Xie Yang is busy recalling the plot and Qiu Xing's inquiries. He perfunctorily perfunctorily with such short sentences as "unclear", "possible", "maybe" and "um".

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Qiu Xing's tone became more and more heavy, his words became shorter and shorter, and finally he was completely quiet. The atmosphere in the car drops to freezing point. The driver shivers and wants to shake Jieyang's neck to make him spit more words!

The car stopped in the underground parking lot of Rongding s City branch company. Qiu Xing got off and left without a look in his eyes.

The driver took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat.

After that, the boss was so angry that he left without waiting for him to open the door.

Xie Yang finally recovered from his thinking, looked at the driver and asked, "can I move freely?"

"Ah Ah? " The driver laughed bitterly, "this I'm afraid not. You have to go with the boss to solve the appointment of the chairman at noon. You can't leave at will. "

"So you mean to let me wait here?"

"When, of course not." The driver took the courage to guess the boss's mind and tried to suggest, "how about I show you around? I'll bring you back when it's time to eat. "

Xie Yang just wanted to find a place where he could be alone and think about his future way out. He nodded his head and said, "yes Is there a cinema near here? I want to see a movie. "

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the nearest cinema.

Looking at the cinema's propaganda screen, the driver said, "it seems that the evaluation of Zhou Huairen's new film" June Huai'an "is good. Do you want to see this? I'll go and buy you a ticket

"June Huai'an", the heroine's first big screen work, is also an important plot.

Xie Yang's line of sight in the "June Huai'an" poster stopped, shook his head, pointed to the corner of the special area: "no, I want to see this, to buy tickets."

The driver looked at the past, and a few big words came into view. The special show is a series of more than ten movies, and you can watch them as you go. The posters have the names of the serial films, all of which are anti Japanese War masterpieces without exception.

“……” Mr. Xie has a unique taste.

The driver goes to buy a ticket and sends a message to Qiu Xing to report his and Xie Yang's trend.

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After the driver left, Xie Yang turned his eyes back to the poster of "June Huai'an", looked at the woman owner printed in the corner, and bent down to draw a propaganda page of "June Huai'an".

There was no accident in the nostalgic classic show. Xie Yang picked a corner and sat down. He took the popcorn and drinks from the driver's hand, indicating that he should stay away.

Food was robbed, the driver dare not speak, obediently sit in the back row.

On the big screen, gray faced soldiers are rolling in the trenches. Xie Yang eats a popcorn and leans back to his chair to close his eyes.

To change the fate of death, the simplest way is to divorce Qiu Xing and stay away from the plot circle. But it's not going to work at the moment. Qiu Xing is a filial son. This marriage was arranged by her mother. She is old and not in good health. She will not go against her mother's meaning. In the morning, Qiu Xing did not let go of his mouth. In view of the unequal status between him and Qiu Xing, as long as Qiu Xing does not want to, the marriage is absolutely inseparable.

Xie Yang took a popcorn and put it into his mouth. He grinded it with his teeth. After grinding a little bit of broken residue, he licked it off with his tongue, and slowly tasted the sweetness.

Since we can't leave, we can only go deep into the plot to stir up the wind and rain. In the original book, the cannon fodder finally died in a car accident. Who would want to kill the cannon fodder at that time?

It's possible that the male leader is not very glorious in his way of seizing power. If he knows too much about the cannon fodder, his immortality is a hidden danger. It's also possible for the female Lord. She is more ashamed than hateful to Qiu Xing. She hates the cannon fodder of betraying Qiu Xing. It is also possible that the enemy's relatives, who are dependent on the enemy, hate the cannon fodder and destroy their well-being. It is also possible for the Feng family to hate all the enemy family members, and the cannon fodder is only half of them. The family members of the cannon fodder are more likely to hate the fact that the ashes have destroyed the thighs they have so hard to hold. Those men and women who have not been seen before are also suspected. They have become the dogleg of men and women, and they are the urgent need of men and women To sum up, people all over the world want to kill cannon fodder except Qiu Xing. Because Qiu Xing was dead before the gunpowder died, so he didn't have a chance to do it.

Jieyang chews the popcorn.

Good, all the villains.

He opened his eyes and pulled out the leaflet from his pocket.

In fact, in the whole plot, the most difficult thing for him is not his future death and his status as a cabbage, but the golden finger set by the author for the mistress.

In the original book, the woman owner had a gold finger called the value exchange system. This system is very powerful. It can accumulate the favorite value of a female host from her fans or anyone else, and then exchange them into the beauty, luck, acting skills, and even someone's good will. With this system, the female owner easily becomes a winner in life.

In the plot, several important plot characters have been exchanged for favors by the female owner, including the original owner.

Xie Yang frowned.

I don't know what kind of influence this golden finger will have on people and whether it will affect people's mind.He instinctively tightened his fingers, but did not feel the existence of the power. He was stunned for a moment and released his hand.

