Xie Yang was busy in Rongding until three o'clock in the afternoon, and then returned to the hospital early. Not long after he left, he received a call from He Jun, who said: "after you left, vice president Qiu and several other deputy directors all came to the office to inquire about your whereabouts. I told them truthfully that you went back to the hospital."

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"Well." Xie Yang should be a, body relaxed back to the back of the chair, eyes have been closed, "continue to stare at them, call me if you have something."


Hang up the phone, Jieyang put down the mobile phone, seize the time to sleep.

This is the first time that he has been so tired since he put it on. But it's worth it. Qiu Xing is going to have an operation.

Thinking of this, he unconsciously "gnawed" those dark energy groups.

Dizziness and drowsiness came together. He slowed down his breathing and indulged himself in sleeping.


[discover the new world, start matching energy collection systems Match complete, activate 1314 nascent world energy collection system. 】

a dark energy cluster breaks away from a large gray and black energy mass and flies around it. From the perspective of flying, we can see that there are other dark energy clusters gathering or separating towards the giant energy clusters.

Familiar system sounds.

[this is 1314 nascent world energy harvesting system, good morning, main system. 】

[1314, please return with honor for our new life. 】

[yes. 】

[start the release procedure. 】

the giant energy cluster starts to spin and glow, and after a burst of piercing light, the scene of the city unfolds in the picture.

The dark energy group dances happily.

[successful launch. Testing the new world energy system Rejected by the world Start searching for suitable hosts Search finished, start binding launch Rejected by the world Stab, stab 】

[successful launch. 】


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In the old residential building, a black and yellow girl dressed to kill Matt was pouring water.

[Hello host, this is the love value system. Would you like to have a wonderful conquest with me? I can help you get everything you want. 】


The teacup in the girl's hand fell to the ground, covered her head and looked around in panic.


Xie Yang opened his eyes suddenly, then his expression changed. He took out his mobile phone and called Feng Qinglin. He asked, "is mu Zhouyi still staying in the sanatorium arranged by Feng family?"


"Check it out!"

Xie Yang hang up the phone, close to the back of the chair, press the eyebrow center, eyebrow and eye condensation.

It is he who has neglected and forgotten the existence of the original female owner Mu Zhouyi. Mu Zhouyi's amnesia and forbidden words are all made by the system. Will the amnesia and forbidden words disappear after the system is attacked, destroyed and eroded by him?

He completely forgot to confirm it!

In case the amnesia and taboo have been lifted, Mu Zhouyi thinks of everything He frowned fiercely, forced himself to calm down and drew his thoughts back to the pictures he had just seen.

At the beginning of the dream, he saw a huge dark, solid energy mass. Is that what we call the main system? And the new life that the main system says Xie Yang had a vague guess in his head, but there was too little information to be sure.

Xie Yang senses the remaining dark energy clusters in the core of the power.

There are not many left. Will he get the answer of "freshman" after "gnawing" these?

"Little boss, here we are."

Jieyang regained his mind and found that the hospital had arrived. He opened the door and got off to walk towards the hospital.

The ward is empty. Xie Yang calls a nurse to ask. He learns that Qiu Xing is carrying out a very important examination under the care of the treatment team. Without disturbing him, he goes back to the sofa in the ward and sits down, carrying the documents he has brought back in his bag while waiting for Qiu Xing to come back.

The sofa is too soft, Xie Yang slowly from sitting to leaning on, finally unconsciously tilted his head to sleep in the past. Because he was unconscious, he did not intentionally "nibble" those energy masses before going to bed.

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There is no sense of dizziness around, there is no messy picture to disturb the dream, Jieyang this sleep is very heavy.

Xie Yang was awakened by a vague voice. He opened his eyes to the dim light.


He immediately woke up and found that he did not know when to lie on the bed, his suit also changed into pajamas. He looked at the sound.

At the window side of the sofa, Qiu Xing is standing with his mobile phone back to the hospital bed. He can't see his expression clearly, but his tone is a little cold.

"Are you sure?"

"Well, I see."

"Give the evidence to the police and ask them to find someone to arrest."


Qiu Xing put down his mobile phone and turned around.

Jieyang's line of sight and Qiu Xing's on.Qiu Xing immediately stepped to Jieyang's body, reached out and touched Jieyang's face and said, "the doctor says you are too tired."

"You just mentioned the evidence and the police, what's the matter?"

"Don't change the subject." Qiu Xing knocked on Xie Yang's eyebrows. After knocking, he was distressed again. He rubbed and kneaded gently. He replied, "the person I'm looking for found the evidence that Wang Weiguo and Zheng Dajin were collecting money. I asked him to submit the evidence to the police."

Xie Yang immediately asked, "who gave the money to Wang Weiguo and Zheng Da?"

"I'm not sure. I just want to make sure that they received money from the same foreign account. The account details are still being tracked."


Xie Yang was thoughtful.

"Xie Yang."

