In terms of liquor volume, Jieyang can be drunk for a thousand cups in principle, because the power can purify the alcohol in the body. Therefore, Xie Yang's answer to He Jun's inquiry is: "wine is equivalent to boiled water to me."

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On Saturday, Xie Yang accompanied Qiu Xing in the hospital and prepared to go out after lunch. I'm afraid Qiu Xing is worried. What Jieyang told Qiu Xing before was that he had a little work to deal with today, and he might come back very late.

Qiu Xing was obviously dissatisfied with Xie Yang's work arrangement at the weekend, but he didn't say much. He only told Xie yang to have dinner on time.

"You too." Xie Yang kisses Qiu Xing.

After leaving the ward, Xie Yang took the door on his side. When the door was about to close, Xie Yang noticed through the crack of the door that he had always been calm and mature. When the door was about to close, he suddenly looked straight in the direction of the door. His eyebrows were wrinkled, his lips were tight and his eyes were It's a little pathetic.

The door is completely closed by inertia, covering the expression of Qiu Xing.

Xie Yang pauses for a moment, and suddenly opens the door again.

Qiu Xing, who was looking at the door, was stunned. He quickly restrained his expression and tried to cover up by picking up the tablet beside him and pretending to be playing. He asked, "why did you come back and forget to bring something?"

"No, I forgot to do one thing."


Xie Yang went to Qiu Xing's body, stretched out his hand to take up Qiu Xing's arm, sat sideways in Qiu Xing's arms, stretched out his arms and put his chin on his shoulder. He replied, "I forgot to hold you."

Xie Yang is obviously aware that Qiu Xing's body is stiff for a moment, then immediately relaxes, and then his body is tightly held.

The back of his head was touched, and the voice of Qiu Xing pretending to dislike sounded in his ear: "how big a person, but also coquettish."

"But I have to work on weekends and I'm not happy to be able to have a good rest with you." Xie Yang complained deliberately, "I have to tell Liusha that she is not allowed to arrange my weekend work for me. After you are in hospital, I have to go to work on weekdays. Originally, I can only spend the weekend with you. As a result, I still lose one day. "

"When you are a boss, you can't be capricious." Qiu Xing first said a word, then slowed down his tone and added, "but weekend work is really unreasonable. I'll help you talk to Liusha."

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Xie Yang releases Qiu Xing and kisses him with a smile: "thank you, fiance."

Qiu Xing finally had a smile on his face and rubbed Xie Yang's hair: "tomorrow I ask Master Liao to make the snacks you like. "


The conference of Beijing Federation of Commerce was held in the conference hall of a star hotel. Because it was a social meeting, the process was relatively loose and simple. In the afternoon, there was a meeting. After the meeting, there was a communication meeting. Because of the time, the exchange meeting was usually held at the wine table.

Xie Yang arrived at the conference hall. After entering the conference hall, he found that there were some media with equipment in the back row of the conference hall. He looked sideways at He Jun: "there will be media coverage of this kind of meeting?"

"Yes, but generally not many people pay attention to it."

Xie Yang nodded to show that he understood and took his seat in the first row of the conference hall with the guidance of the staff.

He Jun sat down at the back of the Secretary's seat.

After sitting down, Xie Yang observed and found that several other heavy merchant families in B city were invited to attend the meeting, such as Fangjia, Fengjia, taojia, etc.

However, none of the other people came from the real helmsman. All the vice directors attended the meeting on their behalf. Judging from the past, except for the Fengjia, which has not been visited, the chairman of Rongding, who he represents, actually attended the meeting in person.

No, maybe in other people's eyes, he is in the same position as the deputy directors who are present.

After a few minutes, Fengdian entered the conference hall with the guidance of the staff.

Xie Yang raises eyebrows.

Very good, the wind family is not a serious helmsman to attend the meeting. He became the only chairman of the board of directors of all families in this meeting. Is Qiu Jingwei's gang telling him that his position is nothing but this?

Probably aware of Jieyang's line of sight, the wind code suddenly looked over.

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Xie Yang took a look at Fengdian. Compared with the last time we met, Fengdian looked gloomy and emaciated a lot. At first, it seemed that life was not going well.

Fengdian is looked at frowning, coldly look at Xie Yang, over Xie Yang sit to belong to Fenghua position.

Soon the meeting began. As he said, several leaders of the Beijing Federation of Commerce and industry announced some new policy trends at the meeting, revealing that a number of government projects were about to start.

This is a great good thing to divide the meat. All the managers who are drowsy at the meeting are full of energy.

He Jun suddenly got close to Xie Yang and said in a low voice: "the boss of the No. 2 energy project has been paying attention to it, and now it's about to open. The boss once said that if this project is in hand, the resource operation of Rongding in the whole northwest region will be more smooth and labor-saving. "

In other words, the project is best won.

Xie Yang understood and nodded.

At the end of the meeting, it was already dinner time. As expected, the leaders of the Beijing Federation of Commerce and industry asked everyone to go to the restaurant on the third floor to have dinner. The managers responded in succession. Some of the smarter ones had already approached each person in charge to inquire about the project.Xie Yang didn't join in. With Rongding's position and resources, he would be next to several responsible persons in charge during a meal. He didn't need him to join in now.

