Xie Yang suspended all artists' work and formally began to perform the duties of vice director of Rongding.

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When another week came, Xie Yang and He Jun appeared at the Rongding regular meeting on Monday. He sat on the president's seat in the room full of stunned and stunned eyes, and announced: "meeting."

Everyone is stupid.

Qiu Jingwei first came back to his senses and frowned and asked, "what about Qiu Dong?"

"He is not in good health. He should eat more and sleep more. I have strictly controlled his sleep and rest time. From today on, chairman Qiu's working hours have been changed to 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. all the Rong Ding Affairs reported to me will be handled by me on behalf of him. "

There was a commotion.

Qiu Jingwei was more steady than his brother, Qiu Jingbang, and said, "I remember that Qiu Dong said that he would pick two people to help you with the company's affairs. Have you forgotten that?"

All the people who are staring at the auxiliary position quietly and look at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows and replied, "of course, I haven't forgotten, but it's obviously not yet. Qiu Xing can still work now. I just deal with some trivial things for him. Rongding's major decisions still have to be decided by him. And... "

He glanced at several senior people in this room and said with a smile: "if I start to determine the auxiliary candidates now, can you reach a consensus in a short time?"

Naturally, we can't. everyone wants to take advantage of Qiu Xing's operation and Xie Yang's acting chairman's office to gain more power and money. There are more monks but less meat. It's not easy to end the fight between the two sides.

The room is quiet.

Xie Yang smiles: "so, can we start the meeting now?"

No one said anything more. The meeting started normally.

Some old slicks want to test the depth of Xie Yang, and deliberately make the things they want to report complicated. Xie Yang showed no leakage. He could solve the problem by himself. He asked him if he didn't understand. He felt that he was not sure

Jieyang directly calls a video phone to Qiu Xing, who is forced to recuperate at home to deal with the matter remotely.

Qiu Xing had always been worried that Xie Yang would be made a difficult job in the company. As soon as the video phone call came, he answered immediately. He glanced at the people in the conference room through the camera and asked Xie Yang, "what's the matter?"

Xie Yang said something he didn't understand with Qiu Xing.

After hearing this, Qiu Xing's face sank down and said in a cold voice, "how did you hand in this vague report? It seems that some people are too old to keep up with the rhythm of Rongding. He Jun, inform the personnel department to transfer the person who has just made the report to the branch office, so that he can lay a good foundation and come back again. "

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We knew it was not good when Xie Yang called Qiu Xing. After listening to Qiu Xing's words, they didn't dare to make a sound again. All the people who had just deliberately complicated the report shrank their heads.

Xie Yang flipped the video call, only let Qiu Xing look at his face and asked, "did you eat breakfast?"

Qiu Xing's expression looked better: "I'm going to eat. Did they bully you? "

Hearing this question, all the participants seemed to swallow a rag.

Xie Yang comforted him and said, "not for the time being. But I am a stingy person. I think it's not a bullying thing today. I may think it will be tomorrow. You have a good rest. I'll go on with the meeting. " Without turning off the video call, he put his mobile phone aside, glanced at the crowd again and asked, "who else needs to report?"


Not long after the regular meeting, Qiu Xing came to Rongding.

Xie Yang hugged his chest and looked at Qiu Xing with no expression on his face: "I remember the working time I set for you was 10 o'clock."

Qiu Xing was in trouble. He kneaded and kneaded Yang's face and coaxed him: "I didn't advance much."

Xie Yang was not moved: "it's only nine ten. I went to work nearly an hour earlier, which is enough time for you to sleep back in

Qiu Xing bent down to pro Xie Yang. Seeing Xie Yang still with a straight face and silence for a few seconds, he said, "I can't sleep without you."

Xie Yang raised his eyes to see Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing kisses Xie Yang again.

“…… No more. " Xie Yang finally loosened up. He took Qiu Xing to his side and sat down. He took a magazine to him. "You can take this for recreation. When you arrive at ten o'clock, you can batch documents with me."

Qiu Xing looked at the fashion magazines in his hand, and at a large number of documents in front of Xie Yang. He opened his mouth: "you --

" or you can go to the bedroom and sleep back to sleep. "

Qiu Xing changed his words decisively Tell me what you don't understand

Xie Yang is satisfied, and he kisses Qiu Xing with a reward. He picks up the document and begins to read it.

Qiu Xing opened the magazine. After reading two lines, he couldn't help but drop his eyes to understand Yang. Looking at Xie Yang's serious appearance, he raised his hand and touched his head, with the smell of treasure and guilt.

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Jieyang Ren Qiu Xingmo turned over the document and said without lifting his head: "we haven't done it for a long time."

Qiu Xing's face was full of warmth. He took back his hand uneasily and said, "during the working hours, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Xie Yang approved the document, picked up the next book, really did not speak.After a long time, Qiu Xing's voice sounded: "you Think about it? "

Xie Yang changed a hand to turn over the document, the other hand put on Qiu Xing's leg, moved to move over, silent answer.

Qiu Xing's leg muscles were tight, and he quickly grasped Xie Yang's troublemaker's hand. Clearly, he was in the quiet and alone office, but he swept the room with a guilty conscience. He coughed and comforted him: "wait for the evening Be good. "

"I don't wait for the evening." Xie Yang accepted and approved a document, threw it aside, and went to take another one. Suddenly he looked at Qiu Xing and said, "no wonder many bosses like to keep honey in the office Do you want to try it here? "

Here? Try what?

