On the way back to Rongding, Xie Yang quickly flipped over the contents of Qiu Xing's praise.

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It was a cute essay. In the text, Xie Yang suddenly becomes a small animal with long hair and big ears, and is carried to work and work by Qiu Xing in his pocket. After a series of "pet" life, Xie Yang became a man, but he had a pair of ears and a hairy tail that could be released freely.

At the end of the article, Qiu Xing and the humanoid version with ears and tails bring about a disharmonious movement.

Xie Yang: "what's more..."

The brain hole of fans is really a magic thing. It may be connected to the universe.

Objectively speaking, it is very good to write this article with humanistic fans. The interaction in the article is very cute and warm. Although the meat at the back is relatively obscure and short, it is also very imaginative.

So Is Qiu Xing really good at this?

Xie Yang suddenly felt that he did not know enough about Qiu Xing.

When the elevator opens, Xie Yang steps in and points out the comments under the original blog.

This article originally had only a few hundred comments. After Qiu Xing praised it, the number of comments quickly rose to 2000, and it is still increasing. One is lying with the excitement of the humanities author.

Sailing: ah, ah, ah, ah! I'm not dreaming, am I? I didn't dream, did I? Shake me up, sisters! Have I been overturned? It turns out that Mr. Qiu will also look at the same culture, my dimension wall Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! no I'm not crazy! I can still knock for another 10000 years!!

Hot comments 234 are all occupied by the new comments. The content of the comments is very uniform. Basically, the question mark and exclamation mark cross each other, and the scream and howl of the wolf sound together. From time to time, a fan's soul inquiry about Qiu Xing appears.

Yang Xing is true: so this praise means that Qiu always likes this one? Qiu always wants to put Yang Yang in his pocket to work and rub his ears all the time? Ooh, my nosebleed!

…… In short, the style of painting is hard to describe.


The elevator arrives.

Xie Yang regained his mind from the unruly comments of his fans, put away his mobile phone and strode to the small bedroom behind the office.

The door opened and the room was quiet. Qiu Xing was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. He seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Xie Yang walks to the bedside, quietly watching Qiu Xingzhuang sleep.

One minute Two minutes Three minutes

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Qiu Xing turned over and pushed aside a little quilt.

The clever mouse.

Xie Yang finally moved, sat down on the edge of the bed, helped Qiu Xing pull the quilt, touched Qiu Xing's face, and then moved his finger and pulled Qiu Xing's ear.

Qiu Xingwei can not be checked to freeze, eyelashes shake, but still "asleep.".

Good, very stable.

Xie Yang took out his mobile phone and found out the article with humanity. He read it slowly and leisurely: "the sun shines on Qiu Xing's face through the curtain. When he heard the first sentence, Qiu Xing frowned and didn't understand. When he heard the second sentence, he finally realized that it was wrong. Shua opened his eyes and reached for Yang's mobile phone.

Xie Yang lifted the master away and continued to read: "Qiu Xing frowned and took out a big ear small animal with long white hair from the quilt. It is obediently lying in the palm of Qiu Xing's palm. Its round eyes are wet, and there is a trace of helplessness in it

Qiu Xing couldn't grab the mobile phone, so he just sat up and trapped Jieyang in his arms. He pressed his head down on the bed.

Xie Yang's voice disappeared.


Qiu Xing retreated and opened his body first. His face was the same as that of the dyeing house. He held back his voice and said, "you How do you I know... "

Xie Yang took the initiative to talk to Qiu Xing and asked, "don't sleep to see the same culture?"

“……” Qiu Xing obviously didn't know how he was caught. He touched Jieyang's hair with a bit of deceptive smell. "I fell asleep, but I just woke up halfway --"

"why did you close your eyes just after waking up?"


"Pretending to sleep

Qiu Xing's expression changed.

"And lied to me to cover you?"