Xie Yang returns to God and looks up at Qiu Xing.

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"You should have a good rest." Qiu Xing bent down, holding Jieyang's face and looking at Xie Yang's eyes, "Qiu Jingwei, if they want to make trouble, you can let them do it, don't care about them. Rongding, they can grab it temporarily. I only want you to be safe."

Xie Yang is forced to look at Qiu Xing's eyes. He just wants to talk, and his lips are bitten by Qiu Xing.

"Be obedient."


Xie Yang shut up and nodded: "OK, I don't care about them."

Later, Feng Qinglin called Jieyang.

"Mu Zhouyi is not in the sanatorium. The doctor said that she left half a month ago. When she left, she was in a stable mental state and had a clear cognition. She was basically recovered. What do you want her to do, uncle

Half a month ago, it was almost the middle of December. That is to say, Mu Zhouyi left the sanatorium at the end of November, and the system was destroyed in early November.

If Mu Zhouyi really recovered her memory when the system was destroyed, then this period of time is enough for her to recover her state and do some dangerous things to recover the system.

Xie Yang collected God and replied, "I suspect that Mu Zhouyi has something to do with this attack. You can help me to inquire about the mental state of Mu Zhouyi in early November. By the way, you can check a community named Xianghe. The community should be in T City, and there is a fruit factory nearby. "

Wind Qinglin's voice raised: "Mu Zhouyi is related to your attack?"

"It's just suspicion. Check it out."

The wind Qinglin reluctantly calmed down and asked, "what is that peaceful community?"

Xie Yang recalled what he had seen in his dream during the day, and said, "if Mu Zhouyi returns home, it's likely that it will be the hiding place of Mu Zhouyi. The hometown of muzhouyi is there."


Xie Yang still didn't sleep that night, but this time he disguised himself and deliberately got out of bed the next morning, creating the illusion that he was having a good rest.

Qiu Xing was deceived successfully. When he got up early to do the examination, he deliberately lightened his movements, and he also pulled the quilt and kissed Xie Yang's eyebrows.

After Qiu walked, Xie Yang really slept for two hours, then got up and went to Rongding. After dealing with some important work, he left early again and returned to the hospital.

During this period, Qiu Jingwei came over to attack Qiu Xing and was stabbed back by Xie Yang coldly.

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After a few days, Xie Yang has been maintaining all night treatment, make up sleep in the morning, go to Rongding at noon, and leave early in the afternoon. Because of serious lack of sleep, his complexion is getting worse and worse. In addition, he is late and leaves early every day and stays in the hospital. The eyes of Rongding's senior managers are more and more wrong.

He Jun reports every day on the trends of major shareholders and senior management. Qiu Jingwei moves frequently, and the senior management draws close to each other. Many projects of the company have changed, and the personnel transfer of the branch company is frequent.

The Liu Jiang that Qiu Xing sends people to stare at is also very abnormal all the time, only the wind family is strangely quiet.


Finally, it was the day of surgery.

Xie Yangqiao lost his job and personally sent him to the operating room. He bent down to kiss Qiu Xing's eyebrows and said with a smile, "sleep, you will be healthy."

Qiu Xing, however, frowned slightly, looked straight at Xie Yang, raised his hand and touched Jieyang's face. Obviously, he had a lot of words to say, but at last he just said, "wait for me to come out."

Jieyang nodded: "good."

Qiu Xing was pushed away by doctors and nurses, and finally disappeared behind the door of the operating room. Xie Yang followed the door, was blocked by the door, stood for a few seconds, turned around and sat down on the bench in the corridor, closed his eyes, leaned against the wall, the power spread, and floated toward the operating room.

The ability quickly locked the enemy's position, but this time Jieyang didn't control the ability to go to the enemy's brain, but turned to the heart and curled up.

Putong, Putong The sound of a heart beating.

It was quiet all around and the corridor was empty. There was no one except Xie Yang and the occasional medical staff.

This is Xie Yang's intention. This operation is very important and can't tolerate any mistakes. In order to ensure that the operation can be carried out safely without any interference, Qiu Xing didn't even tell Feng Qinglin and Liu Sha about the operation. This operation belongs to the doctor, him and Qiu Xing.As time went by, the light on the hospital corridor turned from bright to dark. Xie Yang always closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, silent and motionless, like a statue.

It was completely dark and the operation had been going on for nearly ten hours.


The sound of opening the door was magnified infinitely by his ears. Xie Yang opened his eyes abruptly and looked at the surgical door from his side.

Kirkman, dressed in a surgical suit, walked out from behind the door, met Xie Yang's line of sight and laughed: "Congratulations, the operation is very successful. Qiu will be sent to the ICU, and after the most dangerous 72 hours, he can come out to see you. "

Xie Yang stares at Kirkman for a few seconds. He suddenly smiles. His body relaxes. He bangs his back against the wall and raises his hand to cover his eyes.

"Qiu Xing, welcome back to the world."

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