Public opinion began to explode at more than nine o'clock that evening.

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At the beginning, it was just a marketing number that moved the post from the anonymous forum to Weibo to let people guess who y was mentioned in the post. However, as Xie Yang guessed, this kind of anonymous material has not been involved in adultery, drug use and whoring, but a sour lemon student secretly rubs and curses his roommate of a pop artist who has never come to school to be dropped out of school early, which can cause limited topics.

In fact, if it is not the Y mentioned in this post, which is very popular recently, the marketing number may not be rare to move this post into microblog. After the post was moved into the microblog, it did not cause much splash. There were few commentators below. Most of the comments were guessing whether y was Xie Yang, but everyone was just curious and guessing. No one really took this trivial material as a melon.

The official development of "melon" was after a comment with pictures in the original post was posted on Weibo.

In the place of the last page of the original post, the netizen of a certain ID is a curved bow shooting sand sculpture and replies: This is not Jieyang! He started his career in the summer vacation. He didn't come to class after his senior year. Oh, my Lord, you are so sad. We film academy doesn't come to class after the senior year, and there are few people who go to the future ahead of time. As long as the students can complete the graduation credits, the teachers will turn a blind eye. But this Xie Yang I have contacted, impression he is really very introverted temperament, and now very unlike. By the way, Xie Yang is actually a fan of a three character actress surnamed mu. He asked me to buy the autograph photo of a woman. This is the transaction chat record between me and him at that time ~

this comment is followed by two screenshots of chat records. In the screenshots, the person whose wechat ID is "Yang" is asking if there is a signature on the photo, If there is a direct transaction, but also left a shipping address. The person who was asked said yes, but also sent a photo to the other side to confirm.

In the screenshot, the photo and the delivery address are coded respectively, but they are incomplete. A corner is missing from the photo and the building number is missing from the receiving address.

After the comment was posted on the microblog, immediately some eye-catching netizens, according to these leaked clues, analyzed that the student named "Yang" bought one of the classic series of limited photo sets of Mu Zhouyi, and the delivery address of "Yang" was the No.3 building of a college boys' dormitory.

After that, some students from the film school of C University came out and disclosed that Xie Yang lived in Room 401 of building 3 of the boys' dormitory before his fourth year of day study, and the wechat ID he used before was Yang.

In the past two years, muzhouyi is in the ascendant, which is the best one among the small flowers. Xie Yang has just burst into flames, and his songs are killing the list on major music players. Two people with high popularity are suspected to be involved in the relationship, and the microblog immediately becomes lively.

The new popular male singer is a fan of popular florets!

Xie Yang is a fan of Mu Zhouyi!

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Xie Yang's secret love for the book of changes!

In fact, Xie Yang entered the circle to pursue the book of changes!

Xie Yang approached Ji Zehui in order to understand the book of changes!

On the day when Xie Yang and Ji Zehui went to record, there was reliable information that Mu Zhouyi was also in the recording room. They may have had a spark!

Xie Yang and Mu Zhouyi are suspected to be in love!

Public opinion and rumors are like riding a rocket, striding in the direction of complete nonsense. When Xie Yang wakes up and logs on Weibo with Hu Biao's exasperated phone reminder, the marketing number has already picked out the parking lot monitoring when he and Mu Zhouyi met in the underground parking lot, which shows that he and Mu Zhouyi are talking about love.

Xie Yang points to open the monitor and has a look.

The angle of the monitoring screen is very tricky. It comes from the side and back. Other people in the picture are coded, only he and Mu Zhouyi are clear. At that time, Mu Zhouyi almost hit him, and the picture was zoomed in and slowed down. From the side and back, it looked like he and Mu Zhouyi had just held hands and then let go and were flirting.

Xie Yang: "what's more..."

He called Hu Biao back.

Hu Biao was so worried that he became dizzy and couldn't speak clearly: "what's the matter? What's going on? Don't you fall in love? What's going on between you and Mu Zhouyi! Do you want to get mixed up when you expose your love as soon as you get angry! "

"There is no love, I don't know. The monitoring screen is selected angle. At that time, Ji Zehui and Yuan Pang were both there. Mu Zhouyi accidentally hit me without holding hands."

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Hu Biao calmed down a little, confirmed and asked, "are you a fan of Mu Zhouyi?"


Xie Yang remembers the microblog trumpet that only paid attention to Mu Zhouyi in his original mobile phone when he just wore it. He said uncertainly: "it may be."

In the original book, the original owner's attitude towards the book of changes has always been somewhat strange. It is unreasonable to avoid and aim at the book at a meeting. After seeing the microblog trumpet, he had another guess about this unreasonable.

In the original book, the original owner didn't have a good feeling for the female owner after using the brush liking skill once by the book of changes. Instead, he began to target the female owner crazily and instigate the relationship between Qiu Xing and the female owner. Now I think that the reason why the original owner has such a reaction is not that he dislikes the female owner too much and is not influenced by the golden finger, but that the original owner has officially fallen in love with the female owner under the influence of the golden finger of the female master, and does not want the female owner to jump into the fire pit of Qiu Xing, so he starts to try his best to separate the relationship between the female owner and Qiu Xing.According to this conjecture, the behavior of the former owner helping the male owner becomes more reasonable. Because the cowardly original owner knows that he is doomed to lose the female owner, he simply turns to the male owner. In this way, the female owner can get rid of the entanglement of hatred and behavior, and realize the happiness of the female owner. He can also extricate himself from the marriage with Qiu Xing, with the best of both worlds.

