More than ten minutes later, the reporters were driven away by hospital security.

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Half an hour later, Xie Yang's words at the door of the hospital were successively posted on microblogs and news websites by the media.

At this time, it was already clear. When Qiu Xing's mobile phone was turned off, Xie Yang's mobile phone began to receive calls from all parties. Qiu Jingwei's, Liu Jiang's, Liu Zhu's, Tao Huazhang's All the people who have interests with Qiu Xing called.

Xie Yang's statement to all people is: the news is false. It's not Qiu Xing who had a car accident. It's Qiu Xing's bodyguard. He's OK. He's taking good care of himself to prepare for the operation.

Many people inside asked Qiu Xing to answer the phone. Xie Yang refused, saying that Qiu Xing was resting and didn't want to be disturbed.

After a round of phone calls, Jieyang tells Qincheng and He Jun to press the news.

On Weibo, the hot search for Qiu Xing's car accident suddenly disappeared, and the hot information began to be deleted in a large area.

Before long, the traffic police officer of city B issued an accident report, stating the accident incident last night. He said that a man surnamed Zhang was injured in the accident. He was slightly injured, not a rumored hatred on the Internet.

After the report came out, some people believed it and others didn't believe it, but public opinion exploded again.

#The topic of Qiu Xing's car accident has become a hot topic once again. The surveillance images of Qiu Xing and Xie Yang riding together in Wu Shui Che at the gate of the police station are also widely spread.

Whether Qiu Xing had a car accident or not has become a mystery, and more and more people join in the discussion.

After a while, someone came out to analyze Xie Yang's dressing and mental state when he was interviewed, and the state of Feng Qinglin when he came and the sentence that Feng Qinglin asked in a low voice. Finally, he came to the conclusion that Xie Yang was lying! It's obvious that Qiu Yang didn't do anything at night. The reason why Xie Yang chose to lie should be that Qiu Xing was hurt too much. The news would greatly affect Rongding's stock and the situation of all parties, so he lied to whitewash Taiping.

Online public opinion suddenly more chaotic, more people began to believe that Qiu Xingzhen had a car accident.


Feng Qinglin silently put down his mobile phone and looked at Xie Yang, who came out of the ward with light movements, and asked, "how's uncle doing?"

"Still sleeping. He went to bed too late yesterday." Xie Yang looked at the wind and Qinglin, "what expression are you looking at?"

“…… Nothing. " Feng Qinglin adjusted his expression and asked, "what are you going to do next when the Internet is so noisy?"

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Jieyang motioned to wind Qinglin to follow, saying: "wait for the reaction of all parties, and then observe them."


Qiu Jingwei was the first to come to the hospital. He was stopped by his bodyguard in the hall below the inpatient department, but he failed to get upstairs. Xie Yang went down to see him after hearing about it and said: "the news on the Internet is fake. Qiu Xing is OK."

Qiu Jingwei obviously didn't believe it, and his tone was strong: "I want to see Qiu Xing."

"It's not convenient for him to see you."

"Why? Is it true that he was hurt badly as the Internet said

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows: "as the uncle of Qiu Xing, why can't you think of something good? Ah Hang is just sleeping. "

Qiu Jingwei was calm: "Jieyang, you also know that I am the uncle of Qiu Xing. Why can't uncle see my nephew?"

"How can he see you when he's asleep?"

"Asleep?" Qiu Jingwei sat down on one side of the chair. "Since he is sleeping, I'll wait for him to wake up."

"Then you can wait."

Liu Jiang was the second to come. Xie Yang went downstairs again and said to Liu Jiang what he had said to Qiu Jingwei.

Qiu Jingwei didn't leave yet. He sneered and said, "it's almost noon. Is Qiu Xing still sleeping?"

"No, ah Hang is going to have a physical examination. He is still not convenient to see you and doesn't want to see you."

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"You fart Liu Jiang said, "Xie Yang, don't pretend to be stupid! What's wrong with Qiu Xing? What is your intention not to let us relatives see him! Are you going to wait for Qiu Xing to die and show us Qiu Xing's body? You are the legacy of Tu Qiu Xing

Xie Yang's face was cold and he called out to his back, "Wushui."

Wu Shui immediately stepped forward.

"Please go out and don't let him in again."

Wu Shui asked for help without saying a word. Liu Jiang was very angry, but he didn't leave. After struggling for a while, he almost fell ill and was finally dragged away by the Liu family.

Qiu Jingwei frowned fiercely and asked to see Qiu Xing again.

Xie Yang still refused: "I remember that patients have the right to refuse to visit, or do you want to be" invited "out by the bodyguard, vice Dong Qiu

After a few seconds, Chou Leng Yang turns around and looks at Jing Leng Yang.

The third is Tao Huazhang, followed by several large shareholders and senior executives of Rongding, and then other relatives of the enemy family and other relatives of the Liu family Until the end of the day, fewer and fewer people came to the hospital, and the news that Qiu Xing was forbidden to visit was successfully spread throughout the upper circles.During this period, Fengdian also made a call to Feng Qinglin to inquire about Qiu Xing's physical condition. According to Xie Yang's order, Feng Qinglin said that he didn't see Qiu Xing either. He only saw Qiu Xing's attending doctor. The other side said that Qiu Xing was very good and was OK.

