The reason why Xie Yang dared to call people out for confrontation was that he was sure that none of the things left by the original owner was related to the book of changes. Among all the social accounts and traces left by the original owner, there was no other relationship between the original owner and Mu Zhouyi except the microblog trumpet.

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It can be inferred that even if the original owner was a fan of Mu Zhouyi, he did not dare to praise his idol's Micro blog even though he registered his trumpet clearly. Even if the original owner was really a fan of Mu Zhouyi, he should not have done any blatant star chasing action.

Most of the photos are fake materials made by someone on purpose.

Xie Yang is not flustered.

Xie Yang's response is too confident, much like a person who is slandered and wants to find out the person who spreads the rumor to confront face to face. This reaction is more convincing than a direct denial.

The barrage area cooled down for a while, and then someone came out with rhythm, saying that Xie Yang was a person who exposed violence on the Internet. He was using the identity of a star to induce fans to go to the person who exposed the news. It was very wrong.

Xie Yang met his eyebrow and said, "my fans are lovely children who abide by the law and will not go to human flesh. I believe in their moral character, and I believe that they will not make human flesh, which will discredit me. As for cyber violence Assuming all the information is true, is the exposure of other people's shopping records considered another kind of cyber violence? Do you think it doesn't matter if all of you here were exposed by the seller about a certain shopping experience in the past, which led to a lot of rumors? If the disclosure is false, the nature of the incident will be even worse. I was named as a rumor, and another innocent elder was involved in the rumor. In order to clarify everything and avoid the rumor from spreading, I went to confront the informant, right? "

The barrage area was quiet again.

"People are responsible for what they say and what they do. I can't be innocent Just because I'm a star. " Xie Yang is sitting upright. "Stars are also citizens protected by law and have the right to use legal weapons to protect themselves. Today's rumor mongering marketing numbers, as well as those behind the scenes who deliberately intercept the angle to expose and monitor the lead war, think about whether your behavior has violated the law. Don't go back to the police uncle to find me, and you will accuse me of cyber violence. "

Hu Biao, who has been sitting outside the camera and paying attention to the public opinion on the Internet with his mobile phone, suddenly sits up straight, grabs a piece of paper, writes a line of big characters, and stands it up for Xie Yang.

Xie Yang glanced over there, laughed, and then turned to look at the camera and said, "the full version of the parking lot monitoring has come out. Let's go and have a look." Then he turned off the live broadcast and went to Hu Biao.

Hu Biao opened a video to Xie Yang and explained: "the monitoring of the new explosion is particularly clear and complete. From you and Ji Zehui out of the elevator, you meet yuan Pang and his party, and then you leave, all of them are clearly photographed. The picture of Mu Zhouyi hitting you was magnified. It's ridiculous that you put your hands in your pockets and held hands together! "

Xie Yang looked at the past and saw that the video was as clear as Hu Biao said. Even Ji Zehui and Yuan Pang's expressions of disgust at each other after they met each other clearly. The angle of video capture is also very generous and bright, directly from the front and overhead, everyone's movements can be seen clearly.

"But I don't think it's strange that Mu Zhouyi accidentally hit you." Hu Biao repeatedly played the last paragraph of the video, "when she was looking for an assistant, why did she go around you from behind the assistant and just raised her hand It's a coincidence. It's like trying to hit you on purpose. "

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Then he looked at Xie Yang suspiciously, looked at his face and hesitated: "is she She's in love with you? Is this a conversation? "

Xie Yang looked at Hu Biao seriously: "why do you want to tell a horror story to scare me?"


Xie Yang chased Hu Biao out of the office and used his mobile phone to log on to Weibo and searched for the newly released video.

The video was sent out by a large official number of the paper media. The following comments have already broken through thousands, among which the third most popular comment made Xie Yang laugh.

Old Huang in dire straits:??? Entertainment news? Who and whom is this all about? No, jingzai, what's wrong with you? Don't you usually only send social news and economic news? How did you go to the entertainment industry today?

Xie Yang smiles under pressure and dials a phone call to Qiu Xing.

The other party answered in seconds, but did not speak.

"You let people find the surveillance?"

Qiu Xing still did not speak.

"Did you send it to someone else?"

Qiu Xing finally spoke and said in a cold voice, "let Liusha bring the person in charge of your legal department to Rongding and He Jun to connect. Don't let any of those nonsense marketing numbers go."

Xie Yang gave a silent smile and said, "OK, thank you for helping me. Lunch together? "

Qiu Xing stopped talking again.

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"I'll see you at noon."

Qiu hang up the phone directly.


The explosion of popular singers and popular flowers suspected of love, with the full monitoring of the parking lot, quickly degenerated into a catch the wind joke.Before long, Mu Zhouyi, Ji Zehui, and Yuan Pang sent clarification microblogs respectively, saying that it was just a chance encounter that day.

After that, Hu Biao took the opportunity to help Xie Yang clarify his long-term absence from school because he had gone through the internship procedures and was trying to complete the internship.

It's funny that after Xie Yang's internship broke out, it quickly became a stumbling block. The reason is that some people lament that the internship of rich people is really different from everyone else. Their internship is to go out to find a job and be enslaved. Xie Yang's internship is a direct combination of starting a company, which makes people more popular. This exclamation immediately attracted the support of countless gourd eaters. Everyone began to share their hard pressed internship experience and express their envy and jealousy towards Xie Yang.

