Xie Yang didn't wake up until 3:00 p.m. after waking up, he didn't rush to contact Hu Biao. Instead, he found out a set of pajamas and went to the bathroom to have a comfortable bath. Then he went downstairs to the kitchen and turned on his mobile phone.

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After the boot, Hu Biao's phone call came in immediately.

I don't know what kind of psychological suffering has been experienced. Hu Biao's tone on the phone has been a bit erratic, saying: "I really got through the phone? Or I had hallucinations. "

"It's through. It's not an illusion. Just a moment. " Xie Yang covered the receiver and asked for a bowl of noodles for the nanny who was preparing the ingredients for dinner in the kitchen. Then he let go of the receiver and walked to the restaurant and said, "OK, tell me about the situation now."

Hu Biao immediately cheered up and said in one breath: "public opinion has been fermenting for almost a day, and now all your affairs are being discussed on Weibo. In a word, you should contact your father and ask him not to talk nonsense. Some media want to get warm and have already planned to interview your father to ask what happened to you when you were sold. Mo bin must have invited a lot of water troops. All kinds of hearsay on micro blog are flying around. The situation is very bad for you! And - "

" stop. " Xie Yang interrupted Hu Biao's incoherent speech, sat down at the table and asked, "when I was sleeping, you didn't do anything because you were in a hurry?"

Hu Biao was really losing his temper. He held back his breath and said, "no! I even asked Tongjian and Kelan to turn off their mobile phones. Xie Yang, what's your plan? You that micro blog bar on Mo bin, now Mo bin fans all scold you

"There are plans. You can call Huang Mo now and ask him if the recording of our meeting that day can be made public. If so, I will publish it directly on Weibo."

Hu Biao choked and couldn't believe it: "wait, recording? Did you record the meeting that day? "

"Yes, Mo bin is too mean. I have to stay behind."

After a long time of silence, Hu Biao was excited to the voice of bifurcation: "I said you had a recording, you recorded well! Mo bin recorded you and you recorded him. It's just a matter of course. I'm going to contact Huang Mo right now. We must make this recording! "

The phone has been hung up. Jieyang raises her eyebrows.

Wait, what did Hu Biao just say? "Mo bin recorded you, you recorded him"?

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Mo bin also recorded it? What was recorded?

The baby sitter brought the noodles up, Jieyang regained his mind, put down his mobile phone to thank him for taking it, temporarily pressed his doubts, picked up chopsticks, carefully and conscientiously finished the noodles, then picked up his mobile phone again, casually registered a microblog account, and entered the popular list.

As expected, Mo Bin's new announcement in the morning was indeed on the hot spot. Coincidentally, the two microblogs under this announcement happened to be the one he posted before going to bed and the one that he was sold to an old man. The three brothers were arranged in order, which was quite convenient to eat melons.

Xie Yang first click on Mo Bin's announcement and the comments below to quickly scan it.

It has to be said that Mo bin has a good focus and a good pot. In the new announcement, as Hu Biao said on the phone before, Mo bin distorted the facts and falsely claimed that he had made such a quarrel with Ke LAN, Tong Jian, and even Wen Yi. The root cause was actually the purchase of music. He also said that because he did not agree to buy music from abroad, IUD's new album did not come out.

At the end of the announcement, Mo bin also said vaguely that there was room for discussion among the old team members about the purchase of music, but after Xie Yang joined the league, the matter became silent.

In the comment area, the fans who were brainwashed by the announcement all agreed to cry out grievances for Mo bin, "brother, why are you so stupid and sobbing?" "I love my brother. What's the use of insisting on the group spirit alone? Those people are so despicable. They want to damage my brother's IUD. When I see my brother's intransigence, they still smear him!" "Thank you for your brother's insistence." Xie Yang is really a shite stick There are so many such remarks that people's teeth are sour.

Jieyang drinks water to pacify his teeth, and then goes to see the reaction of passers-by.

After a few hours of fermentation, Mo Bin's announcement and the water army have successfully turned the rhythm of the discussion from "whether Mo bin has found a good place to abandon IUD" last night to "buy music by IUD". Mo Bin's personal establishment has changed from a "hypocritical big brother" to "the only old captain who sticks to the spirit of the IUD team and is despised by the team members" and turns a 180 degree reversal.

Xie Yang found himself wrong, Mo bin should not be abandoned by the new company, but the new company's attention. The public opinion can turn around so fast, Mo Bin's new company is estimated to invite the water army.

After understanding the content of the new announcement, Xie Yang went to the following microblog.

The news is an entertainment marketing number issued, blog time than Mo Bin's announcement more than an hour later. The content of the disclosure is a screenshot of a private chat record, two surveillance videos and a recording.

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There is nothing big in the screenshot of private message chat record, that is, a person who claims to be a front waiter of a restaurant told the marketing number that he overheard the quarrel between Xie Yang and his father.

What really triggered a large-scale discussion was the two surveillance videos and recordings.

