Jieyang a pot of chicken soup poured down, everyone is in the spirit.

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Kelan: Xie Yang is right. The IUD is not over yet.

Xu Chenhao: Yes.

Only Tong Jian deviated from the point: is the new song recorded? when? Why don't I know, isn't the arrangement just finished? The lyrics and song titles have been published?

All of you

The atmosphere in the group immediately relaxed, and Kelan sent two voice messages to the group.

"The lyrics have been finalized and the title of the song has been decided. It's called IUD."

"We rise in the album" IUD ", the end also ends in" IUD ", everybody refuels together

After a long silence.

Tongjian: come on!!

Xu Chenhao: come on.

Hu Biao: come on!

Xie Yang smiles, and then sends a cheer. In a good mood, he can't help but open the wechat of Qiu Xing and says: when will you come back? Please watch the show.

Qiu Xing: immediately.

Jieyang a meal, quickly understand what, get up and go out of the room to the balcony, toward the direction of the second door of the community.

More than ten seconds later, the light of the lights cut through the night, two doors slowly opened, a familiar black car drove in from the outside, straight to the villa.

Xie Yang turns and goes downstairs.


When Xie Yang arrived at the living room, Qiu Xing had already entered the door. He was wearing a black suit with no expression on his face. He was walking in and taking off his coat. When he saw Xie Yang come down, he just glanced at Xie Yang. Then he threw his coat on the sofa, took off his tie and sat down in the sofa with his eyes closed.

Xie Yang sat on the sofa beside Qiu Xing. He noticed that his shadow was very thick and his complexion was much worse than when he left. He asked, "very tired?"

Qiu Xing didn't speak, his legs stretched out, his hands folded on his abdomen, his shoulders relaxed and sunk, and his breathing pressure was light and low.

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It looks like I'm exhausted.

Xie Yang gets up.

"To where?"

Xie Yang stopped and looked at Qiu Xing from the side of his head. Seeing that his eyes were still closed, he replied, "go and pour water for you. Your lips are very dry. You need water."

"Hum." Qiu Xing let out a smile from his nose. He lifted his hand and pulled open the shirt button at the collar. He sank himself deeper into the sofa. His voice was hoarse and tired and said, "I can't use you Sit down. "

Liu Sha came to Xie Yang with a light step, motioned "sit down" and "I'll come" to Xie Yang. Then she picked up Qiu Xing's coat and tie and walked away with light steps.

Xie Yang sat back on the sofa and found that He Jun, the nanny and assistant who had just been around, had disappeared. He and Qiu Xing were the only two left in the living room.

The hall is very quiet, Jieyang can clearly hear the breath of Qiu Xing. The voice was gentle and long, but somehow there was a sense of being blocked by something, which made people uncomfortable.

He observed Qiu Xing's appearance at this time.

No one will look good when he is ill, and Qiu Xing is no exception. As a villain in a love novel, although Qiu Xing has a high face value that is enough to match the male owner's, because of his illness, his high beauty is always covered by lingering sickness and depression, which is hard to be noticed at the first time.

For example, now, Qiu Xing is relaxing in the sofa, his head is slightly raised, and the lines from forehead to chin to neck are perfect like works of art. However, when anyone sees him, the first thing they notice is his dimpled eyes and dark lips with dry hair.

Xie Yang thinks of himself struggling to survive in the last life. At that time, he was very tired every day, lack of sleep, physical overdraft, brain over speed, always alert to be pulled into the abyss of danger It's just like the hate line now.

"What are you looking at?"

Xie Yang came back to his mind. He did not know when Shangqiu Xing opened his eyes and said, "I just suddenly have some curiosity about you What you looked like when you were young. " He promptly changed the phrase "before you got sick.".

Qiu Xing's face was cold: "do you think I'm old?"


Xie Yang felt that he was crazy to feel pity for Qiu Xing. He replied, "no, you are young."

Qiu Xing's eyebrows wrinkled up. He looked at Xie Yang badly. After a while, he closed his eyes again and leaned back on the sofa, a pair of irritated and suffocating looks.

Xie Yang also leans into the sofa.

After a good while.

"You --"

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"you --"

two people talk at the same time and shut up at the same time.

Qiu Xing opened his eyes, tilted his body, raised a hand to support his forehead and pressed his temple. His palm half covered his eyes and asked, "what performance?"

Liu Sha had just delivered the water. Xie Yang got up and took it. He picked up the small kettle, poured a cup of warm water out, and said, "my first performance on the stage, do you want to see it?" Then he handed the water to Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang, sat up straight, took the water and drank it out. He said, "I'm not interested." Then he put the cup back into Xie Yang's hand, got up and walked toward the stairs.Xie Yang put down the cup and followed.

Qiu Xing stopped and turned around. Standing on the stairs, he looked down at Xie Yang. His eyebrows were deeply closed, and his body was filled with the breath of rejecting people thousands of miles away. He said, "what do you follow me for?"

"I'm not following you. I'm going upstairs to have a rest."


After a few seconds, Qiu Xing turns around, strides upstairs, and disappears in the corner of the stairs.

Xie Yang watched him leave, and then went up.

"Little boss."

Xie Yang stopped and looked back.

Standing at the bottom of the stairs, Liusha said, "ah hang doesn't want to pay attention to people when he's not feeling well, and When outside, ah hang would ask assistant he if he had received any new messages every day. "

Xie Yang didn't understand the meaning of Liu Sha's last sentence. Then he quickly remembered what he had said to He Jun before contacting Qiu Xing to confirm whether Qiu Xing was resting or not.

