Two people held a meeting, and then Qiu Xing got up and sat down next to Xie Yang, "conveniently" took the rose to his hand. "No matter where you go or what you do, remember to take Wushui with you."

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Jieyang looked at Qiu Xing and secretly pinched the hand of the little rabbit doll on the rose and nodded: "well."


Jieyang didn't react for a moment. He raised his eyes to see Qiu Xing: "hmm?"

Qiu Xing touched Xie Yang with a blank expression. He stopped strangely. He suddenly raised his hand and kneaded Xie Yang's face. He held Jieyang in his arms: "what stupid expression Very sleepy? "

Xie Yang was kneaded a little muddled and then laughed.

He was a little sleepy before. When he was drinking, he was running his powers all the time, which was really exhausting. But after seeing Qiu Xing, the sleepiness is gone.

He hugged Qiu Xing's waist with one hand, leaned into Qiu Xing's arms and shook his head: "not sleepy."

"What can you do at this time?" Qiu Xing touched the head of Jieyang again, and his tone was discontented, "Why are you sitting here alone? What about He Jun? Have you finished the record? "

"After the recording is finished, He Jun is in -"

He Jun has just transferred out of the police office inside.

Xie Yang stopped talking and sat up from Qiu Xinghuai: "He Jun has come."

Qiu Xinghuai empty, arm down, along the Jieyang line of sight toward He Jun to see.

He Jun saw Qiu Xing in a daze, and then rushed forward, the first time to admit his mistake: "sorry boss, if it was not because I was drunk, the small boss would not leave Wu Shui alone into the shop."

Qiu Xing's fake face turned into a real one, and asked, "Xie Yang is busy with Yang Xing's work. Why do you follow and why are you drunk? When did you become so unprofessional? "

He Jun was asked dumbfounded, and then he remembered that Xie Yang still kept Qiu Xing from going to the meeting today. He looked at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang also remembered this, moved his hand held by Qiu Xing, attracted his attention, and then explained: "actually, I'm not going to be busy with Yang Xing's work today, but on behalf of Rongding, I went to Beijing business association to hold a meeting. He Jun was drunk because he helped me stop the wine. Fortunately, I was not drunk today

He Jun was surprised by Xie Yang's nonsense, and then quickly restrained his expression.

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang, and his expression became more and more ugly. He asked, "North business association?"

Xie Yang nods.

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Qiu Xing looked at He Jun again, and his voice sank: "why is Xie Yang going to this meeting? Is there no one in the company?"

He Jun hastily explained to Xie Yang what he had said and explained it to Qiu Xing again.

Qiu Xingqi laughed.

"It's very good to travel on business, to be physically ill, to be stuck in a project, which are very good reasons. In this case, they will simply -"

"ah hang."

As soon as Qiu Xing's words stopped, he shut up and looked at Xie Yang, obviously holding back his breath.

Xie Yang comforted him: "I'm ok. I just attend a meeting. Prestige needs to be established slowly. This is a necessary process. And I'm very happy to help you talk about the No. 2 energy project

Qiu Xing's tone is still very heavy: "I'll find your deputy, just don't want you to participate in this kind of social intercourse."

"I'm very happy to be able to participate in this kind of social intercourse. If I have a hand in the middle, who knows who will be in charge of the second energy project in the end." Xie Yang held Qiu Xing's hand. "I helped you talk about the project you want. Are you not happy?"

How could Qiu Xing be happy. He knows the virtue of the group of people in Beijing Business Association. He must drink when he wants to talk about the project. Xie Yang is a stranger again He suddenly approached Xie Yang and smelt it.

There was a distinct smell of wine.

Qiu Xing's face turned black for a second, angry and distressed.

He didn't notice the strong smell of wine before! No wonder Jieyang looks so tired. No wonder Jieyang looks so aggrieved and withered. He was bullied by wine!

He straightened up and asked, "how much did you drink?"

Xie Yang knew when Qiu Xingwen came over that it was not good. He lied without changing his face: "if you don't have a cup, you'll let him stop everything else."

He Jun bowed his head in silence.

Qiu Xing glared at Xie Yang: "how could you have drunk only one cup of wine? To tell the truth. "

"I'm telling you the truth. It's strong because I spilled a little bit of it on my clothes and pretended to be drunk."

Qiu Xing looked at He Jun: "what he said is true?"

“…… Well. "

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Qiu Xing took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone and asked, "who did you send to the North chamber of Commerce today Is he by your side Call him to answer the phone. If you are drunk, let him answer it

Xie Yang thinks it's going to be bad.

Qiu Xing held Jieyang's two hands tightly and did not allow him to move. He turned on the phone and asked, "how much wine did Jieyang drink today?"

"At least one bottle!" The voice of Tao's deputy Dong spread out with a bit of drunkenness, "Qiu Dong, it's so powerful to solve Dong! Drinking white wine is the same as drinking water. We haven't drunk him before! All the people in the Federation of Commerce and industry were drunk by Xie Dong. At the end of the drink, they even began to reconcile with Dong brothers. Really, I have never seen anyone who can drink so well and speak so well. I like to talk to Xie Dong -- "Xie Yang took out his hand and hung up the phone.

All sounds are quiet, and the wind and rain are coming.

Jieyang remedy way: "in fact, I am not drunk."

Qiu Xing held Jieyang's hand, which he didn't get rid of, and exerted more and more strength.

"I want to talk about the project to make you happy."

Qiu Xing had no expression: "do you think I'm happy?"

