When Jieyang and Qiu Xing drove out of the hospital, the media immediately surrounded them.

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"Xie Yang! What happened to Qiu Xing? "

"Xie Yang, are you going to Rongding to attend the shareholders' meeting?"

"Xie Yang! Xie Yang, please say something

The sound of inquiries and shutters came vaguely across the door. Bodyguards and hospital security guards rushed to help drive the media away. Zhou Miao took the opportunity to break away from the media circle, turned the steering wheel, turned the road, and stepped on the accelerator to accelerate.

Xie Yang ordered: "open steadily."

"Yes." Zhou Miao answered and slowed down the speed a little.

Qiu Xing's expression can't be controlled from seeing the media. He asks, "they chase you like this every day?"

"No, there's a shareholders' meeting today, so they're here." Jieyang stretched out his hand to take Qiu Xing's face and let him look at himself. "When you show up, they won't block me like this again."

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang, and his eyebrows were still frowning. He reached for Jieyang and touched the back of Jieyang's head: "you can sit down after you arrive at the company. I'll deal with everything."

"Then you must not be angry." Xie Yang Hui hugged Qiu Xing, "Dr. Kirkman said that too much emotional fluctuation is not conducive to recovery."

“…… I'm not angry. " Qiu Xing pressed Jieyang's head again, and didn't let Jieyang look at his face. His tone and expression were completely different. "I promise I'm not angry."


After arriving at Rongding, they took a special elevator to avoid the crowd. He Jun was waiting for the elevator early. Seeing Qiu Xing, he stepped forward excitedly: "boss!"

Qiu Xing nodded: "this period of time is hard for you."

"No hard work!" He Jun looks at the scar left by Qiu Xing's operation on his head, She turned up a list and handed it to her. She said quickly, "boss, this is the list of people who attended the shareholders' meeting today. The situation is better than the initial estimate. Only less than one fifth of the shareholders and senior executives from foreign branches arrived. Among them, Rebecca's director came yesterday. As soon as she arrived, she found vice director Qiu and expressed her opposition to this shareholders' meeting."

"Rebecca has always been sensible." Qiu Xing took over the list and scanned it with a sneer, "it's really a lot of fish. I didn't expect Qiu de and Liu Jiang to get together. "

Xie Yang approaches Qiu Xing, and then scans the list, then looks at Qiu Xing and picks eyebrows.

Qiu Xing's face just gathered cold idea stagnation for a while, slowed down the expression, said: "I'm not angry."

Jieyang nodded: "I know, you are just born with a fierce expression."

“……” Qiu Xing's expression more and more mild, holding Jieyang's hand, the voice also slowed down, "and will not be fierce to you."

Xie Yang pats Qiu Xing on the shoulder: "continue to maintain."

He Jun:

The meeting started at nine o'clock. Now it's only 8:30. Several people sat down in the reception hall. He Jun poured tea. Then he reported the company's situation to Qiu Xing during this period of time, and Xie Yang made a supplement.

During this period, Qiu Jingwei once found him and said that he wanted to talk to Xie Yang. Xie Yang asked the Secretary outside to drive Qiu Jingwei away.

Qiu Xing coldly looks at the door of the office for a long time when Xie Yang orders his secretary. He converges his sight until Jieyang turns back, pretends to be calm and continues to listen to He Jun's report.

He Jun watching Qiu Xing change his face at a close distance: Suddenly, I was worried about the safety of vice president Qiu.

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At 8:55, Qiu Xing put down the report document that He Jun sorted out and got up to look at Xie Yang and put out his hand to Xie Yang.

Xie Yang smiles and holds Qiu Xing's hand.

Qiu Xing pulls Xie Yang up, leads Xie yang to the office gate, opens the door and steps out.

The secretaries in the Secretary's room are getting together to say something, their expressions can't hide their worries. When they heard the opening of the door, they all looked over. Then they were stunned when they saw Qiu Xing. One of the secretaries who was drinking water even tilted his hand and poured all the water on her skirt.

Xie Yang coughed low.

The secretaries came back one after another, looking at Qiu Xing, staring at him, opening his mouth and saying in one voice: "chairman of the board?"

As soon as Qiu Xing's steps stopped, he looked at all the impolite secretaries and frowned: "what's the ghost's name? Go to work."

Ah, the familiar black face and rebuke.

The secretaries were in a trance.

"Let's go to work. If your clothes are wet, please change them." Xie Yang ordered, and then left the secretary room with Qiu Xing, stepped into the corridor outside, and walked towards the large conference room.

