But the woman is a woman after all, and her aura and golden finger are powerful. According to the plot, the negative public opinion on Weibo will have a 180 degree reversal after a passer-by burst out the video and photos of the scene of the accident this afternoon. One of the photos of a woman in a pure white dress with blood stained and kneeling to take care of the man at the scene of the traffic accident will be popular on various platforms and attract a wave of popularity, helping the female owner win the domestic endorsement of BV.

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Xie Yang was thoughtful.

It is this wave that has saved enough for the female owners to exchange for the love value of several primary favors. After that, the female hosts will gradually use their skills to male masters, male partners, a major director and a program host, and further light up the acting skills tree

"Why not use the cell phone I gave you?"

Xie Yang recalled himself and withdrew from the microblog to see Qiu Xing, who suddenly spoke to him. He replied, "what can I do with it? Is it convenient for you to locate my position like yesterday?"

"You are not stupid." Qiu Xing was no longer cold faced. He stretched out his body and leaned on the back of the chair and said, "I paid a lot of money to buy you. I don't need a chain to tie it up. In case you run away, I won't lose a lot."

"What's the price?" Xie Yang asked

"Didn't your father tell you?"

Xie Yang shakes his head.

Qiu Xing raised eyebrows: "I guess you don't understand business affairs. In order to match your intelligence quotient, I reluctantly give you a discount. In order to buy you, I gave your father about 500 million yuan of capital that can continue to generate money. Jieyang, you are not cheap. "

It's really a big price, but it doesn't scare Xie Yang.

He looked at Qiu Xing directly: "it's not that I'm not cheap. It's in your mother's eyes that your life is precious. What's more, since it's me who sold me, shouldn't you just give it to me? "

Qiu Xing was amused by his statement and teased him: "do you want it?"

"I just want cash."

"Then you have to think clearly, this money has been given to you, and your father's company in urgent need of funds to fill the loophole will have to declare bankruptcy immediately. Can you bear it?"

Xie Yang's face was cold: "don't try me out. I'm serious. He can sell me. What can I do with my heart?"

"But what shall we do?" Qiu Xing pretended to be distressed, "the last time we met to get the certificate, I already gave your father a deposit, about 300 million. Today's meeting is to give him the remaining 200 million tails. "

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Jieyang is very simple: "the final payment to me, you also go to collect the deposit."

Qiu Xing was really comfortable, but he even put on the appearance of being troublesome, and said, "do you think the deposit is so easy to collect? This time, I lost less. "

"No matter how much money you take back, it's yours. I don't want it. By the way, I can also help to speed up the pace of family bankruptcy. The brand of an old hotel should be worth some money. "

Qiu Xing has a meal to see Xie Yang.

Xie Yang asked calmly, "do you want to do this business?"

"So," Qiu Xing pulled the collar of his shirt and asked whether his mouth would be warped. "Do you want to sell yourself to me?"

"We have to do it."

"You think you're worth 500 million?"

"Your mother thinks I'm worth it."

Qiu Xing looked at him for a long time, and suddenly burst into laughter. He leaned into the back of the chair and patted his thigh with his left hand. His face seemed to be covered by a smile.

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing quietly and waits for him to finish laughing.

The deep and cheerful laughter lasted for a long time.

With a smile, Qiu Xing suddenly coughed on his side. The red color on his face faded away and became pale again. He Jun, assistant of the front seat, opened a bottle of water and handed it over.

Qiu Xing took the water and drank two mouthfuls. He breathed gently and said, "do it! This kind of business must be done! He Jun destroyed the contract prepared for chairman Xie. "

He Jun was shocked by the two people's conversation. Seeing that they really decided on the "pit father plan" which was totally merciless, he put a label on Xie Yang's mind. After answering, he took out two contracts from his bag, tore them up and threw them into the garbage can.

"All right." Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang and put the water bottle aside. "Now, we should talk about the new contract between you and me."

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Half an hour later, Xie Yang carries the black card of Qiu Xing in his pocket into the box of understanding and revising.

Xie Xiu looked behind him anxiously. Seeing no one, he frowned and asked, "where is general Qiu?"

"No, the doctor won't let him eat food outside." Xie Yang went to the table, opened his chair and sat down, glanced at the rich dishes on the table, and picked up chopsticks to eat.

"What to eat! What to eat Xie Xiu was in a hurry. He sat on his slant side and took the vegetables he was going to take. "Why are you so useless! Didn't you ask you to report every day the progress of Qiu Xing? How dare you turn off the power for me! And you that men's group, as soon as possible to give me back, school also don't go, you this pig brain, anyway also can't read what famous. I heard that Qiu Xing's mother is not very well. Since Qiu Xing doesn't like you to follow, you should go and take care of the old lady. "

Jieyang's chopsticks were empty. He looked at Xie Xiu's fat face and asked, "is Jieyang not your son? Why do you do this?""What and how?" Xie Xiu was infuriated by his expression and raised his hand without thinking about it. "How can you talk to me! Do you think the wings will be hard when you enter the enemy's house? I tell you, there are no doors - "


Xie Yang put down his chopsticks, raised his hand and waved Xie Xiu's hand. He stood up and looked down at him: "sure enough, with stepmother, there will be stepfather. Xie Xiu, you should be glad that you live in a peaceful world." With that, he grabbed the stool that Xie Xiu was sitting on and turned away.