Other family members and Fengdian did not join in, but talked to each other and walked to the restaurant together. Among them, the deputy director of the Tao family took the initiative to come to Xie Yang, avoiding Xie Yang's single life.

Waiting for the elevator, taojia's deputy Dong suddenly lowered his voice and said, "don't get drunk later."

Xie Yang moved in his heart and asked, "how?"

"I'm afraid that some people will play dirty. If they get drunk, they will fall into traps." The deputy director will stop when he arrives.

Xie Yang smell speech with Yu light to see the wind code standing in front of the elevator next door and waiting for the elevator, and nods to the deputy director.

Before long, Xie Yang stepped down the elevator and stepped in. When the elevator door was about to close, the wind code suddenly appeared at the entrance of the elevator and rushed in before the elevator was closed.

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Xie Yang raises eyebrows.

The elevator door closes. Feng Dian suddenly opened his mouth: "I heard that Qiu Dong invited more than a dozen brain experts to come to China. In such a big battle, is he in bad health?"

The other bosses in the elevator pricked up their ears one after another. Tao's deputy director frowned.

Xie Yang had something to expect and said, "it's almost ready. Feng Dong doesn't have to miss ah hang too much. At the latest, ah hang will come out again. "

When the boss heard the speech, they all expressed surprise. At the latest, this means that Qiu Xing is really better?

The deputy director of the Tao family was also very surprised and couldn't help asking, "after the new year, does it mean that Qiu Dong will be able to recover after the new year?"

"Well, it's just a conservative estimate of the time. If it goes well, it may be earlier."

Fengdian sneers: "so optimistic?"

"This is actually a pessimistic estimate."

Fengdian sneered and laughed, a pair of "I see you forced to support and make up" expression, just when the elevator arrived, he was the first to get out of the elevator.

After arriving at the restaurant, Xie Yang was asked to go to the table where several persons in charge of the Trade Federation were located, and vice presidents sent by other families also sat at this table.

Because Xie Yang is a new face, the people of the Federation of trade and industry took the initiative to speak to Xie Yang out of politeness. Xie Yang talks with the other party.

This conversation, the people of the Federation of Commerce and other families at the same table were secretly surprised.

Not in line with Xie Yang's age, Xie Yang is very old-fashioned in social communication, and he is also very familiar with Rongding's business affairs and market trends. His words are all on the point. He is just like the orthodox inheritor trained by some family. He has a calm attitude, a unique old-fashioned eye, and a sharp and sharp young man's unique strength, which is very dazzling.

Fang's deputy director couldn't help but join the topic, trying to explore the depth of Jieyang.

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Xie Yang does not refuse to explore. He talks deeply and asks for advice only if he understands it. He does not express his opinions and listens attentively to those who do not understand it. He has a comprehensive and profound response, which makes people unable to pick out any mistakes. He also feels like a spring breeze.

Other family members can't help but talk to Xie Yang.

The atmosphere is gradually hot. Before the dishes are served, Xie Yang has become familiar with most people on the table. People who were biased against Xie Yang's heart secretly changed their views. For a moment, Xie Yang became the center of conversation on the table, but Fengdian was ignored and had little chance to speak.

Feng Dian frowns at Xie Yang, and his eyes become more and more heavy.

Soon, the wine is on the table.

The people of the Federation of trade and industry took the initiative to pour wine for Xie Yang. Xie Yang humbly held the cup, and then drank the wine with great face. He said with a smile, "I just talked with you for a round. I have gained a lot. This first cup of wine is worthy of my respect. Before Qiu Xing recovers, thank you for your attention. "

The wine was beautiful and the words were beautiful. The atmosphere on the table was immediately stimulated. Several persons in charge of the trade union who were fond of persuading wine were full of praise for Xie Yang. They took the bottle and poured the wine to Jieyang again and clinked glasses with Xie Yang.

Jieyang will not refuse, but also half a cup, and his expression will not change.

He Jun, sitting at the Secretary's table in the corner, saw Xie Yang's drinking method from a distance, and his eyes were wide with surprise. Other bosses who secretly pay close attention to this table are also shocked.

That's white wine! It's not beer. How dare you drink such a cup and a half?

Jieyang is certainly fatal. In fact, since he started drinking, his powers have been running. After drinking another cup, he noticed that Fengdian looked over again. He looked up to Fengdian with a smile and raised his glass to Fengdian.

The "exchange meeting" lasted for more than two hours. At the end of the "exchange", all the people who tried to persuade Yang Jiu to drink were still sober. Moreover, he also "drank" the energy project. He also wanted to take the project's style without saying a word.

From beginning to end, he never gave anyone a chance to dig a trap.

When leaving the dining room box, Xie Yang noticed that Feng Dian, who was also drunk, was staring at himself persistently, and left with a hook in his mouth.

On the way back to the hospital, Xie Yang thinks of Qiu Xing. He stops Wu Shui when he passes by a flower shop and goes down to buy a bunch of roses.

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