring my mother back as soon as possible."

Qiu Xing, who is looking at the tombstone, reaches out to touch the picture of his mother and father on the tombstone: "well."

After leaving the cemetery, Feng Qinglin leaves alone. Qiu Xing doesn't ask him where to go and takes Jieyang to the car to go home.

The car slowly drove away from the cemetery, Qiu Xing always looked at the outside of the car, without expression.

Xie Yang held Qiu Xing in his arms.

Qiu Xing returns to God and looks back at Xie Yang.

"Sleep for a while." Xie Yang Shun Qiu Xing's back, "you haven't closed your eyes for three days."

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang. His stiff and tight body relaxed slowly for three days. He held Jieyang in his arms, closed his eyes and slowed down his breathing.

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"Xie Yang."


"I won't let you send me away like this I can't do that to you. "

Xie Yang adjusted his posture and let Qiu Xing lean comfortably in his arms. He followed his back and said, "what a coincidence. I think so."

Qiu Xing tightened his arms.

"You are nine years older than me."

"Eight and a half years old."

"Well, eight and a half years old." Jieyang bowed his head and kissed Qiu Xing's ear, "so you should strive to live eight and a half more years than me. When the time comes, we will go together, and no one will give them away."Qiu Xing felt the temperature from Xie Yang's body and held Jieyang tightly: "good."


The funeral that lasted for three days consumed Qiu Xing's good looks. Although Xie Yang asked him to make up for a good night's sleep as soon as the funeral was over, it was obvious that the anger consumed by Qiu's mother's departure could not be made up in one day's sleep.

Now Qiu Xing went out, all the people who saw him immediately realized that this was a patient. Thin body, special hair style, unhealthy complexion The disease covered up the glory of Qiu Xing again.

On the fourth day after the funeral, Xie Yang saw a photo of him and Qiu Xing on Weibo. In the picture, he and Qiu Xing are walking in the community, probably because the sky is too dark and the road lighting is too bad. Qiu Xing in the picture is much worse than the real situation. He is thin, gray and full of the breath of patients.

The person who sent out the photo was a personal number, and his essay had a sensational effect: I found out that Jieyang and I lived in a community, and ran into him and his fiance to take a walk. Oh, my God, Qiu Xing, this is Is he going to die?

Because of this photo, the rumor that Qiu Xing is going to die suddenly spread on Weibo. A few days ago, Xie Yang's proposal to Qiu Xing was sour. Xie Yang was giving comfort to Qiu Xing who was about to die. Some of them were even more malicious. He even speculated that Xie Yang was stabilizing Qiu Xing's mood. He was afraid that Qiu Xing changed his will before he died.

Xie Yang frowned, contacted Qincheng, let him go to public relations to get rid of these news, and then immediately left Yangxing and rushed to Rongding.

Qiu Xing was criticizing documents. Seeing Xie Yang coming, he asked, "it's not that Yang Xing has a job. How did you come here?"

"Check the post to see if you have a goblin hiding in the office behind my back." Xie Yang replied, directly sat in the arms of Qiu Xing, holding Qiu Xing's face.

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Qiu Xing immediately hugged Jieyang, and then he said, "what goblin, nonsense."

This is a small habit raised by Qiu Xingxin after his mother's death. Once he meets Xie Yang, he will inevitably cling to him. His strength is very tight, as if he is afraid that Xie Yang will disappear.

After observing Qiu Xing's face, Xie Yang leaned over to kiss him and said, "it's very handsome. The person who takes the photo is probably blind."

He took out his mobile phone in front of Qiu Xing, turned on the microblog and switched to a large one. He forwarded the popular microblog on the top of the list. Postscript: after just observing, Qiu Xing is still very handsome, and he can live for at least another hundred years.

Qiu Xing understood what Jieyang was going to do. He took a photo on Jieyang's mobile phone screen and said, "I'm sorry."

"Why do you say sorry? It's these people who are talking nonsense Xie Yang kisses Qiu Xing again, then stands up and says with a smile, "work hard, I'll accompany you after the meeting."

Qiu Xing took Jieyang's hand and didn't speak, but he was obviously unwilling to let Xie Yang go.

Xie Yang stops and stoops close to Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing hooks off Jieyang's neck and kisses Jieyang gently.


Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing quietly.

Qiu Xing touched Xie Yang's eyebrows and eyes and suddenly laughed. Although the smile was a little shallow, he got up and took Xie Yang's hand and said, "go, I'll send you back to Yangxing." Tone is a rare spirit these days.

Xie Yang also laughed and nodded: "good."

Qiu Xing has always sent Xie yang to Yang Xing's upstairs. This is also the first time that Qiu Xing appeared in Yangxing except for that time. He was not shy at this time, and took Xie Yang's hand into Yangxing, until he sent Xie yang to the office.

"Come here after the meeting."

Xie Yang nods.

Qiu Xing kisses Xie Yang's eyebrows and looks at Xie Yang for a few seconds before turning away.

As soon as Qiu Xing left, Qincheng immediately came in with his mobile phone and asked, "Mr. Qiu, he How about it? "

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"It's getting better." Xie Yang replied and ordered, "let people keep a close eye on the Internet, and then there is the rhythm of Qiu Xing's physical condition. It's the first time to deal with it. I'll also tell him to send someone to watch

Qin Cheng nodded to understand and asked, "go to the meeting? I have a few work that I really can't push forward. They are all relatively large-scale activities. "

"Let's go."


From this day on, Qiu Xing took the initiative to adjust his state. He consciously ate less food, more sleep and more rest, and consciously tried to make his face more expressive and talk to Xie Yang more.

He's trying to get better.

Xie Yang worked hard with Qiu Xing. He went to Rongding to have lunch and afternoon tea with him on time every day. After dinner, he took Qiu Xing for a walk. In the evening, he spent an hour or two to nourish his body with his powers.

Soon, October came, Qiu Xing carried out the last treatment of the first course of treatment.

This time on the check list, Qiu Xing's weight figure is a little low and dazzling.

Kirkman put down the check list, looked at Qiu Xing, and ordered: "take good care of yourself in the past two months. I will go back home and work with the team to adjust the treatment plan according to your current physical condition. You're psychologically prepared. At the beginning of the next course of treatment, you have to put down your work and stay in hospital for a long time to prepare for surgery. "Qiu Xing asked, "must I be hospitalized?"

"Yes, every change in your brain tumor before the operation will affect the outcome of the operation. This is responsible for your body. "

Qiu Xing frowned.

"Then go to hospital."

Qiu Xing looks at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang looked back at Qiu Xing and asked, "if you finished the operation and found that I had defeated Rongding, would you be so angry that you would not hold a wedding with me?"

Qiu Xing was stunned, and his eyebrows extended slowly. He squeezed Jieyang's hand: "what nonsense If you lose, if you lose, I will earn it back for you. "

Xie Yang laughed with satisfaction and asked, "from tomorrow on, will you slowly hand over Rongding affairs to me?"

“……” Qiu Xing and Xie Yang's ten fingers clasped, nodded, "good."

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