“…… There's no next time. " Xie Yangfan held Qiu Xing's hand, and his face was full of sincere shame, "I will never lie to you again. I'm wrong. I'm sorry

Qiu Xing's expression choked, and suddenly looked at He Jun: "this month's bonus will be deducted."

He Jun: Yes

After worrying about drinking, we turned to the main topic.

Xie Yang and Qiu Xing explained the process of the attack, and then asked where Qiu Xing saw the news.

"A news software message push. There are microblogs, even browser search boxes, everywhere. Why can't you get through? "

This is almost the whole network synchronization burst news.

"My mobile phone was silent when I was in a meeting," Xie explained. I was taking notes before. I didn't notice that there was a phone call coming in. Can you show me the first piece of news you saw? "

Qiu Xing took out his mobile phone and handed it to him.

The screen of the mobile phone stayed on the news page. It was a short piece of news, which probably said "Xie Yang is suspected of being attacked and injured by black powder". Under the news, there is a photo of a police car parked outside the flower shop.

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Xie Yang looked at the time of the report and found that about 10 minutes after the police car arrived at the florist, the news was sent out and pushed all over the network, which was successfully seen by Qiu Xing.

It's not right.

Xie Yang also calculated the distance between the hospital and this side and the time he took notes after he came to the police station. He found that unless Qiu Xing used to fly, he could not have arrived at the police station so soon from the hospital. He looked at Qiu Xing and asked, "when you saw the news, were you not in the hospital?"

Qiu Xing pulled his face: "I was going to pick you up and give you a surprise, but you gave me a surprise first."

Xie Yang: "what's more..."

He changed the subject decisively and asked he Jun, "how are you getting on with the police about Wang Wei's national anthem?"

He Jun replied: "when asked by the police, Wang Weiguo has no idea what kind of famous works Yidi has. He can't even spell Yidi's y-name. The police think he is too suspicious and have taken him to the interrogation room for further interrogation. "

So it is.

Qiu Xing frowned: "what's going on?"

Xie Yang said his guess.

Qiu Xing's expression immediately changed: "he is not your black powder?"

"Absolutely not."

Qiu Xing's aura obviously became irritable and suppressed: "do you mean someone hired Wang Weiguo to deliberately hurt you?"

"Well, I have a guess."


"Maybe it's not over tonight." Xie Yang looked at Qiu Xing, "do you want to do an experiment with me to lead a snake?"


Wang Weiguo was addicted to drugs during the trial and lost his communication ability, so the trial could only be interrupted. It's too late. The police told Xie yang to go home first and have a rest. He said that he would be informed later if there was any situation.

Jieyang nodded and took Qiu Xing to thank the florist girl, and helped the other party to call home the car. Then he got on his own car and left the police station.

Ten minutes after Wu Shui and Zhou Miao drove away, a black car stopped quietly outside the police station. Xie Yang, who should have left with Qiu Xing, walked out of a small alley on the side of the police station and got on the bus in a low-key way.

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After getting on the bus, Qiu Xing asked, "will someone really chase the car?"

Xie Yang nodded: "I guess so. Although news should be fast, it should not be so exaggerated and spread so quickly. So my reasonable guess is that someone wants to blow this up to you, so as to lead you out of the hospital. Fortunately, although you were led out, you didn't come out of the hospital. If my guess is true, the other party will not give up and will continue to follow us. Of course, maybe it's just a coincidence. I think too much, but it's always right to be careful. "

Qiu Xing's face was as heavy as water. He held Jieyang's hand and rubbed it. After a long time, he said, "do you want to be more? I'll know later."

The car is very quiet, Qiu Xing always looks at the front without expression, as if waiting for a verdict.

Xie Yang is holding one hand by Qiu Xing, and the other is brushing microblog with a mobile phone.

And Qiu Xing said the same, now the whole network is the news that he was attacked. Hot search has been linked to the relevant topics, the topic has been followed by other people burst out of the photos of the police car parked at the door of the flower shop, and others have taken pictures of him walking out of the flower shop with the police.

And because of the original news delivery, now the whole network has decided that the attack is caused by black powder, and the discussion is all around black powder.

A phone call came in suddenly, Qiu Xing sat up straight at once. Xie Yang comforted him and said, "it's Qincheng." Then he answered the phone.Qin City should be asleep and wake up, the voice is a little sand, the mouth is to ask Xie Yang if there is anything wrong, what is the situation when attacked. Xie Yang explained it for a while, and then ordered Qincheng to send a micro blog for Ping'an instead of him, so that fans would not worry.

Qiu Xing listened to Xie Yang talking on the phone. His tight body relaxed a little and reclined back into the chair.

The phone rings again.

Qiu xingdun lives and looks at his mobile phone.

A call from Wu Shui.

Jieyang just finished the phone call with Qincheng and looked at it from the side.

Qiu Xing slowly sat up straight, click to connect, pressed hands-free, voice slightly tense: "how?"

"There's a car following me and Zhou Miao."

You got it.

Qiu Xing clenched his mobile phone.

Instead of Qiu Xing, Xie Yang ordered: "find a chance to stop and let the people following you see he Jun in Zhou Miao's car, and then let Zhou Miao take him first. You can wait for them to leave before you drive."

"Yes, boss."

Xie Yang continued to order: "if the car following you has the behavior of trying to stop your car, don't try to avoid all of you, find a chance to let him hit you, and then directly drive back to the hospital. Qiu Xing and I are waiting for you in the hospital. You and the other two bodyguards in the car should be careful not to get hurt


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