#Rich people's internship, this topic inexplicably on the hot search, to Yang Xing to wave free publicity.

Xie Yang likes this unexpected joy, and forwards the initial exclamation microblog, with the following text: we welcome fresh graduates who want to practice to send their resumes to Yangxing. Yanghang will never enslave its employees.

"Come and eat."

Xie Yang is ready to refresh his comments. He puts away his mobile phone and goes to the table to sit down.

Qiu Xing sat on the other side of the table, looking better than in the morning, and said, "the rumor must be cleared up quickly. At the latest, before leaving work today, the people who have disclosed you will come out and apologize to you."

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing.

"What's the matter?" Qiu Xing's expression is cold again, the tone is inexplicably sharp, "think I meddle in your affairs at will is not good?"

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"I'm not the wind Qinglin. I'm not as ungrateful as he is." Xie Yang got up and filled a bowl of soup for Qiu Xing, and then he also filled himself with a bowl. After that, he gently touched Qiu Xing's soup bowl and said, "thank you."

Qiu Xing's expression slowed down again, put the spoon into the soup bowl, stirred it, and said, "that wooden Zhouyi You stay away from her in the future. "

Xie Yang moved in his heart, carefully looked at Qiu Xing's expression and asked, "why? This time, it should not be muzhouyi's work. What she sees is your nephew. It's not good for her to have an affair with me like this. "

"Is it that she does everything away from her?" Qiu Xing didn't know what he thought of, and his tone became cold, "I don't believe in coincidence. I deliberately went around to beat you around you. She couldn't have thought carefully. She didn't do this disclosure, but if she didn't deliberately want to touch you, it couldn't have been so big. "

Qiu Xing's voice just fell, Xie Yang's mobile phone on the table suddenly shook, and a message came in.

Xie Yang instinctively scanned the past, noticed a word in the content of the message, and immediately reached for his mobile phone.

Qiu Xing knocked on the table with a black face: "what are you doing? Concentrate on eating. "

"Interesting." Xie Yang finished the text message and turned the mobile phone to Qiu Xing. "Your nephew finally contacted me. He helped Mu Zhouyi explain to me that this disclosure was not made by Mu Zhouyi. Let me not misunderstand Mu Zhouyi."



Qiu Xing threw the spoon back into the bowl.


Qiu Xing is contacted by Feng Qinglin and Xie Yang is only angry at helping Mu Zhouyi explain his behavior. He enters the office before finishing his meal. Xie Yang is afraid that Qiu Xing is hungry, so he takes the initiative to send a dish of dim sum to Qiu Xing.

After delivering the dim sum, Xie Yang rereads the message sent by Feng Qinglin. The more he looks at it, the more he suspects that Feng Qinglin has just been brushed by the female owner. Otherwise, how can a normal person with self-esteem and intelligence quotient be able to do such a mentally handicapped thing?

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You know, last time he said that on behalf of Qiu Xing, Feng Qinglin didn't take the initiative to contact him. This time, Feng Qinglin came to visit because of a woman. This is to tell Qiu Xing with his actions. In his eyes of fengqinglin, does Qiu Xing's uncle not have an inexplicable woman important?

It's rubbish.

Xie Yang chooses to reply to SMS and type: take medicine when he is ill.


At about 3:00 p.m., the marketing numbers that had taken the rhythm of Xie Yangmu Zhouyi's love affairs suddenly issued an apology statement, admitting that they had actively and maliciously spread rumors about Xie Yang and the book of changes, and expressed their willingness to accept legal punishment for what they had done.

Think the storm has subsided to eat melon netizens are all shocked.

I want them to eat melon for many years. After watching these marketing numbers go up to the black movie emperor, they go down to the 18th line of the black new people. They do all sorts of evil and are fearless. I thought that I would never see these people admit that they eat a little shriveled in my life. But I didn't expect that happiness suddenly came. These people apologized to someone who was hacked as honestly, consistently and quickly as they had taken the wrong medicine!

Honey, there's something wrong with the rhythm.

Melon friends smell a different breath, have a commotion.

But this is not over. Before long, the owner of the anonymous post apologized to Xie Yang in the post with his microblog tuba, saying that he actually knew that Xie Yang had gone through the internship, so he didn't come to class. That's because he was jealous of Xie Yang.

And he admitted that the one who replied with the picture was actually another roommate of his. Both of them were jealous of Xie Yang. The so-called chat record was obtained from an alumni group by his roommate, and the authenticity of the chat record is not to be tested.Finally, the studio of huangtianxia also apologized to Xie Yang in the official blog, saying that the leakage of surveillance video was due to their improper management and was willing to take responsibility for it.

At this point, all the participants who caused the public opinion explosion apologized to Xie Yang.

The melon friends were stunned, and Xie Yang's fans were also confused. The marketing number with the connotation of Jie Yang's self-made speculation and mooku Zhouyi's popularity was instantly quiet, and a storm ended with a situation that absolutely could not be reversed. However, the lingering charm left behind made everyone dare not think deeply.

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