It seems that after that, he never contacted Qiu Xing again because he was busy with the matter of literature and meaning.

Xie Yang put his hand into his trousers pocket and said, "assistant Liu, call me Jieyang later."

Liusha thought he didn't take her hint. She was silent for two seconds and said, "I see. Then you have a rest early and good night. "

"Where is the piano that Qiu Xing bought for me?"

Liusha's turn stopped.

Step down in the second floor, can you hear me walking down the floor

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Liusha looked at Xie Yang, then chuckled and said, "I'm not sure. Maybe you can try."


The full moon rose into the sky.

Xie Yang took the piano to the balcony and stood in the best light. He put his left shoulder on the piano stand, slightly tilted his head, put his chin on his chin, put his bow on the piano, held down the string with his fingers, and gently pulled the bow after a few seconds.

A short noise like sawing wood drifted through the night.

I didn't touch the piano for a long time, and my fingers became stiff because of my emotions. The first tone didn't change at all. I lifted my wrist for a meal, and then I laughed in a low voice.

He loved the peace and prosperity.

The cool night wind in early autumn caresses his cheek, Xie Yang closes his eyes, feels the temperature of the body of the piano, and his wrist moves slightly, pulling out the second sound.

After that, the normal sound of the instrument, which is slightly stiff, flows out. After that, it connects into a thread and weaves into a net. It hesitates in the air, runs cautiously, and finally jumps happily, winding the breeze, stirs the moonlight, and spreads towards the deep darkness.

Xie Yang felt that he also became a note. He stretched himself out in the moonlight, stepped on the clouds in the breeze, and got rid of all the shackles of the mortal world. He looked at the brand-new world under his feet like a child. He played, played, laughed happily, and wept indulgently. Then he found the softest and safest cloud and slept in the deepest place.


In the darkness of a room, Qiu Xing, who was tortured by headache and couldn't sleep, was sitting on the head of the bed, with an unlit cigarette between his fingertips, his head tilted back and his eyes closed on the soft pillow.

The sound of the piano stirred the darkness and surrounded it everywhere.


For a long time, Qiu Xing pinched the cigarette into his palm, rubbed it off and laid down.

"It's something that's hard to hear."

Notes have found the cloud that can be used to sleep, is curled up in it, lazily stretching the body, yawning a little. Qiu Xing closed his eyes and involuntarily adjusted his breathing with the rhythm of the music.

The headache did not relieve, but he soon fell asleep.


Xie Yang stayed up late again.

It's not a good idea to play the piano in the middle of the night. He pulls it and suddenly comes up with inspiration. He can't help but go back to the room and open the computer to record it. It records and records, and the day slowly dawns.

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By the time Yang opened the computer, the wall clock had already jumped to the usual breakfast time.

I feel tired and want to sleep. But you can't. You have to fill your stomach first.

Jieyang pushes aside the computer to get up, and tries his best to resist the tiredness brought by the lack of sleep in his body, and goes out to go downstairs.

Downstairs, Qiu Xing has already got up. He is sitting at the table looking at his cell phone. There is breakfast on the table, but he doesn't eat it. Jieyang sat opposite Qiu Xing, even the voice "early" did not have the energy to say, picked up a small cage bag and put it into his mouth, and was not sitting on the chair.

Qiu Xing looked up and down at Xie Yang and blackened his face: "what's going on?"

"Stay up late."

Qiu Xing's expression was visible to the naked eye.

"Don't talk." Xie Yang put up a palm of his hand, "when I don't have enough sleep, my temper will get worse. If you mess with me, I will probably hate you. Don't make you angry at that time."

Qiu Xing sneered with a smile: "will I be so angry with you that I can't eat?"? Just you? "

Xie Yang ate a steamed bun again, silent. When he was tired, he didn't even bother to talk.

Qiu Xing's lip line was flattened, and he looked at Xie Yang for a while without expression. Suddenly, he put his hands on the table and got up and left.

Xie Yang didn't go to take care of Qiu Xing. After breakfast, he went upstairs and simply washed himself to bed.After sleeping for no two hours, Xie Yang was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone. He opened his astringent eyes, touched out his mobile phone, turned on his hands-free phone, threw it to his pillow and closed his eyes again.


"Xie Yang, Mo bin there has been an announcement." Hu Biao's voice came with suppressed anger. "He twisted the facts and said that he did have a conflict with Tong Jian and Ke LAN, but the origin of the contradiction was that Tong Jian and Ke LAN disliked his music and wanted to buy music from outside, but he disagreed, so they had differences."

Xie Yang sobered up a little, half opened his eyes: "his new company has not given up him, how to let him talk so disorderly."

If Mo bin is silent, then all the adverse comments on the Internet against Mo bin will be just rumors without real hammer, and everyone will be finished. Now Mo bin comes forward to respond, this is not looking for hammering.

"Mo Bin said more than that." Hu Biao took a deep breath. "He also found someone to blow out the story that your father once wanted to sell you to others. He said that after that, you had a big heart and could not see the half baked IUD. He had been stirring up the relationship between the players and trying to break up the group."

Xie Yang didn't expect that someone could be so stupid as Mo bin. Lack of sleep prompted his temper, he Jane short: "leave him alone, let him dance enough." Finish hanging up the phone, open the microblog, squint at typing, after typing, turn off the mobile phone to one side, pull up the quilt to cover yourself.

Micro blog.

[Xie Yang: @ Mo bin, I'll get some sleep first. When I wake up, let's have a good talk about my father's selling me. 】

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