"Who is the king of songs" official blog success caused public anger, this version of the preview video has been sent to the popular fans with the expression pack, among which the top three of the hot comments perfectly express everyone's mood, respectively: are you happy this time. JPG, dirty words. JPG, hurry up. Jpg.

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When Xie Yang got the news and posted on the microblog, all the fans who scolded the official blog were discussing the content of the preview video warmly. Many of them were worried that he, a newcomer with "bad treble", would change "one sword Ping Chun Qiu" into a nondescript one, or could not keep up with Ji Zehui's rhythm and sing this classic tune well.

Ji Zehui probably saw the rhythm, and quickly sent a wechat defense: This is not the rhythm of the manuscript tape I asked for someone to send, but it's the program fans themselves think so.

Jieyang typing rhetorical question: without the "objective comments" article you sent before, would you think so?

Ji Zehui was in the wrong. After a long time, he came back to the news: they all decided to cooperate. You always care about what you did in the past Don't be so bitter, young man, and I've already deleted that article.

Xie Yang: I don't hold grudges. I'm just mean. But it's OK. Now it's my turn to be scolded. After the program is broadcast, it's your turn to be scolded. I hope that by then the season, who is not so young, can forgive those who scold you and question you generously, and don't hold grudges.

Ji Zehui did not return the news, it is estimated that he has been angry to death.

Although we can't see each other well, business has to go on.

After the quarrel, the two people respectively went to microblog to pay attention to each other, and then forwarded the preview video of "who is the king of songs" program group, with their own articles, and then politely Aite each other to create a false image of harmony and love.

After that, Xiao Jin's Navy troops came to an end and began to hype the love between Ji Zehui and Xie Yang.

Ji Zehui sent a wechat to me again: why don't you comment on my microblog!

Xie Yang: I allow you to reorganize the language again.

Ji Zehui was quiet for a long time, and finally sent a message.

Ji Zehui: don't be too arrogant.

Xie Yang: don't be too inflated.

Ji Zehui didn't reply again.

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Xie Yang turned off wechat and reopened his microblog. He paid attention to the official blog of who is the king of songs. He refreshed it again. Unexpectedly, Zeng min paid attention to himself after he found the old song, so he went back to the gate.

After finishing Weibo, Xie Yang began to think seriously about hiring a new agent.

Hu Biao's ability is limited, and he has three belts. He can't care about his side of the business. With his development in the entertainment industry, the trivial things that need him to deal with will only become more and more, so he can't do it all by himself.

Where can I find a good agent

The mobile phone suddenly shakes, and a new wechat message comes in.

Xie Yang picked up the phone and opened it.

Qiu Xing: take a bath and sleep.

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows and sent an expression package just received from Weibo: let's fight till dawn. JPG

Qiu Xing didn't reply. Five minutes later, the nanny knocked on Xie Yang's door with a cup of love milk in her hand. Nanny aunt full of concern, said: "boss said you insomnia, serious? First drink a glass of milk to try, really can't, auntie, there are other ways to help sleep

“…… That's enough milk. Thank you, auntie

Xie Yang took the milk, closed the door, looked at the floor under his feet, and drank the milk.

The next morning, "who is the king of songs" announced the second edition of the preview, the content is the selection process of old singer Zeng min.

Fans who had been distracted by "one sword Ping Chun Qiu" almost died on the spot.

Soon, the third, fourth, and fifth preview videos were released one after another. In addition to yesterday's, a total of six videos belonged to six official guests, and the distribution was very fair.

After listening to the adaptation of the spring and Autumn Edition of sword, fans are not happy to hear the program.

At 8:00 p.m. on the weekend, the new issue of "who is the king of songs" finally started broadcasting under the expectation of countless fans. Xie Yang sat in the living room, watching the TV and took out his mobile phone to call Qiu Xing.

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He Jun answered the phone.

"Is Qiu Xing still busy?"

"The boss is in a meeting. It's going to take another half an hour. Little boss, what can I do for you

Xie Yang said no. after hanging up the phone, he took a look at the "who is the king of songs" that had already played on the TV screen and pulled a pillow into his arms.