There are two video segments in the surveillance video. One is the picture of Jieyang and Jiexiu entering the box one after the other, and the other is the picture of Jiexiu competing with Hu Biao in the corridor.Xie Yang turned to this and stopped a little, knowing that the key point came. He turned up the volume of his mobile phone before he turned on the recording.

The recording is very short. There are only two sentences. The first sentence is what he said. It says, "this is my father. He wants to sell me to an old man. 】So what you said on the phone is true? 】。

Xie Yang is really surprised.

This is what Mo bin recorded. That time, he and Hu Biao and others met by accident. Mo bin actually recorded the sound quickly in that situation. It was really powerful.

He went through the comments under this piece of information.

The comment area was harmonious, and everyone was scolding him and spreading rumors about him. Among them, Mo Bin's fans are responsible for scolding, Mo Bin's navy is responsible for spreading rumors, and passers-by are responsible for eating melons and spreading rumors. Among all the rumors, there are two hot topics in the discussion. One is that he is too anxious to stay in the IUD after colluding with a certain gold owner, so he deliberately messed up the first appearance of the new IUD in Hello vacation, and provoked the relationship between the team members. The other is that he suspects that the buyer is a high-level cultural official.

Finally, Xie Yang went to the comments section of his microblog.

It's probably because of his relationship with Mo bin. Most of the popular comments are occupied by Mo Bin's fans. There are those who ask him why he wants him for his own crimes, some who let him get out of the entertainment circle, some who ask him not to "sleep away", and those who ask him why he sleeps in the daytime In short, the content is very painless, there is nothing to pay attention to.

In addition to these, Xie Yang also found a topic in the hot Search about Xie Yang getting out of the entertainment circle. Click into the topic. There is a marketing number that sent a video of the original master's first year performance in the professional examination. In the following comments, Mo Bin's fans ridiculed the original owner's rigid performance in the video. No wonder the original owner wants to sing in IUD. It turns out that his acting skills are too bad.

It seems that this is mo bin exhausted all resources, spent almost a day, can toss out all the things.

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Xie Yang put down his mobile phone and began to think seriously. The original test image should be regarded as the student's personal * *, and the school just flows it out. Is it illegal?

Hu Biao's phone call interrupted his thoughts.

"Xie Yang, Huang Mo said that the recording can be made, but it must be edited first. You can send me the full version of the recording, and I will cut it now. Let's cut it and send it early. In addition, Mo bin has just contacted Ke LAN through the middleman, saying that it is still too late to throw all the pots and pans on your head. He also said that for the sake of everyone's feelings for several years, he wants the public opinion to stop here. "

Xie Yang sneered: "he thinks very beautiful."

Hu Biao's tone was cold: "I think so."

Both of them laughed. Xie Yang said, "I'll send you the recording on wechat. You can cut it as soon as possible."


After sending the recording to Hu Biao, Xie Yang broke off his fingers and switched to his large microblog in a good mood. He ignored the tens of thousands of messages that came out in a flash and wrote slowly.

[Xie Yang: wake up. Mo bin, in view of the words you just contacted Ke LAN, I'll say to you, wake up and dream again when it's dark. 】

[Xie Yang: seeing that someone asked me why AIT Mobin was before, let's do it now. We can see that Hu bin, Mo LAN Tong and I were the only ones who came to the scene to monitor the scene, but who were the only ones who came to the scene? 】

[Xie Yang: and my father sold me. Yes, my father sold me to a tall, handsome and rich n generation with 500 million yuan. Are you jealous? 】

[Xie Yang: @ Mo bin, you have a recording, and so do I. think about what you said during the meeting that day. Are you flustered? 】

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less than five minutes after the microblog was sent out, Hu Biao made a phone call again, and his tone was very soothing: "Mo bin contacted me directly and asked for privacy."

Xie Yang laughed: "private, OK, if he is willing to give me a public apology on Weibo, I will agree to have a private relationship with him."

“……” Hu Biao wants to laugh, "you know he won't want to."

Xie Yang pretended to be sorry: "then I can only thank him for his enthusiasm for me. Let's inform you that we are ready to announce the news that the concert to commemorate the fifth anniversary of IUD will be held as scheduled. "

Half an hour later. On Weibo, almost at the same time.

Kelan: don't forget your original intention, you can always do it. The fifth anniversary performance will be with a piece of "IUD".

Tongjian: I'm coming. IUD is not over yet. See you in the fifth anniversary performance!

Xu Chenhao: I'll be there for the fifth anniversary of IUD.

Hu Biao: let's try again for the original intention! IUD go! @Ke LAN @ Xu Chenhao @ Tongjian @ Jie Yang

Jie Yang also posted a micro blog.

[Xie Yang: no see you. 】

two links are provided below, one is the link of grabbing tickets for the performance, and the other is the link of recording Hu Biao with subtitles.Weibo seemed to be quiet for a few seconds, and then the whole circle of fans of IUD began to shake.

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