It was the time to clock in. There were a lot of employees coming and going outside. On the way to the meeting room, Xie Yang successfully saw all kinds of dumbfounded and unbelievable. The more he looked at his mood, the better he was. He approached Qiu Xing and said, "you see how frightening you are. Everyone is stupid to see you."

Qiu Xing frowned: "it's too unstable." Finish saying raised hand to touch a solution Yang because of smile and slightly cocked eye tail, frowned eyebrow Shu unfolded.

The two quickly arrived at the large conference room. Qiu Xing lowered his expression and directly pushed the door in.People in the room who were originally noisy and chatting stopped to look at the door. Qiu Jingwei, with his back to the door, raised his voice and said, "Xie Dong, you are willing to come to the company." his voice stopped comically, and his neck was frozen in half.

Qiu Xing closed the door behind him, looked at Qiu Jingwei with murderous eyes, and asked coldly, "what is the dew?"

Qiu Jingwei froze, then suddenly stood up: "Qiu Xing?"

The room was so quiet that all the people who had just talked and laughed couldn't believe it. They looked at Qiu Xing in disbelief, like a chicken who had been choked by his neck. His body was frozen, his neck stretched forward, and his eyes were slightly staring.

Xie Yang appreciated the expression of the people and laughed happily.

It took so long to achieve the present good play, the effect is good.

Qiu Xing led Xie Yang forward in the eyes of everyone who couldn't believe it. He put Xie Yang on the position of chairman. Standing in front of him, he swept all the people down and said in a cold voice, "I remember that the shareholders' meeting is held every six months. How come you all get together before that time comes?"

The crowd recollected, rigidly changing their sitting positions, exchanging their eyes, and their expressions of disbelief. Sitting at the end of the seat, Liu Jiang is facing Qiu Xing with a ghost expression on his face.

The only blonde foreign woman on the scene was the first to make a voice. Her expression was hard to hide. She asked, "Qiu, are you ok?"

"Rebecca." Qiu Xing looked at each other, relaxed his expression, explained to Rebecca, and explained to everyone, "it's OK. I had an operation some time ago, and I have been discharged from the hospital today. "

People were struck by lightning.

Surgery? What operation? What does that mean? Is Qiu Xing Many people noticed the scar on Qiu Xing's head and his expression changed greatly.

Rebecca also noticed the scar on Qiu Xing's head and confirmed: "operation? Do you mean your body has recovered? "

"Yes, I've basically recovered, and then I just need to rest."

Basically recovered.

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The expression of the crowd became more and more wonderful, and some even leaned back on the chair. Qiu Xing recovered, recovered How did you recover? It's not that I was seriously injured in the car accident and I've been hanging my life all the time?

After answering Rebecca's question, Qiu Xing scanned all the people present again and said in a deep voice, "now, can you tell me why you want to hold this shareholders' meeting? What's more, "he looked up at Liu Jiang," uncle, why are you here? I heard you've been to the hospital with the media. What do you want to do? "

Liu Jiang's face twitched and he could not speak with his crutch in his hand.

Qiu Xing also looked at Qiu Jingwei, who was still standing: "and uncle, I heard that during my treatment, uncle repeatedly brought people to the hospital to interfere with the normal order of the hospital? I arranged for the acting chairman in advance and promoted the two deputies elected by you. My acting chairman even just got a big project for the company. It can be said that Rongding is in good condition. So what makes uncle you so worried and frequently go to the hospital to make trouble? "

Where can Qiu Jingwei answer? From the moment he saw Qiu Xing, he was in complete chaos.

How could this happen? Why does Qiu Xing appear? And still so healthy?!

He unconsciously looks at Xie Yang behind Qiu Xing.

Xie Yang sees Qiu Jingwei looking over, slowly hooks his lips, raises his eyebrows and smiles at Qiu Jingwei.

Qiu Jingwei's chaotic brain suddenly wakes up as if he was hit by a heavy blow. He quickly recalled what had happened during this period of time. He took a look at Qiu Xing, who was cold and pale, but full of spirit. He also looked around him. At this time, the senior executives and shareholders, who had been attracted by him and were still satisfied before, relaxed their legs and returned to their chairs.

I was cheated.

Everyone was fooled by Xie Yang.

A video surveillance, let them firmly believe that Qiu Xing had a car accident. Xie Yang's haggard, early leave and hospital blockade make them further determine that there must be a big problem with Qiu Xing. Then to the picture of Qiu Xing lying in the intensive care unit from the back Step by step, they didn't get any real hammer, but they began to believe in Qiu Xing's critical illness!