The plot of sin.

Hu Biao's voice rose again: "what does it mean, maybe? You give me a definite word. Is that right! I'm your agent. How can I help you if you don't tell me the truth! "

Xie Yangti got up and went to the bathroom and said, "then you can think of me as a powder of wooden Zhouyi, but I took off the powder before I went out, and now I still want to turn black."

Hu Biao was probably over excited and asked, "why turn black?"

"Because I suspect she's not a good person." Jieyang put the mobile phone hands-free on the shelf, picked up the toothbrush and squeezed the toothpaste, "don't worry, I'll open a live broadcast to clarify. It's a good thing."

Hearing Xie Yang say that he wants to start the live broadcast, Hu Biao wakes up for a second and quickly says, "don't open it! When we come to the company, we will discuss what you should say before opening. You can come here as soon as possible, and I will contact the public relations department. "

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Xie Yang answered and hung up the phone.

When he went downstairs for breakfast, Xie Yang found that the atmosphere in the restaurant was very wrong.

The nanny shrinks at the kitchen door and looks at this side. Master Liao, the chef in apron, stands behind the nanny, trying to wink at him. Qiu Xing is sitting at the table, cooling a plate of steamed buns.

"All the information on Weibo is fake. I'm not a fan of Mu Zhouyi and I don't like her. Ji Zehui and I went to record that surveillance picture. That day, I met Mu Zhouyi in the parking lot. Mu Zhouyi suddenly changed direction and hit me. She apologized to me. I said that I was OK and left immediately. "

As he explained, Xie Yang sat down opposite Qiu Xing, reached out his bowl and filled him with porridge. He asked, "what do you do with microblogging in the morning? I don't usually read company mail. "

Qiu Xing finally raised his eyes to Jieyang and said, "I didn't brush microblog."

"Why do you look like this? Aren't you angry about me? "

Qiu Xing's tone was cold, pressing the fire: "it's news push. Xie Yang, you are really restless, and the book of changes of wood Why is it wood Zhouyi again? "

Because Mu Zhouyi is the female owner.

"Don't be angry." Xie Yang put the bowl in front of Qiu Xing, "this public opinion exploded too smoothly, and the rhythm developed too fast. Obviously, someone operated behind the scenes and could not leave it alone. After I go to the company later, I will make a live broadcast to clarify this matter. If you are interested, you can go and have a look

"No time!"

Qiu Xing's face was still not good-looking, and after a few bites of breakfast, he got up and left.

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Xie Yang saw off Qiu Xing and ate a few mouthfuls, then went out to Yang Xing.

Ten minutes to nine, Xie Yang arrives at Yangxing. The downstairs is full of paparazzi. Hu Biao comes down to pick up Xie Yang.

When people from the public relations department were waiting in the conference room, when Hu Biao came in with Xie Yang, the director of public relations immediately sent up a manuscript and said, "boss, we think it's better for you not to admit that you are Mu Zhouyi's fans, but you can express your appreciation for the dedication of Mr. Mu Zhouyi. Try to be polite and keep a distance."

Xie Yang took the manuscript and glanced at it and asked, "then I started the live broadcast?"

Hu Biao said, "don't open it here. Go to the office and make the live broadcast more private. It's too official for everyone to believe."

Xie Yang nodded, got up and went to his office.

At nine o'clock sharp, Xie Yang launched a live broadcast on his microblog, and the number of viewers exceeded one million in a few minutes.

Xie Yang held his mobile phone casually, and didn't pay attention to any perspective. He replied: "first, we should respond to the things that we are most concerned about. We didn't fall in love with Mr. Mu Zhouyi. Monitoring was a deliberate angle. That day was my first meeting with Mr. Mu Zhouyi. At that time, I was surrounded by Mr. Ji Zehui. Mr. Mu Zhouyi accompanied Mr. Yuan pang to the parking lot. The four of us were in the emperor's day One of my subordinates ran into a recording studio, and then I accompanied Mr. Ji Zehui to say hello. The whole process of communication between me and Mr. Mu Zhouyi was that Mr. Mu Zhouyi pulled bags too much when he left. He accidentally called me and apologized. I said it was OK. Every word I say is true. Welcome to pick out the full version of the monitoring video and restore the truth. "

After the barrage was thickly brushed, Xie Yang glanced at it casually and picked a reply: "there is no secret love, no spark, no hand in hand. It's because the elder Mu Zhouyi doesn't exist. I'm in the circle to sing and make money. "

The answer to make money is too straightforward. There is a short silence in the barrage area.

After that, everyone began to ask Xie Yang whether he was a fan of the book of changes, and whether he had bought a portrait of the book of changes.

Xie Yang estimated the possibility that a lie would be uncovered. He threw aside the manuscript given by the public relations department and said, "even if I say I'm not a fan of Mr. Mu Zhouyi and I haven't bought a photo album, I'm sure you won't believe it. So here, I sincerely invite the student who broke the news to come out and have a good chat with me. I also want to make sure that I have bought a photo of the master of the book of changes. "

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