In the TV, the host came on the stage and began to make the opening remarks.

Xie Yang suddenly threw away his pillow and got up. He picked up a pile of snacks from the kitchen and sat back to eat and watch while brushing his mobile phone.

The program was broadcast for 10 minutes, and there was no news on the microblog.

Fifteen minutes after the program was broadcast, topics about long Shuyou's appearance and lottery results appeared on the microblog, and some fashion marketing numbers were evaluating the appearance of each guest today.

The program broadcast 20 minutes, Chen Zeng min did not break through, this topic fell into the hot microblog search tail.……

Finally, in the 75th minute of the program, all the first five guests finished singing, and the host took the stage to announce the last group of guests' singing Repertoire - "raging waves".

Fans who had always thought Ji Zehui and Xie Yang would sing "one sword flattening the spring and Autumn Annals" were stunned on the spot. They went to the first preview video and painted black question mark facial expression packs.

In the 76th minute of the program broadcast, before Xie Yang and Ji Zehui officially started singing, according to the process, the program team cut into a video of Xie Yang and Ji Zehui preparing for the selection and arrangement of music.

Xie Yang put down his mobile phone and watched TV.

The video is only five minutes, an average of one and a half minutes, representing the preparation of the day.

For the first one and a half minutes, Ji Zehui and Xie Yang set out from home and the company respectively. They met. Ji Zehui proposed to sing "the raging waves", and Xie Yang agreed. After Xie Yang was familiar with the good tunes, Ji Zehui asked Xie yang to sing "IUD" again. Xie Yang agreed again and sang a little. There are only two or three lines on the canto. Then they had lunch together. At lunch, Ji Zehui said that he wanted to change the song because he didn't think "the raging waves" was suitable for interpreting Yang's voice. Xie Yang has no objection, and the two finally decide to split up. One is to find a new song, and the other is to try to change the "raging waves".

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In the second one and a half minutes, a new day is coming. Ji Zehui says that the new song has been selected. It is "a sword flattens the spring and Autumn". Xie Yang proposes to sing the adapted "angry waves" to Ji Zehui first. Ji Zehui agrees. Xie Yang's singing, there are still only one or two sentences of singing content. After singing, Ji Zehui said that he still wanted to change the song. Xie Yang agreed and the two began to adapt "one sword to level the spring and Autumn", but the progress was not ideal. At the end of the day, Xie Yang said he wanted to try to adapt his own version of "one sword flattens the spring and Autumn Annals". Ji Zehui agreed.

In the third one and a half minutes, Xie Yang adapted "one sword to level the spring and Autumn Annals" overnight to let Ji Zehui listen to the effect. Ji Zehui agrees that Xie Yang sings. The program team here has finally stopped being irritated by the scissors and hands. After a short chorus is fast moving forward, the first part of Xie Yang's rap is completely broadcast. After listening to Xie Yang's adaptation, Ji Zehui left the practice room on the pretext of making a phone call. When he came back, he said that he would still sing "the raging waves". Xie Yang agreed to write the adapted music.

In the last half minute, they went to break in with the band teacher.

After the video ends, the screen cuts back to the stage and the singing begins.

Xie Yang blinked slowly and almost didn't laugh.

What's the matter? Why didn't the program team of "who is the king of songs" cover up Ji Zehui at all, but cut out all the difficult things that Ji Zehui did?

Did long Shu you let the program team do it?

The sound of the door opening and the mobile phone ring ring all of a sudden. Jieyang regains his mind and grabs the mobile phone on the coffee table. Seeing that Ji Zehui is calling, he hangs up the phone directly, silences the mobile phone, and looks in the direction of the gate.

Qiu Xing came into the door with the cool air of late autumn night. He looked up at Xie Yang and said, "what are you looking at? It's like a mouse." Finish close to the sofa, naturally in the solution next to the single sofa seat, the line of sight on the TV.

Xie Yang followed Qiu Xing's eyes to see himself singing on TV. He also looked at Qiu Xing's feet. He didn't know whether he had forgotten or because of other reasons. He slowly leaned back to the sofa and did not speak.