Jieyang just made some false appearance of clouds and mountains, but they were easy to set up, took the initiative to hand over all cards, one foot into the trap of irreparable!

They are a group of people, actually by a little young play around.

That's ridiculous.

Qiu Jingwei looks at Qiu Xing again.

Qiu Xing was fine. He didn't want to die. He even went to surgery and recovered completely when people thought he was dying.

Complete recovery, which represents that Qiu Xing will sit in the position of chairman of Rongding for ten or twenty years What else do they have to deal with? Qiu Xing is Rongding's Dinghai Shenzhen needle, the most trusted manager of all partners, and the most optimistic operator of investors There is no room for struggle No, you can't just lose.

Qiu Jingwei tried to stabilize his expression and tried to explain: "I didn't go to the hospital to make trouble. I thought you had a car accident and worried about your safety. Xie Dong has been vague about your health problems. I just want to see you."Qiu Xing sneered: "equivocation? I don't believe Xie Yang didn't tell you that I'm fine and I'm inconvenient to be visited. Now Xie Yang's microblog home page still has news saying that everything is good for me. As for the accident, I remember that the police issued a notice at that time, which clearly said that it was not me who was injured. Uncle, in black and white, don't you understand it? "

I understand, but who knows those are true!

Qiu Jingwei wants to say something, but he is interrupted by Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing once again scanned all the senior executives and shareholders present, and asked, "I'll ask you one last time, why did you hold this international shareholders' meeting on an ad hoc basis within a month after I left. What is the appeal? "

All the shareholders with ghosts in their hearts bowed their heads and did not dare to look directly at Qiu Xing.

Rebecca said, "they want to get rid of the position of director and elect a new acting chairman."

"Remove Xie Yang's position?" Qiu Xing lowered his eyebrows and said, "why? What's the reason you want to remove Xie Yang. It is stipulated by the company that unless the acting chairman has a major fault, you have no right to replace the deputy chairman over me. What is Xie Yang's major fault? Did you get a big project for the company? "

No one spoke, but Rebecca said, "they think that Xie Yang has no ability to manage Rongding well, and there is suspicion that Rongding's image will be tarnished. Moreover, he has been absent from work for a long time and is irresponsible for not coming to the company."

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"It's not enough to talk about the next big project in half a month after taking office?" Qiu Xing held the conference table with both hands and leaned over to look at the crowd, "and when did Rongding have more images? How could I not have heard of it. As for absenteeism, I remember that Xie Yang always had a remote office to deal with Rongding's affairs, and he had left He Jun to assist in the company's chores. I also selected two deputies to work in the company. I ask you, did Xie Yang delay Rongding's affairs during his term of office? "

No one spoke.

Qiu Xingyue said: "the year before last, when my mother was ill, I didn't come to the company for a month in a row. At that time, I was also a remote processing business. According to your standards, should I take the blame and resign?"

The needle could be heard in the room, and people even breathed less.

Xie Yang suddenly reached out and patted Qiu Xing on the back.

Qiu Xing's anger was stagnant. He adjusted his breath to stabilize his mood. He held Jieyang's hand with his backhand, and then stood up straight and reached for he Jun.

He Jun quickly sent the sorted documents to Qiu Xing.

"You're such a kid. I'll have an eye opener." Qiu Xing put all the documents on the table, picked up a book and flipped through it, "this month, Rongding seems to have had a lot of personnel and project changes without the knowledge of the acting chairman and me. Vice President Qiu, are you responsible for the replacement of the person in charge of the branch office? "

The liquidation has begun.

Qiu Jingwei's voice was tight, and he replied, "the personnel change is the result of our discussion."

"Everybody? Who are you? "

Qiu Jingwei looks at the high-level people who are attracted by him, but they avoid him one after another.

Qiu Xing also took a glance at the senior officials Qiu Jingwei looked at. He closed the documents and put his eyes back on Qiu Jingwei. He continued: "the replacement of the head of a branch company is such a big matter that I didn't consult and sign with the chairman of the board. What's your intention, Mr. Qiu?"

Qiu Jingwei's heart was cold and anxious, and pale explained: "at that time, we could not contact Xie Dong, so -"

"He Jun, can you contact Xie Dong?"

He Jun replied, "it can be contacted."

"Has vice president Qiu submitted the personnel change application to you and asked you to transfer it to Xie Dong?"


Qiu Xing looks at Qiu Jingwei: "can't you contact me?"

Qiu Jingwei was speechless.

