The activity is about to start, and there is no time to explain too much. Finally, Xie Yang pacifies Qiu Xing with the explanation that "some black powder envies our good feelings and has said some sour words on the Internet". He then gets out of the car and takes Tong Jian to meet Ji Zehui.

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Tongjian finally realized that he had said something wrong. He looked back frequently at Qiu Xing who was left in the car and asked Xie Yang, "Yangyang, am I saying something I shouldn't say? Is your boyfriend really stolen? Is he unhappy because of the theft? Sorry, I didn't know your boyfriend was in the car, too


I haven't seen you for such a long time. Tong Jian's eyesight is still poor and stable.

"Yang Yang, why don't you talk? You Do you really want to deduct my resources? "

Xie Yang looked at the child's sword, raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "if you go on, I'll really buckle it."

Tongjian shut up immediately.

They meet Ji Zehui in the parking lot on the other side, and then enter the meeting hall together under the arrangement of the staff and go to the rest room to wait for the red carpet walk to start.

Ji Zehui is much more clever than Tong Jian. Seeing Xie Yang's hot search not a few days ahead of schedule, he only talks about how good Yangxing's resources are now, how harmonious the company atmosphere is, and how pleasant and powerful Xie Yang's new album is.

Xie Yang looked at the two people around him who were very different in eyesight, and wanted to neutralize them.

The rest room where they are located is a separate small rest room. The environment is quite good, but there is something wrong with the door lock. It can't be closed, so it can only be concealed.

After sitting for a while, two vague voices came out of the door.

“…… Here we are. "

"Did he come? Isn't he guarding his seriously ill boyfriend? "

"Who knows, I guess I'm too tired to wait and run out..."

The sound faded away.

Xie Yang looks at the door.

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Ji Zehui, who was talking about blowing rainbow farts to Xie Yang, stopped talking. He looked back at the door of the rest room and recalled it carefully. He said, "one of the voices is yuan Pang. The emperor is not behind. He signed Dake records. The other voice should be Mr. Yuan Pang's new agent, Galen, a hybrid with a broken mouth

Yuan Pang, Ji Zehui's old enemy in the emperor's heaven, had been very close to the original female master Mu Zhouyi.

Xie Yang withdrew his sight and said: "it seems that black powder is not only guessing me and Qiu Xing's daily life, but also some people in the circle are talking about it."

Ji Zehui was a little embarrassed and patted his thigh: "well, there are always some guys with broken mouths talking at random. In fact, they are jealous of you, and they only dare to be sour in the back. When they come to you, they can't even fart out."

Xie Yang didn't think so, but he didn't say that he took out his mobile phone and sent wechat to Qiu Xing.

Xie Yang: the event will be held for a long time. Don't wait outside.

Qiu Xing's second reply: Yes.


Outside the venue, Qiu Xing waited. Seeing that Xie Yang didn't return the message, he switched back to the microblog and slowly flipped through what he had just found on the microblog.

Sheep paste: ha ha ha, laugh to death, that group of discharge powder and write a pile of disgusting, it's the same people crying Meng there, and some people say that they want to be the Lord of AIT. They are disgusted and vomited. I don't know what kind of love there is between the bottom selling man and the dying old man.

Wolf cub cute: some discharge powder is really brain damage, cancer men like that article, obviously do not respect your master son, in the fair and aboveboard request your master to give him a set of fun play.

, it's obvious that a man in the public's eye is forced to play with cancer? Did the cancer man wear his tail today? Don't yell. You need this for your family decoration.

Qiu Xing locks off the mobile phone and leans into the back of the chair with a calm face.

Zhou Miao in the driver's seat looked back at Qiu Xing and asked carefully, "boss, do you want to go home? The little boss asked me to take you back

Qiu Xing did not speak. About half a minute later, he suddenly raised his eyes to Zhou Miao and asked, "can you write novels?"

“…… Ah? "

An hour later, He Jun came to the parking lot outside the venue with his computer. He opened the door and sat in the co pilot. Looking back at Qiu Xing, he asked, "boss, what do you want me to write? Is there a problem with the report of which project? "

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Qiu Xing took back the sight of the building, handed the mobile phone to He Jun and said, "write this. I talk about the people and the plot, you write, how attractive, how touching how to come

People set up? plot? attractive? Moving?

He Jun takes over Qiu Xing's mobile phone in fog and looks down at the screen.

"Carry out CP and stand with others -- divide frequency with humanistic writing guidance".

He Jun was dull and looked up at Qiu Xing: "boss, you --"

Qiu Xing frowned and interrupted He Jun's words: "can you write? If you can't write, find someone who can, as soon as possible. "He Jun used his self-control training for many years to stabilize his expression and suppress the inner storm. He quickly calculated the possibility of giving this job to others, and others would publicize it, thus affecting the prestige of Qiu Xing. He replied decisively: "yes. It's simple. I'll write it. "

Qiu Xing's expression looked better and said, "well, let's start. I'll talk about human settings."

He Jun glanced at Zhou Miao, whose expression in the driver's seat was almost blank. He quietly took out the computer and turned it on, saying, "you say so."


The music ceremony lasted until more than 8 p.m. Xie Yang sang two songs and won four awards, which was regarded as a complete return.