Qiu Xing's face tensed, raised his hand to block Jieyang's eyes, and did not dare to look at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang gave a heavy cold hum. He pulled out Qiu Xing's hand and stood up from the bed. He took out his mobile phone and said, "let's calculate your sentence" wake up halfway. ". The article you read is divided into three chapters with the humanities, with a total of 30000 words. The average reading speed of human beings is 300-500 words per minute, which is twice as fast as most people's reading speed. After reading these 30000 words, you still need to spend nearly half an hour. You like this article at one point forty-eight, which is the same as humanity, forty-eight minus thirty -- "

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Qiu Xing's expression changed:" what do you like? "

After looking at Qiu Yang's mobile phone, he takes out his mobile phone and asks him what to do.Qiu Xing froze after seeing the praise on his microblog home page. He quickly cancelled it, hesitated for a moment, and looked up at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang had no expression: "Congratulations, you just successfully sent us to the hot search. #It's a good hot topic for Qiu Xing to give praise to him, to cancel his hobby, and to promote his humanity. "


Xie Yang straightened up and held himself aloof: "be honest, how long did you sleep in the afternoon?"

“……” Qiu Xing pressed his lips, "I'm sorry."

I didn't sleep for a minute.

"It's no use apologizing. It must be punished."

Qiu Xing nodded: "good."

"I'll punish you for not going to work in the afternoon. Let me help you with all your work."

Qiu Xing suddenly raised his head and frowned: "no --"

"to punish you is painful, so I punish myself. Remember, if you treat yourself better, you treat me better, understand? "

Qiu Xing lost his voice, looked at Xie Yang and held him: "I'm sorry I'm sorry, not in the future. "

That's about it.

Xie Yang pulled Qiu Xing's ear again and slowed down his tone: "I know that work and rest can not be adjusted immediately, but you must try to adjust it step by step. I'll take a nap with you tomorrow

Qiu Xing tightened his arms.

"What's more, if you want to see the same people in the future, remember to open the trumpet to see, use the large size to see, and praise, are you stupid or not?"

Qiu Xing could not hang on his face and explained, "when I was watching the news, I accidentally went over..."

"Hand skating, I understand."

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“……” Qiu Xing loosened his arm and looked at Xie Yang. He simply stood up, held Jieyang's face in his hands, touched it, and bowed his head to kiss him.

Xie Yang smiles and closes his eyes.


Xie Yang's words are true. He didn't let Qiu Xing touch his work in the afternoon. He solved it all by himself. At present, he is not very familiar with Rongding's affairs. Some documents must take time to understand the causes before they can be approved. This is very time-consuming. Qiu Xing only needs two hours to complete the work, he is busy until nearly eight o'clock to finish.

But even though he was so busy, he took time to have tea and dinner with Qiu Xing.

After Rongding's work was finished, Xie Yang returned to Yangxing, took the work accumulated by Yangxing and went home with Qiu Xing. When he got home, Jieyang urged Qiu Xing to wash, while he went to the study with his work to continue to be busy.

After about half an hour's work, Xie Yang noticed that the door had been pushed open and a gap of about two centimeters was opened. He thought of a mouse's frown, which had been getting tighter and tighter this afternoon, and then he kept busy.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, Xie Yang is finally completely busy, covers up the computer, collects the documents, and returns to the room to wash.

Qiu Xing had finished washing and was leaning on the bed and flipping through the mail with a tablet. See Xie Yang back to the room, he immediately got out of bed, took a thermos cup on the head cabinet, went to Jieyang, handed it over and said, "it's milk, I drank sleep aid."

Xie Yang takes a look at the thermos cup and drinks it obediently.

"Take a bath." Qiu Xing took back the cup, "pajamas help you put in the bathroom."

That's very considerate.

Xie Yang smiles, kisses Qiu Xing and enters the bathroom.

After taking a bath, Xie Yang lies in bed. Qiu Xing immediately hugged Jieyang, tightly encircled Jieyang in his arms, touched Jieyang's back and said, "you are thin."