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Forget it. What's wrong.

He dropped the flyer and grabbed another popcorn. The skill of exchanging favoritism for female owners can only be used when there is physical contact, and it is time-consuming. How much favor can be left depends on the real impression of the owner. As long as he is more careful, he should be able to avoid being hit.

However, small artists may have to continue to be, to stir up the wind and rain, only to be a trash raised by the villains can't do it.

At half past ten, Xie Yang stood up.

The driver quickly followed him to his feet and asked, "does Mr. Xie stop looking?"

"No more." Xie Yang went out, took two steps, and suddenly stopped again. He turned back and asked, "do you have a place for charging?"

Two people return to the car, the driver finds out a charging line and a power bank to Jieyang.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. So Shall we go back? "

Jieyang "um" a, find out the original owner of the old mobile phone, charged.

As soon as the phone was turned on, a call came in, and the caller's note was "Dad.".

Xie Yang answers the phone.

"Why is your cell phone off all the time! What a fool At the beginning, it was a reprimand, and then quickly turned to the main topic, "I was going to talk to you yesterday, but you didn't see anyone. We'll have dinner together soon. I'll make a long story short. Don't read your book. Don't take part in any of the men's groups. Quit the league and concentrate on following Qiu Xing. Do you understand? "

It turns out that the source of the original owner into waste is here.

Xie Yang replied: "I don't understand. It's impossible. Don't contact me in the future." Finish saying hang up the phone directly, pull Xie Xiu into blacklist.

Just after the operation, another call came in. It was Hu Biao.

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"Where have you been?" Hu Biao's tone is surprisingly calm, but the fool can hear that his calm is not angry, but the wind and rain are coming.

Xie Yang replied: "I broke off with my father at home."

Hu Biao choked: "what, what?"

"Brother Biao, from today on, I have no father."

After a burst of suffocating silence, Hu Biao roared: "you don't give me the ghost to pull! Xie Yang, I'll give you an hour. If you don't see anyone in an hour, I'll be the first to let you quit the League without fan boycott! "

Hang up, less than half a minute, another call came, caller Ke LAN.

Xie Yang continues.

"I'll give you your chance. Don't make trouble." Ke Lan's voice is very good, but his tone is very cold and sarcastic. "Xie Yang, do you think the IUD is going to be burnt up and not worthy of your noble dream?" Then hang up.

Jieyang frowned and watched another call come in, annoyed to turn off the mobile phone directly.

In the driver's seat, the driver who was forced to listen to all the phone calls secretly swallowed his mouth, stiffened, and twisted the question mark on his head into a tangle.

The amount of information is so large that chairman Xie really dares to think that he wants to tie the boss with his son

After work, Qiu Xing lingered for a while before going downstairs. The difference is that the driver waited outside the elevator alone.

Qiu Xing's face sank: "he ran away?"

"No, no, no, No." The driver takes a glance at the assistant He Jun who is following Qiu Xing and stops talking.

He Jun consciously walked away.

The driver rushed to Qiu Xing's impatience to narrate Xie Yang's phone calls in a long and short way.

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Qiu Xing listened to the expression more strange, eyebrows picked high, asked: "Jieyang Jiexiu's phone black?"

The driver nodded hard.

Qiu Xing tasted for two seconds and suddenly laughed: "this is really It's interesting. " He strode to the side of the car, opened the co pilot's door, "get down, take the back seat."

Xie Yang pushed off his hood, opened his eyes and asked, "can I not go to this lunch at noon?"

"No Qiu Xing laughed genially, "but if you ask me, maybe I will consider not taking you."


Jieyang immediately got out of the car, opened the back door and sat low.

Qiu Xing snorted, went around to the other side of the door and sat down. He adjusted his sleeves and said, "I like obedient children. Tell me. What reward do you want?"

Xie Yang took out his mobile phone and turned it on: "divorce, do you give it?"

Qiu Xing switched a second gloomy face: "it seems that you have not rebellious period."

Xie Yang opened his microblog: "your menopause is ahead of schedule."

Qiu Xing looks at Xie Yang coldly.

Xie Yang remained unmoved and entered the popular microblog list.

Assistant He Jun looked at the two people's getting along with each other in his eyes. He was very surprised and looked at the driver after he got on the copilot. His eyes were full of questions: what's the matter?

Full of vicissitudes, the driver handed him a look of "don't get involved, just think you are deaf and blind", and start the car.He Jun:

Weibo is bustling, chenmu Zhouyi soiled the BV dress, Chen Mu Zhouyi missed the charity dinner without reason, and Chen Mu Zhouyi offended bv. These topics almost killed the hot list. Like the story of the original book, the hostess was blackened all night because of her absence from the dinner party and the soiling of her dress. The marketing number criticized her for being arrogant and hypocritical. The sunspot also took advantage of the wind to make up a pile of black materials for the female owner.

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