Qiu Xing abandoned this document and picked up the next one. He still looked at Qiu Jingwei: "during my operation, there were three projects that changed partners and responsible persons. Who gave you the right to make such changes?"

Qiu Jingwei was more confident this time and replied, "I don't know about these things."

"Yes. Do vice director long and vice director Qiu know? "

Sitting at the bottom of Qiu Jingwei's hand, vice Dong Long replied, "knowing that, all these are arranged by Vice Dong Qiu."

Qiu Jingwei is stunned, and then looks at vice director long in disbelief. He is different from the indifferent eyes of the former vice director of Shanglong. In a moment, he understands something. He says "you -" halfway, but he is interrupted by Qiu Xing.

"To know is to knowingly violate the rules and regulations of the company and interfere with the normal operation of the company. Mr. Qiu, I don't think it's suitable for you to sit in your present position. What do you think? "

When Qiu Jingwei's brain was confused, he quickly turned his head to see Qiu Xing. He shrank in his heart and glanced at the other senior shareholders who looked like dishes. Finally, he took a look at the vice president long who no longer looked at him. Finally, he realized that the trend was gone and his face was completely decayed.

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The people in the meeting room also learned something from vice president Long's "anti water". They looked at the two deputies who voted for the election, and then looked at Xie Yang, who looked leisurely. Finally, their eyes fell on the stack of documents in Qiu Xing's hand, and they were flustered.……

More than two hours later, Qiu Jingwei and Qiu de were removed from their posts, several shareholders were deprived of their powers, several projects were investigated, Liu Jiang was expelled from the board of directors, and Rongding stopped cooperating with other companies under Liu Jiang's name.

At the same time, He Jun used Rongding official blog to issue a new announcement on Ren Rongding's successful operation.

As soon as the news came out, all sides were shocked.

After returning to the office after the meeting, Qiu Xing was still busy. He met Rebecca first, had a secret conversation with each other for a while, and then issued a series of orders through he Jun. after that, he held a video conference in the internal office and overseas senior executives and directors who did not come to the shareholders' meeting.

During Qiu Xing's busy life, Xie Yang has been quietly sitting on one side, soothing Qiu Xing with power while commanding master Liao and others to prepare surprise birthday for Qiu Xing.

At 12:30, the video conference finally ended. Qiu Xing came out of the inner office and sent Rebecca away.

Xie Yang got up and met him when he came back from Qiu Xing and said, "eat at once, take a nap immediately after eating."

Qiu Xing's cold and tight breath quickly dispersed, holding the hand of Jieyang: "good."

During the period of raising the body, Qiu Xing still needs to avoid eating. The lunch was prepared by master Liao and sent by the nanny at home, or those familiar dishes.

Qiu Xing's brow twisted into a knot in one's heart. He moved all the dishes with meat to Jieyang. After eating two mouthfuls, he suddenly said, "I will not have to avoid eating after a month."

"But for the sake of your body and your stomach, you'd better eat a light diet for three to six months." Xie Yang smiles at Qiu Xing, "but during the Spring Festival, I can allow you to have a hot pot with me. It's slightly spicy."

Qiu Xing pursed his lips and picked up chopsticks for Jieyang. He said, "after taking a nap, we'll go on a date. Is there anything you want to do, or where you want to go? "

"Yes, I think so."

Qiu Xing was stuck with warmth on his face.

"But your health doesn't seem to allow it." Xie Yang magically took out two tickets and shook them gently. "Dr. Kirkman said that you are not suitable for noisy environment, so I bought two tickets for the concert. I've seen the music. They're all very relaxing and soothing. Do you want to listen to them? "


Xie Yang raises eyebrow: "still you want to do - well."

Qiu Xing leaned over Xie Yang's neck and bit Xie Yang's lips. He stood up straight and said, "don't talk nonsense! You You wait a little longer, I'll ask Kirkman having dinner! Don't talk. "

Xie Yang smiles. He suddenly gets up and sits down beside Qiu Xing. He takes out his mobile phone, turns on the camera, raises it to aim at two people and asks, "what's my last name?"

Qiu Xing looked at the faces of the two people leaning against each other on the screen of the mobile phone, pinched the chopsticks, and gently lowered his eyebrows and eyes, and whispered back: "solution."


A few minutes later, Weibo.

[Xie Yang: the best Christmas gift. He's getting better. Happy Christmas, everyone. 】

below is a picture of two people leaning together.

The next second, Qiu Xing's long silent microblog had a movement.

Qiu Xing praised Xie Yang's microblog.

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