On the third day after the operation, Qiu Xing was able to stay awake for a long time. Xie Yang went in to talk to Qiu Xing after disinfection.

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Qiu Xing has been looking at him from Xie Yang's entrance, and the first sentence is: "thin."

Solution Yang smile, sit to the bedside, hold Qiu Xing's hand to pinch gently: "clearly is you thin."

Qiu Xing was still a little laborious in his speech. His voice was very low, but he enunciated clearly: "Kirkman said that you only sleep a little in the morning every day. You can't do this."

"Well, I don't

Qiu Xing frown, finger moved, slightly forcefully pinched solution Yang: "cheater."

Jieyang deliberately frowned: "pain."

Qiu Xing was busy relaxing his strength. He touched his hand and said, "how can it hurt? I didn't use force."

"Well, it doesn't hurt." Xie Yang leaned close to Qiu Xing, put his arm around Qiu Xing's body, leaned his head against Qiu Xing's chest, and listened to Qiu Xing's heartbeat, "Kirkman said you recovered well, but for insurance, he suggested that I let you stay in intensive care unit for another two days, and I agreed. Will you lie down impatiently and blame me

Qiu Xing raised his hand and gently pressed the back of Jieyang's head: "what nonsense."

Xie Yang's voice was very soft: "OK, get better soon. I can't sleep without you."


Qiu Xing's hand makes force, touched solution Yang's head, the voice becomes lower, warm and soft: "I'll go out soon."

After only half an hour, Xie Yang left ICU at the urging of Kirkman. Qiu Xing frowned to death tightly and glared at Kirkman: "I'm still awake."

"But you'll have to take the medicine, and you'll soon fall asleep." Kirkman was helpless and funny. "I'm glad you can be so energetic, but I have to break you up for the time being so that you can be more energetic in the future."

Qiu Xing was so angry that he didn't look at Kirkman and turned to look at the observation window.

Xie Yang's figure quickly appeared there, waving to Qiu Xing outside. Qiu Xing lowered his eyebrows and eyes, but his voice was a little cold: "what's going on outside?"

"Qiu, I really don't suggest you start to worry about things outside now. You need to be quiet and attentive to your illness."

"It's getting worse every day."

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Kirkman took a look at Xie Yang outside. He gave in and said, "OK, I can tell you a little bit. The building you live in has been unlocked. No one is allowed to come in. There are a lot of people coming down to make trouble, and some bad news is spreading on the news. I can see that he is under great pressure. "

Qiu Xing relaxed again after holding his fist. He was afraid that Xie Yang could see the clue. He closed his eyes and said, "Kirkman, I want to go out as soon as possible."

"Don't worry about it. I promise you'll get out of here soon, get out of bed, eat and wash on your own Qiu, you are very close to complete health. Don't worry. "

How can not be anxious, his promotion is so hard.


Xie Yang turned on again and called He Jun, saying that he would not go to the hospital for the next two days.

"Small boss, vice director Qiu, they contacted the directors and shareholders of foreign branches and prepared to hold a shareholders' meeting and a board meeting," he said

I can't help it.

Xie Yang replied: "follow them and keep staring."

"But, little boss, the reason why you can become the acting chairman of the board is because of the boss's strong recommendation. Now the boss can't come out to help you speak up. In case the shareholders and directors ask you to remove your position, you --"

"quit. The chairman's position should be returned to Qiu Xing. "

He Jun stopped, and then his tone was filled with suppressed excitement, excitement and slightly cautious joy: "little boss, you mean, the boss has..."

"Well." Yang looked at the intensive care unit

On the surface, all parties are quiet, but the exchange of interests and the change of rights in the dark become more frequent. On the Internet, the news that Qiu Xing is no longer fit and Xie Yang is out of his mind for love has spread all over the network. There are even live media reports that Xie Yang has not left the hospital for several days.

Many fans flocked to Qiu Xing's microblog to pray for him.

It seems that it has become a well-known thing that Qiu can't be done, even if Xie Yang repeatedly guarantees that he can do it well.

On the fifth day after operation, Qiu Xing moved out of ICU and returned to the general ward. That night, Xie Yang received the notice of the general meeting of shareholders from Qiu Jingwei.

"You can continue not to show up, but at your own risk."

After the call was hung up, Qiu Xing was so angry that his eyes were staring. Jieyang loosened his hand covering his mouth, bent down to kiss him and said, "the mood fluctuation is too big to recover."

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Qiu Xing Wen Yan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After reluctantly calming down, he asked, "when will the general meeting of shareholders begin?"

"Next Monday."

Qiu Xing looks at the calendar on the bedside table.

Xie Yang replied, "it's Christmas day."Christmas.

Qiu Xing has a meal and then looks at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows with a smile: "remember? Our date is coming. "

He bent down to untie Qiu Xing's clothes, carefully wiped Qiu Xing's body with a warm wet towel. When he wiped his neck, he couldn't help kissing him again: "thank you for giving me the best Christmas present."

Qiu Xing held Jieyang's hand and rubbed it gently: "it's clearly that you gave me the best gift."

