Asking Ji Zehui why he made it difficult to understand Yang and why the rating of "angry waves" of the program group was so low soon spread out on the microblog. Various topics related to the program were on the hot search. Two microblogs of an old man with a sharp ear were praised on the hot list, and various kinds of gossip broke out one after another

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This night's microblog is doomed to be unable to calm down.


Ever since Hu Biao wakes up after making up his sleep, Xie Yang likes to turn off the computer when he sleeps. By the time Xie Yang got up early the next day and turned on his mobile phone, Ji Zehui had been abused and hurled at him 100 times on Weibo.

Ji Zehui asked in a hoarse voice on the phone: "are you on purpose? Do you know how much powder I lost and how much money I spent on getting rid of the fever that night? "

"You can only have a long memory by spending some money. You can't do such things as holding high and stepping down." Xie Yang went to the dining table and sat down and said, "don't let off the heat. You go to prepare a recording room, and then prepare a team of band teachers. When I finish other things today, I will go to accompany you to record an official version of the adapted version of" one sword flattening the spring and Autumn Annals ". Then you send a microblog, and I will help you say a few good words. Basically, you will be able to get over the black material."

Ji Zehui does not believe: "so simple?"

"It's that simple. Fans and netizens are now blackmail you bullying new people and questioning your strength retrogression. I can help you to say a few words can break the strength retrogression. If you make a song that can break through the past, you can wash it off. So you should go to bed to raise your voice, and don't drop the chain when recording "one sword flattens the spring and Autumn". By the way, you should contact the "who is the king of songs" program group and say that you will help the program group explain why the score of "angry waves" is low -- "

Ji Zehui is going to blow up again.

Xie Yang accentuated his voice: "Why are you in a hurry? Listen to me. This is also in order to avoid the future of your duet by others, let this public relations do nothing. Although the audience who recorded the program signed a confidentiality agreement before entering the audience, you also know how low the control of that agreement is. B city television station so many staff, know how many of your ensemble? Can you hold the news? "

Ji Zehui calmed down and asked, "what do you want to do?"

"I'll help you sell miserable and play emotional cards. OK, go and prepare."

After pacifying Ji Zehui, Xie Yang puts down his mobile phone and picks up chopsticks for breakfast.

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"Are you helping someone who bullied you?"

Jieyang chopsticks a meal, looking at Qiu Xing, who is not good at facial expression, explains: "I'm doing business, and I'm rubbing his fame to publicize myself and Yang Xing for free."

If Qiu Xing doesn't answer, his expression is still not good-looking.

Jieyang took the initiative to give Qiu Xing a snack.

After breakfast, they went out to fengqinglin to visit the sick fengqinglin in the residence of B city. On the way Xie Yang carefully recalled the story of the original book.

As the original owner of the book, although Feng Qinglin has no status in the Feng family at present, he has everything he should have, such as endless money, houses and luxury cars.

Xie Yang still remembers that it was mentioned in the original book that the man's residence in B city was a villa bought by Qiu Jing with his private property money. Coincidentally, the female owner also bought a house in that community. According to the time line, the female owner should have lived in it.

In the original book, there is a story in which the man gets sick and then the woman takes care of him. This is an important turning point in the development of their relationship. The time of the plot is after the female host and the film emperor's man have finished filming, but it is obviously not yet. But a few days ago, the hostess appeared outside the building of B city TV station when she was supposed to be filming with the film emperor in a closed room. This proves that the plot of the female host is different from that in the original book

"What are you thinking?"

Jieyang looked back to the enemy line around him and said, "I wonder if I can cut off the power supply and the network at ten o'clock."

"Do you want to stay up late again?" Qiu Xingyan warned


Jieyang said: "I am an adult, I have self-control, staying up late is an accident."

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"Accidents that happen twice in a row can be a bad habit."

It seems impossible to refute.

Xie Yang is smart. Shut up.

Half an hour later, they arrived at fengqinglin's residence. Nanny aunt came to open the door. Qiu Xing took Xie Yang in and asked, "where is Qinglin?"

The nanny replied with a smile on her face: "he is lying upstairs. The fever has gone. Miss Mu is taking care of him. This time, it was really thanks to miss mu. The day before yesterday, there was a sudden high fever in Qinglin, and I happened to have something to ask for leave at home. Otherwise, Miss Mu had been unable to contact Qinglin, and she happened to live in this community. She was kind enough to come over and check the situation. I'm afraid that Qinglin was burnt out and no one found it. This morning, miss Shangmu also cooked congee with Qinglin's own hands. It's very considerate! "

Xie Yang: "what's more..." Good. He had been thinking about whether the story in the original book had happened in advance, but he didn't expect it was.