Jieyang opened the box door, just opposite the box also opened, Hu Biao with angry face appeared behind the door.

"For nearly an hour, he didn't even call back, which is really the opposite -"

"Xie Yang!" Xie Xiu rushed over from the door and roared, "you son of a bitch, dare to talk to me like this, and I won't fight today --"


Xie Yang quickly took the box door with his eyes and hands. He said politely to Hu Biao who was shocked: "brother Biao, it's so clever. I'm going to find you."

Hu Biao looked at Xie Yang, and then looked at his hand holding the handle of the box door. Listening to the murmur coming out of the door, Hu Biao asked, "Why are you here? No, what are you doing? "

"Little things." Xie Yang explained, "this is my father. He wants to sell me to an old man. I don't agree. We were just talking about severing the relationship between father and son, and he was a little excited

The amount of information is too much, Hu Biao and a group of IUD members behind Hu Biao are shocked.

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"So what you said on the phone is true?" Hu asked

Xie Yang nods.

Hu Biao, with a stomach ache on his face, was silent for a few seconds. He suddenly came forward to help Xie Yang pull the door and said, "come on, you and Mo bin go together. Here I will deal with it. You can't have a fight with your father here. In case someone catches the picture, tomorrow's headlines will be ours. "

Xie Yang stopped and said sincerely, "thank you, brother Biao." Then he let go and looked at the captain Mo bin who was still standing in the box.

Mo bin puffed his face, raised his hand to pull the mask on his face and said, "Yang Yang, put on your hat first What? Help cover it. "

A few minutes later, Hu Biao also got on the car, swearing: "what kind of dog Xie Yang, your father has no quality. He wants to hit me. "

"Well, he likes to use violence. I was beaten up by him since I was a child."

There was another suffocating silence in the car.

Hu Biao coughed and tried to ease the atmosphere: "Yang Yang, I haven't seen you for a day. You look a little different..."

"I will always be different. I learned from my father that those who are too timid and cowardly will be beaten, sold and bullied all the time. People should learn to resist."

Hu Biao: "is..."

He felt a pain in his face. The day before yesterday, he just relied on Xie yang to handle it well and gave Ke LAN the opportunity to Xie Yang.

"Hiss." IUD walks healthy qi. The child sword set up by the young man sneered, and the Yin and Yang strange airway said, "what's the matter? First sell the miserable, then call the mulberry and curse the locust. Xie Yang, you are very good at it."

Mo bin frowned and pulled at him: "boy!"

"Don't pull me, I can't afford to serve such a skit." Tong Jian looks out of the window.

"Brother Biao, I don't want to go to the audition of Bi director. You let Xie Yang go. I can't afford his chance, lest someone say that I bully the new man."

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"What's the matter?" Hu Biao face a pull, really angry, "what are you doing! The trouble disappeared and the one didn't want to go. They didn't listen to the arrangement. Did you treat me as an agent! Ah? "

The crowd was silent.

"Coran, director Bi's audition, you have to go if you don't go! Regardless of what's going on in the troupe, Xu Chenhao, the best songwriter, has left the league. IUD is very popular, and the recording industry is in a slump. Ask yourself, how many years can you be an idol at your age? If you don't seize every opportunity to transform, do you want to see yourself burn away? "

Ke Lan's eyes darkened, and he lowered his head and tightened his fingers.

Tong Jian was angry, but he didn't say anything.

Mo bin came out to persuade two words, Hu Biao barely suppress gas. He looked at Xie Yang again and tried to soften his tone and said, "Xie Yang, you..."

Xie Yang interrupted him: "Biao, I didn't intend to go to the audition of director Bi, and I was not unhappy because the opportunity was taken away. As you just saw, I wasn't in shape yesterday, just because my dad wanted to sell me. It's nothing to do with anything else. " He swept around the crowd. "So what are you arguing about now?"

All of them said, "well

Hu Biao looked at him inquisitively: "Xie Yang, are you really not going to the audition of director Bi? Not unhappy? "

Xie Yang nods.

Child sword cold hiss: "really good words, bad words were all said by you."

Hu Biao wants him to shut up, but he is interrupted by Xie Yang.

"That's interesting." Xie Yang leaned on the back of the chair and said slowly, "I'm very curious about what I said. It happens that I don't remember very clearly. Brother Biao, when you came to me to ask for resources, did I say something against it?"Hu Biao has never seen such a solution Yang. After being asked, he instinctively replied, "no, you are just more silent than usual."

I knew that the cowardly nature of the LORD would not say anything to his face.

Satisfied, Xie Yang swept the crowd: "so I didn't seem to say anything? It's you. I'm just in a bad state. You've got a lot of self association. Should you say that you're guilty of robbing something, or You really want me to make a scene about resources? "

The car is quiet.

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