The area of the flower shop is not big, and it is very cold. There is only one customer, Jieyang. The owner of the florist was a young girl. When she helped Jieyang tie the rose, the girl looked at Xie Yang several times, and her hand that tied the ribbon to the rose trembled. She tried several times but failed to tie the butterfly.

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"Hold, I'm sorry. Some hands are slippery." The girl was embarrassed, embarrassed to explain.

Xie Yang smiles and comforts: "don't worry, take your time."

The girl touched Xie Yang's smile and glared. She suddenly raised her hand and bit her fingertips. Then she bent her head and tied up the ribbon. She tied up a lovely doll in the shape of a rabbit and handed the flowers to Xie Yang.

"Here, your flowers."

Jieyang took over and looked at the exquisite and lovely handmade doll on it: "I don't seem to want this one."

"I, I gave it to you. I'll do some activities in the store today! Yes, it's from activities

Xie Yang Yu Guang took a look at the various handmade materials in the big basket in the corner of the counter, and then looked at the girl's forced and excited appearance, and said, "thank you. How much is it? "

"No money!"


"No, I mean No money for dolls! Today, there is no money for the packing materials in the shop. You can give me nine flowers Just give me forty dollars! "

40 yuan for such a delicate bunch of flowers and a beautiful hand-made doll. What a loss.

Xie Yang was funny and took out his mobile phone: "give me a payment code."

The girl quickly reached out and picked up the payment code on the counter and handed it to Jieyang with both hands.

Xie Yang was about to sweep when a customer came to visit. The girl was probably so nervous that she put the sign with the payment code in his hand. Then she backed away and ran to the new customer.

Xie Yang looks at the small sign on his hand, smiles, bows his head and sweeps it. Then he enters the price and writes "the doll is lovely, thank you" in the note, and then chooses to pay.

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"Are you Xie Yang?"

Jieyang a meal, side look, see just looking for a girl to ask the price of the customer is looking at this side excitedly.

"Ah! Really, I'm a fan of yours. Can I have an autograph? " The customer was a man in his late thirties. He walked towards Xie Yang excitedly and put his hand into his pocket.

Xie Yang looked at the calm eyes of the man who couldn't match the warm words in his mouth. He glanced at the man's hand in his pocket. He looked at the man's eyes again and said, "of course, thank you for your support and love." Then he looked back at the girl, "sorry, I suddenly want to drink water, can you help me pour a glass? Thank you

The girl turned to the water dispenser behind the counter.

The man has come to Jieyang, thank you and say, "thank you, I really can meet you today..." Then the hand in the pocket finally pulled out, a touch of cold light popped out Good luck

The sharp blade stabbed with cold light.

"Well, I have a tea bag here. You --" the girl who poured water turned around with a disposable water cup. Seeing this, her eyes suddenly widened. She suddenly threw away the cup and ran to the counter to reach the man's arm with the knife. At the same time, she screamed to Xie Yang, "Yang Yang, run!"

Jieyang didn't expect that the girl would come over. She was ready to grab the man's hand. She first sidestepped away from the blade, and then raised her leg to kick the man.

The man probably didn't expect that Xie Yang would be so flexible. He started to hide his leg after a second's delay. His body was rubbed against and staggered back two steps away from the counter.

Xie Yang quickly walked two steps to block in front of the girl, put the rose in her hand, ordered: "take it for me, hide well." Then side to avoid the man again to attack a blow, flexible around the man behind the neck.

Men should have a bit of foundation, good consciousness, immediately dwarf and Xie yang to open a distance, attack again.

Xie Yang didn't hide this time. He just stepped aside and let the blade brush his clothes. Meanwhile, he firmly grasped the man's arm and pinched the position of the muscle on the man's arm. After that, he fell over his shoulder cleanly.

The man was unprepared, his arm was numb, and his blade fell to the ground, and he was also overturned on the ground.

Xie Yang kicks the knife on the ground. Before the man turns over, he grabs the man's arm and presses him face down on the ground. Then he grabs the man's other hand and twists it behind his back. He asks the girl with an O-shaped mouth, "do you have any stronger ribbons?"

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"Ah yes! Yes, yes, yes

The girl hurriedly brought the thickest ribbon in the shop.

Xie Yang shook off the ribbon and tied the man's hands with his feet, so that the other side became a fish that could only flutter on the ground. After that he turned to the man and asked, "who asked you to come?"

The man is confused and subdued. This will look at Xie Yang's eyes as if he were looking at a monster. He struggled hard for two times, but it was useless. He bowed his head and gasped for breath. He roared: "you destroyed Edie, you are not worthy of singing! Xie Yang, get out of the entertainment circle

The girl was stunned and then angrily scolded, "bah! Eddie is not worthy of singing. Don't scold and boastXie Yang looks up at the girl.

The girl choked and turned away from sight.

Wu Shui, who stayed outside the store to take care of half drunk he Jun, heard the news and rushed in. He glanced at the scene of the shop and frowned fiercely. He walked quickly to Xie Yang and said, "I'm sorry, boss. I've failed my duty."

"I don't blame you. I asked you to accompany him." Jieyang stood up and looked at the man who was still saying some black powder remarks and ordered, "call the police."