He looked at Qiu Xing.

Is Qiu Xing going to meet the mistress today?

Qiu Xing is asking the nanny, "who is Miss mu?"

The nanny excitedly replied: "it's Miss Mu Zhouyi. She's a beautiful star. Qinglin met her when she had a car accident in s city. She's very nice! After Qinglin came to B city, she often met her in the community. She also sent Qinglin some soup that she cooked herselfXie Yang also looks at the red faced nanny and suspects that she has just been used by the mistress. Otherwise, how can a nanny with normal IQ talk about a person that the guest doesn't know when a guest comes to visit the sick employer?

Qiu Xing obviously noticed the strangeness of the nanny, frowned at her, didn't let her entertain her, and walked towards the direction of the master bedroom on the second floor.

Xie Yang keeps pace.

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Not close to the master bedroom, the voice of Feng Qinglin and Mu Zhouyi talking came out. Feng Qinglin seems to want to get up and is stopped by Mu Zhouyi. Mu Zhouyi also says that he wants to buy vegetables for fengqinglin to make lunch.

Qiu Xing stopped, and suddenly turned to go downstairs, while walking toward the nanny who came after him: "go and tell Feng Qinglin that I'm here."

Xie Yang takes a look at the door of the master bedroom and keeps up with Qiu Xing again.

Two people sit down in the living room, Xie Yang leans to Qiu Xing to pour a cup of water, way: "what are you angry at again?"

Qiu Xing forbeared, but did not hold back. He said in a cold voice: "the career has not improved. His body has broken down first. He can't even manage his own nanny well. A high fever can make him lie in bed and enjoy the care of a woman who doesn't know where he comes from. The education of Feng family is really good indeed

"But you want a person who can't even manage his body and the nanny around him to manage the Fengjia and the enemy."

Qiu Xing looks at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang poured himself a cup of water and said, "when the ability can't bear the responsibility, sooner or later, destruction will come."


Qiu Xing's angry countenance slowly gathered down, also picked up the water cup, drank the water.

Ten minutes later, Feng Qinglin came down from the upstairs alone and didn't see the woman.

Qiu Xing looked cold and did not wait for Feng Qinglin to open his mouth. He said directly: "your grandmother's health is getting worse and worse. She has already made a will and will leave some Rongding shares and two companies for you. Don't think it's too little. When she makes a will, you don't even want to call her grandmother or my uncle. She is afraid that she will give you too much. You will give it back to the Feng family, so you dare not give more. "

Feng Qinglin was stunned and blurted out: "will has long been made?"

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Xie Yang took a look at the man.

Qiu Xing couldn't help but say, "otherwise? A will can only be valid if the party concerned is sane and sane. Your grandmother's health has been poor for years. When and how long ago do you think her will was made? Feng Qinglin, you didn't treat her as a grandmother, but she always thought of you as a grandson. "

Wind Qinglin stands in place, a face of shock confusion.

Qiu Xing suppressed his anger and said, "Qinglin, I can give you the things your grandmother left you in advance. I believe these are enough for you to survive the difficulties in the early stage of entrepreneurship. I won't help you deal with the wind family. If you want to earn a position in the wind family, you can go there by yourself. I've done wrong before. I'm sorry for you. I'll do my best. " Then he got up and left, and didn't want to stay for a second.

Xie Yang then got up, took two steps and stopped, took a look at the direction of the stairway, turned back to Feng Qinglin, and said in a low voice: "I hope that your illness is really a sudden high fever, rather than a deliberate calculation to make your uncle soft hearted. Otherwise, you, a sound person, pretend to be ill and sell miserably in front of a terminally ill patient. Don't you think you are disgusted?"

The wind Qinglin suddenly returns to his mind and looks at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang's eyes were cold, and his voice became more and more quiet: "don't think you've calculated your uncle. Your enemy is yours. I'm your uncle's legal partner now. Guess who will take Rongding if he dies? If you think about it again, if your uncle is gone, will the Feng family just ignore you, instead of pressing you to death


When Xie Yang gets on the bus, he finds that Qiu Xing is keeping his eyes closed again. He sat up and said, "don't be angry. I'll scold him for you."

Qiu Xing opened his eyes.

"I helped you educate your nephew. Is there a reward?"

Qiu Xing was stunned, and then he laughed, smiling and pale expression: "if Qinglin is half as smart as you --"

Xie Yang took the opportunity to propose: "is it a divorce? I think it's not too late for me to recognize you as an uncle. "

As soon as Qiu Xing's words stopped, he looked coldly at Xie Yang. He suddenly laughed, laughing darkly: "I think I've been too used to you recently. Zhou Miao, what are you doing? Drive home

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