A few minutes later, after the singing, Qiu Xing stood up.

"How do I sing?" Xie Yang asked

Qiu Xing took off his coat and threw it into Jieyang's arms, saying, "carelessly." Then he pulled off his tie, threw it on the sofa and went to the back dining room.

Xie Yang picked up his coat, raised his eyebrows, put down his coat, got up to follow him, and asked, "Why are you so busy today?"

"There is something wrong with the branch of M country." Qiu Xing poured a glass of water for himself, drank two mouthfuls and put it down. Looking back at Xie Yang, he said, "I'll go to see Qinglin with me tomorrow."

"Did he contact you again?"

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"He said he was ill."

The smile on Xie Yang's face disappeared.

Sick, Qiu Xing's most important thing, this garbage nephew can really pinch people's weakness.

Qiu Xing noticed Xie Yang's expression and suddenly laughed and asked, "angry?"

Jieyang has no expression: "can't you be angry?"

"Yes." Qiu Xing took a step forward, took off a piece of snacks on Jieyang's body and threw it into the garbage can, "go to bed early tonight, and go back early tomorrow."

After Qiu Xing went upstairs, Xie Yang thought about meeting the man and called Ji Zehui back.

Ji Zehui seconds later, the tone of anger with a little angry: "finally willing to contact me, just in the program of the clip is you asked the program group to do? Why do they cut it like that! "

"Aren't they angry because they were forced to stop recording by your black face?"

Ji Zehui was dumbfounded for a second. After being quiet for a while, he softened his tone and said, "I'm just in a hurry. Now the microblog has started to make trouble. How are you going to help me with public relations?"

"What's the hurry? The webcast version hasn't come out yet. Let's take a look at the content of the webcast version first. " Xie Yang Hung up after answering.

At 10:30 p.m., the webcast version of "who is the king of songs" was launched exclusively on the Video Broadcasting website of B city TV station. Countless viewers were amazed by "angry waves", stunned by Ji Zehui's song changing operation, attracted by the Qingsong version of "IUD" and the adapted version of "one sword flattening the spring and Autumn Annals" with an appetite. They directly click on the parts of Xie Yang and Ji Zehui to watch.The video is still edited, but it is quite complete. Among them, all the three songs that Xie Yang sang in the preparation time have become complete versions. The pictures of Xie Yang and Ji Zehui when they go out on the first day are also changed and longer. The scenes of Xie Yang sitting in the corner of the practice room listening to songs and turning music scores have been increased. Ji Zehui, who has never appeared in the TV Version, frequently leaves the practice room to bring Xie Yang The pictures of a man left in the practice room were all released.

The total duration of the webcast version is three hours, with an average of half an hour for a guest. But only more than ten minutes after the webcast version was launched, microblogs exploded one after another.

A certain music that once helped Xie Yang speak was so popular that he sent two long microblogs.

Old man with sharp ears: music world, why do you delete articles? Didn't you say for sure that Jieyang is not good at treble and the range is narrow? What's your opinion about tonight's "raging waves"? And Ji Zehui, what do you play? Listen to your singing tonight. I've loved you before. What are you singing about. In addition, you changed the song and then changed it back. It is clear that Xie Yang performed very well in both the solo "IUD" and the self singing "Nu Tao". Do you have any problem with your ears? Do you even think that Xie Yang's voice is not suitable for "Nu Tao"? I don't quite understand the final score. Isn't angry wave the first? Is the rater's ear broken, too?

An old man with a sharp ear: after a careful look at the webcast version, Ji Zehui, who are you and Xie Yang the official guests and who are the singers? Why is Xie Yang doing everything? "Cocoon breaking" is obviously so good. Ji Zehui, how can your singing skills and personality degenerate into this? Or are you really like those rumors that you've been expanding in the past two years, and you don't take your voice seriously, and your singing skills have deteriorated. Now you can only be a studio singer? But your last issue of "who is the king of songs" was clearly not bad. Did the program group fix the sound for you?

As soon as this micro blog came out, it immediately received the response of countless sympathetic audiences. Ji Zehui and the program group were immediately sent to the forefront of the storm.

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