Wu Shui nodded.

Not long after the police came, Jieyang explained the situation to the police. The girl provided the police with the monitoring video of the store, and then the party was taken by the police to the police station for recording.

On the way to the police station, Xie Yang fiddled with his arms and didn't know where he hit it. The petals broke some roses. He took out his mobile phone and sent a wechat to Qiu Xing, saying that he was caught up in something and would go back later.

Qiu Xing didn't reply.

Xie Yang didn't get a response after waiting for a while, guessing that Qiu Xing was forced to go to bed early by Kirkman. He put away his mobile phone and thought about what had just happened.

The man who attacked him couldn't be black powder. His passion at the beginning, and the curse later, all that the man showed was a poor performance.

Since it's not the black powder by chance, it can only be a bad person prepared.

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He decided to get out of the car to buy flowers temporarily. If a man can find it accurately, he must have been following him.

There are many people who know that he is going to attend the meeting today. He has the opportunity to arrange people to follow him and have the motivation to find someone to attack him. Qiu Jingwei is one, Fengdian is one. But neither Qiu Jingwei nor Fengdian has reached the point where they need to hire murderers to hurt others. They want profits, and there are so many ways to win profits. With their intelligence quotient, they will never choose such a stupid and easy to be caught up with.

So, who is in the desperate situation of the need for a dog to jump over a wall Xie Yang squints at the police car with the man in front of him.

It wasn't long before the police arrived. Jieyang gets off the bus with rose and becomes a very unique scenic spot in the police station. See the police are looking at themselves, Xie Yang smile, explained: "this flower pressed again will not look good, take better."

The police took back their eyes.

The record was done separately. When Xie Yang finished it, the man who hurt him just finished.

He Jun's drunkenness had already been scared out. After he came to the police station, he consciously followed up the incident. After Xie Yang came out, he went to the front to report: "I heard a little. The man who attacked you was named Wang Weiguo. He was a PE teacher before. Later, he was dismissed by the school for taking drugs and became a homeless man. He said that he was a fan of Edie, because something about you and Edie had become your black powder some time ago. When I passed by the hotel today, I saw you coming out and temporarily started driving to follow you. Originally, I just wanted to take a photo. In the middle, I saw you get out of the car and enter the flower shop alone with a knife. On impulse, he followed up the shop. "

Drug abuse is also a very good group to use and buy.

Xie Yang ordered: "you go to find a good talking policeman, let him ask Wang Weiguo how about the song" yellow. "

He Jun doubts: "yellow?"

"It's Edie's hit song. Go ahead. "

He Jun understood and turned to leave.

Xie Yang went to the waiting area and sat down. He closed his eyes and leaned back into the chair. It's too late. Although power can dissolve alcohol, it can't relieve the fatigue after socializing.

The eyelids are heavy and the stomach is not very comfortable.

Slow down your mind.

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If there was no Wang Weiguo, he would be treating Qiu Xing. To delay a treatment is to reduce the possibility of successful operation. If he doesn't get out of the car

A sudden sound of footsteps came to my ears. The strength and rhythm of the steps were familiar.

Jieyang thought a break, open eyes, side head to look at the past.

Qiu Xing, who is simply wearing a long overcoat on the patient's clothes, quickly enters the door, turns his sight around, and faces Xie Yang, and strides over with a stiff face.

For a moment, Xie Yang doubted whether he was tired of hallucinations. But soon, he regained his mind, sat upright and looked at Qiu Xing. He comforted him and said, "I'm ok. How can you --"

when Qiu Xing came near, he squatted down directly and reached out to check Xie Yang's body. In the middle, he thought Meigui was in the way and pulled it away. After confirming that Xie Yang was not injured, he held Xie Yang in his arms, Tight.

Xie Yang was forced to lean over and the rose in his hand leaned over and hit the chair next door.

Qiu Xing's tone was heavy and urgent: "what's the matter? I saw the news that you were attacked by black powder, and it was impossible to call you. If Wu Shui hadn't contacted me on his own initiative, would you have been prepared to hide this matter from me? "

News? So soon there's news?

Xie Yang frowned, just ready to ask, and was released by Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xingdao: "Wu Shui said on the phone that you were attacked when you got off the bus on the way to go shopping. What did you do when you got off the bus on the way? Dare not take Wu Shui down alone! If you want to buy something, you won't let Wu Shui go for youXie Yang picked up the rose and sent it to Qiu Xing: "I'll get off to buy you this."

Red block most of the vision, Qiu Xing suddenly silent, and finally noticed this bunch of tossed, no longer so beautiful roses.

"I think the ward is too monotonous. It should be nice to decorate it with flowers." Xie Yang moved to bloom again. He leaned forward to embrace Qiu Xing and buried his face on Qiu Xing's shoulder. Because he was too tired, his tone and expression were a little soft. "Ah hang, I'm sorry, I worried you."


Qiu Xing's throat knot moved and lifted his arm to hold Jieyang tightly: "you You are really... " He didn't finish his words, but hugged Xie Yang more tightly. After a while, he rubbed the back of Xie Yang's head.

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