Qiu Xing raised the magazine and said, "nonsense, concentrate on your work."

"Don't you want to?"

“……” Qiu Xing couldn't help looking at the wide dark desk in front of him. Yu Guang glanced at Xie Yang's white palm on the desk. Some disharmonious pictures appeared in his mind.

Xie Yang approached Qiu Xing and lowered his voice: "don't you want to?"

Qiu Xing looks down at Xie Yang, his throat knot moves, and he leans slowly.

"I don't wait for the evening." Xie Yang suddenly retreated, raised his hand and pressed Qiu Xing's body close to him, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "wait till you get fat. Dr. Kirkman said that your physical condition is not suitable for frequent sexual intercourse, so I decided that I would do it with you every additional catty of meat. Come on, rest and eat. Don't think about working secretly, or we'll have to Plato in the future. "

Qiu Xing froze.

Xie Yang gently patted Qiu Xing on the shoulder: "if you are bored, you can listen to the songs I wrote, discuss the lunch menu with master Liao, and look at the TV series produced by our company. If not, you can also visit our CP super words on Weibo and see what the fans have written to us All in all, you have a lot to do, except work. "

Qiu Xing captured a strange word: "with humanity?"

Xie Yang didn't expect that Qiu Xing didn't know the existence of Tongwen. He took out his mobile phone, opened his microblog and put it into Qiu Xing's hand: "I've forwarded and collected the good Tongwen written by fans. You can see for yourself. Good, I'm going to work. " Finish saying and kiss Qiu Xing, and then sit back to continue to read the document.

Qiu Xing looks at Xie Yang and his mobile phone in his hand. With a good mood that he may see a lot of rainbow farts and blessings, he opens the homepage of Jieyang's microblog trumpet.

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Five minutes later, Qiu Xing's expression froze.

Seven minutes later, Qiu Xing frowned.

Ten minutes later, Qiu Xing secretly looked at Xie Yang and changed his sitting posture.


Dozens of minutes later, Jieyang took away the mobile phone in Qiu Xing's hand.

As if he had been caught doing a bad thing, Qiu Xing quickly sorted out his expression and said solemnly, "how can you read this kind of thing, and how can these fans write --"

Xie Yang bowed his head to kiss Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing, shut up.

Xie Yang retreated and asked, "when you are well, we will try all the things they wrote? Let's try the hot spring first. I've heard that there is a hot spring resort on the mountain next to Jinghe garden, but I haven't had a chance to see it. "

Hearing Xie Yang say this, Qiu Xing suddenly realized that since they realized that now, he had never taken Xie Yang out to play once, or had a good appointment with Xie Yang.

Xie Yang is only 21 years old, so young, it is the age to relax and enjoy love.

Qiu Xing touched Jieyang's face, reached for Jieyang and held it in his arms. He said, "when I'm ready, I'll accompany you everywhere and try everything with you."

Xie Yang funny: "Rong Ding do not want?"

"If you want to train a few more deputies, that's why I'm going to choose you as an assistant this time."

Xie Yang was surprised: "so you have actually selected a good assistant candidate?"

"Well. Can't really put you alone in Rongding. He Jun has been training with me for so many years. After this time, I will also give him a position


At lunch, Qiu Xing contacted two selected auxiliary candidates and held a small video conference with Xie Yang. Xie Yang found that Qiu xingxuan's people were very familiar. One of them was upset by him at the previous regular meeting, and the other was sitting next to Qiu Jingwei at the regular meeting.

Seeing that Xie Yang had changed his attitude of fear and hostility at the regular meeting, they warmly and friendly said hello to Xie Yang, and apologized to Xie Yang for his previous impoliteness.

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Jieyang understood, side head to see Qiu Xing: "everyone was cheated by you."

Qiu Xing in the video opposite two people can not see the angle gently pinch solution Yang's hand is a response.

After lunch, Xie Yang took Qiu Xing for a walk, and then forced him to take a lunch break.

"The working hours are from three to five. Now it's a little closer. I'll sleep for an hour. I'll come in and call you at two. Sleep honestly and don't play with cell phones. "

Qiu Xing did not have the habit of taking a nap. He frowned, but did not refute Jieyang's good intentions. He nodded and said, "OK.""Then go to bed and lie down."

Qiu Xing goes to the bed in the bedroom and lies down.

Xie Yang covers Qiu Xing with a quilt and gets ready to go, but he is held by Qiu Xing.

"You don't sleep?"

"I have to go back to Yang."

Qiu Xing was silent and released Jieyang's hand. He told him to take a rest after being busy

"No problem." Xie Yang bows his head and kisses Qiu Xing, and then he gets up and leaves.

After settling down Qiu Xing, Xie Yang went back to Yang Xing to deal with the affairs. When it was nearly two o'clock, he got up and left the office, ready to go back to Rongding and call Qiu Xing to get up.

"Wait a minute." Qin Cheng suddenly exclaimed Xie Yang with his mobile phone in his hand. He hesitated and asked, "Mr. Qiu Have you been stolen? "

Jieyang doubts: "what?"

Qincheng silently put the mobile phone in front of Jieyang.

Xie Yang looked down and saw Qiu Xing's microblog home page on the mobile phone screen. At the top of the home page, a fresh like message was lying quietly, and the content of liking was With the humanities?

Xie Yang immediately looked at the time.

It's one forty-eight.

He squinted slowly.

Good. The mouse is big, actually dare not to listen to play mobile phone secretly.

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