"I remember I only gave you a mess of Rongding." Xie Yang shook off Qiu Xing's hand and gently patted Qiu Xing's chest, "don't make trouble. Wipe it quickly and have a rest. Kirkman said that you need to sleep more."

Qiu Xing released his hand: "you clearly gave me a question, all of which rose to the surface of Rongding. Yang Yang, it's hard for you. "

Xie Yang's serious and solemn eyes on Shangqiu Xing deepened his smile: "if you want to thank me, get better soon."

After finishing, Qiu Xing still refused to sleep.

"What's the matter? Do you want me to tell you bedtime stories? "

Qiu Xing pulled Xie Yang's hand: "sleep together."

Xie yang side head kisses the palm of Qiu Xing: "good."

Jieyang went to wash and gargle for a while, and then lay down beside Qiu Xing. Afraid of rubbing against Qiu Xing's wound, he fell asleep a little bit, just enough to bury his face in Qiu Xing's chest.

Qiu Xing immediately hugged Jieyang and slowed down his breath contentedly: "good night."

Xie Yang looked up at Qiu Xing and buried his head in Qiu Xing's chest: "good night."

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There are only two dark energy groups left in the core of the power. Xie Yang closes his eyes and habitually chooses one to "gnaw.".

Qiu Xing's physical recovery still needs the power to protect him. Before Qiu Xing can get out of bed and move freely, Xie Yang is not ready to relax himself.

At the moment when the power "gnaws" the past, a strange stab sound suddenly explodes, and all kinds of chaotic information rush around. A more difficult feeling than "gnawing" other fragments comes. At the same time, his brain is dizzy, and Xie Yang almost faints.

Xie Yang quickly takes back the power, and his eyes open instinctively.

"What's the matter?"

Xie Yang returns to his mind, takes a look at Qiu Xing, shakes his head, hugs Qiu Xing more tightly, and closes his eyes again.

He once again tried to "gnaw" the dark energy mass, and a strong sense of vertigo appeared along with countless pieces of information. He quickly takes back the ability again.

It's not an illusion. This fragment is really more difficult to eat. What's more, what it spits out is not the data about the book of changes of wood.

Is this the core data of the system?

Xie Yang pressed down and excited, temporarily blocked the piece which was slightly larger than other pieces, and "gnawed" towards another fragment.

A night of messy dreams.

The next day Xie Yang woke up first. He checked Qiu Xing's physical condition with his power. He got up and got out of bed only after he was sure that there was no problem.

While washing, Xie Yang sorted out all the memories about the book of changes that he had received through the fragments during this period. He found that he could basically piece together all the things he had done after he got the system.

It can only be said that the original book beautifies the book of changes too much. From being bound by the system to before it meets the wind and the rain, the book of changes actually did a lot of things that can be called "heart and soul".

That afternoon after dinner, Kirkman came to check the wound healing for Qiu Xing.

After the examination, Qiu Xing asked, "can I be discharged before Christmas?"

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing.

Kirkman calculated the time and said, "yes, next Monday is your tenth day after surgery. According to your current recovery, it's OK to leave the hospital, but after discharge, you should pay attention to go to bed early, get up early, avoid eating, do not exercise violently, and don't be tired In short, try to rest and have regular review. Don't ask you to keep it like other patients for three to six months, but you still need one or two months. "

"I see, thank you."

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After Kirkman left, Xie Yang reached out and shook in front of Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing looked at Jieyang and held Jieyang's hand: "after the shareholders' meeting, shall we go on a date?"

Xie Yang looked at Qiu Xing for a long time, then nodded with a smile: "good."


Before the meeting, all the time, the shareholders didn't ask for the meeting.

There are all kinds of rumors from outside. Some people seem to have determined that Qiu Xing is going to die, and their actions are gradually exposed and arrogant.

Liu Jiang, for example, actually took some Rongding shares that Qiu's mother had given him in the early years, and united with Qiu Jingbang's son Qiu De, he just occupied a seat in the shareholders' meeting to help Qiu de and Qiu Jingwei fight in the arena.

In order to fight for the right to speak, Qiu de actually sold several projects of Rongding branch company to the families of several shareholders. It seems that he has something to do with Fengchuang, who has been investigated.

On the day of the general meeting of shareholders, Qiu Xing took off his medical clothes and put on his shirt and suit.

Xie Yang helps Qiu Xing tie a good tie, looks at the scar left after the operation on Qiu Xing's head, and reaches out to touch it.

Qiu Xing lowered his head to ease Yang's touch and asked, "is it ugly?""No ugly, the knife is neat, and it is more like the black boss. And Kirkman said you'll soon start to grow again, and that the scars will be covered by the hair. " Jieyang takes back his hand and touches his face. "It's me. Am I not very ugly recently?"

Qiu Xing touched the face of Jieyang thin and completely flesh free, frowned, and leaned to the Jieyang: "no, you better see."

The author has something to say: two more! Today, I, one, a point, all, no, salty!

Imagine a little theater.

Qiu Xing: am I ugly?

Jieyang: ugly.

It doesn't matter. Love is still there.

Jieyang: I can't see it?

Qiu Xing: ugly.

Sorry, love is gone. (no!)

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