"So I'm going to get fat with you." Xie Yang held Qiu Xing in his arms for a whole day. As soon as he got to bed, he couldn't help closing his eyes, and his voice was also sleepy. "By the way, I have an activity to attend at the weekend. Is it OK for you to be at home alone? Do you want to call for fengqinglin to accompany you

Although Xie Yang of Qincheng group suspended the artist's work, Xie Yang still needed time to deal with the ending of some previous work. For example, the attendance and performance of major music events, advertising shooting of D brand new autumn and winter clothing series, and some official invitation parties that must be attended In a word, they are all jobs that can't be pushed off or are not very good ones.

Fortunately, these jobs are not too many. On average, one job a week is almost enough. It doesn't take much time.

Qiu Xing heard the sleepiness in Jieyang's voice, and kissed Jieyang's eyebrows and coaxed: "no, I can do it at home myself. Sleep. "

Xie Yang responded. He rubbed Qiu Xing's shoulder socket and stopped talking, but he didn't sleep. He tried to find out the power with his tired feeling. He began to use the power to nourish Qiu Xing's body and "move" tumor every night.

When the power is exhausted, the time has already turned 12 o'clock. Xie Yang opens his eyes and looks at Qiu Xing's sleeping appearance with his eyes closed. Then he really goes to sleep.

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Qiu Xing's behavior of praising Tongren has a very complex and far-reaching impact on their lives.

Hot search. This is certainly inevitable, and it is one of the reasons for the complex and profound influence that followed.

The number of people with sudden explosion. This seems to be inevitable. The encouragement of the Lord is no different from fighting chicken blood for fans. Among those explosive articles, most of them are cute articles. Xie Yang is transformed into various animals by fans who connect the universe through brain holes Occasionally, Qiu Xing will be changed into animals. Anyway, Qiu Xing likes to change from Jieyang to small animals, which can't be washed away.All kinds of weird stares. This can be predicted. From then on, the secretaries in the high-level company will not be able to solve the problems that are not easy to be solved.

Some nasty gossip. Black powder is the most unreasonable existence in the world. It is obviously just a little fun and everyday thing. However, black powder can emit a lot of malicious guesses. In this part, Xie Yang consciously didn't let Qiu Xing know that Qiu Xing just slipped his hand once. He had already felt guilty and remorsed because he had attracted strange gaze to Xie Yang. He was silent and low-pressure for the past two days. Xie Yang didn't want to affect Qiu Xing's mood with the filthy things on the Internet.

In short, there are many influences, and one of the most surprising things for Xie Yang is that after the event of Qiu Xing's praise, the comments on the Internet that he was about to die quickly disappeared.

It seems that the public generally feel that those who have leisure to see the adoring and humanistic people should not be in a state of dying.

In the twinkling of an eye, Xie Yang is going to participate in the activities. Qiu Xing may be guilty or distressed. He actively and persistently shows that he wants to send Xie yang to the activity site.

Xie Yang thinks that it is good to take Qiu Xing out and turn around, just to improve his mood. So after changing his clothes at home, he took Qiu Xing to Yangxing first, and after Yang Xing finished modeling, he set out for the activity site.

This time, he is going to take part in a music festival jointly organized by the government and major music platforms. This event has a history of 10 years and will be broadcast on TV. It is very lively. Basically, famous singers in the music world will be present.

Ji Zehui and Tong Jian will also participate in the event, and they will meet at the venue.

Qiu Xing frowned when he heard Ji Zehui's name, but even on the way to the event venue, he still didn't forget to read Rongding's documents. He was familiar with Rongding's affairs. His heartache occupied the top and swallowed the vinegar.

Soon the venue arrived, and as soon as their car stopped, Tongjian looked for it. Tong Jianshou quickly opened the back door, bent down to look in the car and quickly said, "Yang Yang, what happened to that praise topic on the hot search a few days ago? Has your boyfriend been stolen? How can I see that some people talk so bad that you -- "

Tongjian shut up and stare at Qiu Xing in the car.

Qiu Xing's expression was ugly, and he asked in a deep voice, "is it hard to hear? Who said that? What did you say? "

Children's sword:

Xie Yang: "what's more..."

He put down the document, looked at Tong Jian and said, "I want to deduct your resources."

Children's sword:

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