Qiu Xing appreciated Xie Yang's expression at this time and felt comfortable. He changed his words slowly and said: "I'm kidding. He's a gadget from Xie's family. He'll stay with me in the next few years."

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Xie Yang: "what's more..."

The wind and the rain are stiff.

The answer seems to be no better than the joke.

Seeing that they didn't respond, Qiu Xing's expression sank again: "isn't this joke funny?"

Feng Qinglin, with a smile, said, "uncle, you are so humorous. Your tone just made me think you want to find a man to be my aunt. But why did the Xie family send a boy here? Uncle, do you... "

"You ask too much." Qiu Xing changed his face again, stood up and said coldly, "you have a good rest." Then he turned and walked away.

Xie Yang looks at the wind and the rain. Feng Qinglin noticed Xie Yang's sight, but with a smile, he said, "my uncle thinks so. One is out. You Now that you are here, please accompany him well. Thank you

Worthy of being the man of the future movie, his acting skills are good.

Jieyang didn't answer. He turned to catch up with Qiu Xing, waiting to see the next performance of the female leader.

In the story of the original book, the story of visiting the sick is written from the perspective of the female owner. This evening, after dealing with the agent, the female owner was not at ease with the man, so she rushed to the hospital to visit her. She overheard the conversation between the man and Qiu Xing outside the ward. She knew a little about the man's life experience and felt sympathy for the man. She could not help caring for the man in her later relationship Here is a small plot. The female owner is too attentive to eavesdrop and doesn't notice Qiu Xing who suddenly leaves the house. They bump into each other's faces. The female owner runs away in a hurry and successfully attracts Qiu Xing's attention.

It's the plot of a romantic novel. Xie Yang hated it before, but now he wants to see it.

Qiu Xing has arrived at the door.

Xie Yang put his hands in his pocket, and controlled the distance only one step behind Qiu Xing. He went to see a doctor.

Qiu Xing suddenly turned around, his tone was gloomy and strange: "walking so slowly, why can't you give up Qinglin?"

Jieyang brakes in time, but he doesn't bump into Qiu Xing.

Outside the door came a little rustle, followed by a gradual sound of footsteps, and then returned to quiet. Xie Yang swears with the sharpness that he practiced in the end of the world, and most of the time she heard the news and ran away.

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He looked at Qiu Xing.

"What expression are you looking at?" Qiu Xing lowered his head close to Jieyang, and his tone was cold as a snake ready to go, "don't want to follow me, eh?"

“……” Jieyang throws a lazy look at Qiu Xing with the tail of his eyes and pushes him to open the door and go out.

There was no one outside the door, so the woman ran away.

Qiu Xing looked down at his shoulder.

Xie Yang's mood suddenly improved.

After just two plays, he has confirmed that although this is a world in the book, the plot does not seem to be unchangeable, and the behavior patterns of the characters in the plot are not restricted. For example, the conversation between Qiu Xing and Feng Qinglin is somewhat different from that in the original book. For example, the meeting between Qiu Xing and the mistress was destroyed by himself without his intervention Yes.

That is to say, as long as he fans the butterfly wings, the cannon fodder Jieyang will not necessarily die.

This is a world of high degrees of freedom.

Xie Yang has a bottom in his heart.

Qiu Xing noticed Xie Yang's upturned corner of the mouth and slapped the hit place with a overcast face. He stepped over Xie Yang and left.

They walked out of the hospital and got on the bus.

When I went in, I found that the driver's face was more relaxed.

What's going on?

The driver carefully started the car and aimed at Xie Yang next to him and Qiu Xing in the back seat. He quietly overturned the previous evaluation of Xie Yang as "timid, bullying, low family background, and don't care about it". He changed his mind to a "dangerous goods" chapter.

"To Qiushui mansion."

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"But the boss..." reminded the driver

"Shut up and go to Qiushui mansion."

Through the rearview mirror, the driver came into contact with the gloomy sight of Qiu Xing. He gave a thrill, shut up and drove quietly.

Jieyang is too lazy to guess what riddles these two people are playing. He looks after himself and looks after himself.

Twenty minutes later, Jieyang knows the answer to the riddle. He stood on the first floor of the apartment, looking at Qiu Xing upstairs.

"There's only one bedroom here. You can only sleep in the living room." Qiu Xing held up the railing and laughed maliciously, "I hope you can have a good night." After that, he swept the clothes on his shoulders and turned off all the lights on the first floor before leaving.

Xie Yang: "what's more..."

The disease is not mild.

He looked around the living room, which was obviously not decorated and had no sofa. He looked around and went to the bathroom.

The bathroom is very spacious, with a large bathtub, a stack of clean bath towels on the shelf next to the bathtub, and brand-new unopened toiletries on the washstand at the door. The water heater is on, and the hot water can be used at will. For Xie Yang, who had passed through the end of the world, this condition was regarded as heaven, and he was very satisfied.He took a comfortable hot bath, threw his dirty clothes into the washing machine, and walked around the living room only with a bath towel. Fortunately, he found a carpet and folded it in the dry bathtub. Then he spread a clean towel on the carpet and slept comfortably behind the door of the bathroom.