When leaving the venue, Xie Yang and Yuan Pang happened to walk in the same exit.

Yuan Pang didn't get a prize today. He was not happy. After seeing Xie Yang, he looked at him and said, "chairman Xie, how are you doing recently?" Said the eye also looks at solution Yang waist to see.

Xie Yang suspects that Yuan Pang is still poisoned by the remains of the golden finger of Mu Zhouyi. Otherwise, how could he be so mentally disabled. He replied, "as like as two peas."

Yuan Pang choked.

He is about to walk out of the exit. Xie Yang no longer takes care of Yuan Pang and steps out.

Outside the exit, Qiu Xing is standing upright under the street lamp on the right side with a coat on his arm. Seeing Xie Yang come out, he immediately stepped forward to put on his coat for Xie Yang and asked, "are you hungry?"

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Xie Yang was stunned for a moment, then laughed, put on his coat and said back: "a little bit. Why are you here? Or are you actually waiting outside When asked, the tone is not good.

"No, I promise I have a nap and dinner on time." Qiu Xing holds Jieyang's hand and notices that someone looks at this side and frowns at it.

Yuan Pang contacts Qiu Xing's line of sight. His expression is stiff, and he moves away from his sight.

Qiu Xing frowned more tightly, and then glanced at other artists and related staff who came out of the exit one after another, clenched Xie Yang's hand, drew back his sight, and said, "I've brought you some snacks. In the car, eat some cushions first, and then eat when you go home. I've also warmed the milk for you, and I'll have some later. "

Xie Yang noticed that after the words of Qiu Xing, which can be called virtuous, seemed to be quiet for a few seconds. He picked up his eyebrows, looked up and down at Qiu Xing, held his hand back and said, "let's go."

Qiu Xing leads Xie Yang out.

There are many paparazzi and the media outside the exit. The sharp eyed paparazzi found Qiu Xing. At this time, Qiu Xing and Xie Yang came out together and wanted to get close to the interview. However, they were all blocked by the bodyguards who appeared and disappeared. The same batch of artists and staff who came out with Xie Yang found that Qiu Xing came with bodyguards, and there were many.

Xie Yang is escorted by Qiu Xing and goes back to the car smoothly. After the door was closed, he immediately turned to Qiu Xing and asked, "be honest. Did you secretly look at something that is not beautiful?"

Qiu Xing did not deny, took out the thermos cup and said, "Jieyang, I also want to protect you."

Jieyang looked at Qiu Xing and twisted the thermos cup with drooping eyes. He laughed and leaned over to kiss Qiu Xing: "I know."

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang from the side of his head. He handed the opened thermos cup to Jieyang's hand and said, "drink it."


Xie Yang thinks that the protection of Qiu Xing is just to show his concern and care in front of outsiders indirectly. However, he obviously underestimates the stinginess of Qiu Xing.

The next day, Xie Yang seldom had a job, so he got up after a little more sleep. When washing, he used to open his microblog and brush it. Then he found that there was a topic with the name of Qiu Xing hanging on the hot search.

#Qiu Xing praised him again.


He clicks into the topic and refreshes the page. At the top of the list is a long post microblog, with the title of Mouse love?

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realized what he was looking at, looked at the bathroom door, spit out the toothpaste foam, and opened a long text to sweep it once again.

The article is a bit long, about 10000 words. It's a touching story about Qiu Xing, who was seriously ill. He abandoned himself and became a mouse. He hid himself in the cold and dark mouse hole and waited to die. Then Xie Yang discovered the existence of Qiu Xing. He led him out of the hole and encouraged him to treat him. Finally, he recovered Turn back to people, two happy together story.

The plot of the story is very simple, but the style is really good. It is very delicate and touching. Even Xie Yang, who doesn't like to cry, can't help feeling a little sour after reading it.

Sending this account with the humanities is a new application, not a senior CP fan. However, the response of this long article microblog is very good, and it has received thousands of comments. Xie Yang points into the comment area to have a look, and sees a large number of Yang Xing CP powder crying inside. Everyone said that he was abused and cured by this story.

Xie Yang is a little funny.

Many details of this article can be compared with his emotional development with Qiu Xing, which is obviously not a simple fan work.

He looked at the bathroom door again, put down his mobile phone and quickly washed it. Then he picked up his mobile phone again, switched to his own size, and clicked on Qiu Xing's homepage. He touched Qiu Xing's praise and praised the article "mouse's love". Then he put away his mobile phone, opened the door and walked out of the bathroom. He threw himself on Qiu Xing, who was still asleep, and called, "ah hang."Qiu Xing adjusted his work and rest during this period, and he would get up later in the morning than Jieyang. He opened his eyes in a daze, instinctively holding Jieyang and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Let's do it."

Qiu xingshua opened his eyes.

Jieyang pinches Qiu Xing ear: "actually I bought ears and tail, I was prepared to surprise you Want to try? "

Qiu Xing was completely awake, frowning at Jieyang, suddenly opened the quilt to cover the lifting, and pressed the head of Jieyang hard, and said, "don't buy mess, the tail is absolutely not good."

Lift the eyebrow.

“…… But the ears can. "

Jieyang low smile, near the line of revenge.



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