The sky is completely dark, and Xie Yang, who has been busy for a day, finally has time to rest. He went back to the ward and sat down on the sofa. Qiu Xing walked over and held him in his arms. Xie Yang leans on Qiu Xing and closes his eyes.

"I will send someone to check Wang Weiguo and Zheng Dajin." Zheng Dajin is the name of the drunk driver.

Xie Yang answered.

"Tomorrow is Monday. You need to go to Rongding for a weekly meeting. When that time comes, Qiu Jingwei will certainly embarrass you and dig all kinds of language traps for you."

"I will scold them back." Xie Yang looked up at Qiu Xing and said with a smile, "you know, I'm very strong. They can't bully me."

Qiu Xing frowned and painfully touched Jieyang's face: "don't laugh if you don't want to Sleepy? "

"A little bit."

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The two men were gentle for a while.

After recovering a little strength, Xie Yang left Qiu Xing's arms, took a bath in the bathroom, and then returned to Qiu Xing's arms comfortably. He said, "judging from the reactions of all parties today, Tao Huazhang and Qiu Jingwei have nothing to do with the accident. Liu Jiang is to be determined. He is very excited and excited, some suspicious, but considering his personality, his reaction seems to be normal. As for the others, nothing suspicious has been found for the time being. "

Qiu Xing poured a glass of water to Jieyang: "I will find someone to stare at Liu Jiang."

Xie Yang drank water with Qiu Xing's hand, recalled what happened today, and added: "people on the surface should be checked, and those in the dark can't let go."

"You mean..."

Xie Yang looked up at Qiu Xing and asked, "do you know where Tao Yang is now? He has a deep mind, can tolerate and hide, and he is also very disagreeable to me, and also suspect. And relatively speaking, people like him will be more dangerous. He does not do things for profit, only to please himself. He is reckless and easy to go to extremes. "

Qiu Xing rubbed Xie Yang's cheek unconsciously and said, "the Taoists sent him abroad, but I don't know where he is."

"Ask someone to inquire?"

Qiu Xing nodded.

The door of the ward was knocked suddenly. Xie Yang sat up from Qiu Xinghuai and said, "come in."

Kirkman came in with today's check list. He looked strange, as if he was repressing something, but also as if he couldn't believe it. His eyes turned back and forth on Xie Yang and Qiu Xing, and finally fell on Qiu Xing and said, "Qiu, I didn't expect that your physical changes every day will be so obvious, especially today My teacher and I analyzed the whole day and felt that The operation is ready to start. "

Solution Yang a Leng, and then sit straight body toward Qiu Xing to see.

Qiu Xing was also stunned for a moment, and then he calmly responded. Then he looked at Xie Yang beside him, and said to Xie Yang, I will get better soon

This night, Xie Yang stayed up all night again, and had been repeating the process of treating Qiu Xing - eating away the system fragments - treating Qiu Xing.

The operation is about to be carried out, and he must give him more insurance.

The next morning, Xie Yang went to Rongding with a more tired face and held a regular meeting once a week.

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When he arrived, he stood on the board of directors after entering the meeting room. He did not give everyone a chance to speak. Instead, he said, "I know what you want to ask and what you suspect. I can tell you clearly that Qiu Xing is OK. The reason why he declined visitors is to prepare for the operation. What you should do is to guard Rongding with me and wait for Qiu Xing to come back, instead of listening to the rumors from the outside world, understand? "

Qiu Jingwei tries to speak.

"If you don't understand, then I can give you a vacation, so that you can think about it. Deputy director long. "

One of the deputies sitting in Qiu Jingwei's lower position was stunned for a moment, and then quickly answered.

"I've got the No.2 energy project. I'll give it to you. He Jun will contact the project side for you," Xie said

Energy project 2? The project that hasn't been opened? It's going to open?

Everyone was agitated. Qiu Jingwei's expression changed. He confirmed and asked, "are you talking about the No.2 energy project in Northwest China?"

"Yes. At present, this project is only spoken, and the specific implementation needs further follow-up. " Xie Yang sits down and taps the conference table with the document.

The room is quiet.

Xie Yang looked at Qiu Jingwei and said, "thank you for not having time. I happened to encounter the opening of this project at the meeting of the Beijing Federation of Commerce and industry."

Qiu Jingwei's expression became extremely ugly.

"Start the meeting." Xie Yang took back his sight and glanced at everyone in the room. "If you still have any questions, you can go to the office to find me after the meeting. Here, I hope you talk about business affairs."

An acting chairman who helped the company win a big government project within half a month after taking office Everyone's mind is busy with the abacus and calms down wisely.……

The meeting ended smoothly, and Rongding's unstable morale was temporarily stabilized because of the second energy project. But this kind of stability obviously can't last long. The safety of Qiu Xing is a serious disease that everyone has in mind.

Under the appearance of calm, all parties are ready to move.

The hospital, Qiu Xing and Kirkman are preparing for the operation. More detailed examination, preoperative drug test, diet adjustment This preparation will take three or four days.

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