In the middle of the night, Xie Yang is awakened by the sound of opening the door. He opens his eyes and faces the gloomy face of Shangqiu Xing. He's instinctive to hide and build strength.

Qiu Xing sneered, raised his hand and threw a quilt on his face.


Qiu Xing ran away when he was scared out of the house and slammed the door violently.

Xie Yang pulled off the quilt on his head and glared at the bathroom door. His good temper was almost broken by the end of the world. He moved his hand, restrained his fist, and lay down again.

This dog's temper really deserves not to get the mistress!

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Xie Yang had a nightmarish night's sleep until dawn. After getting up, he took out his clothes from the washing machine and put them on. He went upstairs, kicked the bedroom door open, and pulled all the curtains that had been pulled tightly.

The sun rushed into the room and stabbed Qiu Xing's face. The enemy moved, but his eyes were not open. He put poison on his mouth first: "who Close the curtains and get out of here. I'm not going to work tomorrow! "

Xie Yang leaned against the small table in front of the window and said coolly, "unfortunately, Mr. Qiu, I was hired by your mother to give you pleasure. You can't decide whether I will stay or not."

Qiu Xing completely sober up, opened his eyes to see him, full of Qi: "it's you..."

Xie Yang sat down with a big sword and provoked him: "it's me. Why, does Mr. Qiu want to fire me?"

Qiu Xing propped up his body and looked at him. After a few seconds, his Qi of getting up suddenly dispersed. He raised his hand and grabbed the hair that had come down. He lifted the quilt and got up. He laughed: "don't make any plans. Xie Yang, your father has sold you all his life. This is where it is." Then he went straight into the bathroom.

Xie Yang watched his figure disappear behind the bathroom door, convergence deliberately put out the arrogant posture, frowned, got up to leave.

The breakfast was brought by the driver. There were two portions. One was very rich. It was full of a big food box with three floors. One was very rough, and a plastic bag contained a bowl of noodles with fried sauce bought by the roadside.

Xie Yang took the fried noodles consciously.

"Who told you to eat that?" Qiu Xing ordered the food box, "eat this."

The driver with wallflower takes a quick look at Qiu Xing and puts the porridge and snacks in the lunch box in half and puts them in front of Xie Yang.

Xie Yang ate miscellaneous food last night. He was just trying to eat something light. He pushed aside the noodles with fried sauce, picked up a spoon to stir the thick porridge and fed it to his mouth.

Pure rice fragrance in the mouth spread, Jieyang action meal, look down at the atherosclerotic bowl.

This is actually a bowl of porridge, the kind without any seasoning, and no basic salt.

Qiu Xing laughed and asked, "is the patient's meal delicious?"

Jieyang swallowed the porridge and didn't speak. The rice used for porridge cooking is very good, and the cooking technique is also very fine. This flavor is for him It's just fun.

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He drank another spoonful, tasted it carefully, nodded, and then spoonful after spoonful, and soon the bottom of a bowl of porridge could be seen. His stomach was still empty after eating the porridge. Instead, he picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the cooked wheat with thin skin and sufficient material.

A fresh flavor, which is pure from the taste of the ingredients themselves, permeates the tip of the tongue. Xie Yang picks his eyebrows slightly and looks at the driver: "where did you buy these? The cook is good. " Just to his taste.

The driver was stunned and said dryly, "Mr. Xie, these are specially made for the boss by our cook. You Do you really feel good? "

"Well, not bad." The joy and satisfaction of people who have been longing for food for a long time can't be concealed. Although Xie Yang's tone is still plain, people with a clear eye can see that he likes the food in front of him, and he is satisfied and happy to eat.

Qiu Xing looks at the breakfast in front of him suspiciously. He puts a spoonful of porridge into his mouth.

The familiar faint smell was on the tip of his tongue, and the driver did not take the wrong breakfast.

He looked at Xie Yang strangely: "you..." Is your tongue broken?

Jieyang just put a whole Shaomai into his mouth, and looked up at him with a faint look in his eyes, with a sense of impatience being disturbed.


"Ha." Qiu Xing suddenly laughed and leaned back into the chair with a cheerful tone, "eat more. This table is all yours."

Xie Yang didn't care about him and continued to eat.

After breakfast, Qiu Xing takes Xie Yang and sets off for the company. His good mood lasted for a long time. On the way to the company, he not only didn't get nervous again, but also cared about Xie Yang's recent situation with the style of an elder.

"Is C University going to start school? When will we go back to city B to pay the tuition?"

Only then did Xie Yang remember that the original master was still a student. He was studying at C University in B city. He was now a junior. Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered the group he had seen when he had just come in last night.

Look at the situation, the original owner seems to be a small artist now?

But how can he remember that the cannon fodder Jieyang in the plot is a waste without career and friends, who is purely raised by the villains. So is this a bug set in the book, or is it that he is about to lose his job?

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